I will only believe it when I see it. From a vaccine injured point of view, the silence from governments worldwide, MSM is the same as it ever was for 4 years.

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There are several governments acknowledging the vaccine injuries and some are banning Astro Zeneca. It’s not without hope.

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Independent media is a necessity.

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First I want to say I greatly appreciate you people. I have a question and the question is why why do we have these people doing these things and it’s obvious they know what they’re doing what is the gain, money control? What is the gain They are causing so much destruction, pain and suffering I don’t understand. I really want to know. for me there is no early reward for doing such a thing.

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power, money, psycopaths..

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The people pulling the strings are evil on several levels. This is what you need to know, and believe, because there's no other explanation. Sure, money and power are motivators, but when people are willing to sacrifice countless other people, it's no longer so much about money and power ... it's much more about evil. We're in a battle with evil. That's the whole story.

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My view is you got something in the thousands, only in the thousands, worldwide, of active vampire squid inner cabal members who understand the plan in its whole psychopathic glory. Their motives are God knows, some sort of twisted belief they know best. Satanists? The merging of machines and man? Who knows.

They have their trillions, because we say the trillions are a thing, they have their ownership papers to most of everything.... its not enough.

They harm their own children to ensure they grow up twisted human beings. They think 'offing' say 6 billion little candles of human spirit is just a step on the road to a rational society of trans humans? Their actions are now in the open, they are accelerating their actions, I feel, as parts of the narrative, particularly these lethal jabs, get away from them.

The hordes of useful idiots executing the bits of their hideous plan may wake up. While these 'idiots' may be really quite corrupt, its not clear that they would do their bit they saw the actual hideous, possibly satanic, plan in its totality? We wake up folk, possible C Cuomo? and they turn against the cabal, thats how we win?

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I hate typing so I speak into the phone and the trouble is sometimes I don’t read what I just said. OK then the word early should be earthly. Oops.

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If you want a few eye-openers, I recommend the following books by Forrest Maready: The Autism Vaccine, The Moth in the Iron Lung, & Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained.

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Perhaps there is a better court to hold trial regarding the crimes committed against humanity during the Covid pandemic. I reached out to your colleague John Leake in an attempt to make you aware of this possibility a couple of days ago. Let me know if you are interested.

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I thought about that I also thought about what kind of punishment we should give them so many of them I think if they knew the full scope of what they were doing, wouldn’t probably do it. But they still have to be punished. Taking away their wealth would be one way. Putting them on the list like sex offenders.. but for the top dogs, I think the punishment has to be severe. I think we all have spirit in us and the job of that spirit is to unite the soul with the spirit. Yes, they are bad spirits, and they are bad souls. I saw a documentary one time I don’t remember the name. I wish I can see it again. One thing struck me. What was very unusual was the person the documentary was about. He murdered people. Typical thing that some of these insane people say is that the devil made me do it Was different. He was fighting against a good spirit. He said it try to convince him to do good. He fought against that. Maybe we are lost souls and the spirit is just trying to take us home. Unite us with our father.

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We live in a post-constitutional republic. The unsanctioned/unelected fourth branch of government, the administrative state, "owns" the other three branches, the judicial, legislative and executive. The American experiment in representative government has been "over" for decades. Brazil, here we come! It's our next, logical stop.

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The content was excelent.

One complaint: BOTH OF YOU SPEAK MUCH TO FAST, for an untrained audience. You can learn from Dr Makis. Because each of YOUR WORDS is very,very important ,and could be very impactful.

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The saddest part of this story is how over the last quarter of America’s history its people, basically beginning with my Boomer generation has manically (manic-depressive) denied American independence as a good thing. No, I’m not blaming that on a weak Boomer generation, or one of a necessarily aberrant contagion disorder throughout the generation, but one that, from top down, particularly guided by “higher education” of academia is directly attributable to those in presumed higher education. This is not new among national generational push and pull or fluctuations, and for that, one might look into Solzhenitsyn’s “The First Circle”.

