It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


Idiocy, conspiracy or idiotic conspiracy?

15 Feb 2022. Christofer Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies.... so they pay us hundreds of millions dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their product.” “If they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”1 By focusing on one tree (money), people miss the way out of the woods.

Any crime detective must ask the whys, "what is there to be gained, and who and how is going to gain it?", “what’s the real motivation when there’s nothing to gain”? And here’s where most fail: they can’t explain the motive behind international coordination without a money trail. Some even fail to acknowledge it even if it’s in their face because it implies changing their world model upside-down:

How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time?

Why were all dissident scientific and medical voices ignored, censored and prosecuted by all levels of power, even universities and medical associations?

Can you rationally explain why those politicians who didn’t receive a cent from vaccine manufacturers have supported blatant constitutional violations?: quarantining the healthy, shutting schools and churches, vaxxing pregnants and children, nano-chipping the population, etc.

Is there a pandemic of a very contagious stupidity virus? Or is it a lunacy pathogen?

Is there a pre-requirement of being a sociopath or a psycho-path to occupy any level of authority?

Why do secret societies of satanists and luciferian masons need secrecy and impose obedience on their members under the threat of losing their easy jobs, easy money, livelihoods or lives?

What do they have to hide in secret?

Why are they freely allowed to benefit fellow accomplices with power seats, especially within Government, infiltrating all places of power?

Why are they allowed to act as one man in controlling central banks, supposedly opposing political parties, supreme courts, listed corporations, supposedly antagonist media, etc.?

Occam’s razor leaves only one logical answer: the global coup is run by masons.

When there's a confession of a crime, you need no more proofs. They expose their devious plans out loud and they put their money where their mouth is. The money trail proves they walk their talk with billions.

Yet, when there’s no money trail/profits, what else than freemasonry could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:

• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?

• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).

• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination:

The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail. Why else do they need to be a secret society?

The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.2

If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind, while there's no democracy, when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).

A school mate confessed: “Your argument looks all right but if I go that way, I won’t be able to enjoy life.” Some are unwilling to enter the rabbit's hole because they know that they won’t find wonderland at the other end, just nightmare-land, THE end of our world. Just as Cypher in Matrix movie, they’d rather forget all of it and live the good life (good lie) rather than join the resistance in a painful David-Goliath war “doomed to be lost”, as if being in denial would prevent their own extermination: better be a happy self-uninformed skeptic, than a responsible realist.

The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, free ebooks and... something huge !

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I note that mr. mason here left out the ashkeNAZI that rule it all today, the BILDERBERG GROUP, who controls UK today

While I agree the MASONS were something in the 1950's, they got washed out in the 1970s most masonic hall have now all be recommissioned as porn theatres or pubs from what I have seen post 1980's, but hell yes prior to the 1960's the MASON rules the cop shop and FBI, but now the zio-nazis rule all goyim

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Khazarian Mafia

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Yes, Khazarian Mafia

Gates, Bill is III, his great grandpa of 1920's UK wrote the book of Eugenics that they gave their boy HITLER for his rise to power

Gates too is really into EUGENICS, which is why like Georgia-Guidestones they want to reduce Western population to 500M max,

12AD Khazarian mafia took over banking, 16AD took over UK banking

6AD called themselves ashkeNAZI, which is why AZOV under zelensky in Ukraine is NAZI

They groom and plan generations in advance, they take these autistic moron Gates at 14 send him to Harvard then like a little king tell him that he'll rule the world in the future of course he doesn't rule shit, but he thinks he does

Even MUSK is related to deBeers diamond family of South-Africa, Rhodes and all the biggest zio-nazi assholes in UK history, MUSK too is a little rich boy groomed to play act like he's running a company, I guess its good cover for the zionists to put a young fresh face on nazi/khazarian shit

Then too we have peter-thiel real life human vampire and 'skynet' master, who is bilderberg-USA and own TRUMP and put trump into power 2016 and again in 2024.

Why because "Sir, may we have another" goyim love to be ass fucked by khazars

It's like frog & scorpion

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I just read that Thiel is responsible for the SVB bank run by announcing online that ppl should to get their money out of there. Hmmmm. Was that intentional to get the bank runs started or what?

