Would be happy to share the story and photos of my previously fit and healthy 25 yr old son 15 weeks post heart transplantation, 2 yrs post cardiac arrest (6 mths post 2nd Pfizer Comirnaty). ECMO, LVAD, Rt heart ECMO, 6 open chest procedures. Still battling.

“Correlation doesn’t equal causation “ and “benefit outways risk” and “safe and effective”- please don’t insult me anymore.

Brisbane, Australia

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I'm very sorry to read about your son's condition. I can only imagine the torment of living with something like this day in and day out, while most doctors and all public "health" officials not only continue to deny the truth about the injections, but continue to encourage everyone down to 6 months of age to submit.

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Sending prayers.....

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I don’t expect any legitimate information coming out from the CDC. At this point, not only about covid or the vax, but about anything. And I wonder how many people would take the vax if they were told ahead of time that potentially almost 10% of them would actually pass away from heart problems due to the shot?

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I'm afraid we would be shockingly surprised at "that" number...

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A 9.6% case fatality rate for a "vaccine" side effect in mostly young men is only unacceptable if you actually care about what happens to people. When you do not care, it is very acceptable.

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Not caring would seem to be the tip of the iceberg. Continuing to promote the injections rises to a level far beyond not caring.

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I agree completely. Add to that, that not only do the 'powers that be" continue to promote these injections, they are building many facilities (particularly in Canada & Japan) that will continue to produce mRNA "vaccines", when the platform itself is dangerous & often lethal. Just the lipid nanoparticles themselves are toxic. They are highly inflammatory & cationic, Inflammation is a driver of cancer & after multiple doses, the effect is similar to ionizing radiation. Dr. Michael Palmer has discussed this effect.

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It is called male privilege.

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These were never vaccines the only similarity is syringe delivery. Please call them by the proper name 20 year old failed cancer therapy mRNA TRANSFECTIONS known to fail even when protein produced replaces genetic defect resulting in fatal disease. NOTHING about it can be safe.

New York Times - The Biotech Death of Jesse Gelsinger

By Sheryl Gay Stolberg - Published: November 28, 1999

The jagged peak of Mount Wrightson towers 9,450 feet above Tucson, overlooking a deep gorge where the prickly pear cactus that dots the desert floor gives way to a lush forest of ponderosa pine. It is said that this is as close to heaven as you can get in southern Arizona. Jesse Gelsinger loved this place. So it was here, on a clear Sunday afternoon in early November, that Paul Gelsinger laid his 18-year-old son to rest, seven weeks after a gene-therapy experiment cost him his life.


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Ooops....RUH ROH.....

You mean there is a possible modified shorter "shelf life" involved for me post CV19Vax?

Dang.....seems like they want us all sick/ dead/ or dying from claimed healthy interventions.


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Well then they can sell you more pharmaceutical treatments for the problems they caused, then sell you more treatments for the side effects of their treatments.

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... while simultaneously deliberately decimating the health of entire populations, presumably because debilitated citizens are easier to control?

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Shove the weak to the fear point where they have "nothing to lose".....

And see what may really happen....that has happened many times in history.

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Copy that.....I've smelled their MODUS OPERANDI for decades.

Never realizing the billions it takes to recycle their sewage slimed garbage.

Now we all know how it's done!


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What a chilling statistic!

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