Every cloud has a silver lining - we weep for the millions who died horrific deaths due to the medical profession's fear of big Pharma's retaliation - each individual physician will have to live with themselves and face God some day - but it shed the light on the corruption in our captured government agencies and the financial ties they have to the pharmaceutical companies - which is why hospitals are empty and medical groups are having to advertise. We learned about the massive importance of Vit. D3 and the importance of healthy diets and exercise. We owe an immeasurable debt to Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, Jessica Rose and many others who told us the truth. I hope and pray Fauci and all those responsible for the lies are held responsible.

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I first heard a strong caution about the Covid jab from “Old man in a chair” and Delores Cahill. I am forever thankful for their words and that I did not take the shots.

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2nd para. Right on point. It's the difference beteeen 'should' and 'did'. They were well-compensated for what they didn't do. This is close to my anniversary too; of the worst decision I ever made; to follow my doctor's advice and get vaccinated. I've been paying the price ever since with vaccination injury, ending life as I knew it.

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Why does it feel like one long period of time?

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It's not over yet for Dr. Charles Hoffe - Hearing Delayed Again for BC Doctor Accused by College of COVID Vaccine Misinformation: https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/hearing-delayed-again-for-bc-doctor-accused-of-covid-vaccine-misinformation-5601774?utm_source=ref_share&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ref_share_btn

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Bam! Thank you Dr McCullough. I Hadn’t heard the specific quote you mentioned where Fauci testified to: “the purpose of creating the Covid virus was to create a vaccine” for everyone and is what is happening with disease X…dear Lord.

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I listening to this, I cannot hello but think that the vaccine industry has destroyed itself with this new therapy.

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Famotadine. I had to look this up. It’s basically Pepcid, and there are trials indicating some connection between stomach acid and covid. Interesting. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35144974/

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Just reposting as I think last msg was deleted…

Wanting to connect with the Sunshine Coast group please - if anyone reading this can advise? 🙏

Wondering what pressure HBOT Peter refers to - my local option is 1.35 and not medical grade so wondering if this is adequate for therapeutic spike detox?

And finally, thank you to Peter whose work has been the key for me personally in my vax injury recovery 🙏🙏

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Fantastic presentation, thank you. I’m surprised to see this was for a Sunshine Coast group… as I am a resident of Sunshine Coast how do I connect please? Also re Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT) can you (or anyone) clarify what pressure/oxygen you refer to? I’m using a local lab but the chambers they offer aren’t medical grade: pressure 1.35 so I want to check if this is effective enough 🤷‍♀️ Finally, buckets of gratitude for your work, it has been the key to regaining my health after months of treatment from local “long covid specialists “ who did not deliver for me personally 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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An excellent re-cap of what we have learned (at least those of us who are listening and paying attention) over the past 4 yrs about COVID, its origins, its effects and the harms of the shots. As I listened to Dr. McCullough I realized my husband and I are part of the ~3% of Americans who have not had COVID (and not been vaccinated). It can be done! The downstream effects of COVID and the shots are so sweeping it is hard to even fathom what this means for humanity....yes humanity. The world was duped into taking an experimental injection that instructs their cells to make a toxic foreign protein with NO OFF SWITCH! Almost daily I learn of another friend or their child who have gotten a devastating diagnosis; cancer (solid organ and plasma cancers), heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, autoimmune disease, early onset of dementia, and the list goes on. This 26 min synopsis is worthy of sending to your most stubborn friend or family member. it's never too late to open someone's eyes.

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Thank you for this summary of what is known about COVID-19 after 4 years. There was only one small omission in the transcript. Here it is:

BEGIN OMISSION from [9:49] to [10:10] (21 seconds)

[9:49] Dr. McCullough: very long. And then, on top of that, there are no randomized, prospective, double-blind placebo-controlled trials that showed the vaccines reduced the risk of serious infection, or reduced severity of infection, they were never shown to reduce transmission, [10:10]


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Is there a way to find out what lot of Pfizer vaccines were tainted?

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Thank you for this succinct medical review. I can pass this on to many I know who are still confused.

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It is to weep. OK thats dramatic.

Honestly though, WHY did it it turn out that Health Canada or the CDC did not deliver this approximate message. This is a first rate overall summary of the pandemic to date, accumulated knowledge and findings, just exactly what the health authorities should be saying. And here we are. Somewhere in the bowels of health canada are folk may see this. We probably WILL reach a tipping point to 'everyone knows this'? I can hope....

I can use this video and will, on fence sitters I have 'primed' with 2 years plus seeding of factoids. And sometimes vigorous debate. This video just excellent - although, with a total raw bluepilled hobbit the disease X might have been a hair over the line? I dunno, good enough.

Disease X - so if they have figured a way to up the lethality (they told us 20x), the answer is nasal sprays? I hope so. As I keep saying it would be obvious for the perps to trot out something truly lethal in like 10,000 spots worldwide, super short incubation and so on. Catch all the awake depending on Gods immune system with vit D? Ha ha jokes on you, its MERS with short incubation and 10,000 cells - gotcha! I would hate to lose our Doc McCullough.

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Brilliant interview. While I’m sure there are other links, here is one to Dr. Acevedo’ s book: https://www.amazon.com/Adverse-effects-critical-review-vaxgenes/dp/9694392675

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