In their early zealous Boomer youth that became dominant once it found independence at university, the generational whiz kids of higher learning took on a sense of self importance, as if the “chosen” among their generation to take America to utopia. For that there are never any shortages of grifters, pretenders, frauds, and infiltrators with their own plan to own utopia.

There are explicit reasons why my Boomers, as an unprecedented massive, naturally, and by the wonder of the new and innocent tell-i-vision programming were in fact a groupthink generation that has had controlling power over America’s destiny for eight decades now. The reasoning behind it’s relinquished independence, allowing itself to become a nanny State of Socialist government bureaucracy trending into totalitarianism has upon closer investigation become a totalitarian State of all levels and Branches of Federal and local government go back to those university years, their initial being of standing in the world post WWII, and how it has used its top heavy hierarchal defenses to ward off its own generational bloodlines as the top separates itself from the middle by using the lowest socioeconomic rungs on the latter of financial and moral success to beat off those just below them, middle class America.

If nothing else, it has been a process I believe has been insidiously intentional at least in part given the markings of the Boomer era, a bipolar decline of faith in American ideals by a constant diet of sell loathing nihilism, simultaneous with a schizophrenic desire of an overzealous sense of response to infiltrated Anti American factions to “right the ship” of “bad” America, the land, rocks, trees, dirt and water all usurped by the desire to be morally perfect, given its history as a Judeo-Christian nation of Founding.

When one punishes oneself on a daily basis for its imperfections, one might look deeper in the mirror, rather than deny their own symptoms that allows the pusher of nihilism behind them. A youth bereft of self reflection with ominous offering to become dependent on drug culture to ease the pain of its own confusion during a very tumultuous era post WWII that was otherwise free and secure. One perishes eventually, but the land one leaves for their children will not. It will be redistributed by one’s overlords.

My Boomer generation, both American and international it seems has hung its hat on technology of the internet, the know all to be all to save it from dystopia on the way to utopia. Perfect, except for its loathsomeness of nihilistic behavior. No doubt in the current air of denialism my prose will be met with great consternation as their claws of a unified Boomer class disagree under my spot light of self reflection that suits myself. Knowing my Boomer generation as I do, that’s fine, I did my part to assure they still have freedom of speech and security that guaranties their right to be critical.

Born in the exceptional unknown bosom of freedom and security post WWII the American Boomer was the largest mass generation of independence in American history. The future of America and the globe it seemed was boundless, but for one bipolar concern, Russia, Russia Russia, the nighttime nightmare of possible nuclear annihilation by Russia, and Khrushchev under every Boomer bed, and daytime elementary school drills in case of attack. This was three decades before the American Psychiatric Association (APA) would discover the phenomena of Post Traumatic Stress (Disorder), (PTSD) in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel III (DSM III) to put a Congressional lid on why so many weary Vietnam Veterans were committing suicide post service to their country. A topic I will address in coming chapters.

Hint: In spite of the somewhat diligent work of leading psychologist of the times several years after the war that many in the media tried to downgrade as a crisis, the overall findings that “a” stressor(s) i.e., singular traumatic experience of war “fits the bill so to speak”, for a Congress under pressure to find the reason, rather focused on compensation, for the lack of due diligence in addressing the issue of veteran suicide. Consequently, the “syndrome” of PTS(D) became confounded by and exacerbated rather than address the seriousness need of post war trauma. This from a government already leaning toward Socialist solutions while still convincing itself, “no more wars”, pay them off and they’ll leave us alone. In my exemplary opinion the actual stressors of each individual war experience exacerbated by the slander of veterans during and upon their return home after the unimaginable sacrifices of many presumed to be for the good of America are as, if not more significant of the actual war trauma. Add to that the decades old, belated “thank you for your service” to those same many is akin to throwing twigs on a burned out bond fire. In the words of Hollywood celebrity actor Tom Hanks’ character depiction of the less than appropriation of the WWII hero of slightly off Forest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does”.

