All true. But when one gets into the details, one finds a nest of vipers that is so much larger than we imagine. The level of duplicity is quite beyond human imagination. There are still those, for example, that do not realize that Mike Pence and Dan Coats were both military intelligence, sent to sabotage Trump. The depths of the demonic are more than most mortal men can fathom.

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Indeed, and it's beyond human orchestration well! this is Satan's "party" now. This is not just carnal war, but a spiritual war that has been raging for millennia, coming to its climax now. Until and unless that is grasped, all efforts against it will continue to fail! We humans, in our corrupted flesh, even the redeemed, CANNOT defeat this enemy in our own strength! Only when we bring Yhwh in, as Leader, can we hope to succeed!

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

If we think that God is going to work through politics, to finish His work in the Earth, we are already in Satan's party. He is "the god of this world."

Politics, at its best, works by restraining external evil. Christ works by removing the power of evil from within the soul of man, with man's consent. Political change does not depend on the consent of every citizen: it relies on the fear of carnal punishments: the sword of the state.

The state works by force; God works by the power of love. Christ overcame Satan at the cross by revealing God's character at its best: self-sacrificing love, and unwavering faith in God's goodness. This caused Satan to reveal his character at its worst, as he tried to cause the Son of God to complain, give up, or otherwise fail in his faith and obedience.

Christ never used the weapons of the state to overcome evil. He never encouraged His followers to vote, or to change the world by political involvement. The only reason Christians today are involved in politics, is because they have lost sight of God's power, and therefore look to the power of men.

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I think you're you're targeting the wrong recipient here. Yhwh has His plans that have been in place for millennia, and are actively unfolding now before our eyes. He influences human politics, as He always has done, but that's primarily Satan's tool to control people.

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God works by righteous methods, methods in accordance with the principles of His law. He will not reach into people's minds and force them to do something they don't want to do. And the few times in the Bible we see Him working with political figures, it is to make a way for His people to be free, and re-establish His worship.

Take the angel Gabriel and Michael, who took three weeks to influence the "prince of the kingdom of Persia" to influence him to do the right thing, and make a decree freeing the Jews to go back and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. Daniel 10:12-13. If God could just overwhelm a man's mind with almighty power, then it would have been done in a few seconds.

Our modern Christianity is in just as fearful a place as was the Jewish religion when Jesus appeared among them. Back then, they looked to the Messiah to come, and bail them out of Roman servitude with a political solution. This is very much the expectation today also. But He never came to do that back then, and He won't do it today. He comes to gather people for His new kingdom, and they prepare for it by changes within themselves. They learn to depend on His power, and not on human power and plans. It's a work done in the soul that frees it from sin, and frees it from misconceptions about God's character.

When the early church fell away from the faith, they built the papacy: a false theocratical solution combining church and state, so they could rule the world "in God's name." Many American Protestants would like to do the same thing today, to "save" America. Satan gave the early church what it craved, and he will do it again, for foolish Christians who have not learned from the past. If they receive not the love of truth, God sends (allows them to have) a strong delusion. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.

The Papacy was the beast power mentioned in Revelation 13:1-10, that "made war with the (true) saints." American Christians who attempt to build a church-state alliance in our day, are building an "image to the beast," or a false theocracy, like the Papacy. It will be done, if not in our day, then soon. But woe to those who do this.

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With all due respect, God can do anything, but chooses to work in the hearts and minds of the people he created. The “If God could just overwhelm a man's mind with almighty power, then it would have been done in a few seconds.” …doesn’t give God enough credit. He has purposes way beyond what we can imagine. If he forced us to do his will, then our response would not be out of love for him-it would be a robotic response instead of a loving, trusting relationship.

God blessed the USA at its founding because we acknowledged Him in all good things and we were free to worship him. We have strayed to the point of killing babies and condoning all types of immorality, including sexual perversion. We don’t deserve his blessing in these circumstances.

Our government has led us down this path. Those we elect set the course of history and morality. No one wants a theocracy (because that doesn’t allow for free will), but we need people of Judeo Christian faith to lead us back to a society that honors God at our core.

Government won’t save us, but it certainly can turn us as a people either towards God or away from him… depending on who we choose to lead us.

Have you ever thought that maybe not voting could be evil’s way of staying in control?

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>God can do anything

He can't sin. He can't lie. He won't sieze back something that He gave ("the gifts and callings of God are without repentance"), therefore He never terminates people's lives; the wages of sin is death: sin pays the wages of death. God may have to remove His grace, and leave man to the consequence of his sins, and those destroy; but God does not exercise oppressive power on His creatures. How often has the church erred on this point and persecuted dissenters!

