A mass murderer accusing the cop investigating the murders of being the culprit.

Scott Gottlieb is a mass murderer. Deserving of the justice that a mass murderer is subject to. He can rot in prison if justice is served, and rot in hell even if it isn't served in this life. Scott Gottlieb: There's no escape. You're going down. The pits of hell await your eternally damned soul.

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He is a paid mouth piece for Pfizer! Class Action lawyers need to read the Pfizer papers and sue them into oblivion!

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There's plenty of room in hell for them, too.

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I agree wholeheartedly⬆️. Gotlieb also promoted more of the Pertussis Vaccine! In his statement! May he rot in Hell! I worked at a Preschool, kids 2 to 5 yrs. I clearly saw the results after the Pertussis Vac. Especially boys, who were talking before that vac. Suddenly stopped! I researched the vaccine, and the damage it caused! Horrific!!

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Thing about these murderous dirtbags like Gottlieb, they go after people like RFK Jr, those of us "who did our own research" and call us granny killers, murderers and horrible things. And we get so offended, first instinct is to defend ourselves, try to prove our innocence with facts and evidence. They don't care about facts and evidence because they know we're not guilty, that they are. They accuse us to preempt our interrogation and prosecution of them.

When we go on defense we stop going on offense and they don't have to defend. Their strategy is to attack, attack, attack, attack. It's all they have. And if we waste our time defending, defending, defending, defending then they get away with it. The best defense is a strong offense. We must put aside our indignation at being accused of being horrible things we aren't and reverse roles.

We must attack, attack, attack, attack. We know they lack the facts and evidence to defend. For the Gottlieb's of the world every baseless scurrilous accusation they make must be met with ten genuine, authentic points of attack. In rapid succession. Without any exculpatory arguments we sometimes are tempted to make so we sound fair and even.

Does a prosecutor in a criminal case present the defendant's defenses for them? Do they humanize a defendant, grant them the benefit of the doubt when laying out their prosecution? No! That's the job of defense counsel. We must prosecute the Gottlieb's. As a criminal prosecutor in a courtroom would. We aren't judges. We aren't juries. We are prosecutors armed with evidence and facts of the crime these defendants have committed. It's time we prosecute them accordingly. At least in the court of public opinion. Which will lead to the criminal courts they deserve to be prosecuted in.

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That’s shocking … we have to stop them!!

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A lot of us were trying to stop this for decades leading up to the Covid shots. I’ve been on the topic daily since the swine flu. My heart is broken. Watching everyone line up for a game of Russian roulette. People around me don’t care.

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May I just say rotten pile of excrement and irredeemable. You reap what you sow and the here comes the judge. Somehow, sone way, God’s gonna cut you down!

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I was going to leave a comment, but Freedom Fox has me covered!

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Dark "science"....

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The fear? The cash cow will dry up.

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and that they're caught

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He can cry all the way to jail!!!

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Why should liability protection exist for criminal acts?

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So far all I’ve seen from the FDA is its failure to protect the public’s health and its collusion with globalists. It’s just another three letter organization controlled by the globalists. The FDA has now harmed untold millions because it caved into WHO and CDC which are now rogue institutions controlled by the globalists. They failed this time to protect the public’s health and now should be investigated to find out why they caved in and allowed a dangerous Pandora’s Box to be opened. I’m afraid there’s gonna be a lot of carnage in the years to come because the FDA failed to do its job to protect the people.

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Given no one has been held accountable for the ongoing Democide the liars lie with immpunity.

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Reagan DID THAT! Not Dems! You moronic LIAR! Reagan Sold Out We the People to big corporations FACT!

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I presume because he used the word "democide" that you took it as a disparaging term for Democrats, when it has absolutely nothing to do with them. Democide is a term for government-sanctioned homicide.

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Well, it was Reagan, but he was threatened with no vax production (that many didn’t yet realize would have been a terrific deal), and it was coupled with mandatory safety testing and annual or biannual reports to Congress. Neither of those happened, and neither party held them accountable. Secondly, there was supposed to be a legitimate vax injury system that never worked and has been severely corrupted. Ask why Hannah Poling’s records were sealed. 🤬

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Read this if you want your 🤯.