Those with inherent pathological moorings and predisposition to bipolar mania are not exclusive to the less educated. From its inception of the mass protestations of the 1960’s and 70’s university professors of Boomer youth about “America bad”, and its instigation by both external infiltration and home grown hatred for America that made Marxism popular on campuses of the ivory towers filtered down through tiered colleges, high schools, and onto American’s kitchen tables, the time in point saturated with drug and “free” love cultured musings and chants using Alinsky’s rules for radicles (cheat sheet) were consistent with future corruption of “Plandemic”. My contention is that the upper echelon of the Boomer generation “cutting their teeth” in the intentional chaos of the inverted hijacking of the movements of Civil Rights, Vietnam War, on the heels of suspicions of government involvement in the assassinations of the three “K’s”, solidified a bipolar loathsomeness in their minds no less than PTS(D) that America “sucks”, and must be torn down to “build back better” by todays senior Boomer leaders who lost faith in America six decades ago, and including their offspring.

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Thank you both so much for this noteworthy topic. Since Blackrock, Vanguard and Statestreet are holding MSM and other worldwide strings, I feel this is a ruse. They re giving us what we want, what the underground independent media has been doing with basically the unvaxxed and the awakened ones these last 4 1/2 years. MSM wants a piece of the pie, so they are throwing crumbs to the normies and trying to get the underground resistance back. If that is the case, it will implode. Just my opinion.

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I listened carefully to our host on avian flu. I am hopeful he is right.

Pondering the issue of actual gain of function pathogens, designed to kill or maim, has left me deeply paranoid the squids could drop a thousand cells of ebola like deadly, or MERS, and get a nice plump early kill rate to stoke the fear. I hope our host is right, he is suggesting we can get through whatever is underway.

Too bad for the chickens and (next) the cattle. Rumours of large pits being dug already, in Saskatchewan Canada, for the cattle. Not confirmed. But may be the human cull is rather less.

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May 14·edited May 14

One of the critical topics is this issue of what to do with the newly awakened?

Shannon says Cuomo is a limited hangout. Actually it seems likely, at the least possible. However. How do you tell?

Actual awakened human beings from squids doing their thing?

I'm always looking for means to sort squids from humans. I have concluded we should assume as a matter of principle that the awakened are what they claim. When their actions, and speech, start to harm, then re-examine.

Dr Boz is an excellent example, she was beat up pretty hard for being too late. And many many of our fellow redpilled suggested there could be no amnesty for Dr Boz. Where is that going to get us?

My view is we need to assume those proclaiming some variation of truth be accepted until their actions show different. Other strategies have the real vampire squids winning, and cackling as we eat our own. Sure they are seeding this and that, limited hangouts, I get it. However it is actually possible C Cuomo is actually a convert. Benefit of the doubt? Followed by what is that phrase - "Trust, but verify".

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We direct the newly awakened to this Substack and to www.thehighwire.com. If they begin by following Dr. McCullough and watch the weekly Highwire, it won’t take long for them to get educated.

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deletedMay 14·edited May 14
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The majority of us, think COVID is the end of the evel, and, understandable, desire to end the discourse. They do not realise that the plan of Elite is to continue forever until the New World Order under Anti-Christ is installed.

This is a revealing statement made by Karl Rove, “the architect” as President W Bush called him:

“ We’re an empire now,( TRANSLATE: we are THE ELITES, infiltrating every institution worldwide) and when we act, we create our own reality.

And while you are studying THAT REALITY-JUDICIOUSLY AS YOU WILL- WE’LL ACT AGAIN CREATING OTHER NEW REALITIES, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.

We are history’s actors…AND YOU, ALL OF YOU ( I will say ”all of us, fools”), WILL BE LEFT TO JUST STUDY WHAT WE DO”( and now I will say, we will do nothing, but be silent and impotent).

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