Have you watched a DJT Rally? He is in Pennsylvania right now. He always talks about his successes at nauseam. He will only lose if they steal it cause they have no policies to run on for America. 🇺🇸

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I don’t trust Trump anymore. Once he started urging his followers to take the jab I got off the trump train.

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He listened to the “experts” just like so many. He didn’t realize just how rigged the game was.

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It was his job to know.

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I got news...there's a TON of Christian, conservatives that still believe the clot shots work and that's NOT Trump's fault or ANYONE else's!

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Take your TDS meds regularly, they work better, especially for those living in utopian delusion.

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Oh, come on. It's your constant denigration of anyone that questions Trumps actions that is creating the division.

It makes you all look like sycophants in the cult of Orange Jesus because God chose to save him from the assassins bullet. But one of those bullets took another man's life who died protecting his wife and child. Was Cory the sacrifice God chose so Orange Jesus could live?

Trump added $8.4 Trillion to the debt, printed out of nowhere, where's the excuse for that, what kind of "conservative" does THAT? Only $3.0T was for covid, so $5 TRILLION? He pushed the FDA to get a vaccine on the market in 9 months when Fauci said it would take 3-5 years, so they manipulated and lied about the data and he want's credit? MAGA's lack of objectivity is a feature, not a symptom of MAGA's problem. So keep insulting people who actually think for themselves, and you'll get what you always got: wars, inflation, division, hate, finger pointing, congressional gridlock, tax burden shifted from the rich to the poor and disappearing middle class, because you all walk around with your own special kind of stupid on display. "Geez, Kamala keeps saying she's black, how come?" is the best you can do? The FACT is Trump is corporate owned and is the lead Oligarch in our Oligarchy.🚨

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Exactly right.

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No, do not assume he trusted them, he has had to deal with bureaucratic scum his entire adult life. But, like 75% who took the Jab he had faith in the medical top dogs that betrayed the people. He offered the Jab, but did not arrest or lock down anyone. Those who offered him up as an easy villain did that.

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He had the real experts giving him the real science. He did the opposite. Perhaps to stay alive, but it is what it is. My only hope is that he gets in somehow and allows RFK to take over “healthcare”. If not, we are massively screwed.

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RFK Jr. and Dr Atlas were among the many he brought in to advise him but they were not insistent or dissenting enough to sway the onslaught of Pravda medical experts because they themselves were not quite sure.

Don’t be a dolt looking for an easy villain because you are angrily emotional. Think! The Democrat Pravda media are counting on it.

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Feel free to give me a call when the orange genius admits his errors. Maybe the attempt on his life will cause an awakening. We have a candidate who will clearly stop the democide in its tracks. But that’s no fun.

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He didn't talk to RFKJr about covid, he CENSORED him! That's a bald faced lie. he put together a vaccine safety commission with RFKJr as chair, and then Bill Gates told him, BAD IDEA and he dropped it and never contacted Kennedy again.


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Biden forced people to take the shot or lose their job.

Did you forget that part?

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Concise and to the point, move to the front of the class.

Yes they did forget that it was not Trump who locked them down but made the uneasy decision to offer the Jab on faith in medicine like the great majority.

So much for the Democrat new kind of “democracy”.

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Remember around March 2020 when the virus was first detected in Washington State that we were all told to isolate for two weeks and it would all be over. Nobody was supposed to leave their homes. It was our first exposure yo government mandated self isolation which laid the groundwork for future mandates of various kinds - vaccine mandates.

Also remember the toilet paper shortages in 2020 as people panicked and thought they might have to self isolate much longer than two weeks, therefore they hoarded toilet paper, the most essential item in their minds at the time. What did our dear leader do to stop it? Nothing. No reassuring words, no sense of higher social responsibility to think of others, nothing.

Not to mention that Trump appointed Fauci to the CDC and stood behind Fauci as criticism began to mount in certain research communities.

It’s all too easy to blame Biden and the democrats for the travesty of the pandemic and forget that the Trump administration made an absolute hash of it, handing the mess off to the next administration to handle it from there.

Oh yeah, and Trump took the vaccine as well, making himself an example for others to follow.

The support for Trump that I see on these pages is appalling. It’s almost like the only thing Trump supporters have going for the is opposing democrats.

