Sexualizing children is a crime. I wonder if these parents and educators have any idea how sexual abuse and exposure to sex before you are old enough to understand your own emotions and sexuality is one of the most damaging things you can do to a child. This is pure evil in my opinion.

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Obviously not. The sad thing is we knew decades ago how damaging it was, and enacted laws to protect children against it, but those have all been tossed out! It is diabolic!

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Marie - they don’t care. This is their goal.

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I want to throw up and cry at the same time. Our children are being assaulted from every angle at every level. I fear for my 8 grandchildren and all the other innocent children. So hard to dodge or even make sense of the corruption of soul, spirit, mind and body.

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AMEN! That's one of the reasons I homeschool our son.

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Time, or past time, for parents to take over not only the care of their children, but especially their education. They're not being educated in public schools. They're being indoctrinated in everything that makes them stupid. Stupid people are easier to control.

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I submit that far too many can't see the forest for the trees. The goal of the Left, i.e., Communism, is and has always been, since Communism became a political movement well more than a century ago, the destruction of the United States and the downfall of Western Civilization, to be replaced by a worldwide Communist dictatorship. To accomplish this goal without firing a shot, Communist agents and true believers have spent the years since the end of WWII infiltrating and taking over all of the social, cultural, and economic organizations and foundations in the West, and have been successful to the point where the Left is now in complete control of virtually all of those organizations. All of these programs, such as pushing transgenderism and sexual deviancy and confusion, have as their goal to rot out and destroy the foundations of the West until it collapses, and then slide right in and take over. They have very nearly reached their goal. One look around at what is and has been going on confirms what I have written.

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You got it right. They manage by lies, money, and subterfuge to insert themselves in all areas of government particularly the educational system. It has also been stated by many more over the past 250 years that the number one target will be Christian nations especially Catholics. We see this going on in Ireland over the past 5 years.

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There are 1.3 billion baptized Catholics in the world which is why they are the biggest target.

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I agree with you about the goal; I disagree with you about who is behind it. Not all evil can be laid at the foot of communism. For many decades, communism has been the capitalist's boogeyman. I certainly do not support communism, but it is by no means behind the effort to destroy Western Civilization. Those behind this effort are the power elite—those I refer to as the Deep State. The power elite are rapacious megalomaniacs; these are the people who have turned the United States into a plutocratic oligarchy. They are in it for all the marbles.

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And their master, just like the Communists, and the deity of Islam is the SAME: Satan! He is the source of evil doings in our world, using, lying to, misleading ungrounded humans, for millennia, working toward this time, seeking to tear down Yhwh God's creation and plans for humanity, from the very beginning!

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"And their master, just like the Communists, and the deity of Islam is the SAME: Satan!"

I see no reason to bring religion into the discussion.

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From over 50 years of research I find that some "core" groups of Grand Freemasons are Satanists. Without a Jesus Christ the satanist wouldn't have much to do. But I understand your not wanting religion inserted.

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So, on what basis do you suggest that we oppose these policies? On what grounds do you argue that they are wrong?

Or do you believe they are wrong?

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"So, on what basis do you suggest that we oppose these policies? On what grounds do you argue that they are wrong?

Or do you believe they are wrong?"

I see no reason to bring religion into this conversation.

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I refer to these types as globalist communists. A lot of good investigators refer to the types you mention as a mix of corporate ultra rich,fascism, and communism.

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It is obvious that you keep up. I have been following the movements since the 1700s. When you know the tactics used for hundreds of years you can tell what is going on in the present. Some things change but human evil and treachery don't change.

It is tiresome to hear commenters saying what authorities should be doing. Firce is needed. And those on a local and state level that represent us need to be pushed. Americans should remain armed and if not they should learn how to use weapons at least for the protection of themselves, their homes, and their areas.

There is so much talk about 20000 Haitians planted in an Ohio town. I hear no talk os sending them back to where they came from. Does their governor need the boot> The mayor?

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This isn’t idiotic Communism it is Satanism plain and simple.

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Wrong war; they started on our campuses shortly after WW I, in the very early 1920s!