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The link between some MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) genetics and autism is well documented.

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Big Pharma has gotten away with murder for too long. RFK, Jr. is well aware of the facts and that is not a good thing when it comes to Big Pharma. Pray for the safety of RFK, Jr.

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I agree. I believe God will step in here! Stay safe Dr.Makis and your family. Praying for you. 🙋🏻‍♀️

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He will save lives. Scott Gottlieb needs to stand before a Nuremberg trial.

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All RFK will do is take a notch out of pharma's massive profits by revealing the lies and dangerous deceptions they operate under.


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Terrified to face RFK Jr?

Just wait till reckoning day facing God.

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They’re bringing out the mortars. The poison factory spokespeople all with pockets filled with Pfizer…if Kennedy gets to first base, will be an accomplishment beyond present hopes.

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He’s correct! RFK will cost lives, pharmaceutical company lives! Hooray!!

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RFK can go in there with a stroke of a pen, disband ACIP, reconstitute it with like-minded people, issue a whole new bunch of recommendations. He can frustrate the ability to take the money from the Vaccine for Children's Fund, which would impede a state's abilities to vaccinate children. There's a lot of things that they could do day one, very easily, administratively. And I don't think there's a thing Congress can do. - Dr. Scott Gottlieb

He also affirmed his disapproval of removing liability protection from vaccine companies and stated that he’ll “continue to raise my concerns” to senators about RFK Jr. in an attempt to prevent his confirmation. His fears likely stem from RFK Jr’s promise to shut down the revolving door of corruption, a door that Gottlieb has walked through:

LOL, exactly thank you Doctor for finally being a teacher, doctor means teacher except for people like you, who teach LIES.. Thanks for being scared, because you should be and thanks for telling us how easily yall can finally be destroyed because its long overdue, no more revolving door, no more government capture and payoff, its over, its over, its all over!!!!!!!!!

We know yall love sickness. I mean after all it is a managed sick care system, not a managed health care system.. Its symptoms=drugs=side effects=disease=drugs=disease= residual income.. No cure ever, not pHARMACEUTICALS business model.. They do not believe in Nutrition and health and lifestyle changes, bad for business.. Pollute the water, air, food, grass, farms, etc. to make you sick, then say your sickness can be managed by XYZ drug...

Doctor=Drug Salesmen and Saleswomen=pHARMACIST=Drug Distributor=Pfizer, Moderna Drug Manufacturers=suppliers, all legal.. FDA= Advertiser and Protection Cartel for Drug and Food companies, CDC= Lead Generation for Drug companies supplies School Pipeline to Children for Drug companies to residually and on schedule to take all their drugs through illegal threats to supply drugs companies with life time supply of new customers with more side effects and more drugs and more side effects, injuries and deaths and more diseases to take more drugs and more money, more money, more money!!!

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Scott is a BigPharma prostitute. Purchased and controlled. In reality, he is diapered and shitting. Tighten up, Scott or you will go dry.

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Simply remove all regulations that allow big pharmaceutical corporations complete amenity from all litigation and make them fully accountable for all possible outcomes in relation to injury’s and death related to the use of their products

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And remove any law that states children must be vaccinated to enter the school system!

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Most schools lie and tell parents it’s a requirement.

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Fucking lizard.

Did you see it smirk and cast his royal eyes aside before saying, "well, Pfizer doesn't make the pediatric vaccine..,." You don't need to be a world poker champion to know that tell. Prosecute that smarmy murderous psychopath.

The FDA is one of dozens of totally corrupt and incompetent progressive profit centers of the yankee occupation crime syndicate. Don't forget that the highest paid hitman in that criminal enterprise, wee admiral fauci, has been killing people to fund pharma and his bank account for decades, remember HZT? The WHO is an outgrowth of that, not an influencer of our sacred nationalist angels!

Defend the guard. Evict the UN. Defund the entire executive branch, everyone one of them, never replace them.

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