EDITED: Anecdotal, but an instance I believe adds credence to the shedding hypothesis: I have friend that is 26yo, extremely fit and healthy rock climber that is unvaxxed but spends A LOT of time climbing with vaccinated friends. Last summer he got very ill and thought he had COVID but test was negative. He ended up in the hospital for a week with Guillan Barre. He couldn’t even walk. Did a full body MRI scan. He’s actually mostly recovered now, with some slight residual weakness in the left side of his face. In my mind shedding is the only explanation for this. His whole family is also very fit and healthy and not vaxxed.

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I don't understand why there is any debate about shedding - even that exec (CEO?) at Moderna said they shed (but he did say it wouldn't be enough to cause any issue). So - can't we focus on just how bad the effect really is rather than theorizing it's conceivable they COULD shed?

And maybe it's also time to also confront the idea the DoD already knows the extent of the shedding effect and just maybe, the rollout is intentional? It's like the Mars Attacks refrain, "We Come In Peace" as we get blown to pieces. How long do we have to hear quotes from Gates "theorizing" about shedding vaccines, sprayed vaccines, vaccines in our food, mRNA vaccines in our food animals, vaccines in our water before we grasp this is happening and it's all intentional? Time to stop calling this a "lapse" and insist government and corporate operators prove their innocence. I'm with Yeadon on this.

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because death is serious, I want to know.

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We cannot expect the agencies that created and promulgated this problem to investigate it. They won’t, or they won’t do so honestly. The shots are working AS INTENDED.

It’s up to people who actually care to figure out solutions. Any advice good doctors like yourself can offer to help us avoid the shed spikes is what we need. Anecdotal solutions and studies are fine with me. The facts have not served us well; time for positive action.

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As I understand it, Pharma is now tasked with long term studies to determine long term issues arising from the injections. As they say it seems the Fox is guarding the Hen house.

It has been stated that all data gathered by pharma regarding these injectables are proprietary to them. We pay for it they keep the data sealed. Sad.

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The other thing that's not been looked at to my knowledge is transfusion blood and blood products. The possibility remains that it is compromised. That said, if I needed a transfusion, I'd likely take it. Studies need to be done by truly independent entities and reported factually. I no longer trust health authorities or government agencies to tell the truth. None of them have our health at heart.

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I’ve been commenting about transfusions on a few posts. I’m trying everything I can to elevate my blood level count because, normally, w/an anterior hip replacement on just one hip, a transfusion is not normally needed, but like you I don’t trust our government institutions or doctors or hospitals. I was told I or anyone in my family cannot donate our own blood for the surgeries because they don’t do that at my hospital. The Red Cross had a convalescent blood program studying certain types of diseases, and they were not accepting vaccinated blood, and the FDA ordered them not to differentiate between vaxxed and unvaxxed blood, so the Red Cross discontinued the study. I read that the FDA has ordered blood banks not to differentiate between the two. People might as well be playing Russian Roulette.

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It's curious how the studies that absolutely should be being done are instead blocked by the agency that should be the most interested 🤔 in the results. Well, not curious, really. More like criminal.

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I'm facing hip replacement, as well. I know of several who have had replacements recently and, therefore, I have had many conversations with them. In one case blood transfusion was not acceptable, as he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. By utilizing the techniques of "bloodless surgery", the surgeon was able to "get the job done" with minimal blood loss. Part of this is to capture, clean and reintroduce the patient's own blood during the procedure.

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It’s extremely rare to lose so much blood during a THR to need a transfusion. Cell savers are used routinely only for cases with anticipated very large blood loss. Healthy people tolerate low levels of hemoglobin and rebuild their red blood cell mass quickly. A reasonably healthy, unvaxxed person would be wise to just demand the surgeon/anesthesiologist/hospital sign an agreement that no transfusion will be given without one’s written consent.

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Perhaps you could ask if you can do autologous donation (have your own blood stored in advance)?

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Nothing like a private for profit company minding the store. Pharma has been hired to investigate long term consequences of the injectables. What could go wrong? And if problems are found which ones will be disclosed and which will be held as proprietary secrets?

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As someone who occupationally spends time in close proximity, for prolonged periods, with populations frequently boosted I am very interested in this topic.

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You should look into taking Nattokinase every day. Several doses of Ivermectin every month might also be considered.