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THIEL is also the campaign mgr for TRUMP 2016 & 2024

SO yes clearly THIEL created a banking crisis to destroy the demoRAT party and BIDEN this is non-recoverable

That said the bank-run was already there, THIEL just posted a twitter he didn't cause the problem;

Just to clarify the problem is that they FED-RES BANK raised interest rate too fast, which led to a 20% loss in bond-value on 10yr treasury, which SVB had $150B so over night they lost $30B, and they only had $120B real cash, the next day the customers withdrew $130B which gave them -10B and FDIC stepped in and shutdown them down;

Had the interest rates not caused bond loss then there would have been plenty of money to cover the bank-run;

Thiel is one of the biggest players in SV, IMHO tons of people in SV probably made that call on Twitter, the stock had been dropping like a rock, everybody knew

Bank runs are no problem if you have the customers cash to pay them, bank-runs are a problem for a bank with no money, as in this case; Lots of the problem is that the woke alt-binary cucks running SVB were too busy with climate-change, and ignore their bond portfolio. Had they been doing due-diligence none of this shit would have happened


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"...to destroy the demoRAT party and BIDEN this is non-recoverable"

Are you f'ng serious??

Fist: Biden will bail the banks out, i.e. YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!!

2. Now comes regulation of crypto ---> next step --> forbidding there of

3. CBDC!!

After 3 f*ing years of all total imbecilism and all the evidence that has come out, you still dig that "left/right" paradigm BS.

Please, God, help us!!

There is no weapon against stupidity.

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"After 3 f*ing years of all total imbecilism and all the evidence that has come out, you still dig that "left/right" paradigm BS."

No kidding. You'd think that after 3 years of the constant lies that everyone would have learned to question everything. Instead, the self appointed bright bulb crowd still parrots old propaganda and they think it's "history."


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The problem with the FED is they should have raised rates slowly years ago. They flood the economy with monetary inflation for years at near zero rates and trillions in cash and people still think they have tools to manage it? They don't and they know it. They have to crash the economy if they are going to actually fight inflation. Even then, as companies implode and banks go under, scarcity will occur in all sectors and prices will sky rocket as the value of the dollar plummets. Hopefully you have a huge pile of cash and/or can arrange bartering agreements with farmers until universal basic income system is up and running to save us via programmable digital currency. They will give you just enough to survive as long as you don't stop out of line and do exactly as your told. You will own nothing and the Oligarchs will be happy.

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"THIEL is also the campaign mgr for TRUMP 2016 & 2024"

Source, please.

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Why did we raise interest rates as high as 20% over a short period of time? What was the thinking on that?

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The street junkie ignores the pain of the needle in his own arm, reasoning that within less than a minute he can escape the world that he lives poisoned in, for a short enjoyed destination.

The hypnotized Average Joe ignores the pain of the VAX needle in the belief it will provide him a preferred umbrella protection from living in a world of sickness, like the lost junkie exists in.

In this New world order, you will comply into being that junkie one way or another. Or else!

Prepare to meet the challenge on this New Frontier.

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"The street junkie ignores the pain of the needle in his own arm, reasoning that within less than a minute he can escape the world that he lives poisoned in, for a short enjoyed destination."

Many people besides street junkies approach life in a similar manner which is why reportedly some 30% of the population of the US is on some sort of mood altering and brain crippling drug besides alcohol. If true (and I believe it's close) then we're in a world of hurt.

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Unfortunately hurt just about always turns to anger. So I'd agree that's where we are.

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They didn't select Trump's Secretary of State.

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Why is Klaus Schwab wearing a Romulan uniform?

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His religion is Saturnalia. His motives are obvious, to put us all in his ritualistic and psychotic dream of world dominion. Costumes, uniforms and symbolism dominate the minds of our most powerful people on the planet. You do not rise to such levels, without their acquiescence and vetting. If freedom is truly the goal, billions must oppose them, and destroy the safe rooms and locations they hide, like roaches.

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Charles III

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Because, of course ...

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Watching Dr. Evil? Life imitating art?

