Hmmm….a one time test for $500 or subscribe for $1000 per year and get 4 tests each year. I remember years ago when everyone was all excited about 123&me, and then there was a bit of a backlash about sending your DNA to a company and have that put on a data base. I would have to give this a bit more consideration before I decided to go forward with this.

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Question: Does blood type have anything to do with your potential life span?

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Sorry, some of this sounds like Astrology. It could simply be my ignorance though. What I will say is that all the lifestyle hints are important though and of course much can be cleaned by your blood chemistry, urinalysis, BMI, cognitive tests, etc.

With all that said, I wish the company well. Their lifestyle advice, turning the food pyramid upside down, smoking and alcohol use are all good recommendations and we need more of this in our culture.

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In my experience as a semi-old person nutrition is the number one factor in maintaining good health. Supplements are good insurance for obtaining good nutrition. Avoid the junk foods. I eat about a pound a day of meat and cheese to make sure I get enough protein. I don't eat low carb, but I avoid eating too much carbs. With good nutrition exercise is not difficult it is fun. My weight is very stable.

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Longevity according to the SDAs who do their own medical research and testing is obviously relative mostly to diet. Their belief in creation science as it relates to diet has revealed that those who are vegan over a lifetime live an average of 15 years longer while vegetarians get an extra ten years if they are lifetime vegetarians. If you read The China Study (Campbell) you will come to know just how unscientific the government studies on meat and dairy are and how the reality points to science now having become almost exclusively a commodity driven by business goals. c19 was (is) a lie that was built in total on commodity "science" that proved that our government is in symbiosis with the pharmaceutical industry who makes enough money that even when they are held into account their fines of billions does not even shadow their over all profit taking.

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There is something called the Dunedin Study, which followed a group of people who were born sometime in the 1970s, every few years, and they are still being followed. It showed the ones who looked younger and I knew for a fact that one of the so called "slower aging" people in that TV episode was a woman who I knew had had Botox etc done to her.

I think scientific studies need to screen out people who have had appearance medicine because it skews the accuracy of their results and shame on that woman for not owning up to having work done!

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Dr. McCullough, could the tall people be living at home instead of the nursing home? Also isn’t there such a higher prevalence of women (shorter and who live longer than men) in the nursing homes rather than men? Wonder what child bearing does to health…

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A true courageous discourse, thank you!

"McCullough has promoted misinformation about COVID-19, its treatments, and mRNA vaccines," WikiLies, of course...

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It’s comical, the non medical propagandists push, gaslight, and create distraction so the sick care overlords can continue to make millions on unnecessary adverse event inducing chronic disease. The absolute definition of insanity and evil.

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it is beyond maddening that these so called scientific leaders were able to pull off an international killing fields event and are still walking free having made at minimum a cool trillion in tax payer fiat. And yet? Who is in the crosshairs? TRUMP?! Meanwhile they have enough now in their coffers to keep the lie alive while killing how many millions more? Its beyond sickening.

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your opinion is not very well delineated / are you saying you actually believe Dr McCullough promoted misinformation? oh.. sorry! Now I see it! and hope others will as well. WikiLies! indeed they do!

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Where were the technical details? Mostly, generalizations and vague descriptions of the tests and results. As a consumer paying for a test I expect to receive the full complete results not a watered down version. Do not demean the intelligence of the patient/consumer who would consider purchasing a test.

Technique was not covered. But, I suspect since it is a blood spot that some type of high performance liquid chromatography linked to mass spec is part of the analysis. It would be interesting and beneficial to know the other techniques being applied such NMR, etc. Before I would consider purchasing this test.

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Longevity according to the SDAs who do their own medical research and testing is obviously relative mostly to diet. Their belief in creation science as it relates to diet has revealed that those who are vegan over a lifetime live an average of 15 years longer while vegetarians get an extra ten years if they are lifetime vegetarians. If you read The China Study (Campbell) you will come to know just how unscientific the government studies on meat and dairy are and how the reality points to science now having become almost exclusively a commodity driven by business goals. c19 was (is) a lie that was built in total on commodity "science" that proved that our government is in symbiosis with the pharmaceutical industry who makes enough money that even when they are held into account their fines of billions does not even shadow their over all profit taking.

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