Pretty early in 2020, my then 76yo mother, an RN at a nursing home in PA, came down with the Rona. With hx of stroke and COPD, "her daily menu" of meds consisted of Plavix, an ACE inhibitor, a beta blocker, several corticosteroid inhalants, and PRN nebs for home use. My brother, an Interventional Cardiologist, was pushing me (by phone) to bring her to the hospital, and like any good ED RN, I pushed back and prevailed. We kept her home, and I nebbed the crap out of her, but she did pretty well. What still kills me is that my brother, who did med school and residency in the 90s and early 2000s while I was working my Level 1 Trauma/university hospital circuit, bought into the lie entirely. He is still stumped as to why he is cathing such young patients. After his 2nd Moderna shot, he had to be treated for new onset afib. Of course, I suggested the jab was most likely responsible for his AF; he scoffed and told me, "No. Alcohol and altitude." as he happened to be on a ski trip in Vail. What is with the complete and total brain shut off amongst physicians?

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This is exactly why, when my family contracted the virus, we used the FLCCC protocol which called for a full aspirin a day to prevent clots. We ranged in ages from 6 months to 70 years old - and I am pre-diabetic and heavy - we were all fine - 6 of us are unvaxed and we were all equally ill and we all were fine - no clots, no long haul covid. the book is excellent - I've read it more than once to hone up on my knowledge.

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Same for my husband and I. Also his sister lives in a multigenerational family of 8 with teenagers to heavy, diabetic grandma. Everyone got delta last December; all unvaxxed. Some were pretty sick bc they couldn’t get Ivermectin but followed much of the rest of the protocol. No hospital, and all thankfully fine. The irony is his sister retired as a hospital chaplain and absolutely refused to go to the hospital. What does that tell you?!

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One of the remarkable things about COVID is the smugness and disgraceful but ever present sense of the perpetrators of this lethal scheme to simply give the middle finger not only to those harmed but think they will NEVER be held accountable. You see it every day Faucci opens his mouth or the political left Media deflects from what has been covered up or newly discovered by true science and not the “Faucci science”.

As the body count rises whether by acute blood clots or re-energized cancers...or new ones at that...there is a very strong sense those responsible will never see any jail time for the calamity they themselves directly or indirectly caused. They know the Dem Progressive Political Corporation chaired by the Deep Admin State actors will protect their malpractice on a colossal scale which is why the House must get beyond the typical political theater...and bring in all those NIH/CDC personnel allowed to NOT take the jab when so many others were REQUIRED to take it..and many still are. ! Why such favoritism?...Did they already know the potential harm at the very beginning and said nothing?...sure looks like it. Did the CDC/NIH and other political operative tell their “corporate members” not to take the jab and even keep their kids away from it OR were there more nefarious schemes to protect the Dem families of higher ranking “party members” from this jab harm....too bad the complication listing of lost and injured souls does not include political grouping.

If as suspected this was not some sort of “accident” but one of political chicanery then to depopulate ones own party now and into the future would be ill-advised thus both open borders and other protection measures like HCQ and ivermectin use by political members needs exposing too! Do not miss the elephant sitting directly in front of us all the time....the fickle finger of fate MUST be broad and detailed...as it should be any global calamity against humanity.

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Also, Blood transfusions are in dangerous. In January 2013, my mom had a bleeding ulcer, she was hospitalized and received a blood transfusion, then she suffered two massive strokes and died on her third day in the hospital.

My elder brother had an 11-hour neobladder operation during which he got a lung embolism, his heart set out for seven minutes and went into a coma. I had sent an EarthPulse device to the hospital in Germany and they finally agreed to use it in him. After two months in coma and two weeks using the pulser, he finally awoke from the coma. He could not move but his head. He could not speak, signs of a massive stroke. He also must have received one or more blood transfusions during the long operation. Two months later he suffered another stroke and passed away.

I own Thomas M. Riddick’s book on the “Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential, With a closing chapter on its relationship to cardiovascular disease”.

Dr. T. C. McDaniel picked up on Riddick’s research and formulated his ‘Zeta Aid’, and controlled his severe premature ventricular contractions, living to 101 years! I am taking Zeta Aid daily.

Both, Riddick and McDaniel, warned about blood transfusions that they could be fatal. Riddick tried to get the Red Cross interested into making the blood supply safer but unfortunately the Red Cross turned him down.

