Plan the deadly problem and then impose the wretchedly murderous solution, all the while pointing the finger and blaming innocents who resist the hideous plans, including damaging and deadly injections. Divide the people and keep them busy hating and blaming each other while steadily marching all of humanity to their enslavement and even death....

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And the supply of dark day dollars is seemingly endless.....

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It's a lie.. a fraud like comparing enriched uranium to mined raw materials. They can grow DNA clones in E.coli and make vials or vats of enriched mRNA but once it is in the wild Mother Nature's rules apply and their protein changes do NOT give single strand RNA the fidelity to pandemic.

There is no biology to support thye claims of high fidelity RNA that's the psyop & big lie that these RNA virus pandemics are possible. They can't even grow one in culture only as clones.

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Hi Pamela. Hope you are an open minded person that views all sides, applying logic, before offering an opinion, which everyone has. With regards the Bird Flu info, obviously 2 different view points—theirs, yours. I am not expert in same so cannot comment. However, I can apply logic the way the governments can deceive and therefore questions trust. In 2019, China knew they had thing called Covid—accident or intention still debated. Taiwan watches China like a hawk and when saw China pushing back on the virus, they closed down their border immediately and for 2 years had less than 300 covid deaths. China on other hand, on 1/1/2020 opened its borders to millions for the Chinese New Year. Result, millions left China with a virtual coffin. Qualified PRACTICING doctors became engaged and felt decades long, FDA approved drugs like Hydroxychlorine and Ivermectin used to treat various disease and taken by humans, could treat the Chinese virus. Doctor I know began treating all her patients with both when infected and none went to the hospital or became very ill. Government however would not allow either to be used saying both dangerous. Never clear why, just don’t. Since then, evidence shows they could have saved millions.

Different story—contrails/chem trails. Gov’t/political views—all conspiracy theories. View other side—Dane Wigington video and research and intentional seeding with aluminum and other foreign substances. Have witnessed high altitude planes spewing out these white trails, then suddenly stopped spraying, plane continue with no change in direction of altitude and nothing coming from plane until no longer in sight. Explain? Also, if said to be contrails (condensed water vapor from heated air of engine), when look up in sky on cloudless sunny day and no “contrails”, does this mean no planes flying that day? Explain? This is why need always apply logic and research before anyone jumps to conclusions, which may still leave things unanswered.

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Sorry but when it comes to Biotech Mafia there are very few things where I am willing to tolerate a different view especially claims of outsmarting or out performing or out pacing the rate of change by Mother Nature... it's all lies.

It is impossible for RNA molecules to have replication fidelity as for H1N1 this show is 2005 Rummy flu redux, pass thanks. https://www.globalresearch.ca/bird-flu-a-corporate-bonanza-for-the-biotech-industry/1190

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Hi Joe, I long had not believed in ‘chemtrails’ but when independent researchers analyzed rain water and snow, for example from Mt. Shasta (if I recall correctly), I changed my mind.

Cloud seeding experiments were performed by the Desert Research Institute a while back.

However, the intermittent trails seen in the sky are probably due to local changes is moisture and temperature of the air. If the air is warm and has low relative moisture, then an airplane flying through that air parcel will not produce a trail. That may also hold true if the plane would spew out aluminum and/or barium. It depends on the air parameters whether condensation would occur.

I don’t know how to distinguish between normal contrails and chemtrails. The latter probably stay longer and spread out further but that may also be true, maybe to a lesser extend, for contrails.

I remember reading an article in Germany when I still was in high school. It was from the well known German Prof. Heinz Haber who had his own TV show and while having guests and sitting outside at his home during summer (not during his show), he noticed how a single contrail turned into a huge cloud. He took pictures of his group of guests during the gathering which showed the contrail and later the increased cloud formation. He wondered how much jet airliners were responsible for creating clouds and changing the weather (or climate). I think that this article appeared in one of Germany’s popular magazines. Those days nobody talked about chemtrails or artificial weather manipulation. Prof. Haber did the TV series in the late 1960s to early 1970s. I still remember this very clearly. Now were those chemtrails already spewed out at that time?

