Let me once again direct you to the work of Australian engineer/Czech emigé Vera Scheibner whose infant breathing monitor identified distinctive patterns of breathing impairment post vaccination with SIDS. This was no mere correlation, but rather cause and effect smoking gun relationship between SIDS and infant vaccinations. Scheibner should not be left out of this conversation just because she is not an MD. She may still be living. John Leake should edit her book for syntax and clarity, and submit to Skyhorse.
Scheibner’s work in relation to SIDS is entirely analogous to the suppression of early interventions to ameliorate SARS-2 infections that otherwise lead to hospital death for some patients. Why not help her out … give her some recognition while she is still around.
Our son had febrile seizures (104 F temperatures, at least) following DPT in 1987. We stopped the vaccinations entirely but he had vision issues (strabismus) that the optometrist characterized as cerebral palsy. The story goes on from there. He is in the Manhattan Stagehands local 1, working and living in his own today. He toured with Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance but today may still have problems with alcohol and smoking that began as self medication for ADD. I figured it out from Dr. Amen’s book. But I could never get him to come with me to the Amen Clinic. I got a SPECT scan myself in part to blaze the trail. I think he is doing OK but we have not seen him since 2016 or so. He was caught up in the administration’s COVID propaganda, calling us “Science Denyer’s” This was in part the “woke” industry he is in. The fake pandemic was an earthquake for many. I am just awakening from a long despondency.
I left my job in 2021 as I declined the shots. I lived. Colleagues died.
Other than the flood of illegal immigrants, the threat of nuclear confrontation due to US intervention in Ukraine, inflation and widespread poverty in the US due to business closures due to the lockdowns while immigrants invade poor areas, themselves supplied with cash printed by the government, forcing lab meat and more injections on the military … undermining the nation’s security … everything is great.
I am a labor and delivery nurse. At least in California babies less than two hours old have to get their first hepatitis B shot, aka “vaccine” per order of the baby’s pediatrician! Only some parents are aware of this fact and refuse the shot.
Think about the potential danger of a baby getting it just because the “doctor ordered it.”
We have to ask ourselves “why does a baby who whose mother a day before birth would’ve been recommended not to take so much as a Tylenol, and within two hours of birth, gets a “vaccine?” Is every home in America full of hepatitis B? How great is the risk for a newborn baby who can’t do anything for himself/herself of getting Hepatitis B?
As I wrote in my post, it's not just the money. It's the fact that public health is aware that while newborn infants are in the hospital that is the only time they might have access to these children. So public health is wiling to accept the risk of negative side effects to insure that almost all infants get the shots, even though they are at just about zero risk of hepatitis and other adult diseeases at that age.
I’m not that great with Substack, so I didn’t see your post. Sorry, I don’t know how to find it. I know what you’re saying, I’ve been told that before, “Public health” is still big government, and still wants the money and IMO they still don’t care about the health of children infected on paper. Isn’t it ironic that so many families actually pay for their insurance pays for the shots that ruined the lives of so many children?
Many parents have been brainwashed so badly that it literally killed their brain functioning common sense! No amount of information can changed their mind.
I have parents who I copy paste their response to me when I presented them with information not according to the safe and effective narrative of vaccines.
These are just some of the responses I get. :
“ I think I’d rather my kid have autism than polio though - we have a lot of autism in my family too so it is hereditary as well. I’m nearly certain I have adhd”
“ I’m sorry, but after hearing people’s stories of seeing kids die from tetanus and preventable diseases I will always be pro vaccine. Autism isn’t the end of the world, I love my kid just as he is. ”
“ appreciate your opinion but as a mum to a child with autism I find this studies insane and miss leading with the fact of vaccines and vaccinating. My children I work closely with their health care providers in making the right choices in regards to what vaccines my children receive “
Thank you for this short article which is easy to print out and give to a young mom in my family. To me it is horrifying to see how many injections are being given to babies now in B.C. ( Canada )
Let me connect some dots here. The Biden administration is determined to destroy the American Economy. Childhood vaccinations sponsored by the US government create more debilitated children increasing the medical cost to care for them while not producing any improvement in standard of living in society. The WEF want most of the world dead. I seems to me that the WEF and Biden administration are aligned in their goals and we the people are the target
Another point... how many parents were reported on by hospital staff on suspicion of shaken baby syndrome? All because the CDC did not perform these studies when parents first started reporting these affects after vaccination. The CDC sat back and let those parents who had suffered the tremendous loss of their child then have to defend themselves from the false accusations. This makes my blood boil.
