They are morons in the sense that they have sold their souls to the dark face of humanity. No moral compass operates to guide them and so they are instruments of what we call evil. The harm they do to all of life in the purchase of luxury and so-called acceptance into that same “club”, is the total abdication of responsibility as humans to protecting and respecting life.

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I'm a little older than you and when in high school, one of our readings was Tuckman's "Guns of August 1914, which detailed the mechanizations leading up to the start of WW I. Our ruling class in D.C. and NATO are spoiling for a fight with the Russians, have been since Bush1 (except for Trump), and are more like the Serbian intelligence officers who had the Arch Duke assassinated, thinking they would somehow win their "self determination" by doing so. Instead, they set off a conflagration that killed over 13,000,000, made possible for the 2nd worse political idea, socialism, to come to power, and killed 60% of all Serbian males in a little over 4 years. I don't see any good coming from this war against the Russians, only much death on a much greater scale than WW I.

Danny Huckabee

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Certainly "no good" would come from war with Russia.

As unpalatable as it may be for some of us Americans who spent the first part of life during The Cold War, The good ol' USA are the baddest of the bad guys in all of this.

I'm a '55 model, so like most baby boomers, I was indoctrinated to believe that the Soviet Union was evil, rotten to its core. It probably wasn't quite that, but regardless, the level of indoctrination we experienced, courtesy of a bunch of sorry, no-good politicians and bureaucrats, and with the help of their media lackeys, it could not help but lead many here to think of the Russian people as collectively defective. As flawed as JFK was, I think he tried to work on changing that perception. Considering what he got for his trouble, it's not hard to understand why subsequent presidents "towed the company line".

Sidebar - I think Bush 1 may have been the lowest of the low of all the presidents during my time, until bath House Barry came along, but a major difference was that George H.W. didn't have people telling him how to be rotten, it was second nature to him.

Back on point. Your statement: "I don't see any good coming from this war against the Russians...", may be the greatest understatement I've read in quite some time. Setting aside for a moment that any war with Russia is toying with nuclear annihilation, a "conventional" war with Russia would be guarantee the most catastrophic failure the U.S. military has ever experienced, and that's saying quite a lot considering the U.S. military's record over the last 74 years or so.

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I may be wrong but it seems to me that the lefties in Washington DC have been spoiling for a fight with Russia ever since the election of Vladimir Putin.

After the fall of the USSR we sent advisers educated in Ivy League schools to teach the Russians “capitalism” (from a leftist perspective) and when that was unsuccessful…. and with the election of Putin, our left-leaning foreign policy establishment went nuts (especially after Putin warned US of the dangers of socialism/communism).

I’m no fan of Putin, but many in our government seem to look at Putin and Russia as evil simply because they rejected the true religion, socialism.

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Must comment to LIKE! Rule 1, on page I of the book of war, is: "Do not march on Moscow". Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: "Do not go fighting with your land armies in China". It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives...

Bernard Law Montgomery

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President Joe Biden utilized his address during the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, to denounce Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “tyrant” and to call on the global community to “defend democracy in our era.”

To those in the Biden Administration who authored his teleprompter delivered speech …… Whilst D-Day was a huge turning point in WWII bathed in the blood of so many run men who stormed the beaches to fight the Nazi war machine there was also the Eastern Front , where Hilter’s military might was being pushed back thanks to millions of RUSSIAN soldiers and citizens who fought and died against Hitler’s army.

Instead of acknowledging the fact that Russia was an Allie in WWII and offering an olive branch of peace to seep thru to the Ukrainian conflict the Biden Administration chose to stick a hot poker into the eye of the Russian government whose officials and citizens have a far better understanding of history than those in the White House do.

Those who ignore and step on history will reap the rewards of the ignorant and confused.

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Among the many stupid things he said and did at Normandy, his claim that American women were not allowed to make any meaningful contribution to the war effort is right up at the top of the dung heap that is what he says. Without women at home while the men were getting slaughtered, we would have lost the war.

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As you point out there was an Eastern Front. By the end of the Winter of 42/43, Stalingrad and then Summer 43 Kursk the Wehrmacht was done, they could still fight and did but there was no hope of victory. By Normandy their best lay dead in Russia.

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I, like so many others, believe I am facing eternity along with my deeds.

But not all believe this. So if this earthly life is all there is, then winning the game as defined by self is all that matters, they will continue no matter the consequence to others.

(Perhaps we should pray that as happened to Paul on the road to Damascus, they are blinded so they can see.)

