seems like this "elite club" of dead athletes dieing suddenly is growing every single day.https://rumble.com/v1dvc6n-1000-athletes-collapsing-dying-heart-problems-blood-clots-march-2021-to-jun.html

when will our friends and family STILL IN DENIAL wake up?

Do they have to wait until it is their own child?

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Even when it’s their own child. That won’t even move them. Do you recall the Illinois rep (I think it was Illinois) whose daughter died (found her dead in the morning) he was still pushing the “vax” and making excuses. It was nauseating

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It was nauseating. Sean Casten is the politician. His daughter was 17 and died unexpectedly in her sleep. He was an enthusiastic promoter of the jabs. It was a while ago, I wonder if that poor family has come out of denial yet. There have been many others dying in their sleep including teens...as Dr Makis states, teens don't die in their sleep unless they've been injected with the covid mrna shots.

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I’ve never seen anything like this, I mean the propaganda and the brainwashed people—it’s so shocking. I’m gonna make a bet that he will never come out of it. It’d be such a shock to his psyche, he probably would need to be hospitalized because of what he’s done.

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My wife and I sat down to breakfast at A&W yesterday, and -- I kid you not -- into the restaurant sauntered some lunatic sporting a double-canister gasmask and a face shield. Wish I could include the picture I took of him. At A&W and later in Country Grocer I counted 8 Masked Morons.

...Get ready for another bellyflop into the abyss, Alicia... 🤔🙄

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Ugh!! They won’t stop! There’s a Starbucks worker I speak to every week and I kid you not, he’s been sporting a black cloth mask that he adjusts every 20 seconds or so. I once asked him if they forced him to wear it. No, he said, it just makes him feel better. Ok. Eww 🤢 everyone has gone completely mental.

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You should tell him he won't be feeling better when he has cancer. Of course delivery is everything.

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the leaders of the CCP are smiling. what they planned has come to pass.

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I almost laughed at the gas mask story, but then my revulsion toward these people started to override it. I know I should feel sorry for how mind numbed they are but I can’t.

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Having given it nearly an hour's reflection Deborah, I'm inclined to repeat the warning Gildor Inglorion gave to Frodo:

"Is it not enough to know that they are servants of The Enemy? Flee them! Speak no words to them! They are deadly!" That is what these creatures are Deborah: Tolkien's ringwraiths brought to our waking reality 😱...

I WILL NOT deal with them. If any of them speak to me I look / walk away. September 2021 when the craziness started getting horrendous I took my wife with me whenever I went out – as I told her frequently, "I won't be doing either of us any good, serving time for aggravated assault." I did all my shopping on Amazon to avoid interacting with them... and it looks like the insanity is starting up again.

And no, you SHOULD NOT feel sorry for them: They brought their situation on themselves. As Br. Alexis Bugnolo said nearly 3 years ago, anyone with a brain had ample time to study The Scamdemic, and understand that it was false... (https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/)

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PS Oh.. and furthermore; I didn't write this, I merely reposted it. But it bears repeating. Frequently:

"Repent" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

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Funny. I have noticed an uptick in the maskholes recently. Such bizarre behaviour makes me wonder if there is something psychologically wrong with them as a result of the genocide jab.

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Oh, no question. I've noticed the sudden development of paranoid indeations in the recently injected... I'm sure there's plenty other issues acropper as their brains are chewed to shreds by the spike proteins... 🤔

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I pray daily for two young granddaughters who participate in organized hockey (Canada). My adult children alienated me previous to the COVID story - its's gotten worse.

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Pray the scales will fall from their eyes. I will also.

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Thank you & God bless you!

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Spread truth & God's love. It's two of the most powerful things we can do.

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That’s extremely hard for you, seems it’s more common than people think. Even before covid. Keep praying, the tide will turn, don't lose hope.

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You are right. I don't pity myself for the alienation as I'm not the only one. Main concern is for our loved ones to awaken and especially for the sake of grandchildren.

Amen! Never lose hope!

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Well, actually, teens can die in their sleep after being injected with an HPV vaccine. Dr. Sin Hang Lee autopsied one of these kids and concluded that the boy's body, in response to the injection, released cytokines which included a heavy dose of cardiac depressants . . . which caused episodes of low blood pressure, including a fatally low episode during sleep. He recommended that any child/teen injected with an HPV vaccine who complained of any chest pain, or unusual tiredness, after the shot should be carefully evaluated and monitored for heart dysfunction.