Riddick’s and McDaniel’s formulae are based on electrolytes that strengthens the blood’s Zeta Potential. These are potassium based electrolytes, for example potassium citrate. It has to do with the valence ratio of the anions and cations. While potassium citrate has a ratio of 1:3, aluminum chloride with a valence ratio of 3:1 will at a few ppm weaken the Zeta Potential and cause particle agglomeration.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, in her presentation at the German Corona-Ausschuss pointed out that the cationic liposomes of the mRNA ‘vaccines’ can cause the formation of blood clots, since they lower the Zeta Potential. I was extremely impressed about her knowledge in this area, since I have never heard anyone considering the role of the Zeta Potential in the clot formation induced by these ‘vaccines’.

One could probably lower the chance of blood clotting from blood transfusions, both from tainted blood from vaccinated donors, and unvaccinated donors, by using Zeta Aid. But that research must be done!!

Riddick’s chapter on cardiovascular disease can be read on this archive link:


I also have a PDF of Riddick’s book.

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Dec 6, 2022
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That is so unfortunate! I am a physicist, not a doctor. I read that Zeta Aid may be preventative with respect to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. I read a comment that Dr. McDaniel's siblings who took his formula also lived to a high age and had no Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease but his siblings who didn't take his formula were not so lucky. But this is too small of a statistic to draw any conclusions from. The Zeta Aid strengthens the Zeta Potential of the blood; the blood particles literally get charged up electrostatically and repel each other. This keeps the blood stable, it may even remove plaque. You can go to zetaaid.com and try it out, it is cheap enough to give it a try. Regarding cognitive function, my mom had mental decline and I put her on Prevagen (swansonvitamins.com has good prices), a supplement that improves brain function, she also took coconut oil and Ceraplex. It stopped the mental decline and actually improved her mental state, as her care taker told me. Here is a website with reviews on supplements to support brain function: https://www.brainpower.org/reviews/. My son and I recently are taking Om Master Blend, a mushroom blend, it really keeps my focus sharp. Ten years ago, I took a detox formula from Advanced Bionutritionals, and it helped me to get rid of brain fog, etc. I didn't see it on their website anymore. The active ingredients were, besides some common vitamins and minerals plus selenium: alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, DL-methionine, malic acid, garlic, and milk thistle. On their website, there are also some newer supplements to improve brain function (expensive!).

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There is no knowledge when no one looks for it. I know a VA cardiac anesthesiologist who was injured by the jab. She took tons of research into her docs who just repeated the mantra 'there are no reports of adverse reactions' despite the fact that she held over 3K studies in her hand to give to them. They refused to look at it. BLIND, coerced, and conditioned.

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It tells us that hospitals are dying as are big mega practices because no one is going to the doctor! The best was Coumbia Presbyterian having the AUDACITY to advertise treatment of MYOCARDITIS IN CHILDREN when it's their shot causing it! They had to take down THAT garbage almost as soon as it was aired. Despicable people.

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Thank you. I am a paid subscriber who is sharing all of your posts.

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Thank you for this excellent explanation. Very important.

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The other question is: Do these events occur with subclinical severity also? Do they decrease life expectancy by exacerbating all vascular aging processes? We talk a lot about the childrens' broken hearts, but what about the elders?

With 2 shots and an infection, 70% of reports from 80+ patients are hospitalisations (https://www.pervaers.com/?v=C21&q=hospit).

27% are deaths: https://www.pervaers.com/?v=C21&q=death

After one shot and an infection it's significantly less: https://www.pervaers.com/?v=C11&q=death|hospital

If you progress down the NUMDAYS field in the VAERS reports, you get to rates of over 70% in some subpopulations, as in: Only 30% who report a side effect in those subpopulations report an outcome other than "Death".

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Agreed. Here I discuss post jab clots. I wonder if discussions like this make it clear to the general public that the spike protein, no matter how received, causes clots in some ppl?


many more citations

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For the lay person, it would be helpful to translate words like thrombotic. Is it clotting of the blood? Please understand that I love what you're doing! Thank you for your courage.

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What do you think is the contribution of the spike/ER-alpha interaction in this? https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.add4150 the authors suggest a possible role.

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How safe is it to have surgery after an Omicron infection?

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The whole truth from Peter McCullough? Let's test that. It is well-known that the SP can lead to "blood clots." But in healthy and robust physiologies it passes unnoticed. But take that same 'healthy and robust physiology' and double inject it with the Bourla SP producing/inducing needle...and then what? A model health until Bourla's needle, Mrs Jummai Nache worked with COVID patients at the University of Minnesota hospital system throughout 2020 into early 2021 . . . and then was coerced by the UMinn gendarme into their "employment mandates" (i.e. US Treasury fleecing schemes).

But we're never going tom hear McCullough forthrightly discuss the latter reality, and we're certainly never going to hear him discuss LIABILITY IMMUNITY. Why is that? the answer is obvious.


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