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Sep 9Edited
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And FDR allowed the Frankfurt Four, four German Communist professors, to immigrate here (circa 1935) when this nation had pretty much shut the doors to immigration during the Great Depression. These four Communist professors, led by one Herbert Marcuse, established themselves at Columbia University and became the beginning of Communist subversion at our universities and colleges. Marcuse also created and implemented the policy called "the march through the institutions," where Communist agents and true believers infiltrated and gradually took over all of the West's foundational Institutions and organizations. Allowing the Frankfurt Four to come here is one of the many reasons why I have long believed that FDR was a closet Communist.

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Nope, they were about 15 yrs late to be "the beginning"! The Bolsheviks were barely established in Moscow before the exporting began. And a lot of our war vets were fascinated by the theory of what communism was supposed to be, but, of course, wasn't! They went to Russia, learned and brought it back here a century ago!

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Depending on sources the Bolsheviks liquidated 30,000,000 to 66,000,000 Christians many of whom were kulaks or established land owners who put in years of toil to make a farm.

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Excellent reminder. During his tears in office FDR had some 321 or 351 communists working in government positions. All we hear about is Alger Hiss. FDR was controlled by the CFR,the Rockefellers, and all the big bankers and communists.

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Sep 9
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In the years that FDR ruled there were some 350 state department, white house, and other agency workers affiliated with the Communist Party. Whittaker Chambers and others indicated that the place was infested with communists. FDR was a liar and a con artist. The Lindberghs were great citizens and despised FDR because he was a liar and manipulator.

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norice all the crossed lines including insest? these kids are related. the parents who are standing up to this assault on kids should file citizen's arrests to every adult who facilitated the placement of this book in the school, from the principle to the puchasing officer, librarian and every adult in between. They should look up the pedophile laws (child endangerment/child sex laws) for Texas and work with Ken Paxton to charge all of the adults involved, especially the book author, editor, publisher with violation of child sex laws and have them arrested.

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Don't forget the school board too. Agreed. Ken will go after it!

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Yhwh God has a word for it: abomination!

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This is terribly disgusting and these teachers need to be gone! Homeschooling seems to be the best.

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My daughter has decided to home school her 2 kids

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My sister homeschooled her six children. Their first “formal” educational experience was college.

At the time, the rest of us thought homeschooling was, well,strange.

So how has it gone decades later?

All have done very well in professional careerst . Her oldest retired -- RETIRED! -- at age 49. (My nephew is currently casting about, trying to figure out what to do going forward. He’s looking at investment opportunities, etc. etc.)

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I hadn’t finished writing my post above re: my sister’s homeschooled children.

They have all turned into lovely adults doing very well professionally.

Four are married. One couple can’t have children, alas, but the other three can and have -- eight, nine and ten children respectively.

My sister continues praying for good spouses for the last two. Both young men promise to be wonderful husbands and fathers and solid providers.

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When my daughters were very young before 7th grade a wonderful lady who had been a high school teacher and a kindergarten teacher decided to have a small 'home school' group that would come to her home....so she could stay home with her child. Of course the parents paid "tuition" but it still was a lot cheaper than private school. It was wonderful for my girls. They learned to care for the younger children in the group and to be responsible for little chores. Each child felt very special because it was such a small group and there were really no "mean gangs" that had fun beating kids up on the playground keeping the less popular kids out. There was a little pond in the yard with fish and a big dopey dog. They had workbooks and learned at their own rates...the normal stuff....Punctuation, grammar, arithmetic and spelling. A lot of fairy tales and old folk tales were read and told. Mostly they had a great time and there was a small stand of woods on the property where the kids built forts and climbed trees. Probably this was most like the old fashioned "one room school house" where all the grades were taught at the same time, that is written about in books like "Little House on the Prairie" by Laura Ingles Wilder.

They have many happy memories of Mrs. Bea and her home school. We were very blessed to have this. I wish more people would think of doing something like this.

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p.s. All three daughters are now happily married. One is a practicing MD and the other two also have jobs they like....one is a librarian and the other is a nurse. I credit Mrs. Bea and her wonderful little "home school" for much of the fact that they are able to cope with whatever life throws at them and enjoy it as well. If I had more energy I would try to do something like this....but as it is, I am a full time caregiver to my husband of 5O years. He is doing ok but the "vaccine" has changed him. Neurological problems...guillaine barre-- movement disorder and he has lost his vision etc.

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So sorry to hear about your husband's condition.