The suggestions about Trump putting together a program agenda for people to vote for is laudable but when you consider that all Trump knows how to do is to ridicule and revile his opponents, putting together a comprehensive program is far outside the scope of his campaign.

Seriously folks, politics used to play a valid role as a means of expressing the will of the people. Now politics is just a media mudslinging show, shock entertainment not meant to educate us about anything but aimed instead to make us all angry with each other so we can’t see our common ground.

This site is about medical issues, issues for which Peter is highly qualified to comment on. Your narrow ill informed political opinions make you appear to be no more intelligent than the general public who get themselves all wrapped up in this media generated circus, bringing discredit to your other work which is so valuable to us.

Please - keep your political opinion to yourself.

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At the time he had no reason to not believe it was a good thing . He was lied to about the whole thing. And with the censorship hardly anyone is seeing the truth .

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He should stop talking like warp speed was an accomplishment. He should say he was fooled by Brix, Fauci, etc.

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Someone has made an argument that warp speed was an accomplishment. The argument was that there was a lockdown planned that would last for years, and that warp speed allowed for the vaccines thereby preventing any further lockdown excuse, since the vaccines were meant to be 'safe & effective'.

I have no opinion on the argument - just letting you know of it.

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Sounds good doesn’t it?

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Superficially, but if compelled to prosecute I'd ask...

The most obedient part of Australia, Melbourne, with the most left-wing government and strong leader, given lots of money, was locked down for 4 months. What's the chances that any part of the US could've been locked down for "years" over covid? #HypothesisRejected

But certainly Trump would've had a lot of pressure from the public (even ignoring pharma power). A large part of the population is so indoctrinated on vaccines that many of his own voters would've been crying out for a vaccine. I recall him phrasing it in the form 'there's a vaccine for the people who want it'.

From my point of view his approach should be - "People really wanted a vaccine and the pharmaceutical industry and its regulators were entrusted to produce a safe & effective vaccine. It would be a blight on our regulators if the vaccines were found to be unsafe and ineffective."

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Yeah sure, I understand. But the same ilk has run America’s ship aground, the world appears on fire everywhere China and Russian alliances have nuclear subs off Alaska and Cuba, and the same cabals talked America into financing it by making China and Vietnam “besties” in the 1990’s to fund China’s demise of America. He might be a little busy to be focused on water under the bridge right now but that does not mean he has forgotten.

The people had a chance to re-elect Trump in 2020 to continue the successes of his administration, although under relentless attack by the evil Democrat blob, but they bought into the Pravda media and decided to make Trump the villain because it is the laziest thing to do for non thinking people.

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Or some other lie

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RFK, Jr. was his acquaintance. He knew better.

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He called him “Bobby” in the “leaked” video from RFK jr. ---all stagecraft to make it look like he was concerned about the vax rollout. --another thing is what has he done to help the J6 protesters being held without charges?-i say nothing, but if there is evidence that im not correct, i will listen

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Diane.....as a 2x supporter, i had to come to grips that DJT didnt drain the swamp, didnt have to listen to fauci or birx, didnt have to spend 6 trillion dollars.

He can say a lot of things, but hes not on anyones side other than his own. He too is bought and paid for.

I admit that i agree with what he espouses. I dont think he means any of it. Bragging about the vaccines now is absolutely disgusting --no lives saved and many harmed, even mortally. He knows and if he actually doesn’t , he’s more incompetent than JB

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Our sons had SIX coworkers “die suddenly”. In an office of about 200. All super woke except for our sons. All jab fanatics. Boss has a “fully vaccinated” coffee mug. Just yesterday we learned of another former coworker who “died of an aggressive brain cancer” in mere weeks. The death count in our small circle is easily in the 30’s now. Stopped counting. But yeah, let’s argue about abortion.

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It was his job to know.

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Remember Pence was in charge of warp speed

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Thank you, a sensible voice in a jungle war hurled upon us.

As an infantry combat veteran of Nam, I can tell you the greatest critics are not only rear echelon troops, but the people that sent them in who knew nothing of the abyss.

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I give him a pass on what he did in 2020 as he was blindsided by Fauci et al. I don't forgive him for continuing to praise the vaccines when the jab deaths started mounting. He is finally coming around but a great leader would have recognized the mounting deaths earlier.