When the CDC released the first VAERS report including deaths reported after COVID-19 shots, I studied the reports of the first 66 deaths. A significant number of the people died during their sleep (often within 3 hours after a spikeshot, or that night) after complaining that they were very tired and either going to take a nap or going to bed early. I suspect that these people died during fatal episodes of extreme low blood pressure caused by cardiac depressant cytokines.

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The HPV jab is one of the worst ever.

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It’s funny, I’m now recalling what my son’s pediatrician said to me to try to make me get him to give my son the hpv shot. I think this is when the ridiculous “you should get it because it protects other people” line began in earnest. I replied: doc, that is definitely NOT why we get vaccines. We get them to protect ourselves, not others. Am I missing something? I refused that hpv shot for my son. I suppose they neglect to tell the girls that if they do get hpv, it is treated and it goes away. They make it sound like you’ll die of cancer if you say no

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Alicia - good on you for seeing through the lies and refusing the shot for your son! They started pushing it on boys, when they realized they were missing another target audience (fund source). I just saw a new TV ad where they’re now targeting 40-year-old women, and other demographics. It’s all about sell, sell, sell.

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True, Cathleen Manny, absolutely true. But I get the impression that the mRNA spikeshots are way out ahead of the HPV jabs for injuries and deaths now. It looked to me like the big issue with the HPV jabs was autoimmunity caused by molecular mimicry between HPV Type 16 and human proteins. The mRNA spikeshots cause autoimmunity, for sure, but they seem to have a variety of other major adverse effects in addition . . .

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Kayla - is it a contest as to which shot is worse? They’re ALL bad…mRNA and HPV are two of the worst ever. Don’t underestimate the horrible side effects of HPV jabs. I personally know of a young girl who had very bad side effects after her first dose.

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During the plandemic , I made 28 straight podcasts revealing everything about it , at my last one , made in public park , I watched all these school busses coming in dropping off children AND PARENTS then I watched them all go into a tax payer paid community building and went to look inside , the building was filled with tax payer paid COUNTY HEALTH DEPT people vaxxing all these helpless children, who ignorant parents had to sign consent forms for their children to have their souls disconnected form them and their bodies destroyed. I contemplated making a HUGE SCENE and trying to warn them only to realize I would only be arrested thrown in jail where they would probably try to force vaxx me . I watched this hopeless scenario and realized these adults are all completely hypnotized and mind controlled. All complicit in this genocide must be held accountable.

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It’s heartbreaking and infuriating Thomas! I want to scream when I see people lined up at Walgreens for their jabs, with masks on…STILL! But, seeing the children takes my anger to another level.

I ask God to help me have strength. It’s very difficult.

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I am completely with you, feel EXACTLY the same.

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Can’t imagine the sickly health sentence that those children will endure.

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Sounds like a horror movie. And you’re right, you would have been thrown in the clink, very fast. No one would have believed you. They have lost their minds. Poor kids.

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Vendikar attacked. Report to a disintegration chamber at once!

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Good Trekkie analogy SAH! Indeed as Spock realized, the entire Vendikar system was built on fear, and in our case, it is the DoD-government-medical apparatus that has given the CCP all the opportunities needed to destroy the West. I honestly think the only way it will stopped is by the Lord. It appears men do not have the courage to stop what they must know by now to be wrong. Praying in the name of Jesus.

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Politicians are no great shakes when it comes to having brains.

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Or a conscience

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Yes, it was Illinois..

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If it is their own child they are LESS likely to question or talk about it as it absolves them of the guilt that they probably feel IF they were instrumental in getting the person to take the shot. I say this because healthy athletes know that cough, scratchy throat and loss of taste and smell are symptoms of the common cold which does not scare them. Athletes roll with the punches, which is why I suspect that most athletes who took it did so from outside pressure.

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But the CDC in the MMWR just concluded that people are not dying suddenly after a COVID shot. That’s all the healthcare unprofessionals and adverse reaction deniers need to hear. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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And SHAME on NBC for promoting those lies.

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And shame on all those those lamestream media outlets for promoting the jab.

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toss your TVs We have not owned one for over 25 years. TV is the primary source of pc and pc is the death of truth.

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They're owned by Big Pharma. Of course they'll promote those lies.

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medical science is now but a commodity owned outright by the government/biopharmaceutical industry symbiosis.

