Look, I don't buy into the theory that Fauci is a "fall guy" for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. He chose to take the positions of power, he chose to lie to the public and if others are pulling the strings behind the scenes (well duh), then he chose to be their public "respectable" face of their deceit.

He very much is as culpable as anyone else who is out of the limelight pulling the strings because he knowingly led people to take dangerous mRNA vaccines and adopt maladaptive behaviour, such as masking children.

It doesn't matter if he's "The Fall Guy" him not taking a fall won't result in anyone else being brought to justice and his own actions are sufficient to justify him carrying that title. If you play with fire in public, then you deserve to have your feet held to the fire by the public should it backfire!

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If you get his history as printed in The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK.jr you will know he is a leader not a fall guy.

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An excellent book!

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Regardless of whether he is a fall guy or not, he is such a vile pile of 💩that I will ne delighted to see him comvicted in a court of law and punished accordingly.

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Fauci went straight from medical school to NIH. He has been a deep state warrior from day one of his professional career!

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The one in charge, not the Fall guy.

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: D

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Fauci was fascinated with the ongoing stupidity of the democrats and grateful to them for not raising the issue of excess deaths post covid vaxx. Cancers, heart attacks, myocarditis, a fib, turbo cancers, strokes and immune and neuro diseases rampant!

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I wonder if he was equally fascinated with the stupidity/complicity of Trump and the GOP wing of the Uniparty?

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Repost from Childer’s substack on the save topic.

Great post as usual. I loved McCormack’s ass-chew on Fauci. I hope someone will produce some appropriate harangue about remdesivir poisoning of countless ER victims who showed up expecting help. Some weren’t even very sick … just victims of the fear porn, put on protocol never to be heard from again. What did they call them in Argentina under the military dictatorship? Los desaparecidos. Just like that.

Another issue is the shots, not adequately discussed IMO. A very fundamental principle … attack on the human microbiome … is in play. It is the reason that transcends all data cherry picking: the shots did not and could not help ANY ONE. They did not! Skip the horseshit (begging your pardon). Immune suppression produced repeat infections and turned the vaccinated into spreaders … not that it matters. What matters is life span truncation facing millions who had measurable mRNA octane in their injections. Many are fucked (begging your pardon) but will find out later unless they seek intervention. The spike proteins are real as can be. There is some pretty cool innovation in progress. No thanks to Fauci.

The DEMS who praise Fauci are wokesters …something of a mutual retardation club. The point is that woke means “everything is a matter of opinion.” But that is utterly false. Hero my ass.

An example is global warming. I must be forgiven for being a physicist, left 43y career cuz of the mandate in ‘21. A colleague died the day after his second shot. A bad bet. Not my field so I have not attempted the calculation in any detail … it seems like waste of time, my intuition has served me very well … when you think of a tiny fraction of CO2 molecules excited by IR absorption and losing the energy to radiation and collisions, it is not hard to anticipate rapid saturation … that atmospheric heating from a modest increase in a low concentration will not warm the atmosphere appreciably. Water vapor has an IR absorption spectrum too … we should have been poached long ago. Heating comes from Mr. Sun and Mother Earth … radioactive decay in the earth’s crust. Yes women are radioactive, heat producing … it’s what we love about them ... the XX chromosomes. Way to go MTG! Tell the bastard!

It’s not about global warming. It’s about global poisoning. DEM idiots have only made it worse. The shots are a great contribution to global poisoning.

Fauci epitomizes the trend in this administration … malicious and destructive incompetence. Yes. Fauci is incompetent. A media creation. He already murdered 10s of thousands with AZT.

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When did Jeff post this?

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Sorry if I was confusing. This was my comment on Jeff’s C&C post on 6/4. Jeff included the same clip of Rich McCormack at the Fauci hearing.

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I was a medical student and resident during the AIDS days in the early 1980s. We were treating people with Bactrim and pentamidine. They were hangin on as we explored the disease. Fauci essentially thrust the use of AZT on these poor folks. AZT wiped out patients. Fauci resurrected a retired toxic drug from the trash heap and tried to convince us all. Tyrant then, tyrant now.

He reappeared with Zika and every other thing that he thought he could vaccinate. When he came out of his hole for COVID I knew nefarious things were upon us.

As a doc who aggressively treated COVID, I found it a very easy disease to treat and very satisfying. No patient deaths, only one 5 day hospital stay. Wrote plenty of exemptions. I am an independent doc so I had no employer to castrate me. Got decertified by my specialty board for misinfo/disinfo. Does not matter. Did what was best for patients. A lot of other docs did too. Trying to stay under the radar.

Besides watching untreated patients suffer and vaccinate patients fall ill, the other disheartening event was watching all the other docs dead silent and marching in lockstep. Talk about disillusionment of our profession! Patient advocacy vanished.

Know that change is going on out there. The entire concept of challenging vaccines is gaining steam. Distrust in all studies, journals, guidelines, and "expert" opinion is more prevalent. Change is taking place in the real world.