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Trump understands what happened as a result of his decision. Even though he had RFK Jr. and the great Dr, Scott Atlas and many more advise him they were not as dissenting as they could have been against the Pravda media and traitorous Pharma because they were somewhat unbelievably unsure.

Trump offered the Jab, he did not lock you down or command you take it.

Great leaders come from fox holes and ruinous lessons learned.

The current administration takes responsibility for nothing and they (Kamala) commanded you take the Jab, after telling you “if Trump made it don’t take it”, to pre order a villain for lazy minds.

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Absolutely ridiculous. He had Scot Atlas, Frontline Doctors and others screaming at him. He did the opposite. And continued to praise the poison jabs. “Saved millions”. What a disaster.

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Yes. He had folks screaming. BUT he had the full force of the DOD in his face, running the scam. He had Pence, who was former military intel and current military intel running OWS. As you just witnessed, they are willing to hurl bullets in his direction. They were back then as well. We still face an uphill battle.

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Ah, no, Dr Atlas does not scream, nor do front line doctors. They offer medical advice. Take your Pharma prescribed TDS meds regularly, they will work better now that you have carried water for them.

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He was deceived...He simply wanted to REOPEN the Nation he NEVER WISHED TO CLOSE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

He's the only real choice as his lack of PREDICTABILITY with the Banker Family is the greatest weapon the U.S. has. UNPREDICTABILITY in this world with The Central/International Banker Family Cartel, Russia and China is mandatory and only Trump provides it to put the fires out. The other two choices are aligned with the Enemy of the Constitution and Nation since we beat them in the U.S. Revolutionary War and War of 1812 hidden behind the people of the British Isles for 1000 years. Director of Secret Service spoke of 'THE FAMILIES' when testifying about the Assassination Attempt on Trump...And, THOSE ARE THE EVIL PEOPLE FROM OLD STILL TRYING TO CALL THE SHOTS.

Their goal in the U.S. is what they define 'COG'; or Continuity of Government as TOTALITARIAN TECHNO-FEUDALISM under themselves as the One/New World Police State. They believe their most prized dream of centuries of this being possible will be destroyed if Trump is victorious. Europe HATES Trump and the more they hate Trump, the more I know he's the ONLY OPTION.

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Trump is for the right to try. And they were relentless when he touted HCQ In New York Hochul appealed and now has permission to take citizens out of their homes including children during the next pandemic. Don’t be foolish. The Dems destroy freedom.

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That’s your choice

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I heard Dr. Ben Carson a few days ago at a conference, while praising Trump for the many good things that he has done, and telling how Trump made a monoclonal antibody available to him when he was critically ill with COVID that saved his life. He also said that the jab saved many lives when the early strain was circulating. So, I guess Dr. Carson agrees with Trump about the jab. It surprised me to hear him, a retired, intelligent physician not beholding to Big Pharma, say that. I’ve read a lot of scientific papers showing that the jab has increased the risk of infection, hospitalization, severe adverse effects and death, so it displeases me to hear this. But Trump never mandated the jabs, Biden did and many employers did.

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I never heard him tell people to take the vax.

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You know Trump had a gun pointed at both sides of his head by Pravda media. He made a decision based on the faith in medicine we all once had. As James Comey said “it was early enough in his administration we knew we could break political etiquette to entrap him”. The Democrat party banner Pravda commanded to lock you down, not Trump.

Weak minds need easy villains.

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Just like MOST people, Trump was not informed about anything that was HIDDEN from him. Or America. He was Not apart Of The Elite Train trying to Kill us ALL!!! Ugh. Some people are just so hardheaded- you need something real solid to get in!!

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I don’t trust him either. J6 being one reason. However, who u gonna vote for? What choice do we really have? Trump 2024 or bust!

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He still is urging them to get the fake vaccinations when every man and his dog knows by now how deadly they are by watching their effect on people in their immediate circle. Strange that Trump doesn't see it, almost as if his circle weren't forced to take the clot shots and took Ivermectin etc instead.

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His razor thin ex wife died suddenly of a heart attack.

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And all of the people who liked your comment—vote for Kamala!!!!

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Great. Vote for Kamala.