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And the CDC came out yesterday with “no connection between myocarditis or pericarditis and the shots.”Move along. Even in the face of Pfizer admitting it causes those problems. And it’s not , oh, just a little myocarditis— 50% of people DX’d with myocarditis will die within 5 years of DX. Those are the stats. This is not transient. Not mild. Death is not mild. We need prison time for a lot of these people

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And don’t forget the PET scan study showing virtually everyone who received the COVID shot has an abnormal PET scan of their heart showing altered metabolism of the heart muscle. And don’t forget the autopsies showing myocarditis in the majority of people who died suddenly after the shot. There’s a reason why Pfizer wanted to hide their documents for 75 years. We were lied to by Big Pharma as well as our own government agencies.

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Has been updated to 2000 athletes about 6 months ago.

Serious cases of Cognitive Dissonance.

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Our representatives in Washington are still allowing this clot shot to be distributed and given to Children and adults. Many are still spewing the pharma mantra, "safe and effective," because they have to, follow the money.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but none of these "representatives" represent the people. They are only concerned about themselves and their presumed power and wealth.

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No Worries, I long ago realized that most are compromised puppets, but we also know how this all ends and The Most High God and His People Win !!

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Yes. And even then many will prefer to remain ignorant.

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Thanks for that link Kathleen. I could only watch that video for 5 minutes.....then had to shut it off. ....Heartbreaking and sad.

I hope God severely punishes the perpetrators......I have little hope governments and courts will punish them.

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Are they awake? Or is it pride that will not allow them to profess the mistake they made. They need to confess and repent for taking the number of the beast. It was deemed you won't be able to buy or sell without it. Revelation 13 17.

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If it was the number of the beast there is no repentence possible. But I don't think it is. I was able to "buy and sell" without it.

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This is Not the number of the beast, This is a means to an end.

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They will still deny. I have seen many examples. People on Twitter saying myocarditis was worth it.

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Are you serious? Such demented people.

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Yeah I literally saw a video of a woman saying her sons myocarditis was worth it. LeBron says nothing when his son almost dies. Jamie Foxx says nothing when he almost dies. Damar Hamlin says nothing when he almost dies. And on and on. People can’t admit how insanely stupid they were/are. My buddy rages about the Dopesick series on Hulu. But says nothing when he gets myocarditis and his daughter needs an emergency brain surgery to save her life. And he is otherwise a sharp guy. Sigh.

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The feeling of isolation or rejection I get from family members when I try to explain why we're seeing teenagers and young athletes dying suddenly is so saddening to me. We have lost many close friends to turbo cancer, yet when I show the studies published on these unusual deaths, I just another raised eyebrow. I pray people will wake up to the sinister crimes that have been and still are being committed against us.

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Most people cut me off, interrupt or change the subject if I try to share. Isolation and rejection is a universal story and one I experience as well. Very saddening to me as well.

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Same, it’s so frustrating. I try to wake up as many family members as possible, and even the ones who do agree just shrug and say ‘we just have to take care of our own’….. I completely disagree. We have to make EVERYONE aware in order to save humanity, and at least give our kids and grandkids the potential for spouses who haven’t been medically hacked and damaged to prevent future births.

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some in my family don't even take care of their own! blows my mind that Gates / Fauci and the globalist cabal are walking free. Its amazing the unbelievable power of the press and the presiding party that are in place relative to these liars.. worse is the fact that they have created a political party that all think they can play God and mandate ownership of other's lives !!! and Christians have bought into this amazing woke deception!!

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And God said if these days were not cut short even the elect would not survive. Now I think I understand. I did not before this.

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Precisely. Who is going to birth the next generation when sterility is rampant?

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I know there are already some matchmaking sites for the unvaxxed, and those are likely to continue to expand as more wake up and actually start to figure out it will affect their family planning abilities.

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an entire new model of civilization will need to constructed asap and be restricted to the unvaxxed, not unlike monasteries that survived the european dark ages and rebuilt the europe. The time is running out where the water and food supplies of the planet will be compromised by the mRNA poison.

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That was the point. Read your Malthus.

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My (healthy and slim) brother died 1/31/2023 of turbo cancer. With the exception of my sister, No one in our family has ever, even once, brought up the possibility that it was from the two jabs he received. When I bring it up, their eyes and ears glaze over. I don’t think ANYTHING will get people to admit the truth. I’m beyond disgusted.

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I had a family member tell me that they just don’t believe that the jabs are dangerous.

I told her, “ you will.”

The reason I said that to her is that the massacre is going to continue, and if anything, will accelerate.

Even a devout believer in the CDC, will lose faith in, after being bombarded with news about public figures and celebrities dying inexplicably.