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Determined to prove a villan, who, let me count the ones: Obama, Biden, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, Hitlerly, Fauci, Brix, Kerry, Soros, Klaus, Zelinsky, Francis Collins (I would have thought better of him--Washington corrupts absolutely), Schiff, and many many more, but I have other things to do.

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Those you list are, in my opinion, a combination of useful idiots, true believers, mercenaries, this goes much deeper. The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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I disagree that they have no clue what they are getting us into. Their actions prove they are purposely dismantling the West.

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From my perspective, it's not so much about dismantling the west as it is about a New World Order. The Russians and The Chinamen are a threat to this and the Globalists are going for broke, this is their last chance. [The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions.

Henry A. Kissinger

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Yes, it is about the globalist world view but cutting our energy independence, devastating our brand by pulling out of Afghanistan throwing our Allies into a lack of confidence spin affecting our petro dollar which is the basis of the unlimited printing of the dollar, incentivizing illegal immigration flooding our country in unsustainable ways, stoking wars all over the world and ridiculous sanctions which effect was to encourage our enemies to form BRICS all seem like “intentional dismantling” to me. The purpose, of course, is to bring about the New World Order.

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Are they really "OUR" enemies? The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

Carroll Quigley

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All distractions to undermine the upcoming election, and turn us into that one world government that these global goons are salivating over.

It is high time for "An appeal to heaven", because only God can save us now.

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As was said in WW2, "Praise the Lord . . . and pass the ammunition." Our present ammo is to organize, vote, and resist by a variety of means, such as using cash.

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Perhaps. As I see it 2020 was a Color Revolution and therefore, Orwell comes into play: One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. George Orwell We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

George Orwell

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As I watched the D-day ceremony yesterday I realized how we are in the midst of the theater of the absurd, run by a puppet show.

How many of us actually know or acknowledge that the rise of the National Socialist party in Germany of the 30’s is linked to Great Britain and the USA policies at that time?!

Both Great Britain and the United States had an extensive interest in the German economy and they are the ones who indirectly assisted the National Socialist Party and Hitler come to power.

It began with funding from the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System of the United States. In the summer of 1934, Britain signed the Anglo-German transfer agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich, and in the late 1930s, Germany became England's main trading partner.

American cooperation with Germany's military-industrial complex became so intense that by 1933, American capital reached key sectors of German industry and even large banks such as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donut Bank, etc.

- In August 1934, the American Standard Oil Company [owned by the Rockefeller family] purchased about 175,000 acres of land (in Germany) and built large refineries that supplied oil to the Nazis.

- At the same time, Germany secretly received the latest equipment for aircraft factories from the USA, for the production of German aircrafts.

- A. G. Farben, the company that became a key component of the German war machine, was controlled by Standard Oil which also financed 45% of Hitler's 1930 campaign.

- Through General Electric, JP Morgan controlled the German radio and electrical industry.

- Opel was taken over by General Motors (owned by the DuPont family).

- Henry Ford owned 100% of Volkswagen shares.

- In 1926, with the participation of Rockefeller Bank, Dillon Reed and Co., the second largest industrial monopoly was created - the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (VST or Vestag, United Steelworks). A German industrial conglomerate that produced coal, iron and steel.

- Germany received a large number of military patents from American companies such as: Pratt and Whitney, Douglas, Curtis Wright, and American technology built the Stuka (Junkers-87) aircraft.

In 1941, when World War II was raging, American investments in the German economy totaled $475 million ($10.2 billion in today's terms).

The United States did not open its borders to fleeting Jews. The US remained neutral throughout the war until it was forced to enter only because of the shock by the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Suddenly one discovers that the above does not quite settles with what we have learned to chew and swallow as a clear line between a 'good' and 'evil'. Suddenly one discovers that they are more intertwined with one another.



I understand the mechanism of war.

As a species we are designed to kill, till the end. That doesn't mean we always kill. There are also periods of peace and tranquility. But none of these polar extremes are absolute.

There is no such thing as eternal peace as long as we live in these vehicles.

Wars have always been a catharsis point for conflict, deriving a sense of justice, as well as competing moral systems for dominion between two tribes, and procurement of energy, as resources, as a means of rewards for sacrifice rendered.

The need to feel just; that every transgression has consequences, as revenge, stems from our emotional system.

On the other hand, as part of the catharsis, all the sacrifice and loss involved in war was not in vain, was expressed in plunder; in the looting of resources, in the dispossession of lands and the expansion of borders.

This is the formula that has always been the basis of every human war.

The difference here is that since about the beginning of the 20th century we are in completely different territory.