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So do you trust Kamala? Remember, it was the Biden administration who mandated the jabs.

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Pennsylvania will cheat...just like they did in 2020.

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Sure sounds like Mr. Leake has never listened to a Trump rally. Of course he talks about the failures of Demonrats when he contrasts those against his successes. It’s amazing how much he was able to accomplish when even members of his own party, like Paul Ryan, as well as the Deep State put up roadblocks every step of the way.

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Leake has always been, a never-Trumper. He likes the Bush-type Republicans who behave well in public and subvert our freedom behind closed doors.

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Actually, he and Dr. McCullough have written only supportive things about RFK Jr on this Substack and mostly negatives on Trump.

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They do not understand Donald Trump. First of all McCullough is a doctor. Docs know nothing about politics. I’m an RN married to a physician. Most of my friends are medical. They are the least informed of any constituency. Leake is a well-to-do southern gentleman. He doesn’t hang around people like Donald Trump. He’s rather lose our country than associate himself with guys from Queens.

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The FRAUD/CHEAT MACHINE is oiled and primed to rock other TREASONOUS

Uniparty Nazi's over the Finish Lines ahead of any Patriot for the Oval Office and Majority in both Houses on Capitol Hill.

There are hundreds of methods now in place made legal since 2020 and they've NOT been dismantled along with the underhanded methods existing for Hitlery existing for decades usually allowing the installation of a Treasonous Crook chosen by The City of London Banker Families. They now CHOOSE all options as they planned to do following WWII as stipulated in the Bilderberger Papers found in 1989 from a used copying machine and verified as Bilderberger created.


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Kamala is your choice then!!!!

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No I’m in Australia but we’re just as conflicted here. Neither of our 2 major parties stood against the mandates or lockdowns. I fear they the cabal has taken over . A few independents tried to get a voice but the whole show is rotten to the core. Do you trust anyone ?

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I trust no one implicitly. I’m always on the look out for lies. Anyone can betray you.

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Your friend should skip the college for his kid. He’d be better off teaching him to run a business. Or a skid steer…

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Kids went to University and while there's no regret; they admit they hated climbing the Corporate Ladders and didn't really like the Military after a few years. They admit they enjoy actually being Family Oriented people and prioritize our Family Business while raising great kids who they plan to sent into Skilled Trades.

SKILLED TRADES IS THE ONLY ESSENTIAL BUSINESS TO BASE A FAMILY MODEL ON FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Would never send a young person to University at this time...Completely and totally CORRUPTED, indoctrinated and brainwashed.

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Mine went to uni but I directed them away from corporates - they don't want to be ultimately working for Pharma or Blackrock and Vanguard. So they have their piece of paper saying they did it, and they're working humbly for the people.

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Glad yours found options working for them and their plans in life. Very sad situation in 'Higher Learning' in this nation at this time.

Only one went the route of the Corporates; and he left a few years ago after being manipulated into some very questionable projects. He couldn't tolerate knowing the outcome of what was being produced.

We all have our variety of skills and talents just as your family members do. It's possible to combine to creat a fairly diverse and formidable enterprize. It's fascinating to watch everybody grow into being even more of themselves than ever before while the little kids are the one's deriving the most benefit. Challenges sometimes do bring blessings hardly imagined.

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Learn to be a plumber. Mine charges $100 just to show up...then the real money starts to add up.

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Or send his kid to a trade/tech school. Huge shortage of workers such as plumbers, welders, electricians, etc.

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After the friend said his business was crushed, I read he has money to send his kid to college? What? Are you kidding me? I agree with you that he should teach his son to run a business instead.

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Agreed. Do what you truly love and the success will follow.

Sitting at a desk job all day 5 days a week for decades, invites "atrophy" of body and mind.

There is no trophy for atrophy! Motion is the lotion. Albeit mind or body.

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100% agree. My spouse is a retired university science professor (early retirement because of mandate bs) and even he agrees, and both of us have upper level degrees. We were both happy when our nephew dared to be different and chose flight school over college. A trade is the way to go unless someone at age 18 has a passion for a specific subject.

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RFK Jr is a breath of fresh air. He talks about unifying the country and making big, necessary changes. He has policies he is talking about. He doesn’t waist time pulling down the other guy. If you listen to him you will be impressed. He is presidential smart and tells the truth.