Yes, those poor parents being told oh it's bc you put them on their stomachs. Like babies are helpless without vaccines. This kind of thinking makes my blood boil too 🔥❤️🙏
The said there was a relative, not an absolute risk for febrile seizures after the vaccines. The topic of febrile seizures in the pediatric group has other variables to be considered so I don’t consider this to be the kind of study I am interested in. The real problem is that none of the vaccines have had safety studies. None have had control groups. In the case of 5 or 6 vaccines being given at one time, one has to consider interactions among all of them in the immediate period and all of the neurological and immunological effects in the long term. This can only be done with a longitudinal study and a control group. Considering that the Hepatitis B vaccine they try to force on newborn infants was only “studied” for 5 days using 147 babies, I don’t see this happening soon. The best thing that could happen would be to repeal the 1986 law granting immunity to pharmaceutical companies. This would dampen their current zeal. Then we could proceed with meaningful research.
After all these decades of parents crying at the top of their lungs that the vaccines injured or killed their child, the CDC finally comes up with this? Is this supposed to compensate for their suffering? Or assuage their grief that these unnecessary medical interventions cause injury and death? The majority of people now know that the CDC and FDA lied about everything covid. Their credibility is in shreds. Now they admit their vaccines are dangerous to children? That even further damages their credibility. I don't trust them to tell me the time of day. When they admit in full meaculpa fashion that they allowed a dangerous covid intervention loose on the global population, and that they covered up the causation of vax damage and death, MAYBE then I'll think about trusting them again.
The one reason infants are given adult vaccines for diseases for which they have almost zero risk at their age is this: this is the only time the hospital is sure they will have access to those children. Later on, after they are out of the hospital, public health is afraid their parents might refuse the shots. While they are in the hospital just after birth they get the shots with the parents not even knowing about it sometimes. So even according to public health science which admits negative vaccine side effects, public health figures it's worth the risk to insure that just about all infants get the shots.
One great puzzle is why testosterone levels and sperm counts have been plummeting in the last 20 or 30 years. I think you’ve unlocked a big reason. What happens in the womb and shortly thereafter affects the epigenetics for the entire lifespan and children and grands and great grands. The vaccination aggression is I think responsible for this an also of course the huge epidemic of autism and the war on boys in general, who seem to suffer more than girls do.
And if you look at the schedule, it has become so aggressive…and with it, these problems have been rising in a highly correlated fashion.
Not one of these vaccines has been tested in randomized controlled trials, not one. Nothing about vaccines has any real science behind it.
Let me once again direct you to the work of Australian engineer/Czech emigé Vera Scheibner whose infant breathing monitor identified distinctive patterns of breathing impairment post vaccination with SIDS. This was no mere correlation, but rather cause and effect smoking gun relationship between SIDS and infant vaccinations. Scheibner should not be left out of this conversation just because she is not an MD. She may still be living. John Leake should edit her book for syntax and clarity, and submit to Skyhorse.
Scheibner’s work in relation to SIDS is entirely analogous to the suppression of early interventions to ameliorate SARS-2 infections that otherwise lead to hospital death for some patients. Why not help her out … give her some recognition while she is still around.
Our son had febrile seizures (104 F temperatures, at least) following DPT in 1987. We stopped the vaccinations entirely but he had vision issues (strabismus) that the optometrist characterized as cerebral palsy. The story goes on from there. He is in the Manhattan Stagehands local 1, working and living in his own today. He toured with Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance but today may still have problems with alcohol and smoking that began as self medication for ADD. I figured it out from Dr. Amen’s book. But I could never get him to come with me to the Amen Clinic. I got a SPECT scan myself in part to blaze the trail. I think he is doing OK but we have not seen him since 2016 or so. He was caught up in the administration’s COVID propaganda, calling us “Science Denyer’s” This was in part the “woke” industry he is in. The fake pandemic was an earthquake for many. I am just awakening from a long despondency.
I left my job in 2021 as I declined the shots. I lived. Colleagues died.
Other than the flood of illegal immigrants, the threat of nuclear confrontation due to US intervention in Ukraine, inflation and widespread poverty in the US due to business closures due to the lockdowns while immigrants invade poor areas, themselves supplied with cash printed by the government, forcing lab meat and more injections on the military … undermining the nation’s security … everything is great.
good post
I am a labor and delivery nurse. At least in California babies less than two hours old have to get their first hepatitis B shot, aka “vaccine” per order of the baby’s pediatrician! Only some parents are aware of this fact and refuse the shot.
Think about the potential danger of a baby getting it just because the “doctor ordered it.”
We have to ask ourselves “why does a baby who whose mother a day before birth would’ve been recommended not to take so much as a Tylenol, and within two hours of birth, gets a “vaccine?” Is every home in America full of hepatitis B? How great is the risk for a newborn baby who can’t do anything for himself/herself of getting Hepatitis B?
Follow the $$$$….
As I wrote in my post, it's not just the money. It's the fact that public health is aware that while newborn infants are in the hospital that is the only time they might have access to these children. So public health is wiling to accept the risk of negative side effects to insure that almost all infants get the shots, even though they are at just about zero risk of hepatitis and other adult diseeases at that age.