Many times I have written that we are changing and that we are losing the genetic marker within us that is about values, morality, conscience, ethics and empathy. This, in turn, creates a deep imbalance within the psychology of our species and all its derivatives, as well in the mechanism in question.

In other words, wars still remain and will continue to remain, but there’s no longer the delimiting boundaries within us that say: "Enough is enough! Enough with the killing. We have derived our sense of justice”.

Instead, a "cancerous tumor" has been metastasizing, manifesting itself as a deviation in the human consciousness that takes the mechanism of war and uses it endlessly for the looting of resources and sweeping control, in very, very sophisticated ways.

This relatively new behavior reflects the “nazification” that permeates the spirit of humanity, which leads to decision making so detached, that slowly but surely leads to the complete destruction of our current civilization (Covid was actually a second to last stage. It had pushed this process much more forward).

If I could demarcate a line in the sand when the change in psychology took a leap forward towards such predicament, I would go to WW1, but completely took hold with World War II, as I’ve shown above.

The loss of moral fiber in humanity over the years has brought with it the loss of tribal identity. This, in turn, resulted in this ability to develop globally, where today we are on the other side of the arc.

The USA was the leader in that because it is considered an experiment like none other in the history of the world.

An experiment based that enables a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts: a collection of diaspora tribes, onto which all of them can be draped an wrap of being “American”.

One of the “side effects” of such a new experiment was the denigration of capitalism where the one and only God has become the dollar.

The US has become a leader an initiator of such process, that a couple of centuries later, would take the entire world: A new world order in which we all imitate America culture in which the new world God is money.

So today we’re really in the midst of the full metastasization of such process, globally.

The entire world has reached a state where it is now completely controlled and influenced by a military-pharmacological-media complex, which has now added the technocratic arm to it - Big Tech.

This “octopus” sends arms all over the world and directs policy solely based on economic interests that serve the octopus, not necessarily the countries through which it works.

The world order has become controlled by international corporations below the surface with an outside patina that shows political autonomy: countries in their own right with different ideologies, flags and anthems separated from one another by borders.

However, behind the scenes the system within each country serves global corporate interests only, which are not in line with the constitutional platforms on which that countries was founded.

And these systems in those countries are maintained precisely by a group of people who have a vested interest in these conglomerates.

The souls of those "elected officials" are being bought by this octopus, by providing full immunity and lucre in exchange for blind obedience.

That is why there is no such thing as Democrats and Republicans, just as there is no such thing as left and right. Because they are no longer based on tribal values. They’ve become a mutation resulting from the sterilization of the spirit.

The leaders of the world are "chosen" based on their absolute loyalty to the "dragon". They are the "foot soldiers" of these corporations and not really to the country to which they echo their loyalty.

A kind of mutation of the old family mafia, in which the most important thing was loyalty to the blood line.

Here, on the other hand, it is about loyalty to the all-seeing Eye (Sauron, from Lord of the Rings): Loyalty to power and money without any restraining factors, in the form of conscience.

And that’s what’s absolutely dangerous. Because this is what feeds the War of the World that’s looming.



That’s why I chuckle when I watch these D-day ceremonies to commemorate the delusion that “we fought evil, and good has prevailed.”

But what saddens me more are the veterans from both sides who are the biggest victims. They still believe the lie and the lying perpetrators who have merely replaced old ones.

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My ability to "like" is disabled. KUDOS!!! Yours is a post well worth liking!

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I think it was MacArthur who said not to ever get into a land war in Asia. And yes, the Russians swallowed the 2 largest and best equipped armies ever: Le Grande Armee, and the Wehrmacht.

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Shakespeare was no fan of Richard 3rd and severely maligned him The last true King of England.

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I too find the parallels to the beginning of WW1 frightening. Will the Arch Duke please keep his head down.

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D.C. Sewer?

As though the corrupt D.C. Murder of Ravens have any power...

When it's located overseas in London, City of London, Basel in Switzerland.

How about somebody check Ding-a-Ling Upchuck's Patent for Covid held through

Charles Lieber as inherited from Pagan Good Mama Elizabeth.

All know the actual ORDER TO WAR and all FALSE FLAG NONSENSE

hails from the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits

the United States kicked the crap out of multiple times

before the STUPID and TREASONOUS in D.C. sold-out.

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Fauci may yet be prosecuted. Debbie Dingell too!

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Not bad. How about Queen Margaret? “Let York o’erlook to town of York.” My daughter delivered that line at the local Shakespeare summer program for young people. I forget her age. She was way too young to produce shuddering in an audience. They were expecting “cute” but they got Margaret. I’m so proud. Shakespeare knew everything about everybody.

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