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Someone who still cannot bring themselves to even question the possibility of a link will not believe it just because more people die. The CDC will do the same thing that the Canadian equivalent of the CDC did, and that is to enter "Cause Unknown" on the Death Certificate and say that it has not been proven...just like the tobacco industry said "you can't prove it" for 40 years.

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PLUS! They will blame climate change or other environmental hazards.

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Thanks for the reminder. I forgot that everything is due to Climate Change AKA Weather to us rubes.

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Racism. You forgot racism

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Forgot that one too. But when everything from your toothpaste to your socks are racism it's easy to overlook.

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If it’s only half a million people affected out of 12 billion injected, well, I guess as long as it isn’t I attitude explains a lot of it.

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1 in 10 Americans have been affected in some way, according to Ed Dowd. Lot more than 1/2 mil.

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When talking about these numbers, Americans in these substacks typically discuss American statistics.

Over 8 billion people live on earth.

Billions were locked down. Millions of businesses never recovered. Mine included.

I reside in Canada. We were severely locked down and many "non-essential" businesses were not reopened for 16 months. At "25%" capacity, then 50% then 75%, etc.

Because I was unvaccinated: I was not permitted to apply for unemployment insurance or for jobs.

Only those with Vaccine Passports were allowed to work.

Couldn't even escape Canada because I wasn't permitted to board planes or trains or ships and wasn't allowed to cross the US border unless vaccinated.

Over 5 billion people out of 8 billion worldwide were locked down due to this experiment in madness. Mass media and government fueled mass hysteria.

The fakery was astonishly simple to accomplish. Just rinse and repeat daily.


I am unsure of how many human beings worldwide were injected with Pfizer/BioNtech & Moderna mRNA products.

The Astrazeneca & Johnson & Johnson vaccines were NOT mRNA platforms. (Viral vector and DNA.) They disappeared quickly... And not into eager arms.

It's interesting to me that the Pfizer and Moderna products were NOT approved in Russia and China.

Indigenous autonomous towns in Mexico did NOT fall for the "vaccinate or die" bs.


Interestingly: Because Mexico didn't have early access to the coveted miracle Pfizer and Moderna vaccines:

Rich and well off Mexicans as well as those living near US border towns, and comfortably retired (old) Americans living in largely expat communities in Mexico were flocking to the US for Pfizer shots.


Good News: These American ex pats can probably get their 7th or 9th favorite booster shot easily in Mexico now.

Unless of course they have died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest or stroke, or very quickly succumbed to turbo cancers before they could get re-boosted.


You can't fix stupid.

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I would like to suggest that unvaccinated business people who are still managing to stay in business proudly post a sign stating that they are "Proudly unvaccinated and still healthy" You might be surprised at the positive response and uptick in your business. People are pissed off and looking to express themselves. What better way than supporting others who had the courage to resist?

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My business went busto however try not to support any businesses which refused to serve me unless I produced a "Vaccine Passport".

In CANADA: Police enforcement was ridiculous.

This guy lost his business due to "non-compliance". Was issued ticket after ticket....


He was vindicated.


They're suing "the bastards".


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I too am in Canada. Fortunately I am in Northern Alberta where some people actually stood up to them. Check out the Prairie Mall in Grande Prairie where people actually stood up to the RCMP over masking. Unfortunately this was a spontaneous protest and I was not in town that day. Still, it gave a lot of people hope when the cops backed down. I also noticed several businesses that adhered to the mandates went out of business mostly because very few people would do business with them when it was all over.

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You certainly can't.

Yes, China even tried to warn the West against using the mRNA abominations, and were especially interested in keeping them out of Taiwan.

The West did not listen.

And, using Ed Dowd's estimation on, say conservatively 5 billion mRNA injected, 500 million will have had either injury, disability or death.

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Omg and I thought it was bad here. I’m so very sorry. I wish there were no immunity protections for these people. They ought to be sued to high heaven, since their pocketbook is the only thing they truly care about

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Some people are suing.

Not for C19 vax injuries though.


My son is vax injured. A doctor may have developed a cure which will address his debilitating autoimmune diseases.

The doctor's treatments are not covered by Canadian Universal health insurance.

He is finally seeing a Rheumatologist. Today.


Necrotizing Scleritis.

Ankolosing Spondylitis.

He is 27 years old. 😭

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The tragedy never stops. I will pray for your son.

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Still mRNA delivered by AstraZeneca and Johnson. No toxic lipid nanoparticle, however.