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Thanks much for this initial deep dive into the murky waters of vaxx shedding. We should be so lucky that shedding only continues for 4 months. I am taking Pine Needle Tea for the Shikimate which has been reported to neutralize the Spike Protein. I didn't know there were any agencies researching shedding...let's hope they are indeed "independent" and find more evidence. Several MDs,PhDs have reported vaxx shedding instances, but not studies. I looked up exosomes and found they participate in cancer progression and metastasis, which may have some link to the large rise in cancer cases of the vaccinated, which has been reported by Dr. Ryan Cole.

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Where do you get your pine needles. I'm not sure we have the correct genus of tree here where I live. I once ordered off eBay.

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I buy the tea bags. From Amazon or health food store. Exquisite Tea from China

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The Lost Herbs did a column on it. To be safe only use White pine. There are a few others Do NOT use Pinus Radiata aka Monterey Pine or Ponderosa pine with the beautiful pink bark.

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Yan Hou Tang Organic White Pine Needle Tea!

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This vaccine was the biggest medical error of all time!

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Error? Not a chance.

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Not sure if this article was here: https://doi.org/10.56098/ijvtpr.v2i1.23   most excellent, easy to understand, mimicry, inflam, neuro, blood, shedding, genes; NDOnc & MIT IT/AI

I think shedding affecting others is definitely happening. I know 3 women who did not get jabbed. The only person in their family to get it was their husband, to keep his job or military status, but the wives had changes in their menses right after the husbands got jabbed. I have suffered some worsening of my health/immunity since I am around the jabbed often, seeing 16-22 patients/day. Also, in my patients, several unjabbed have suffered the escalated inflammation and it's effects on their body.

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I met a neighbor (a very close talker)outside on the street shortly after she was jabbed. I had a massive spontaneous nosebleed. I can't remember the last time I had had a nosebleed and never any like that. It was so weird and has made me uncomfortable to go into crowded settings.

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I'm with you. I am very close to asking not to see anyone who was 'boosted' in the last 14 days for same reason.

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Food for thought. However I doubt that even the synthetic mRNA (with pseudouridine) is able to overcome a robust immune system without the help of a nanolipidic particle designed to allow it to penetrate human cells. Furthermore, even the mRNA with the LNP wouldn't normally get into the bloodstream.

(To be sure there are the cases of blood transfusion and breastmilk but they are specific)

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Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Sadly I’m pretty sure this has happened to my 19yo son. Suddenly in late September, one night, his heart started freaking out… PACs, PVCs & severe chest pain every night. He/we called 911 several times, sure he was having a heart attack & took several trips to the ER.

He swears he didn’t get the shots but his girlfriend & her family have gotten as many as they can get.

Cardiologists weren’t too helpful or worried & looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about shedding. They did volunteer that they’d seen more harm than good coming from the vaccines & more damage from the vaccines than the virus. One cardio doc told us he’d “seen some funny things from the Covid shots.” Another told me he was glad we hadn’t gotten the shots. (Yet why aren’t you doctors speaking up publicly?!?! Leaving it all to fall on Dr McCullough’s shoulders?)

My son & I did not sleep one minute from 11pm-7am for 7 weeks. The arrythmias and heart pain were terrible every night. They were awful if he ate salt, sugar or exercise at all so he’s done none of that for 7+weeks now.

I’m pushing for a cardiac MRI.

The doc put him on colchasine 2x/day & now he can sleep but he’s thinking he can return to his sport (ice hockey goaltending), but I am really terrified he’s going to collapse mid game. Is the NSAID just masking the damage? Will it come back after he stops the NSAID in 3 more weeks? Should he get an MRI? Should he return to sports? Nobody can tell me definitively & they act like, “oh well, people have arrhythmias,” and yes they do, but he was FINE his whole life until late September. I’d love advice.

I was going to take him to see Dr McCullough but his scheduler called me back & said he was no longer taking new patients. Other cardiologists don’t seem to know this shedding thing is a problem. I pray someone publishes more studies on this very soon. Teen boys are apparently at higher risk from the shots, so are they at higher risk from shedding related issues too?

