DC is infested with psychotic sociopaths/psychopaths, profoundly self centered control freaks devoid of any sense of guilt or remorse which is exactly the cohort of diseased individuals you would expect to find insinuating themselves into positions of power (as evidenced by history, repeatedly). Needless to say they aren't fit to lead anything. The tragedy is absent valid elections there is no means by which to sideline the societal toxins which doesn't result in societal destruction.

Those who stay in the US now face future enslavement by a pack of self serving, mentally disturbed monsters or resolution through a profoundly destructive domestic war. However there is another option for some and that is to exit the catastrophe. That is now my overarching goal due to blatant systemic election fraud and the fact that nothing has been done to stop it. At this point, sadly, staying in the US would be like staying in Germany in 1930 or Russia in 1910.

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WEF Young Global Leaders all seem to be the toxic narcissist type, each playing a role that's different than the real them. For example, Zelensky is on video playing a piano with his penis. Trudeau? He is rumored to be the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro. Dan Crenshaw leveraged his war hero status to get elected as conservative then showed his true colors.

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley is currently playing her role like a clueless robot.

WEF Manchurian Candidates were installed in power positions all over the work just in time for the Plandemic, the big worldwide kick off for the Great Reset. Each coldly, callously pushed the Vax on their citizens.

I've wondered if they're not all the product of a mature CIA mind control program, brainwashed to do the bidding of Central Command and Control. George Bush Senior referred to 1000 Points of Light on his Ine World Order speech in 1993. No one knew WTH he was talking about at the time. Turns out he was talking about students the Young Global Leader program. Bush, being the sitting president and former head of the CIA, would have seen the ultimate army of pre-programmed pathological Useful Idiots as a crowning achievement. They remind me of Jason Bourne types, sans fighting skills.

Voters would do well to shun every single one that runs for office, and prevent their appointment to other less visible but still powerful positions. Local water boards, for example. Beware.

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John must be sharing my dreamscape. Nightmares. Only to awaken and realize we’re living it.

I remember watching the 2008 election and the camera zoomed in on McCain’s face. His eyes were black. Obsidian. At that moment, Walken’s vision came to mind. Viscerally. McCain would hit the button. I looked at Obama and felt the same fear. Palpable evil. I couldn’t vote for either. It wasn’t even a choice between the lesser of two evils. They were a pair of psychopaths.

The current no longer recognizable Democrat Party is a socio/psychopathic psychotic death cult.

At least half the GOP is sociopathic with a few psychopaths among them. 25% of the remainder is clueless and inept.

The entirety of the kleptotechnobureaucracy is a terrorist entity.

And all answer to their demonic psychopathic cabal of souless puppeteers. The WEF, NGOs, foreign lobbyists, “ philanthrpaths”, UN and their post-human Brave New World agenda.

Evil is a contagion. Every formidable civilization was taken down by its own abuses. Mayans, Aztecs,The Pharaohs, Israelites,Rome, the Huns,Scandinavia,Persia, the Ottoman Empire, Chinese dynasties, Imperial Russia, Imperial Japan, Germany, France, Italy, the Eastern Bloch, Soviet Union,… History is repeating itself on steroids.

Iran, Turkey, Syria, Europe but for Hungary, the Netherlands( Geert Wilders took it back.. for now, South and Central America but for Milei, Burkele and hopefully the Bolsinaro supporters will oust Lula. Africa has been captured, Canada, Australia, NZ, Uk, Scotland, Ireland, Wales.

Every nation has been taken over by WEF Young Global Leaders put in place by the WEF/China/ UN and their foot soldier infiltrators, Muslim Brotherhood, CCP Red/Green Axis Communo Islamo Fascists and the No Longer US.

Never imagined Hamas psychopaths taking over metropolitan cities with the coterie of fucked up, brainwashed Marxists carrying “ Queers For Palestine” and “ Kill The Jews” placards.

None of this is “ organic” It’s well planned and orchestrated. But the conditioning of our imbecilic denizens was the key.

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God save us.

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"I wouldn’t be surprised if they blow up the European Continent"?

I'm expecting it. Blinken, Nuland, all the coterie of Neoconservatives surrounding the corrupt senile pedophile are aching for a Nuclear War, first with Iran for Israel's benefit, then with Putin thanks to their generations-old searing and insensate hatred for Mother Russia.

They're evil, they're crazy... and they're not at all clever... 🤔💩

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We must keep our heads on a swivel. After listening to Tuckers interview of Brazilian President (temporarily out of office due to Lula’s theft of the last “election”,,,,,,which sounds familiar) Bolsinaro says Communist China is now allied with Brazil and they consider the U.S. the “enemy.” So the psychopaths in DC are not just endangering Europe; they have put the entire North American continent in danger.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

"I wouldn’t be surprised if they blow up the European Continent."

The Europe of Western civilization is already being blown up by its leaders' importation of the third world, kowtowing to Islam, abandoning Christianity, and enacting the globalist agenda of the Left. The damage is as great as any bomb.

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I seem to be there plan to keep pushing on Russia until they start a nuclear strike. And after that who knows.

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The only comment I have is that our leaders, nowadays, believe it IS their mission to RULE, when, in actuality, they are elected to uphold the constitution and promote the will of the people. Our leaders today have forgotten these precepts.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

" I suspect that many are primarily interested in their self aggrandizement, and have little empathy or concern for the people they rule."

If you only suspect this I have a bridge to sell you real cheap.

I've heard a few recordings of Hitler speaking to small groups of people and as you say a perfectly rational man whilst the likes of Churchill and Roosevelt etc have clearly been shown to be deranged power drunk war criminals of the highest order. Many American and British commanders are known to have said to people around them that they were committing war crimes and yet not a single one of them were put on trial at Nuremberg. Why not? Because the Nuremberg trial "job description" stated that only Germans could be war criminals so Eisenhower for example could murder two million German boys and old men after the war and then go on to set up the military industrial complex in the US that on his last day in office he pretended to warn about coming in the future when it already existed thanks to him. We are led by truly evil people in the West and that must be addressed soon.

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Correct. However, it applies to letting the USA degrade and burn under the Biden admin. Biden only cares about himself.

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Not sure how it functions; when a person has the same dream or fanciful predictions as another. Thank God Caligula and Hitler aren't populating dreams; but the destruction of Europe and fighting on the U.S. Soil is. There are many having such dreams and insight.

It's curious when the actual world with all the Terror Porn, outright lies, the annoucements of future goals of the Psychopaths and Propagandized Narratives of this moment aren't frightening; but dreams are. Must be crazy.

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John, don’t dismiss your dream as some sort of mind happen chance. Sometimes dreams are meant to give warnings and answers from a higher plane. Joseph and Daniel were given dreams from God. It’s up to you to test the spirits.

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“I suspect that many are primarily interested in their self aggrandizement, and have little empathy or concern for the people they rule.”

The system selects for money and worshippers, of which the unctuous and disgusting Gavin Newsome is an avatar.

Psychopaths can be superficially charming and charismatic, and, unfortunately, many people approach the selection of civic administrators (I will never call them “leaders”) as some sort of popularity contest and vote for the people they “like” (an assessment generally made without even passing personal acquaintance) rather than for someone for whom they may not necessarily feel any personal affinity but who may make a competent administrator.

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On the subject of psychopathy in politics and more generally, I'd like to recommend a publication entitled Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Political-Ponerology-Science-Psychopathy-Totalitarianism/dp/B0BQXW49PW), and the PolPon Substack (https://ponerology.substack.com/).

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