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I just had this conversation with my friend, a recently retired public school teacher who is a Christian and whose now grown kids went to public school.

His point was if Christians abandon the public schools, how much darker will the culture be? He taught his kids to speak up for their beliefs, values, and safety. He encouraged them to talk to he and his wife about what was going on at school, so he could coach them to respond and evangelize their peers. Now granted, this is Lancaster County, PA , and not exactly a hotbed of wokeness—but even here we have pockets of wokeness: Lancaster City schools, & the public library system, and our local newspaper is owned by the Harrisburg NPR affiliate, so there is that.

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The public schools are not grounds for evangelism; they are grounds for corruption.

You don't recruit and send your weakest who themselves are formable and in training to do mission work for the locals. Quite the opposite, the locals will convert and corrupt them.

It may be noble to try and preserve healthy community traits by sending your best to be ambassadors, but when they are only going to get shredded for no gain whatsoever, it cleary becomes immoral.

Besides, they are not done with their own training and development, so it's a net loss to society to send them to public when home and private is an option.

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Well, my friend’s children were not corrupted, but then again you don’t know him, his wife and children, and likely you don’t know rural Lancaster County. And I may have overstated his case , and neglected to mention the other point and that is to prepare them to live as Christians in this fallen (it has always been fallen & there are wolves in sheep’s clothing in the church & always have been—wheat and tares parable) and post Christian world.

Actually, I know friends whose children have been home schooled, some who send their kids to Christian or parochial schools, and some whose kids went to public schools, and some who have done all 3 at different stages. Our 44 year old daughter went to public school, our 41 year old daughter switched to private school and then to Christian college. She is not walking the Faith. I blame myself, but that is another story & not one I am going to tell here.

So there is no right way to do it and no guarantees

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No right way, but the odds should favor a caring educational environment winning out over an anodyne, or worse an overtly PC, school. Sending a student to remain among the public and dilute the negative tendencies is a low yield endeavor.

As far as guaranteed outcomes, there are practically none. The preacher's kids were some of the most cleverly devious of all.

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Here is the solution....VOTE THE B*STARDS OUT!


great little song..

the spooky man's choir....

"take the lying scumbags away.......VOTE THEM OUT VOTE VOTE VOTE...THEM OUT"

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Great if it works; attend every school board meeting either way.

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I've heard this argument before. A friend of mine used it and pulled her 4 children out of a Christian school and into the local public school. They were age 7, 9, 10, 12. 15 years on: The youngest is transitioning to a woman, the oldest has nothing to do with her parents, 2nd eldest is an alcoholic, third child is a proclaimed atheist. Most of the children of Christians that I know have abandoned the faith. My thoughts: since when do we take some of the most impressionist and vulnerable members of our family and send them among a world of wolves to be 'salt and light'? BTW, the family were in church 3x per week etc etc. As were mine.

Me, if I had my time again, would have definitely homeschooled mine. My prodigal is slowly making his way back, and my daughter is steeped in 'pride of life' found at university. I'm clinging to God's Word, and praying continuously.

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No guarantee any way you cut it, and I family is the strongest influence & we, being messed up ourselves, can mess our children up whether we go to church or not, and no matter what we think the quality of our faith is.

Humility is a virtue.

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So true!

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Hey, that reminds me...our local federal member of parliament (Canada) was given a book during his library fundraiser picnic. Our family gave him the 'Freedom Convoy' storybook collection by Donna Lam framboise. It's a collection of children's letters and pictures given to the truckers who stayed in Ottawa for weeks to end experimental jab mandates. Time to check in with him, because without that book in our library system - no more $ for his campaign. Time for DEI - Division Exclusion and Intimidation - to DIE

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Thank you stating exactly what these books in question are like. I just saw Tim Walz ranting about “book banning”. I doubt many who also decry “book bans” realize what exactly these books are, how explicit and graphic, or that they were/are available to very young elementary age students. As you say, there is no educational value to them.

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Plus, not offering a book to children isn't book banning.

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But leftists lie.

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Claims of ‘book banning’ is a parlor trick we must not fall for.

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Yup. For every attempt at putting this filth in the school library, there should be a request to put in Pilgrim’s Progress, the Westminster Confession of Faith, larger & shorter Catechisms, an age appropriate telling of Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 theses on the Cathedral door, the Cross and the Switchblade, a biography of Eric Liddell, St Patrick’s Christianizing of Ireland, Biography of James Elliot, John Newton & Amazing Grace story, and that is just off the top of my head. Make sure that JRR Tolkien’s trilogy , CS Lewis books, etc.