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It sounds like you’re going to have to be your own doctor until you find the right one. My new doctor is so pathetic that I had to look up my own bloodwork results that had been flagged because she only thinks it’s necessary to order the tests and not to discuss the results with me. I looked everything up online, and even after she said my blood results were fine and they showed no problems with my kidney and liver, I scheduled an appointment and said my stomach was bloated and hard, and at the appointment, she didn’t even check my stomach, and I asked her to, and she said, oh, yeah, I’ll order a CT scan, and the results showed problems with my kidney and my liver. I know you’ve probably been to Dr. McCullough’s site, twc.health,

but did you see the supplements? There is one for a spike recovery formula and immune system boosting for high risk patients, etc. i don’t know if these would help your son or not, but maybe another doctor there can recommend something for your son. I wish I knew more to tell you, but if I hear anything else, I will let you know.

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I stumbled across a post by a PhD (physicist, not MD) in the comments of another articles on this substack today and he was talking about the Zeta Potential (and Zeta Aid) as a means to address all the cardiovascular damage being caused by spike (injected or otherwise). https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-spike-protein-causes-blood/comments#comment-10952912

In the past 8 months I have seen 3 women (70, 45 and 22 years old) develop sudden-onset atrial fibrillation (no prior or family history) and our good friend (unjabbed, healthy 46-year-old) passed suddenly from a clot in her brain (no family history). My unjabbed father has been experiencing TIA (mini-strokes) after spending time with jabbed family members. I'm going to start myself on the Zeta Aid out of an abundance of caution...

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I don’t know if you’ve heard of Dr. Jane Ruby. I’ve watched her many times on The Stew Peters Show and really like her. She has a show on stewpeters.com three nights a week, and I believe there may be a way to contact her, or she does Q&As every now and then. Thought if you’ve exhausted all your resources, you may want to try. She’s not afraid to talk about the jab.

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Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Is anyone aware of any groups/doctors looking into preventative measures to take to protect against shedders? e.g. high vitamin d levels, prophylactic medicines, etc.

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Full body bubble wrap next.

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For the majority of 2021, I would get foggy and headachy when Imdoors with either a large number of people (like a YMCA) or with poor ventilation (car or closed room). My monthly cycles changed for worse. My worst headaches came when we spent time at the house of an ER physician relative and their family, all freshly jabbed for the Nth time, right before Thanksgiving last year. My kids were getting nosebleeds at school, and occasional other places. If I knew someone was jabbed, I basically tried avoided meeting with them indoors for 30 days after the fact.

But then, there have been some people that I wasn't as reactive to. I wish your article had more answers, but in 2021, 30 days was mine.

Now, with way fewer people getting shots, the headaches have been replaced with sniffles since the other respiratory illnesses have gone through the roof this fall. It feels a little hard to win.

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One of the things I wonder about is why people classify each other as jabbed or un-jabbed. There are supposed to be quite a few different formulas from each manufacturer so it would make perfect sense you'd be less reactive around some over others.

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The mRNA Covid-19 vaccine, and subsequent versions, are gene therapy products. The spike protein is proven to be a dangerous toxin. What could possibly go wrong with getting the mRNA vaccine? Pure madness and greed.

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No question it happened to me - and to my daughter right when the boosters came out. When the shot first came out, my husband and daughter were the first to get the Moderna because they were on staff at a local hospital and were dentists. I developed a rash all over my body - went to the dermatologist and was given creams and a steroid. Nothing worked. I hadn't eaten anything new. I had not used any new cosmetics or soaps or detergents. I didn't think about it at all until months later when my daughter attended a social function and developed the same type rash. What I ddi was, I went back and looked at the dates of my husband's shots and the date I filled the perscriptions from the dermatologist. And sure enough, my rash developed the week he received the second shot. My daughter was with a group of people who had just gotten the booster because they were speaking about it. Luckily I started taking Ivermectin prophylactically so I'm hoping it absorbed whatever was in me. The rash had to fade on it's own - nothing the doctor prescribed helped. Shedding is the least of it - with all of these myocarditis cases and talk of using this mRNA technology in other shots that are required for school for children. How to keep my grandchildren safe? And here's Fauci still hawking this dangerous useless shot.

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Someone stated years ago that the ideal vaccine would need to be given to only five percent of the population and, through shedding, be spread to the rest of the population. Was it Schwab? Gates? DARPA? I do not believe the shedding phenomenon was unstudied or unintentional. It was part of the design.

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