When Jesus was on the cross, dying in the place of the sinner, it was the power of sin (the broken law) that crushed out His life, not the hands of God.

When the USA was first settled, 100 years before its official founding, the Pilgrim Fathers tried to set up a theocracy. They thought that only church members should have roles in the government. They punished blasphemy as a civil crime. They didn't realize that by making civil offices dependent on church membership, you were only increasing hypocrisy in the church.

Other religious groups controlled other states. Sometimes they persecuted Quakers, Baptists, and other minorities. Many of these groups had the idea that in order to have God's blessing, they had to punish sin, not just civil infractions, but outward disobedience to the first four commandments as well. Where did they get these ideas? Not from Jesus Christ, for He never set that example. They got those ideas from ancient Israel, and from the Papacy. Both of these groups departed from God's perfect ways, and did not follow Jesus faithfully.

Then Roger Williams came, and taught that the church and the state were separate entities: one a spiritual kingdom, the other a carnal kingdom; and that the garden of the church should not be sullied with the ways of the "wilderness of the world." The moment men start punishing crimes against God, who will define what those crimes are? Which church's teachings will be deemed the right ones? It leads straight into persecution, and it's usually God's true servants that suffer, when the wolves take control of the church.

They tried to banish Roger Williams, but he fled to the wilderness, and found shelter with the Indians, whom he had befriended. He purchased the land of Rhode Island and made a state with full religious liberty. Persecuted folks from the other States fled to Rhode Island. Instead of being cursed, it prospered. 100 years later those ideas were implemented in the constitution.

You know, Jesus grew up in Nazareth, and "can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" He was not tainted by living there, nor did God curse Jesus because of the sins of the Nazarenes. Joseph was taken as a slave to Egypt. Egypt was not a holy nation particularly. After his master's wife tried to seduce him, he was falsely accused and went even lower: into prison. He kept on being faithful to God, and soon he was placed in a leading position in the country. Nothing anyone could do to him could curse him, as long as he was faithful to God.

Christians are the "salt of the earth." It only takes a little salt to preserve the mass. When Noah built the ark, the world was extremely wicked. He was untainted by it, and God saved him out of it. When Lot dwelt in Sodom he was vexed by the unrighteousness of the place, but when God could no longer extend His protection on the place, Lot was removed from there.

The governments in Noah and Lots day could not make them sin. And as long as they lived righteous lives, God's blessing could not be removed from them, even though they should suffer some losses of goods and property in the world.

Psalm 118:6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?

Psalm 56:11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

Governments were never ordained to preach the Gospel. That job has been given to the church. Governments wield the power of the carnal sword; the church wields the sword of the Spirit.

By not voting, I am declaring myself to be a citizen of another country. I am an ambassador of that better country, and ambassadors do not get involved in their host countries politics. Besides, my vote would be for Jesus as the king of the world, but it is in God's time that He will be given these things. Daniel 7:14; Luke 19:12.

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Very well stated!

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No, He doesn't do that, and I never suggested He did! That's what free will choice is all about and He will not cross it. Neither does he work by use of force, but woos! Precisely how He convinces those who do not follow Him normally, I don't know and neither do you, but He has stated it is not by force, ergo it is not.

The church today is in no different than it was in the 1st century! Satanic attacks and temptations against Yhwh's plan for redemption began in Genesis and have neither stopped, nor changed since then.

Beyond the fact that the papacy came about when the deceitful leadership of the Roman church, starting with the lie that they were a apostolic church, proven false by the letter to that church before the 1st apostle ever went to Rome, when they declared their patriarchs should be the sole head of the Church as an whole, and the other 11, representing the apostles from whom their legacies came, said "no"! As to the rest, there is either space, nor have I time, to re-educate you. Suffice it to say, you got it wrong. The Bible interprets itself, when you take the whole as the context for any verse or passage.

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It is true that the Bible "interprets itself," but there is one obstacle. Our minds. We can, and do, misunderstand God, because sin has left its marks upon us, and so we can, and do, tend to misinterpret His word, or misapply it.

There is at least one difference between "the church today" and the "1st century" church. Except for a few of the most spiritual (like the apostles), most of them did not see the consequences of joining church and state, but we have the history of the results of that experiment.

The Babylon of prophecy is a woman (church) riding the beast (state power). She is said to be the "mother of harlots." That means she has daughters [other churches or religions] who will follow the same course in the future. The "deadly wound" (removal of state power from the apostate church) will be healed, and all the world will wonder and admire at this.