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Klaus is a joke, his only purpose is to entrap MORONS in compromised sex acts with children, which is what WEF is all about

Klaus history is a man servant, he run's the BUFFET at WEF/DAVOS now going for 50+ years, he doesn't rule fuck all


He's a bogey man to the alt-right TRUMP-TARDS and nothing else

He creates a place where young leaders like Ivanka&Chelsea can learn about bi-sexuality in a comfortable environment and be compromised for life

Almost everyone in western GOV has been to a WEF party and is compromised, I think they even got the young PUTIN at one time, but IMHO he ran out of their fast

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the first time I saw that, I thought for sure that it was photo-shopped, like put his head on the character from Mike Meyers's Austin Powers movies. but yeah, it also resembles a Romulan Empire outfit, from Star Trek.

so the man ACTUALLY wore that, huh? holy F... and there's still people who will LISTEN to the freak?

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The GUY is a clown, he's a catering guy that +50 years ago sponsored party's for the elite, then he made it a CEO bash, and it used to be cheap like $500 USD for booze&sex for a week, and like burning man, or mardi-gra, rio it was where all the CEO's, bankers, went ...

By 2000 it got $5k, now its like $50k and only the elite go, but I"m sure there are still free comps for the speakers, otherwise they wouldn't go

Klaus Schwab is just a whipping-boy, he's not an elite, he's not a billionaire, and he's sure as hell not running the world; He's just a man-servant, a professional catering business


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Freak for sure. Where do these clowns come from?

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All Clowns are manufactured by Hollywood, just like everything else in the zionist-nazi colonys on earth; Recall that Hollywood is owned by zionist-nazis;

No doubt that the Romulan outfit is/was to drive the net-tards nutz and make him more of a legend.

The owners of the Western World that run out of UK-London "Bankers" organize under groups that have the name Bilderberg-Group, Trilateral-Commission, CFR: Council for foreign relations, and they Never allow themselves to be seen in public, nor can MSM attend their meetings.

Trumps campaign mgr for 2016 & 2024 is Peter Thiel (human vampire), who is President of Bilderberg-USA, that is the real orchestrated of the shit-show we call USA; Theil also owns PALINTIR the one of the biggest CIA contractors, provides software products where NSA&CIA can green or red-light by facial recognition for all people on earth whether you live or die;

On the other hand WEF is open to all

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"Trumps campaign mgr for 2016 & 2024 is Peter Thiel..."

While I have no use for either, I'd like to know where you came up with that claim.

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Peter Thiel Is Taking His Talents to Mar-a-Lago

Silicon Valley’s favorite villain is leaving Silicon Valley to support Donald Trump and his allies.

- bloomberg



The techno-billionaire’s grand plans include unseating the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump for his role in January 6.

Trumps entire 2024 campaign depends on SV & Peter Thiel, so say's stanford Univ ( homo-nerd grooming HQ )


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The word, "manager" does not appear in that article and the piece itself reads like a some scandal sheet.

Not credible in the least.

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did your mother even teach you how to go to the toilet by yourself??

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He's into recycling horse diapers.

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He was wearing it in a university in Lithuana or Latvia, I forget the name of it, for an honorary doctorate or something like that. It's become the Photo of KS That Will Not Die.

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With a straight face.

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Mar 16, 2023
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oh ok. still weird as F***. somebody at that institution is a sci-fy fan or something, lol

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Is Jennifer Pritzker an ugly man in drag?

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That's one way to say it.

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or like this ..

What makes you think they have failed? Look at this country. They see an overwhelming success as our boys become girls, our girls become prostitutes, and our grandkids become abortions. Don't be so quick to judge your enemy's goals as a failure when you don't even know their goals, and don't judge them as incompetent when they have achieved so much.

