Here is another article regarding three studies on the health of unvaccinated children vs vaccinated children....https://needtoknow.news/2024/04/three-studies-examine-health-of-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated/

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Excellent video found in this link. Thank you very much!

BitChute Channel Name: Hick James, Cutting Through the Bullshit.

"Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated"


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Just started reading an interesting book, "The Autism Vaccine" : The Story of Modern Medicine's Greatest Tragedy, by Forrest Maready (2019). Those here may also be interested in this recent research from Japan on the apparent association between the covid "vaccines" & cancer....https://thenewamerican.com/world-news/asia/japanese-research-uncovers-significant-increases-in-cancer-deaths-linked-to-third-covid-shot/

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Forrest Maready was just interviewed on the Dark Horse podcast, if you want to listen:


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Thank-you for that information, Elizabeth. I plan to watch it soon.

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Looks like the NIH admits vaccines cause autism:

"Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis following vaccination."


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thank you Dr McCullough for supporting the Arcuri's and publicizing their quest to help others.

God Bless you.

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Great talk. We DO KNOW VACCINES lead TO HIGHER AUTISM RATES from those groups that don't vaccinate their kids at all! We need to keep pushing back with the wisdom Doctor Peter shared as they (big pharma) try to keep gaslighting Peter to look like an "alarmist".

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Listening to the recording, it sounds like Dr. McCullough is not aware COVID-19 vaccines appear on the 2024 US schedule for 6-month-old infants.

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please let him know, thank you!

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THANK YOU, Dr. McCullough, for COURAGEOUSLY and SACRIFICIALLY shining light into another TABOO crime against our Children...the possible link of the CDC's Childhood Vaccine Schedule with the Autism. My husband, child and I have been on this HEART-WRENCHING journey for TOO MANY years....

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I know how difficult it has been for doctors embedded in the system their entire careers, as our host, to speak out on a matter of 'arguable' science. OK its not really arguable, ie it is clear the childhood schedule is out of control. But it is for us redpilled for whom this is obvious, your average normie is just struggling to the light.... so kudos for a threading the needle treatment of a controversial topic. Good for you! Good for us!

Public service alert - just watched a recent M Yeadon vid. I could pass it on to a total normie!!. That has NOT been the case, for prior M Yeadon vids, NOT because (my personal hero) M Yeadon was ever wrong. Just that he always went a step too far for your typical normie. The latest was on Rumble with 'Geoff buys cars' in UK and was something anyone, any typical normie that is, could view and not just discount as the ravings of a 'conspiracy theorist'. So he moderated his speech.

Not because he was wrong? But because the only thing that counts is waking up normies. Nothing else counts. Use your platform and your speech to do this, but also be aware what a normie might accept, might consider. Dont start with talk of genocide. Start with factual provable matters that resonate. Get that seed planted. It WILL bear fruit, my belief.

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link please.

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Great interview!

Bobby Kennedy co-authored and published a book titled, “Vax vs Unvax: Let the Science Speak”. Looking forward to adding it to my collection of books about the science around vaccines and their overall effects on the health of children.

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On the subject of whether vaccines cause autism.

Is it possible for a child to be both autistic and vaccine injured?

Asking for a friend.

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unless I am confused here. . . the autism itself is the injury caused by a vaccine!

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Dear pretty-red, old guy, I tried to reply to you but my comment went to the bottom of the list.

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well. . . I DID get it! Ha!

I am guessing, after re-thinking your statement, that you are really wondering if its possible for example, for someone who is already autistic to also become vaccine injured as a result of taking a vaccine.

YES! They are not mutually exclusive.

BUT, not likely that someone who is already vax-injured to suddenly become . . . autistic from things I have heard so far. . . but I am an engineer so. . .!

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Powerful. Thank you Dr McCullough!

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What’s the prediction about how long until these risks are accepted? It’s quickly becoming a subject that is not taboo to bring up. A lot is owed to the early trail blazers that puts so much on the line by standing up.

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Heath ia free from all vaccines that only work in theory and fraud. Nature is the way to health and to connect to our higher power.

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The problem with natrual immunity for Gov+ corporate interests is that there is no quick $market value$ to be made from healthy people.

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There are people who have autism who never had a vaccine. In other words, they were born that way. If a baby who was born with autism also got a vaccine injury, how would anybody be able to figure out what was wrong?

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