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RFK is a stellar human being and a stellar candidate. He has tremendous guts and is fair and balanced in his views. If nothing else RFK would be a great asset to Trump’s cabinet appointees. We need someone formidable, knowledgeable, with his expertise as a tough litigator to take down big pharma once and for all!

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The bad vaccines haven’t killed anywhere near as many people as Planned Parenthood, yet he has nothing bad to say about them. No fundamental right to life = no fundamental rights : (

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You may be right. The number of abortions performed just in the last 50 years may well be in the 10s of millions(?). If you find a good estimate, please post. I believe the organ harvesting industry, and the adrenochrome issue, has got to have surpassed covid deaths, possibly exponentially.

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RFK Jr has many good qualities, but he still holds true to Dem policies of the ClimateChange Hoax. So I won't be voting for him. Yes true, he needs to be in Trumps Cabinet.

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RFK is not a supporter of "climate change". He wants to fight pollution. There is a big difference. RFK supports using all forms of energy.

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His entire family is/was career politicians and not good ones. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. His vp pick proves he's a Democrat and I'm NOT voting for a Democrat. Vaccines are the least of our worries!

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Should you be defined by what your family has done?

Kennedy is an anti-democrat. He opposes virtually everything of the Biden Administration.

Unnecessary experimental shots (and especially mandating them) is top of our worries! If we don't have freedom of bodily integrity what do we have? Pure slavery?

Freedom is my number one concern and Kennedy is the only one seriously addressing it.

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What about freedom to be born by a baby in the womb? Kennedy is for abortion.

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You can't convince people who think he's a saint. Lordt help us!

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This is one of his most difficult issues he wrestles with, as it is with many, many Spiritual and caring people who still have their humanity intact. His policy is to support Roe vs Wade and to develop support centers all across the country to remove the financial and domestic constraints that generate the majority of decisions to have an abortion.

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You're being vax'd through chemtrails, food, spike protein shedding, through dentistry... Another 4 years with a democratic president is like Tina Turner saying hit me again Ike and put some STANK on it! 🤦‍♀️

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Yes, it would be yet more disaster if Democratic agenda continues to be pushed. It's hard to imagine anyone would vote for Harris (but I know people who will).

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Agreed. Can't fix stupid. However, rfk is a Democrat too. One good stance doesn't negate all the other bad ones.

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RFK is not a "Democrat", he opposes almost all the current Democrat positions. Almost all of his stances are good, not just one.

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Least of our worries? Ready for Scamdemic 2.0 with much harsher mandates? It’s the only thing that matters.

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Mandates and more mRNA experimental shots and the new vaccine passports in Europe are *serious* concerns. We need a candidate like RFK who will oppose these things!

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Yeah but he’s a “libtard”. #IhateEveryone

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Well then JUST like the first time it will be up to US with God's help to stand up! If anyone in here believes a politician is going to save us then we've already lost.

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Bobby is NOT a politician. He has been an accomplished environmental lawyer for 40 years fighting for the every day person and a healthy earth. He is committed to speaking the truth even if it not in his personal best interest. If you listen to him directly with an open mind you may be pleasantly surprised by his deep Spiritually and commitment to truth and integrity. You may not decide to vote for him but you may have a more correct concept of who Bobby Kennedy Jr is. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Yeah but getting people to vote for someone who isn’t enthusiasticly trying to kill us can’t hurt

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True, he was an attorney earlier in his career litigating again some of the worst polluters of waterways in this country.

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I believe you may have been mislead by the biased media or misunderstood something he said. He states clearly the path to return to a healthy and viable planet is through healthy soil, clean air and water and safe food. He wants to get the toxins out and he says the earth will restore itself. Please go to Kennedy24.com and read or listen to what he says directly. If you find anything either written or spoken directly from Bobby that verifies your comment that he holds the Dem’s policies on climate change I would really like for you to show me. I know the whole electric car thing he is opposed to on the lithium batteries alone. Thank you for your time, Marjorie

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He is all you say and then some. I heard him speak last October; I was 10 feet from him as he spoke for two hours with palpable sincerity and integrity. He truly loves this country and is committed to getting rid of the corporate corruption and lies, stopping the taking from the middle class, ending the wars that enrich the military complex and restore the constitution. He does not engage in the purposeless negative banter as he spends his time and energy focused on what he needs to do to heal this country and it’s American citizens as quickly as possible.