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You should have seen Janet Reno the lesbian that did AG for CLinton and killed all those children in WACO, she looked like Prizkers rectum, in that way CLinton was way ahead in the non-binary shit

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Used to be a guy

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- Born as James Nickolas Pritzker in 1950, Jennifer served in the Illinois Army National Guard from 1974-2001, plus the U.S. Army deployed during the Vietnam and Cold War eras, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonial. Two marriages, three children, and the creation of a multifaceted organization called TAWANI Enterprises Inc. later, Jennifer sent out a short memo to her staff that wasn’t meant to create a fuss or even become public for that matter.

follow the money - , a nephew of the founders of the Hyatt Hotel chain. In 2013, Pritzker changed his name from James to Jennifer,; Jennifer is one of 11 billionaire members of the extended Pritzker family, who sold a controlling stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for $4.5 billion in 2007


Used to be, did he get his junk cut off?? looks like he just got the wig to me, he already had the man-tits

Jennifer Pritzker: I'm a transgender Republican, but my party is marginalizing me out of existence


Actually "IT" makes some very good observations about the RINO & demoRAT partys;

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yep. "She" is ostensibly trans. The Pritzgers funded and backed Obama, and they fund clinics and profit from trans surgeries for minors, very Sackler family opiates-esque.

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Let's not sugar coat it. Replace quirky with psychopath and you've got it!

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That's why there are journalists, and urnalists, and citizen reporters, and muck-rakers

A journalist can only call the man who owns the world 'quirky' because its a harmless label

Calling an insane despot a 'psychopath' while true, gets you labelled a conspiracy theorist

That said, how many times does BIll Gates have to go to Epsteins "Fuck a child Island" before the sociopath label sticks??

We used to say "Never get in a fight with somebody that buys ink&newsprint by the boxcar", now we say "Never insult somebody online that has 10k hasbara IDF unit-8200 gimps on keyboards in Israel". ( or AI bots for that matter )

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Not just sociopaths. Psychopaths. This is accurate and that's what's most important.

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Quirky Pedophiles - James Saville, Royal Procurer for UK, Silly, Funny entertaining the children love them

Quacky BIllionaires - Practicing medicine without a license; Dispensing medicine on billions of people without approval & prior testing; A Quack, An untrained person who pretends to be a physician and dispenses medical advice and treatment.

You all here realize that GATES dropped out of high-school at 14 and went to Harvard, lasted barely a year until he ran off to Albuquerque with Paul Allen ten years his senior; Gates real education is that of a moron. He stole all the software he ever sold including "DOS" which he stole from Seattle Computer Product in 1980, and sold to IBM. Only years later was he forced to pay $1M for DOS, but he made 100's of Billions;

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Isn't he a Rockefeller?

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No, but he's GATES the III, interesting history Gates Great-Grandpa was in UK wrote the books on "EUGENICS" that were used by Hitler, Gates worked with Ford, Hearst and BUSH to bring HITLER to power.

Gates is a zionist-nazi;

Rockefeller was big-oil to big-pharma, Rockefeller was very influential in Bringing MAO to power in Modern China 1947; Young Mao in 1920's found his way to Harvard Medical school in Shanghai 1920's funded by Rockefeller, while not a med student he studied Bolshevism and developed Maoism.

The Schiff Banking family (Loeb) instrumental in bring Stalin to power. Same 1920's all out of UK London, all operating under Rothschild;

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IMHO Gates is a sociopath at Epsteins Island with the little girls and he's a psychopath when cooking up a new mRNA bio-weapon to be deployed on Hillary's deplorables

Then of course too they all partake in "Parabiosys" the consumption of Infant-Blood for immortality; So that makes them 'vampires' as well, which is also the control freak immortality thingy

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Yes. That would be the Joker. Didn't Joker have acid spill on his face when younger?

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There really isn't a rational way to stop an insane 'billionaire' when his wealth gives him the power of one Million normal men.

I think that's why Putin has disemboweled the "oligarch" ( what russia calls the billionaire ) and China too, once Jack Ma ( alibaba/taobao ) started going "Full Soros" he was knee-capped, and now a docile lamb;

Rockefeller was our first USSA Billionaire, an insane "Monopolist" that would do anything to secure a monopoly, he went from Big-oil to Big-medicine along the way, left only destruction; Today USSA has the most expensive medical, and worst outcome; The Billionaires to follow havent' been any different; Even Gates, when he began in 1975 his 'mentor' Paul Allen said "They intended to rule an industry", funny thats' exactly what young Rockefeller said; So Gates now rules Big-Computation, and like Rockefeller jumped into "World Medicine" ( Big-Med/Pharma). Post 1980's Gates&Allen did something really interesting they bought up almost all the worlds Biological&Artificial Intelligence patents; Gates is/was an early owner of mRNA technology thus had Trumps ear in 2019 that only mRNA could ever be the "Beautiful Vax", the rest is history they say.

