I’m numb. Nothing shocks me anymore. Appreciate your continued efforts and important science and info on what’s in our faces on a daily basis.

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"It will be like in the days of Noah" (rainbow) "and in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah."

What are the statistics on getting two specific predictions correct 2000 years later? Astronomical!

ONWARD to those that will.

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As a matter of principle (which results in personal practice), I always seek 'root cause.' Ultimately this "transgenderism" ruse is Satanic to the core . . . but as a matter of pragmatism, it is the identification/exposure of the Satanic conduit (into our Earthly realm) that becomes our "brother's keeper" duty.

Recently I posted the excellent Dr. Miriam Grossman testimony to my Rumble account (5 minutes):


But please concentrate-on / scroll down to the SHOW MORE content. It is there that you will understand the aforementioned conduit . . . and my choice of title:

"An Operative of the "Gender Affirming" Catastrophe - The Pronoun Fraud"

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Dr. Marian Grossman has excellent interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson, if it hasn’t been taken down by LGBTQ...Whiners. I think she also has a book out which goes through the beginning of pushing one man’s perverted idea that one could be molded into any gender if started young, based on lies and one family’s twin tragedy,

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As A Country

We Are Still Shitting Obama Out.

The Body Politic Will Recover.

And Our Immunity To His Kind Will Only Strengthen.

His, And Theirs, Is An Emotional World.

You Must Load Your Arrows To Bloody Their Emotions.

It's All They've Got. Understand That. It's All They Have.

'Lest They Have Your Emotions Too.


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Hope you are right

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Thanks for taking up this issue. Disfiguring surgery is not the answer to body dysphoria.

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Great statement.... "the house of medicine is in moral and ethical free-fall"

To think that the medical field has got So Bad that States (not exactly reliably known as being bastions of morals and ethics) have had to step in!

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Super great little interview Dr. Mc. This is the info that fills in those gaps that are sometimes missing. Shedding more and more light on the how/what/where/and whys/ of a dysfunction.

I am more than 80% sold on the situation of some of the children's scheduled inoculations ingredients are in fact, undeniably the micro-chemical reactions of neurological vaccine poisons.

No one in their proper mind can deny the data that exists on this explosion of illness cases.

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It's becoming more and more clear that the vaccines are a major contributor to Autism. The vaccines are required for school attendance. Then down the line, parents, who themselves are on the Autism spectrum are ill-prepared to push back when little Johnny comes home from school and wants to be a girl.

Anecdote: 1992 -- College English teacher comes for summer term, fresh out of Boston College, regales the class with happy news that she has birthed, in the last several years, a boy and a girl. But not to worry, says she; she is careful NOT to give the boy toy trucks, etc., and the girl NO dolls -- no stereotyping for her little ones.

Apparently her darlings can be whatever they want to be. They must not have taught her at Boston College that children require certain boundaries in order to feel loved, cared for, and valued as human beings. Affirmation of their male or female identity is a must.

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Does this teacher realize her own children will grow old with zero friends and suicidal lonely?

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