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Restore the constituion??? He said he was going to change it!

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He is also for killing the baby in womb. I can't reconcile that with him saying children are being damaged by vaccines.

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He's a career politician. 👎 No thanks. We have ZERO good candidates and RFK's vp pick is the worst!

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RFK Jr. has *never* been a politician before. This is new for him.

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Yes indeed. Sadly, he has zero path to 270 EVs, and when no candidate does, the decision goes to the House to decide. Expect that to end well? Too many States reliably blue or red. Zero path. I think we’ve gotta pick a side this time and put RFK Jr. in the cabinet, or head of HHS.

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If you watch Trump rallies, you will see what energizes the crowds. Trump is unafraid to speak the truth to every power broker in America. He just doesn't care what they think of him. He is courageous, and will not cower or try to sound "Presidential" which is another word for expressing old time politicians who talk about their accomplishments and promise everything, making sure to be polite to the opposition. If you yearn for that kind of politics, I think you may have some grief work to do. The elites and the uniparty have made that kind of politics impossible, and their whole propaganda effort, as you say, is to make Trump look like a monster. He actually does talk about his achievements in the past, and he actually does talk about what he will do in the future. But in addition to those things, he connects with people through what is hurting them, and how helpless we all feel to change it. He inspires people to feel hope, given that he has a record of great accomplishments. As. you say, the democrats have nearly destroyed our republic. They have no policies to run on. If Trump just sticks to a policy discussion, he will lose the interest of the crowds.

On the other hand, what has amazed me about MAGA movement is the people have done their homework and we all KNOW what policies will benefit us. He does not need to "teach" us or "enlighten" us with his policy prescriptions, because these are things we have studied up on and we are all on the same wavelength.

His rallies are, instead, lovefests. The crowd loves him for his ideas, his policies, his accomplishments based upon those policies, and Trump loves the crowds and know they will back him all the way. He does not need to convince anyone of anything.

Those who have never voted for him, all they need to is attend a rally or watch several. If they have open minds, they will see a kind of politician they have never seen before: One who understands what the people want and need to heal this country.

I am always amused by people who are not Trump supporters who routinely say things like, "If only he were more like Mitt Romney." or they say, "If only he were more "presidential." Or they say his rhetoric is crude compared to that of JFK. Well, all these criticisms may be valid, but they are also missing the point. The point is, times have changed, and he is the man of the hour with a very different appeal. If people want to vote for more wokism, they aren't going to vote for Trump NO MATTER WHAT HE TALKS ABOUT. If people want more green new scam with more inflation, THEY WON'T VOTE FOR TRUMP ANYWAY.

He isn't trying to appeal to all people because he is honest and genuine. So he speaks the truth. You won't find hardly any presidents in American history who have done that. Trump has been speaking the truth for a long time. He never makes criticisms that are untrue. Everything he says is based upon facts. At first I wondered if he really was speaking factually, but every single time the media made fun of him for a given statement, Trump's statement turned out to be based upon fact.

I don't think Trump needs our advice: he needs an army of American citizens willing to fight for the return of our republic.

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Bravo, Well said.

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Thank you!

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Thanks for this! A-Fcking-Men!

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Thx. IKR…it is quite phenomenal! And so is LaGata Politica which is the one that deserves the credit here🤷‍♂️

She actually comes with the goods in more ways than one😂. She’s a brilliant mind that captures the heart and soul of a persons past!

I follow her when I can get on ss❤️

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and this is a man the press despises-how delusional.

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IKR🤷‍♂️Made AGA! I don’t think the deep state wanted him doing all this🤣for the American people.IMO🤷‍♂️

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Well said! The people who don’t like Trump’s personality-do you like paying more for gas, groceries, utilities, insurance? Do you like your tax dollars being sent to Ukraine and Iran, to “student loan forgiveness,” more than 8 million people crossing our borders illegally? Our country has nearly been destroyed and you want a president who is “nice.” Why would anyone want 4 more years of this insanity ?