Soros not much to say, he's angry about his childhood in UK post occupied Hungary, Hungary has banned him from entering Hungary cuz his NGO's tried to destroy the country; Soros got rich playing the stock market ( famous Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers ) back in the 1970's and got super-rich by destroying the UK economy, but somehow he stayed out of jail;

While Rockefeller, Gates, Musk all want to control their industry's; Soros like the "JOKER" in Batman really does want to "Burn down the World".

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Don't forget Rockefeller's and Carnegie's control and assault on "education" which is now little more than training in how to follow orders while thinking you have all the answers.

Most of modern medicine is complsed of highly schooled and insufferably arrogant quacks with neither brains nor marals nor even a rudimentary ability to think and the last three years should have made that clear as crystal.

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Soros got super-rich shorting the pound sterling, if I recall correctly. Not a crime, as far as I can see. So, too, for his stock market activities. None of his activities were criminal. He got rich playing the game by the rules.

Now, what he does with that wealth, that's a different story. I don't really know what his motivation is, nor do I care. I just know that he is another man with wealth and power who wants to rule others and bend the world to his will. In other words, an evil man.

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"He got rich playing the game by the rules."

"Rules" my tushie. Who's rules?

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The rules that govern investments. I am not aware that he did anything illegal. Are you?

If you know something specific, please share.

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So Soros is an angry, resentful, mentally deranged person with billions.

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I don't think Soros made that much money on the stock market.....it was currency speculation.

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People with inside info have no need to speculate.

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Mar 14, 2023Edited
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Yes, I post on substacks simply to be insulted by people like you.

3rd time this week. What is going on?

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Interesting. Why do you think Trump decided in 2017 to not give RFK,Jr that vaccine investigation role? I hear it was that Gates told him that would not be a good thing to do or something luke that.

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“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. ― Thomas Jefferson

Yep. We have falsified money with currency. Everything Dr. Ron Paul was telling us was 100% true.


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By the way, when I say, “Sleeping Mezzed Sheep,” I include myself and every person on this planet. It took me most of my life to wake up and figure it all out, and I”m still learning.

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But it goes down further: certain multimillionaires sitting on certain boards (eg certain private universities, private schools, museums) are also certifiably woker-than-thou. It's been such a bizarre silly show.

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IMHO most of our billionaires under discussion are not of themselves woke, but they expect the sheep to be woke, I think we have already deeply discuss why Corporate-USA is pushing the woke shit to dumb everything down so that elite trust-fund kids don't have to work so hard to compete.

The woke I see is mostly coming from the usual suspects LGBTQxyz foaming at the mouth ugly lesbos and non-binary freaky guys; We used to call these psycho bitches 'femi-nazis', now they're just woke, but they're in your face bitches and its been this way since 1980's; They seem to have co-opted the BLM & anti-fa and become spokesman for all oppressed non-white non-binary, but in reality there just really ugly people that want everyone to wear a mask so that ugly people get a fair advantage in a cruel world;

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Talking about this subject, I think its important not to miss the most dangerous man alive right now, somebody that nobody ever mentions;

That be Peter Thiel the owner of PALANTIR and the partner of Musk from Paypal, that's how him & Musk got rich originally;

Musk went on to make cars & rockets; Thiel went on to Create CIA-NSA "SkyNet" companys to rule the world with AI "Artificial Intelligence"

In many ways MUSK&Thiel are siamese twins sharing a common asshole;

Musk seems to be busy playing with toyz, before he started paypal, he developed a software game in highschool so he's always like to play with technology;

Thiel is more interesting a Raving Homo-Sexual, but he's also the campaign manager of Trump-2016 & Trump 2024; He's conservative, but he also worked with inQtel (CIA that runs SV) & SVB and Stanford Univ in the past 20 years with Sam Altman to make sure that all the VC and startup's in SV ( silicon valley ) funded gay entrepreneurs and that those companys hired woke & non-binary employees

So on the one hand you can call Thiel a conservative if you wish or libertarian, he's really billionaire GROOMER.

