The RFK, Jr. confirmation hearings show clearly that the U.S. Senate is corrupted and owned by the pharmaceutical industry.
The psychotic, foaming-at-the-mouth rants and ravings by senators against RFK, Jr. are desperate efforts to cover and deflect from their own crimes and corruption.
Most of the senators conducting these hearings have received MILLIONS of dollars each from Pharma over the years.
RFK, Jr. accurately and brilliantly exposed these traitors with every question. He has been 100% right on EVERY point he made.
That’s why these corrupt senators lie, viciously attack and falsely discredit him. They’re doing everything they can to prevent him from ending their corrupt gravy train.
I read that it is standard operating procedure for "On The Take" Senators to do all their ranting during their time allotment so the candidate can't say anything. They then take the video of that to promote themselves as protectors of health later during election season. Forget about the purpose of the hearing to ask questions and let the candidate talk.
Congress, both House and Senate, are compromised-coutesans, slopping at the pig trough of Big money/Big Pharma money laundering (AKA bribery, payola, skimming…). Shame on us if we fail to detoxify this broken system. Start with term limits.
I’m praying for RFK’s confirmation. He is definitely the man for the job. Those who are trying to discredit him are biased because they are paid mouthpieces of the pharmaceutical companies.
Another interesting part of the interview was Dr McCollough’s mention of colchicine as an anti inflammatory, like statins, but without the lowering of cholesterol. I’m wondering if colchicine could be used instead of statins. Many Substacks and books I have read say cholesterol isn’t the problem. Plus cholesterol is needed by every cell in the body. Does anyone have a handle on this?
Great interview with Dr. Drew and Dr. McCullough. I like the emphasis on risk/benefit choice. It is true that the Covid shots were shoved at people with no alternatives. Ridiculous.
Because so much dishonesty was involved in pushing these mRNA products, and now we know Pfizer has SV40 promoter in the vials, which they did not inform the public about, I would never trust them at all. We were experimented on. No one knows the long term effects either. To me it is too risky. Yet, many of us survived because of alternatives. Many took ample amounts vitamin D3. Many used a netipot with saline and baking soda and a drop of iodine several times a day. Others used a nebulizer with saline and peroxide at the first sign of a sniffle, several times a day. Original formula Listerine was a great help as well.
Always eat healthy organic foods and get adequate rest and keep active. Get lots of fresh air. Anyone with complicated health issues should make sure they have a doctor who gives them top notch care. Good health to you all!
Pres. Trump said he will deal with PBM's as well. I had no idea that these corrupt insurance companies practiced such vile money-making schemes. This is a Tucker Carlson interview. It PBM's interfere with drugs we may or may not receive; treatment delays and terrible costs. They rip off pharmaceutical companies and have doctors over a barrel in many ways. It is like a mafia. Shocking! Anyone poking a stick into this hornet's nest had better be careful.
the senators know what we don't know yet, it's not just a matter of corruption, they can appoint RKK, they understand the good the new objective, but they are simply raising their price to follow the new strategy, which is to unify the American people through a battle for the safety of care, it doesn't matter much if vaccines will continue to be imposed in other forms, the important thing is an internal but also global battle that brings back some sense of unifying justice in the USA.
Up until now the big pharmaceutical corporations have served a more general and global purpose, of decreasing the population, and have had their slice of the cake protected by the laws on emergencies and vaccines.
Now it's about fighting for a new plunder of world resources to compete for strategic resources with other world powers that do the same, and the soldiers who will serve the purpose must feel part of a nation in some way unified by some just battle.
Did Dr. McCullough say that the patient who died from Covid (who had not had the virus previously) was, indeed, vaccinated? But did not have spike anti-bodies?
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS. There were structural and efficiency reasons to do this but the intangible reason was that the uniformed military officer corps would not stain its honor with biowarfare. It had held the line with the bioweapons convention since Nixon axed the US bioweapons program, so it had to be removed from the picture for the factions to proceed.
This action, called BioShield, fused the pharmaceutical industry with biodefense and fused the public health agencies with the intelligence community. The two entities in America not held accountable by law or practice, the vaccine industry and the intelligence community (IC), were joined into one.