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It is common knowledge that cloud seeding (and perhaps other experiments) with various compounds has taken place over a considerable period. My question is: If these processes are harmful to humans, and one assumes this process is extremely widespread, how do the instigators of these hazards avoid being affected by the chemtrails they have created?

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How did all the mentally ill people wind up in labs making bio weapons?! Are we not going to learn anything from the last four years?

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My Dear sister in law received her Master's in micro biology and she was working in a lab in Boston for about a month or two. She has a good heart and she had to save her Soul and get Out of the corrupt lab's.

She was pretty upset for the time and $$$$ to get her Master's,only to find out how corrupt the research department is. It's All about the Money. So proud of her homeschooling her 9 children, who have gone on to graduate with High Honors in Nuclear Engineering, Nursing, etc.

We The People need to demand Term Limits or nothing will ever change.

Too much temptation for anyone I know, and clearly there's nothing special about our political hacks. They sure seem to get caught in stuff You and I would never do 🤬

Drain the Swamp Completely ☝️🙏 Viva Cristo Rey

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Que viva!

My son is just graduating getting a masters in biochem. He too wants to work in a lab. But he will be attending med school hopefully soon. Just took the mcat Friday. But I warn him all the time how corrupt it all is.

You’re right — far too much temptation for any person. Term limits are a great start.

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Perhaps your son can attend a non-American med school or a school somewhere where the professors are not confused by how many genders there are, what a woman is or who can get pregnant and have babies.

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Right?!!!! I have actually heard MDs use the term nonbinary and I think my God, have they lost their minds?!

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Over 1,000 bio labs around the world. Has even one of them invented anything useful for humanity? Nada.

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They create the diseases, and then quickly try to make the cure. Of course getting as many patents as they can. Some Side Effects are definitely going to happen 🥴

It's the Family Tradition, Rothschild's, Rockefellers, Gates, ect. Those Families 🤬

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It's like all those old fiction sci-fi movies and books managed to become daily realities.

Mentally ill and extremely well stealth funded. Now what could go wrong?

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They're societies sociopaths and psychopaths and believe they are the "new gods" who only live for power and control of all humanity; and the collective stupidity of the masses falls for the repeated lies and deception that continue to make so many sheeples among us who are willing to be led to their own slaughter.

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Covid vacs destroyed peoples' immune system. H5N1 is the kill shot.

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Wow - didn’t think of that! What a mess.

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Psychopaths running the world

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And you can't reason with a Sick Mind 😞

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What’s so sad and unfortunate is that none of it has to be this way. This is totally unnecessary. These problems are all human created.

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Exactly right! Just as "mad cow" disease was "human created."

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The only thing I am going to get to prepare is a nebulizer,,,and I've been wanting one on hand for a couple years anyway.

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i have one. i got my boyfriend through a fierce sore throat when he had covid by having him nebulize an H2O2 saline solution. of course he complained that it was too woowoo but after one session, he could feel improvement and was cooperative after that. once an hour for a day.

i nebulize the contents of a reduced glutathione capsule dissolved in a teaspoon of water every day. it deposits the antioxidant right in my lungs. since doing this i've been able to cut my asthma med use from one puff every other day (the prescribed dose is 2 puffs a day) to one puff every 5 or 6 days.

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H2O2 is an oxidant. You don’t want to neutralize its effect with an antioxidant.

Dr. Joseph Mercola recommended a 0.1% concentration although another physician he interviewed stated that he was using 1%, which may be a bit too strong.

3 drops of 3% USP food grade H2O2 into 5 ml of saline solution gives you 0.1%. Don’t damage your lungs!

Math: one drop is about 0.05 ml. Three drops are 0.15 ml. Amount of H2O2: 0.15 ml x 0.03 = 4.5 microliter (mml). 4.5 mml / 5 ml = 0.09%.