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Nope! From the article you linked: "In the case of COVID-19, the vector virus delivers specific genetic instructions (mRNA!!!!) to the cells in the body to produce a harmless piece of SARS-CoV-2 called the spike protein. The cells then display this spike protein and the immune system triggers a response." Forces cell to produce the HARMLESS spike protein!!!??? Not harmless at all. That is the pathogen! LIARS! The viral vector is safer than lipid nanoparticles, however!

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I was just pulling hypothetical numbers out of the air to make a point. Still too many who have been adversely affected in some way. When you add the other types of adverse effects, such as loss of job or career, delayed health screenings, etc, the numbers are astounding. Thanks for the statistic from Dowd.

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Indeed, there have been many. If Ed is right, around 30 million Americans have either been injured, disabled or killed. Surely, this is enough for the floodgates to start to open?

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You would think so, Karl. But I live in a retirement home and the residents here just can’t wait to get their next COVID booster this week. And it seems that we have another COVID outbreak after each booster. Yet they just don’t seem to learn. They believe the lie that the booster will keep them out of the hospital or keep them from having a more serious infection. I really wish I could find out about the death rate here before and after the roll out of these shots. We have less than 300 residents here but we had about 5 deaths in a 2week time period this month. It’s so easy for people to just attribute the deaths to old age.

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Maybe, if it is possible, show them the excess death stats from CDC?

The Expose have just published an article finding >1 mil. elderly excess death. Or, show them to the staff involved in injecting the residents.


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!! The goal - and Gates has stated as much - is to reduce (murder) more than 8 billion !!

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It seems that family members of these people who unexpectedly die suddenly are equally disinterested in sharing whether or not they took the shot. I suspect that most of these people did not want to do it but did so due to pressure from family members, who now don't want there to be a connection - and if they don't talk about it there won't be.

What healthy athletic person would take an injection of an unknown substance to avoid a cough and loss of taste and smell - something we have all experienced with the common cold? Something that is not a threat to life or limb to anyone other than the frail elderly.

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Just because few athletes suffer asthma (probably DTP and other vax-induced), doesn't mean you need to minimize it. Choking to death was the main concern. And what "loss of taste and smell"? Was covid any different than colds and flu on that?

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I don't know if it was any different than colds and flus on that, however, I have never had distorted smell before. And now I have had a lingering distortion for over 2 years. It has improved, but never left.

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In my extended family we’ve had a heart attack of my dad and he lived, stroke of my mother-in-law, completely healthy people, turbo cancer death of my brother’s father-in-law completely out of the blue and extremely fast. So incredibly healthy before, off the charts healthy, a sudden cancerous lesion in one healthy person, some hearing and vision problems, and absolutely no one, NO ONE, will connect it.

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All these people never read the data and evidence we read from the brave scientists and researchers. The msm is banned/gagged by those paying the media to ignore the deaths and severe adverse events from the covid jabs. It is, a sad state of affairs.

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Heartbreaking. And I would agree with the others because I’ve seen it in my own family when young healthy people die suddenly, and it’s because of the shot, they don’t want to admit it to the public or even to themselves or other family members outside immediate family. It is tragic to see so many who got the shot dying suddenly and we know what the causes for most of them. Also, I would say that it appears to affect men a little more than women. I have a healthy family member who is a captain at one of the major commercial airlines and got a pulmonary Thromboembolism from his second shot. Thank God, the doctor here in Florida put it down as it first reaction from the shot which it was and almost took his life. If he hadn’t been so incredibly fit and healthy and young, They said he wouldn’t have lived.

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Ask the Gates foundation. They CONTROL everything!

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Exactly. You can bet he is hiding from the public and his little wifie too.

Notice how she went on CNN after little babies started dying?

That little fake divorce won’t save her, that was all performative.

She got scared and thinks she can manipulate the public with her lies😂

Notice she still has her name listed on their death foundation!

She enjoyed killing little babies and children as much as her grotesque hubby has.

They’ve done it for decades and our government allowed it as much as other governments.

I would not want to be in their shoes right about now.

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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What good intentions?

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Tim Wakefield's wife Stacy died of cancer in Feb, 5 months after her husband.

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With this death jab, I say no coincidences until proven otherwise.

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I donate to Steve Kirsh's VSRF occasionally and I commented that I would donate much more if he could follow through on his commitment to getting more comprehensive autopsies done to see if the covid vax was to blame. After several months of no progress I enquired how he was making out and he responded that he was having trouble getting families to give consent to an autopsy. I wonder if the government gives the up to $8000 FEMA funeral allowance on the condition that no autopsies be done looking for vax injury.