Do they have books by and of Ben Carson, etc. Fight fire with Fire.

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Oh, and when they try and ban or burn those books you can make it like a prisoner exchange, but make sure that our side has more books, so at the end of the tit for tat we are left with more books.

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Book banning is a public library hot potato--it should never be an issue in schools.

There is plenty of literature out there--far more than many people are aware of, and no school would ever be at a loss if dozens of books were kept out due to parental protest or over-sensitivities. Translation: school libraries should be DMZs with regard to these hot issues and biased in favor of wholesome and non-controversial topics. Controversy and sensitive topics are plenty available come adulthood and higher learning. Save it for more mature learning environments or public library where access is universal.

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Any book that has resistance to its being added should be submitted with the classic "book report" by its champion, explaining what is of value and why it is relevant to the educational mission of the school library.

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I love how he uses the word “banned” as if you can’t get this book on Amazon if you wanted it. And his running mate thinks social media needs to be regulated for disinformation. 😂

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They are commies and perverts.

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Oh, I think they do know, and are fully on board with that agenda! I don't believe they're "innocent dupes" here!

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Walz is upset about book banning? He should go to his friend Kamala, who can go to her friend Joe, and demand he un-ban the books of Russian writer/philosopher Aleksandr Dugin who seems to have a really good handle on what's going down in the 5-Eyes countries.

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Tim Walz is either a Communist or generously at least a “fellow traveler”. He knows what he is doing, which is why he refuses to answer any serious questions. He and Kamala are truly “ COMRADES” in arms

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This is beyond propaganda. Smart boys who are young should not have to be exposed to this. It is child abuse. It can ruin many lives.

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It is propaganda, full stop.

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A clear call out to all parents of school age children… find a way to home-school, individually or cooperatively.

You have no greater obligation as a parent right now.

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I suspect a percentage of mothers will have gay sons. I think there needs to be a support system for them, but not a pornographic book at the school library. Far more men engage in consuming pornography than women. Children see ads for 'Gentlemen's Clubs' often, they see Adult Store Fronts, and of course they have access to pornography on their phones. The world is exposing all children to sex as a commodity. It is harmful. As a society we should be pushing back against these different streams of content, instead of normalizing it, or rationalizing it as benign entertainment. I believe schools are for academic learning. Schools are far too involved in decisions best left to parents.

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Re your first line, given so many gay adults were sexually assaulted as children, I'm not really sure about that. I think it's dysfunction over nature.

And your subsequent comments, thinking about all the material they have access to, and thinking about one female detransitioner who, in therapy 13 months later, realised her need to go male was triggered by a violent porn experience encouraged by an older disturbed 'friend', there is likely to be a lot more dysfunction.

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Michaela Peterson had a neuroscientist on ep 206 with Adam Omary on the subject of gender dysphoria. It is worth watching. I am not sure about homosexuality either, science hasn't figure it out.

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Designed to take down America. Cultural Marxism

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Evil, sick GROOMING.

This must be stopped. ASAP.

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With all the deference currently paid to the evil American Library Association, nothing will change. School board purging of the Marxists and expulsion of the ALA is the only way. I’ve been in those trenches, and what I’ve read to those stone faces was far hotter than my mic. They didn’t turn it off but did try to stop us from reading what THEY put on the shelves. Satan is surely pleased.

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Of course you're right, but there's much more behind this push for sexual content in schools than merely silly people who want to feel "inclusive." This is how the sex trafficking industry, the porn industry and the gender industry market to children. The (mostly) men who drive these industries know that the way to get children to consent to sex with adults is to make it seem OK, normal and in fact appealing and inclusive. They market sexually explicit books, sex toys in bright colors, "binders" for girls and "tuckers" for boys, and cross-sex hormones and surgeries to kids and vulnerable young adults. It may look silly, but silliness indicates a degree of innocence, and there is nothing innocent in the industries that promote these books, including the "nonprofit" orgs such as HRC, the Trevor Project, GLAAD and others who work in concert with the gender and sex industry. I'm glad someone in Highland Park is doing something about it.

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