Palantir is the worst of all deployed Iraq, Afghan & now Ukraine has the faces of everybody on earth and green/red on a tablet that tells whether that person is to be killed, live, arrested, or just a person of interest; That technology is coming to every LEO on earth;

So in summary while talking about "INSANE Billionaires" we have here an Insane Groomer

Also Thiel is the USA president of the BILDERBERG GROUP the most powerful UK group on earth ruling the world with trilateral𝔠

Wef/Klaus is a joke, he's a nobody, a guy that hosts events and serves food

Oh, and most important of all Thiel is a 'human vampire" google it, he owns PARABIOSYS the business of selling infant-blood so SOROS, and Kissinger, and Gates and all the old billionaires can have immortality, and its $1,000 USD pint for clean infant blood transfusions, Thiel calls it the biggest and most profitable business on earth;

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That's bad but how is Thiel worse than Soros and Charles?

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Jon Stryker grew up in Kalamazoo, MI. The Stryker fortune comes from Stryker medical equipment. Interestingly Kalamazoo was home to the Upjohn Company, later bought by Pfizer. I remember hearing on the news when the Pfizer jabs first came available that they were on trucks rolling out of Pfizer facilities in Kalamazoo. Little did we realize then that "something wicked this way comes."

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Rhetorical question was asked here about "Gates" consensus seems to be

narcissistic-sociopath ( Reinvented himself to be Medical 'Doctor' modeled after Josef Mengele )


The People Who Trained Narcissistic Sociopath Bill Gates to Seem Social Before He Started Bribing All the Major Media

Acting or the art of pretending best describes Bill's transition from villain (actually serial criminal) to supposed hero and "philanthropist"

“In the fall of 1982, Pam Edstrom [of Waggener Edstrom], a diminutive woman with piercing blue eyes, was recruited by Microsoft. [...] In modern-day business, flacks were responsible not only for avoiding bad press, but for spinning the good. [...] Hanson and Edstrom would spin a whole new image for Gates himself. They would tap the best and worst of Chairman Bill, changing his clothes, his voice, and his allegiances, driving him to become not just the boss, but, essentially, the company mascot—a sort of high-technology Colonel Sanders.” –Pam Edstrom’s daughter

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"...modeled after Josef Mengele..."

Give it up. You obviously know nothing about him. Why do people continue to parrot almost century old Commie smears and propaganda? Does anyone still believe the standard narratives or anything fed to us by government and corporations?

It's all lies to one degree or another; please quit spreading them.

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Josef Mengele was a 'doctor' about as much as Gates is a doctor, he tortured people during WW2 on behalf of Nazi Germany; Gates is running his little mRNA experiment to his hearts content, and how many you dare say have died; Want to take it to the bank who has killed more?? Gates or Mengele?? Me thinks that Mengle was minnow compared to Gates;

Mengele did medical experiments on people

Gates does medical experiments on 550M about the number of people who got mRNA jab ( I assume of the 5.5B worldwide jabbed, that 10% was mRNA in the western held zio-nazi colonys )


We're talking about billionaire monopolists on this entire OP, I don't think 'commie' came up even once other than by you; Do you have shit for brains?

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We're talking about billionaire monopolists on this entire OP, I don't think 'commie' came up even once other than by you; Do you have shit for brains?"

And you brought up Mengele. FYI, globalist "millionaire monopolists" funded both the "Nazis" and the Commies in the old good cop(Bolshies) / bad cop ("Nazis") routine almost a century ago yet some still don't get the picture.

It's important to understand because the same crowd is up their old tricks and the USSA is now the bad cop while the CCP is the "good" cop.

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"Josef Mengele ... tortured people during WW2 on behalf of Nazi Germany; "

Spouting old Commie smears again. And using the common Commie tactic of personal attacks and name calling.

Credible reference, please for your claim about Mengele whom you know nothing about. You were right about Gates, who is a true monster. Same with Fauci and all the rest who promoted the jabs.

I see you edited/replaced your first comment which was, "BilboBitch replied to your comment on Follow the Money.

homo say what?"

Tsk, tsk.

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Ok, I get it now your a zio-nazi apologist?? RIght?

You think that Hitler & Mengele were smeared?

dumb little bitch

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Writes bilbobitch’s Newsletter

10 hr ago

"Ok, I get it now your (sic) a zio-nazi apologist?? RIght?