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Budesonide works

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And, we're allowing these murderous Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits creating these poisons to remain 'At Large' instead of indictment, trial, removal of all Generational Family Wealth before execution?

As rotten, sinister, diabolical and arrogant as these Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits are,



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Eloquently stated. 100% correct.

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Very accurately stated!

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someone once said "all virology is gain of function." think about that. how long can you spend looking at the same old pathogens under your microscope? no, you want to juice it up, make it sexy, create a super mutant! this kind of research is as irresistible as it was to dr. frankenstein and dr. jekyll. these nut cases will always convince themselves that it's worth the risk because they just might "save humanity" and get a nobel prize in the bargain. except when they're "caught," they go into defensive CYA mode, as seen in all the FOIAed e-mails finally released.

yeah, they were scared alright, but not scared for your life and the lives of your family, not scared for the country and the world. no, they were scared of losing their miserable jobs, their crummy grants.

i fear that the only way to stop this kind of research is to impose the death penalty and enforce it a few times. then you run into the problem of stifling creativity or creating a black market. incentives are hell!

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These Frankenscientists are not real scientists but the descendants of frauds and charlatans who long ago discovered that medical science could be used to make fortunes by keeping people sick; and the era of "vaccine" development created the false allopathic model of treating sickness and disease by blaming all causes of poor health on so-called "germs" or bacteria and viruses; when you follow the money you do, indeed, discover that "all virology is gain of function."

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Yeah, sure.

Infectious and contagious are two different things. Sure, scientists can alter microbes to make the cause an infection or death if they past outer defenses. BFD. Amazon Indians dipped their arrows in feces and poison. They still had to hit someone for them to work. Whatever is created in a lab still needs a carrier and a delivery device to get it into a target. Which means any future infection or death from a man made infectious biological particle will have been caused by the intentional use of a biological weapon.

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Use of mosquitoes as bioweapons, contamination of our food and water supply, aerial spraying… whatever evil imagination can come up with to forcefully get their weapon into your body.

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Vaccination is the method par excellence for getting biological weapons into human bodies. Seventy years of "Vaccines are safe and effective" propaganda, plus fear porn, persuaded countless people to roll up their sleeves for the mRNA and viral-vector biological weapons.

If too many people catch on that injecting mRNA to turn human cells into factories for a highly toxic bit of the virus isn't the best idea, the death-peddlers can always say "Gee guys, our mRNA idea was brilliant but needs a little tweaking to make it just right, so tell you what, for this new pandemic we'll just go back to our tried-and-true technology, the attenuated virus vaccines. Just ignore those nasty nay-sayer anti-vaxxers who say that the attenuation process isn't perfect, and besides attenuated viruses can regain their virulence in the vaccine vial (we've already figured out how to make that happen reliably BTW but don't worry, we just love humanity and would never do anything to harm you)."

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Well yeah, exactly right, because "intentional use" as a "biological weapon" was and is the plan all along!

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Still desperate to get needle in arm

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All Hail Caesar and the blessed Spike Protein Savior ?

WTF? I will sit this out again from the "cozy and safe" sidelines.

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"If God does not exist, then everything is permitted.” - Dostoevsky

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Tucker Carlson had a woman on over the weekend, who also believes that Lyme disease Iand other tick borne diseases that affect humans) was also the product of a military bioweapon program that was (perhaps) accidentally ‘released’.

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Soooo. The real security risk is the bio labs and the scientists mad enough to work in them on any kind of gain of function. —Ginger Breggin

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I'm sure Redfield knows the science. After all, he said that masking stops Covid better than vaccines. Of course, the vax turned out to be dangerous garbage that didn't stop anything, so maybe masks did have a slight edge.

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Masks did not do anything and redfield knew and knows that

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They are worthless.

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Of course they are worthless. I was making a joke.

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I am in full agreement with you there!

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Even if GOF made the bird flu infectious to humans, wouldn't the only people who get it be people raising the birds, actually having contact with them? Or could the flu be passed on to other people?

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Birds, such as ducks, fly, poop and can spread infection that way.

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