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Dr. Hanson, did you treat your patients with HCC and ivermectin? Were you able to write

prescriptions that were filled?

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Aggressively with essentially the Zelenko protocol (HCQ and Azithromycin, Zn, D, ASA). Rarely di I have a pharmacy buck me. If I did, I called the pharmacy and informed them that I would be reporting them for practicing medicine without a license. The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy always backed me up and reiterated that they did NOT take a position against HCQ or IVM. HCQ was dirt cheap. IVM was expensive so IVM was reje3cted by insurances. 20 pills are about $80. So if you paid cash, it did not matter if insurance denied it. I dispense meds so I always s had a big bottle of HCQ in office. But I rarely had to use IVM because the Zelenko protocol (if given within the first 5 days of the illness) seemed to work great.

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God Bless You, Dr. Hanson! I am a 77 year old retired veterinarian. I am unjabed.

In 2020, I realized within 2 weeks that I was not going to be properly treated by the

medical "profession". I discovered Dr. McCullough's book and devoured it. I followed Dr. Zelenko and discovered Quercetin and Zinc which I still take today.

The fact that I would be denied treatment that I knew worked was/is horrifying.

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Congress is sickening. Fauci cited Hotez and no laughed!

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Congress.... just bought and paid for.

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At first, I trusted no one. So many names surfaced so quickly. I was on record saying integration pre-roll out. I was brutally attacked. It took years for me to trust anyone but I must admit, Dr. McCollough always maintained a genuine honest demeanor although I didn't fully trust anyone, I do feel Dr. McColloughs character shined through as a caring and empathic human.

BTW, these injections are not done killing. The numbers will dwarf what we see now. Cancer is on the rise now, it will be unimaginable in a few more years.

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Agreed. I was an outcast with extended family because I didn’t trust what they were saying. I went with my instincts, found my voice and refused to bend the knee to their demands. It cost me so much! Thank you to Dr. McCullough for bravely telling the truth! Fauci needs to be jailed.

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Notice the body language of the people sitting behind Fraudci around the 20 min or so mark. The one man’s hands were folded very tightly, it looked like his knuckles were turning white. The women had their arms tightly across their bodies. This appears to indicate worry and knowledge of coverup, like hoping they don’t suffer from Fraudci’s perjury.

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Dr McCullough, You should have been on the Council!! Once again, nothing to see here folks for a once again sham show, brought to you by Big Pharma!

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Put "The Fall Guy" on an uncomfortable stool under bright lights and let him know how many years he's looking at unless... he can take the stand and incriminate the BigMoney guys that brought about the whole affair.




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the inquisitors continue:

Give us Gates and we'll have a word with the judge.

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It is eye opening to see a rift in "medical science" that runs as deep and wide as the rift between political parties. It reveals the extent to which the so called "pandemic" was a political event - how could true science result in one political party praising Fauci and deeming that the covid injections saved millions while other doctors deem it a catastrophe and the most dangerous medical product ever set before humanity?

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That's simple enough; 1 side followed the money, and the other followed the actual science.

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What we are finding now, which we didn’t know then, is that the people we murdered with vaccines and hospital protocols are going to heaven ninety-five percent more frequently than people who died unvaccinated and un-hospitalized.

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How so? Victim status doesn't guarantee entré to heaven. Unless we know they sincerely repented and were redeemed, which only Yhwh, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit can know for certain, there is no sound reason to believe they are in Paradise now, awaiting the rapture.

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Asserting that Fauci is incompetent is as ridiculous as calling Al Capone incompetent. He is a petty bureaucrat whose criminal actions were brilliantly exposed by RFK Jr’s book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Firstly he financed those that, through game of function research, created a chimeric virus (a virus intentionally made more virulent and deadly than the naturally existing virus) which, with his pharma mafia, “justified” the roll out of an ineffective and often deadly “vaccine” from which they collectively made hundreds of billions and killed millions in the process and counting. This disgusting individual should be brought to justice and rot in jail for the remaining of his miserable existence and his “soul” burn in hell together with all the others who perpetrated the crimes.

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This Republican fool Wenstrup asserted that the vaccine saved millions of lives. Idiot. There is nota SINGLE study which backs his moronic statement. The fact is that vaccines have been estimated to have caused in the region of20 million deaths so far and counting.

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Does anyone have a link to the recently published study in the British Medical Journal that Dr. McCullough referred to?

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The EU breaks the constitution where it says we have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The EU kept the people from doing just that!

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I took notice of Dr. M’s observation that Fauci appeared worn. I think it is unlikely that Fauci will ever face prosecution for the his or his agency’s lies & obscuring of facts (though I would pay to see the rematch between him & Rand Paul). However, as is often the case with tin gods, the real punishment will be in the dwindling lack of attention & idolatry particularly from those people who no longer need him now that his signature is meaningless.

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