You think that Hitler & Mengele were smeared?

dumb little bitch"

No, you still don't get it. You are wrong again, but thanks for the laughs.

Remember, "Truth is Stranger than Fiction, Fiction must make sense" - Twain

CIA/DOD says "When everything the USA public believes is a lie our mission is complete"

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Why do people continue to parrot almost century old Commie smears and propaganda?

Just answer the question.

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Spreading the word about something super important enough to comment on something I didn't yet take time to read / watch - 

*RFK, Jr is thinking about running for president - and asking for feedback on his substack.

Someone of deep integrity. Understands the corruption that gaslights the injured and the curious in wireless, and chemicals, and vaccines, and more. Would be able to help some on team blue wake up,

As the press attacks him, they'll expose how soul-less and slimy they are.

Not that it should be about red / blue, should be about integrity. And Kennedy is a man of integrity.

If you agree, Please comment on his substack, encourage him to run, spread the word!!


(And, of course, this site - https://teamkennedy.com/can go to a "not secure", "attacker" trying to "steal" your information! kind of page - which is not true, it's the inevitable - They really don't want him to be listened to. Because he has so much power, in his truth (and I think much good spiritual help also). It is a safe page.

And the more they attack him, the more they expose themselves, and he and the information + integrity (simple really, but so rare), that he brings, gets stronger.



Feel free to share all or part of this message or remake your own!


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One must assume you are not deterred by RFK's belief that Man is responsible for climate change and can control it, which plays straight into the hands of the Left, the WEF, Schwab and most western governments and because of the measures proposed to combat it will result in the impoverishment of first, the poorer sections of society and subsequently, most of the rest of us. RFK Jr has combated environmental and pollution matters for many years but unfortunately seems unable to distinguish the source of these as separate from climate but fails to grasp that the climate issue is a weapon used by all those mentioned above to manipulate us into accepting policies that are designed to bring about the "new" world order they want. RFK's blindness to this is a good reason IMO not to encourage him to run.

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He seems honest and good and principled. That's my gut feel. I think many of us have been duped by the whole climate thing. I certainly was, until recently. It was Covid that woke us up to those who deploy Shock Doctrine tactics to subjugate us all and profit from it. Perhaps he needs a chance to get up to speed. That said, I think America is almost spoilt for choice now. There are people on both sides who have certainly wised up on the whole Covid scam. I have been impressed with DeSantis and his unequivocal stance on mandates and other issues (especially to do with protecting kids/parents and body-butchering in the name of gender-equality). Hopefully everyone will follow suit with the Climate scam. After all, it's better if the whole country can ultimately be enlightened and start flourishing again.

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What CANNOT happen, is for support to be split, and for the technocratic tyrants to profit from a split vote. I wish America the best of luck! You can hopefully still salvage your reputation as the bastion of freedom, which has become so eroded of late. You truly need to root out the rot.

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Thanks for this. Have just gone over and added my two cents' worth.

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What I hate is having a Catholic president sell us down the swanny

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I am looking for a fast answer here to make a final connection. I think you can provide it. The Money/ power stuff I already knew. The COVID understanding just followed. As for the climate stuff, my knowledge is from being a Christian and Christian scientists signalling the errors. Now,… I am not Catholic, so I need you to inform me what you mean about “Catholic” president, what attributes of being Catholic are so hateful??? ( You are the one that used the strong word “hate”). I would be asking the same question if you said “Christian” president. For you, is there a distinction between Catholic and Christian? I honestly do not know what you mean. During my graduate studies we were taught to write polemics. The professor who graded me lacked understanding of my content. So, I truly “lack” the info that you possess about being Catholic.

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Just cuss your born Catholic does not make you one...he sure as hell isn't!

