time to take out the trash and bring charges against those who commit Federal crimes...

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Criminal charges are needed

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Find those who deliberately harmed

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And received kickbacks or engaged in insider trading!

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There are undoubtedly many in those categories.

That’s probably what’s keeping the gravy train moving at full speed.

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For murder.

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It's very important that all of this information reach the light of day and that, to the extent possible, prosecutions be conducted.

However, I think I speak for more than one person when I point out that at the end of the day, at the institutional level as well as at the individual level, the "greatest country in the world" has come up shamefully short over the past four years.

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Actually it's been going bad for decades. The only thing the Republicans do when they get in is hold it back a little. The great American experiment is over and it failed.

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We need warriors, not sunshine patriots. Action, Action, Action.

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It "failed" because the people embraced laziness, evil, and sin, and rejected Yhwh God not because it was a bad plan!

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Make that decades and you're closer to the mark of the US' fall!

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Bye, Bye Biden-Hello RFK,jr.

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It couldn't be more blatant.

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This was a bioweapon developed under the DOD. There was no requirement for clinical trials to determine safety or effectiveness. The whole process was a scam that cost trillions of dollars. Millions of lives were lost, plus hundreds of millions of injuries sustained around the world. Why? Money? Power?Population control? No idea. I cannot even comprehend the level of evil.

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When will all of this get out for ALL to hear? And WHEN will these bioweapon shots be banned?

Lord almighty, please help us find a way.

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They should all die… forfeit the loot they made & die. Biden et al committed democide & God will punish them for their evil. Look at that fool Biden & his disgusting progeny & wife, he will live in infamy… he is a soulless husk

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I appreciate seeing the press release of the actual House Report.

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Yes. It’s obvious They ignored the the safety issues and rushed the vaccine.

People. Let’s look at the Laws- all of them, that allowed the powers that Shouldn’t be, to do what they did. We have already seen court cases lost because the laws protect those who went ahead and gave this Bioweapon the clear sailing.

Without the need for any safety oversight.

The laws as they stand, don’t require safety data.

Nefarious Laws were put into place years ago.

We’ve been set up by those who are supposed to regulate.

It’s all there to see in the laws.

We need to get rid of these laws and protect humanity.

You can learn more from Substack sites of Sasha Latapova Due Dilegence and Katherine Whatt Baliwicknews. Hope I got these right!

(Someone please post their links )

We all need to know how this happened and where we need to place our hard earned energies and money.

Please spread the sites to inform the world!

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CDCs position as of today:

CDC and professional medical organizations, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, recommend COVID-19 vaccination at any point in pregnancy. COVID-19 vaccination can protect you from getting very sick from COVID-19.Mar 8, 2024

https://www.cdc.gov › pregnancy

COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding - CDC

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UFB. Just today I read that Pfizer's jab renders women unable to get pregnant - ever.

The CDC continues to be dangerous.

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Putting money above the health of the people!

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And as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals noted, since then jabs don’t keep you from getting the virus then it is not a vaccine and ant subject to emergency use authorization or immunity- let the class action suits begin

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But the Pfizer vaccine in 2021 just followed the Moderna protocol of 2020. Blame the system, not the administration.

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I just started reading it. I am not sure I buy the idea that the FDA was simply corrupted by the Biden administration. I think the FDA was already corrupt and has been, like the CDC, for a long time. Both parties passed the legislation to grant the pharma companies vaccine immunity, etc. Nonetheless, I want to read the report, because clearly the Biden admin is guilty.

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Careful about misrepresenting what happened with this vaccine. After seeing this piece, I dug up the Justice Committee report. There is virtually nothing about the FDA's irregular approval process during 2020. Nor is there even an accurate statement of what happened after the vaccines started to roll out in December of 2020.

Folks, both sides of the aisle were part of getting this dangerous "vaccine" into the arms of people. We need people to stop the lying politics and get the facts straight.

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It's not like there wasn't time to conduct proper safety tests, or even that such tests were not conducted to a point... the point was that all or near?y all the a imams used in those tests kept dying before the test periods were completed, while trying to develop the jabs for the SARS-I outbreak, over a decade earlier!

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Of course, Operation Warp Speed was initiated under Trump, and Trump was publicly pushing the government to get the jabs approved ASAP, too.

Trump simply saw the regulatory timing as a political calculation against his campaign, since everything is always about him. Whereas most reasonable people understood the abbreviated trial and review period as being a safety -vs- greed issue, with greed clearly winning out.

Here’s one of Trump’s hurry-up tweets about the “vaccines”:

As I have long said, @Pfizer and the others would only announce a Vaccine after the Election, because they didn't have the courage to do it before. Likewise, the @US_FDA should have announced it earlier, not for political purposes, but for saving lives!

11:40 AM • Nov 10, 2020

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