The RFK, Jr. confirmation hearings show clearly that the U.S. Senate is corrupted and owned by the pharmaceutical industry.
The psychotic, foaming-at-the-mouth rants and ravings by senators against RFK, Jr. are desperate efforts to cover and deflect from their own crimes and corruption.
Most of the senators conducting these hearings have received MILLIONS of dollars each from Pharma over the years.
RFK, Jr. accurately and brilliantly exposed these traitors with every question. He has been 100% right on EVERY point he made.
That’s why these corrupt senators lie, viciously attack and falsely discredit him. They’re doing everything they can to prevent him from ending their corrupt gravy train.
I read that it is standard operating procedure for "On The Take" Senators to do all their ranting during their time allotment so the candidate can't say anything. They then take the video of that to promote themselves as protectors of health later during election season. Forget about the purpose of the hearing to ask questions and let the candidate talk.
Congress, both House and Senate, are compromised-coutesans, slopping at the pig trough of Big money/Big Pharma money laundering (AKA bribery, payola, skimming…). Shame on us if we fail to detoxify this broken system. Start with term limits.
I’m praying for RFK’s confirmation. He is definitely the man for the job. Those who are trying to discredit him are biased because they are paid mouthpieces of the pharmaceutical companies.
Another interesting part of the interview was Dr McCollough’s mention of colchicine as an anti inflammatory, like statins, but without the lowering of cholesterol. I’m wondering if colchicine could be used instead of statins. Many Substacks and books I have read say cholesterol isn’t the problem. Plus cholesterol is needed by every cell in the body. Does anyone have a handle on this?
Great interview with Dr. Drew and Dr. McCullough. I like the emphasis on risk/benefit choice. It is true that the Covid shots were shoved at people with no alternatives. Ridiculous.
Because so much dishonesty was involved in pushing these mRNA products, and now we know Pfizer has SV40 promoter in the vials, which they did not inform the public about, I would never trust them at all. We were experimented on. No one knows the long term effects either. To me it is too risky. Yet, many of us survived because of alternatives. Many took ample amounts vitamin D3. Many used a netipot with saline and baking soda and a drop of iodine several times a day. Others used a nebulizer with saline and peroxide at the first sign of a sniffle, several times a day. Original formula Listerine was a great help as well.
Always eat healthy organic foods and get adequate rest and keep active. Get lots of fresh air. Anyone with complicated health issues should make sure they have a doctor who gives them top notch care. Good health to you all!
Pres. Trump said he will deal with PBM's as well. I had no idea that these corrupt insurance companies practiced such vile money-making schemes. This is a Tucker Carlson interview. It PBM's interfere with drugs we may or may not receive; treatment delays and terrible costs. They rip off pharmaceutical companies and have doctors over a barrel in many ways. It is like a mafia. Shocking! Anyone poking a stick into this hornet's nest had better be careful.
the senators know what we don't know yet, it's not just a matter of corruption, they can appoint RKK, they understand the good the new objective, but they are simply raising their price to follow the new strategy, which is to unify the American people through a battle for the safety of care, it doesn't matter much if vaccines will continue to be imposed in other forms, the important thing is an internal but also global battle that brings back some sense of unifying justice in the USA.
Up until now the big pharmaceutical corporations have served a more general and global purpose, of decreasing the population, and have had their slice of the cake protected by the laws on emergencies and vaccines.
Now it's about fighting for a new plunder of world resources to compete for strategic resources with other world powers that do the same, and the soldiers who will serve the purpose must feel part of a nation in some way unified by some just battle.
Did Dr. McCullough say that the patient who died from Covid (who had not had the virus previously) was, indeed, vaccinated? But did not have spike anti-bodies?
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS. There were structural and efficiency reasons to do this but the intangible reason was that the uniformed military officer corps would not stain its honor with biowarfare. It had held the line with the bioweapons convention since Nixon axed the US bioweapons program, so it had to be removed from the picture for the factions to proceed.
This action, called BioShield, fused the pharmaceutical industry with biodefense and fused the public health agencies with the intelligence community. The two entities in America not held accountable by law or practice, the vaccine industry and the intelligence community (IC), were joined into one.