I’m not that great with Substack, so I didn’t see your post. Sorry, I don’t know how to find it. I know what you’re saying, I’ve been told that before, “Public health” is still big government, and still wants the money and IMO they still don’t care about the health of children infected on paper. Isn’t it ironic that so many families actually pay for their insurance pays for the shots that ruined the lives of so many children?
Well, the first problem is you live in CA. 😄
No kidding! Lol. The political climate in this state needs to drastically change or reverse.
Many parents have been brainwashed so badly that it literally killed their brain functioning common sense! No amount of information can changed their mind.
I have parents who I copy paste their response to me when I presented them with information not according to the safe and effective narrative of vaccines.
These are just some of the responses I get. :
“ I think I’d rather my kid have autism than polio though - we have a lot of autism in my family too so it is hereditary as well. I’m nearly certain I have adhd”
“ I’m sorry, but after hearing people’s stories of seeing kids die from tetanus and preventable diseases I will always be pro vaccine. Autism isn’t the end of the world, I love my kid just as he is. ”
“ appreciate your opinion but as a mum to a child with autism I find this studies insane and miss leading with the fact of vaccines and vaccinating. My children I work closely with their health care providers in making the right choices in regards to what vaccines my children receive “
Thank you for this short article which is easy to print out and give to a young mom in my family. To me it is horrifying to see how many injections are being given to babies now in B.C. ( Canada )
Let me connect some dots here. The Biden administration is determined to destroy the American Economy. Childhood vaccinations sponsored by the US government create more debilitated children increasing the medical cost to care for them while not producing any improvement in standard of living in society. The WEF want most of the world dead. I seems to me that the WEF and Biden administration are aligned in their goals and we the people are the target
Another point... how many parents were reported on by hospital staff on suspicion of shaken baby syndrome? All because the CDC did not perform these studies when parents first started reporting these affects after vaccination. The CDC sat back and let those parents who had suffered the tremendous loss of their child then have to defend themselves from the false accusations. This makes my blood boil.
Yes, SIDS.
Yes, those poor parents being told oh it's bc you put them on their stomachs. Like babies are helpless without vaccines. This kind of thinking makes my blood boil too 🔥❤️🙏
How many psychopaths are driving the Big Pharma scam?
The said there was a relative, not an absolute risk for febrile seizures after the vaccines. The topic of febrile seizures in the pediatric group has other variables to be considered so I don’t consider this to be the kind of study I am interested in. The real problem is that none of the vaccines have had safety studies. None have had control groups. In the case of 5 or 6 vaccines being given at one time, one has to consider interactions among all of them in the immediate period and all of the neurological and immunological effects in the long term. This can only be done with a longitudinal study and a control group. Considering that the Hepatitis B vaccine they try to force on newborn infants was only “studied” for 5 days using 147 babies, I don’t see this happening soon. The best thing that could happen would be to repeal the 1986 law granting immunity to pharmaceutical companies. This would dampen their current zeal. Then we could proceed with meaningful research.
After all these decades of parents crying at the top of their lungs that the vaccines injured or killed their child, the CDC finally comes up with this? Is this supposed to compensate for their suffering? Or assuage their grief that these unnecessary medical interventions cause injury and death? The majority of people now know that the CDC and FDA lied about everything covid. Their credibility is in shreds. Now they admit their vaccines are dangerous to children? That even further damages their credibility. I don't trust them to tell me the time of day. When they admit in full meaculpa fashion that they allowed a dangerous covid intervention loose on the global population, and that they covered up the causation of vax damage and death, MAYBE then I'll think about trusting them again.
Terrible and Disgusting.
Hence modern medical technology runs amok,
and shows the "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE" side again and again.
While the world waits for change for choice and transparency.
That may never come. (1986 is the mathematic medical/legal $$ factor)
Thank you
The one reason infants are given adult vaccines for diseases for which they have almost zero risk at their age is this: this is the only time the hospital is sure they will have access to those children. Later on, after they are out of the hospital, public health is afraid their parents might refuse the shots. While they are in the hospital just after birth they get the shots with the parents not even knowing about it sometimes. So even according to public health science which admits negative vaccine side effects, public health figures it's worth the risk to insure that just about all infants get the shots.
One great puzzle is why testosterone levels and sperm counts have been plummeting in the last 20 or 30 years. I think you’ve unlocked a big reason. What happens in the womb and shortly thereafter affects the epigenetics for the entire lifespan and children and grands and great grands. The vaccination aggression is I think responsible for this an also of course the huge epidemic of autism and the war on boys in general, who seem to suffer more than girls do.
And if you look at the schedule, it has become so aggressive…and with it, these problems have been rising in a highly correlated fashion.
Not one of these vaccines has been tested in randomized controlled trials, not one. Nothing about vaccines has any real science behind it.