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No way! Really? I’d like to thank Scientific Progress, who writes extensively in this chat (thank you very, very much) about the 1921 Council on Foreign Relations and their committee of ten thousand members (it’s actually more than 25 thousand members today) and other powerful organizations and influencers of this very evil pyramid of Eugenicists, so I wont need to list them, again, but I would like to mention the Royale Family of Great Britain, the World and Central Banks, and most recently, BlackRock and their Aladdin Computer and the Fact they each control Trillions of Dollars, NOT billions. All of these Evil Monsters combined, if you also add all the stolen wealth (Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Platinum…stashed away within multiple undocumented not-so-secret vaults, Plus ALL the major mineral deposits they control today), mostly acquired via Deception and Market Rigging coinciding with all the Major Wars, Police Actions and other False Flag-created conflicts like 911 and the recent Scamdemics (Military Grade Bioweapons—both the viruses and vaccines), all adds up to more than 300 Trillion Dollars of world-controlling wealth, and all Unregulated and Untaxed, and all for the purpose of controlling world mass media and our minds (FEAR) and every political process-driven war on this planet—But the Goddamn Federal Trade & Exchange, the Secret Service (who spies on and investigates Money) the FBI, CIA, MI6, Mossad…The illegal, unconstitutional Private company—The Federal Reserve) and the most powerful Lawyers of this world are all completely oblivious of their complicity and Crimes Against Humanity?

We The People have a few skyscraper mental institutions to build and monsters to institutionalize and assets to liquidate. Let me repeat what I’ve been saying for over a decade now: there has NEVER been a population problem or scarcity—it’s all complete Bullshit. Please visit my Substack for the Evolving Solutions, NOW, so WE The People can start Intelligently Reacting Without War, or the entire world and every living person and organism on it is bloody dead! NO, I’m NOT Insane, perhaps normal-crazy like humans are supposed to be, but and I am dead serious— you sleeping, mezzed sheep.

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American insatiable capitalism has created the widest and most enduring corruption worldwide. Corruption was not invented by American capitalism, it dates back millennia but what it did was something that allowed “Quirky billionaires to have an outsized influence on public policy”; It legalize it.

Donald Trump spoke about it but nobody seems to have taken notice.

Instead of accusing others for doing the right thing look how Chinese capitalism has been able to control the problem; it simply barred billionaires, let alone the formation of Special Interest Groups, from interfering with public policy. Instead of preaching Democracy left right and center look at yourselves and the harm done; soon your kids will all become gay and transgender. You will be the one and only tattooed laughing stock of the universe.

You need to put some order and do some house cleaning internally; take a Sabbatical and look inwards on how to improve your finances and the lives of the American people. Just now their lives are a shear misery. Number one on your agenda; stop spending your money on futile wars that make you lose friends and create more enemies.

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Jason, how can you not understand by this time in history that Trump is as guilty as Biden, and if I get my way—Both of these Monsters AND the Individuals of the PAC monies that created them will be Executed for Treason and Crimes Against Humanity and their assets liquidated. I invite you to visit my Substack, get a free subscription and join the Majority. It will save the U.S., and you and those you care about. I promise. But you must really believe in real freedom and democracy, and you must abandon the Left and Right paradigm-monsters.

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Jeffrey, you are right to bring up the TRUMP issue. I am supporter of none and I should have thought about it. I am not American, I am an ardent European or I thought so until they became stupid. I am against what has happened to the political class world worldwide. We vote for them to represent our interests (our = we the people) and they go on to serve the interests of those who paid the most. It sounds stupid right?

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No Jason, not stupid. I was suspicious of the unreal and blinded of the “Real” for the first decade after 911. I was so taken in and brainwashed by fear that I still kept supporting the EU, the UN and the World Health Organization, as well as the bloody political-divides within my own country believing we needed them and their wars against Everything, including viruses, but it’s All bullshit —all of which is controlled by PAC monies and mass media of the untra-rich war profiteers. The ultra-rich and the intelligence operations that they control are staggering, so much so, I’m sometimes still in disbelief. But for twenty years now I’ve professionalized as a researcher and war-economic historian and begun documenting and writing, and I believe it’s the very best most of us worldwide can do; Evolve un-afraid and end all the fraudulent wars and unnatural divisions and replace them with real grass-roots-created democracies. But it’s not easy to wake up. The entire world will have to wake up, soon, and divorce itself from the fight-clubs the Gatekeepers in the crowd and media who created these conflicts and organizations use to keep everyone mezzed. Spread the message: we are the majority, not the extreme Left and Right “they” have created to prevent us from realizing our real strengths and real power for peaceful change.

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