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would be interesting to see a copy of that paperwork. someone has to know someone who used the program.

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I just looked up the conditions for the grant.


Seems the grant only applies if the person's listed cause of death is Covid. Vax injuries get nothing so someone dying of a heart attack would not receive anything in any case so no reason to hold back on doing a more thorough autopsy (done for free , funded by VSRF).

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And yet few are reported to have died of choking asphyxiation. How many actually died of covid? Sounds like some sort of fraud, waste, and abuse (payoffs, hush money) to me!

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It has been known for some time that the huge financial incentives to doctors and clinics to treat Covid made them call any disease covid. Full course of treatment for Covid could get them over $100,000 plus if the patient died then FEMA kicks in another $8,000. Heck, one Colorado coroner chastised local doctors for calling deaths by gunshot "Covid related".

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Well you got a born and bred New Englander here who broke into Little League the year (1961) that Carl Yaztremski took over left field as a suitable replacement for the Splendid Splinter, Ted Williams. In my small coastal town of Rockport, Maine I knew plenty of old fellas who were born before 1918 but were too young to remember the championship. How they pined for a win. And most never saw it, dying at ripe old ages before 2004.

Yes, Wake and McCarty both dead in last some months. The 20th anniversary celebration just took place at Fenway and Curt Schilling was not there. Not welcome and wisely not wedging his way in. Let's unpack Schilling. Boston, and now most of New England, is a land of liberal, coastal elite values. We loved Schilling when he pitched with a bloody sock and ankle, but then he went MAGA before MAGA (I guess it was Tea Party). And from Wikepedia, "On April 20, 2016, ESPN announced that they had fired Schilling after he shared an "anti-transgender" Facebook post".

The guy went deep in games and was committed and determined. He is up there on all metrics.

Is Schilling vaxxed? Have to wonder.

Anyway, interesting contrasts. The narrative doesn't want any challenges. Don't go into Schilling.

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With ever increasing Excess Deaths world wide of vaccinated populace the government silence is deafening. How can the govs be so blind. I suspect they have been " Hacked" & are controlled by World Economic Forum.

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They're not blind. They know. Things seem to be going as planned.

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The media is owned by "elite" billionaires and they are fellow globalists who do the bidding of of the other globalists who want to establish a totalitarian dictatorship and destroy nations.

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and cull.

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Definitely to cull

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Well said. I fully agree.

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The reason everyone who realizes what has happened with vaccine injuries and deaths... we can't be quiet because another pandemic is coming and don't you know the fed govt is going to push another vaccine! Our families and friends need to know to not trust the fed govt.

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Anyone who doesn't know by now will never know. We seem to be beating our heads against a wall for all the success we get. Still, we must keep trying. If we save even one life that makes it worth the effort.

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To answer your question, “When pigs fly.” Which may happen, given all the gain of function research going on.

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oh by the way, which one's pink?

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“When are medical examiners going to start conducting serious investigations of what is causing athletes to die young?” ?

Tell me John, can you spell "l-i-a-b-i-l-i-t-y"?

Thus, in a word: "Never."

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Roy, they will do it, when they decide to totally implode the global economic system. Indeed admitting it will cause all nations and major corporations to immediately go bankrupt...which is the perfect created crisis and solutions opportunity management to bring in the One World digital currency and universal collectivist welfare payment system.

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What continues to astound me is how so few of us see what's coming... 😱

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Roy, what I am surprised is that the CCP has not made their moves yet. Maybe they are waiting a few more years til the West's capacity is wage war to defend itself has been made null by disease, obesity, and communist passive woke ideology.

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It would be nice if medical examiners started to take this seriously and do the proper staining of cells in autopsies to show conclusively if the injection produced spike is directly involved in these deaths. I think we all suspect that it is. High time for the CDC and pharma to stop the lies and propaganda and take ownership of these disastrous outcomes.

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Professor Emeritus Murakami of Tokyo University of Science is currently developing a reagent that can determine whether Spike is caused by natural infection or inoculation. (This can be determined by the presence or absence of Envelope protein.)

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🥲🥲Rest in peace, rest easy. Died too young.

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Exactly. How many deaths will it take? (Rhetorical).

This Boston girl/BU is very sad to read such trafic news.

My mom and grandfather were HUGE Red Sox fans.

My grandfather sadly passed away in August, 2004, then my mom died in a coma on December 22, 2004. But I believe they were cheering from the heavens.

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