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Interesting article. How you have described the Democrat party can be equally said for the Republican party. Quite frankly, neither party, neither Trump or Harris, or anyone else they may offer, will have anything to offer except more of the same BS. Each party has led this country to the sorry state we find ourselves in today. It is way beyond time for voters, in mass, to wake the heck up! The definition of insanity is 'voting' the same old way over and over again and expecting different results! Hello, have we had enough already?

And why, in a "Democracy" are we stuck with only a 2 party system?

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We are not. We have another choice. RFK Jr is a vital and necessary antidote to this sinking chaotic mess. If half of the people who do not know about him would just listen to his videos or podcasts I believe at least 75% would become true supporters.

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Yes, I totally agree!


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Are you active in Bobby’s campaign? Did you know that 61% of us are now registered as Independents?

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Yes, to both questions.

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😊I have been struck by the educated compassion and commitment from other volunteers as well as the elevation of integrity. I feel Bobby has made me a better person. Nice to meet you Mitch!

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Wonderful meeting you Marjorie, thank you!

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I don't think money is the biggest issue. I think the question is how are we going to deal with the ongoing illness and death of the majority of the US people, because of the C19 bioweapon and the next 5G weapon? Can we help the victims and are we unmasking and get rid of the criminals. If we do not give this priority within a few years nearly nobody is left.

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And how are we going to mitigate the planned harm heading our way via the “bird flu”?

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I 100% agree with this strategy

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Are you serious?

The 3 things you mention Trump needs to talk about are the things he talks of at rallies!

Now he does indeed attack rotten democrat policies but most MAGAs, including myself, are pretty damn pissed at direction this country is headed and don’t mind his bulldog attacks on them. Apparently you don’t?

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1) Pardon all January 6 political prisoners who did not personally commit a physical violent act against anyone.

This is in total contrast to the thousands and thousand of violent criminals who caused billions and billions in damages who were never even arrested.

2) Deport all aliens who entered the country from 2020 to present. All of them.

3) Eliminate DHS, DOE. Replace all the leadership positions (top 200) within the IRS, FBI, CIA, with rank and file field agents, as it’s clear these organizations operate with no accountability to the people they represent.

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The criminal syndicate is all the demonratts have which has produced devastation here and abroad!

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Supporting RFK Jr. He's our only hope in this trio. If you all haven't been listening to him directly, it would be a good idea - the media totally distorts everything he has to say. He's leading with Independents.

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Yikes. You can't really want Trump???? RFK,Jr. is the only one.

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Lots to like about RFKJr, but zero path to 270 electoral votes. When no candidate does, do you think the House would allow him the Presidency? Crunch the numbers yourself. Too many States reliably blue or red.

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I hear you and that's what everyone says. If everyone that said that votes for him-he may have a chance. I must try.

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Understood! I said the same thing with Perot. Similar levels of support. On all 50 ballots (has he made more than 8?) Not one State. Not a single electoral vote. I just don’t trust the House to decide fairly after all we’ve seen.

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only has 7 states left to go.

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Trump is the only hope for America to return to a civilized nation.

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Good points, John. I know Democrats who hate Trump because he is “terrible”, according to them. Eight years have conditioned them so much that they can’t see past it. I try to explain that they need to look at the policies and not the man, but they are so blinded by their hatred they can’t. Which only goes to show that their ideology is stronger than their need for a better America. How many lies can they swallow to follow that ideology?

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I agree that Trump should speak of the successes and good things he can help the US achieve. Americans have short memories. The US economy was looking pretty great in 2019. All working Americans were doing better and unemployment for all Americans was at an historic low. Surprisingly, Trump achieved quite a bit with almost no help from his own party! I find it hard to believe that most Americans don't realize how bad Democrat policies have hurt us and I doubt they need to be reminded. The US came close to going total Marxist in the 2016 election (Hillary nominating 3 Marxist Supreme Court Justices would have done away with the Constitution and all individual rights other than the right to hard core drug use and deviant sex). I may be wrong, but most people know that the Democrats are leading us to becoming a third world Totalitarian country with Nukes and a wish for WWIII.

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We do have another choice who is Independent and not owned by the Republican or Democratic lobbyists. RFK Jr has the knowledge, experience, commitment and guts to restore this country and heal our citizens.

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Slight edit: "The only thing they want is peace and prosperity, and to be left alone."

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