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Very nice.

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The Kingdom is spread out upon the earth and men do not see it. It isn't physical.

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I agree with you

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God chooses people to accomplish his will. We are not expected to just sit around waiting. Remember how God used Gideon and others?

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It's always apostasy in the church that allows evil to gain the upper hand. Before the flood came, it was apostasy among the "sons of God" (the faithful at that time) who saw the daughters of Cain's descendants, and desired them. These marriages hastened the destruction of the world, and caused the truly righteous (Noah and his family) to have to labor so much harder.

It was apostasy in Gideon's time that led to Israel being in subjection to the heathen around them.

Judges 6:1 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.

What was one of the first things God had him do? Tear down the altar of Baal. For that act, his brethren (fellow church members!) were ready to put him to death.

If you want to be used by God, like Gideon, the first thing is to prepare yourself, by removing all sin, and devoting your time to learning His will. Search for the truth as for hid treasure. Then be prepared to tear down the altar of Baal within your own church.

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You missed my point.

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I don't think so, but you are welcome to explain it. There are many Christians today who expect God to work through political power. But He uses spiritual power, which is moral power over sin in people's lives. A man or woman who is fully surrendered to God, cannot be hurt by all the armies of the world, unless God permits.

It's in faithful people, that God's power will be revealed, because they will not give in to the temptations and delusions of the enemy of souls.

No matter how many good works Jesus did, it was never enough for the Jews, because they wanted political power, and He wasn't offering them that. There is the same expectancy among religious people today, that God will deliver them from the troubles that sin is bringing on the earth. But Jesus offers a change of character, not a change of government.

We are told in prophecy that the spirits of devils will work great miracles through false prophets to convince the world that God is with them, and the aim will be to make political changes, to "bring God's blessing back on the world".

Apparently the world troubles will become so great, that people (even atheists and liberals) will be forced to admit that man cannot solve them, and only God could solve them. This will set the stage for a worldwide delusion.

Not just America, but the whole world will be involved in this...except a handful of faithful souls. These will be considered "the troublers of Israel," as Elijah was, they will be condemned to death, as Jesus was. These will be blamed for all the curses devouring the earth, as the early Christians were blamed by the Romans. Whenever there was a flood or earthquake, it was the "Christians" who were angering the gods. The same charges will be made again.

If we really want to be on God's side in that struggle, we must turn off the TV, stop spending so much time studying the news, and start searching the Word.

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When the one that left us here returns....This won't be a pleasing nor forgiving day.

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Indeed, lest we forget evil does not do its own dastardly deeds. We mere humans on earth must be diligently courageous in defending our faith in the embodiment without pretentiously assuming we are the embodiment.

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Hello all you beautiful people, ❤️🙏❤️ Not being an American I hope 🤞 and pray 🙏 that President Trump stays SAFE and PROTECTED from the EVIL that have gone after him. I know this may sound silly but I'm so PROUD to wear his T-Shirts...God Bless America 🇺🇸 🙏 Your friend Debbie from New Zealand 🇳🇿

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The only way that will happen is if he steps out of this race.

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Trust in the Lord! His ways are bout our ways….

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I am! It was He Who prevented from returning in '20, due to his failure to do what he was put there to do! Instead, Yhwh gave the US the gov't we deserve.

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Uh, no.

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Sorry, but yes. We make Sodom and Gomorrah look like diletantes! We deserve far worse, in fact!

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God Bless You Debbie 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

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Trump needs to take a page out of the book of the new president of El Salvador, who forced every member of his potential cabinet to disclose their full finances before they could serve.

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According to Tucker Carlson's interview with this man, he couldn't accomplish everything he wanted to do until he had a landslide majority and could then fire the corrupt judges who were opposing and striking down all his bills, and changes to laws. I can't see this happening in America, it is too divided.

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You need a man with a wholesome character like Bukele to lift up the U.S.

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Listening to Trumps speech now, the president of El Salvador is not the man we thought he was 🤯 his crime is down according to Trump, because he sent all his MS13 gang members here! Boy was I wrong! 😑I guess he had Trump fooled for a time but he figured it out. Wow.

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Trump should call on Ron Paul. The most trusted, wise and dependable man for the job.

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Please remember....It was Trump that developed the horribly toxic "vaccines" that have resulted in enormous numbers of deaths. Statistics show people died from the covid "vaccines'' and not from the "illness". Donald Trump promoted these toxic injections which have killed and continue to kill millions....INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES. These toxic shots have not been stopped. The covid clot shot kills babies in the womb and prevents the placenta from connecting properly. These "vaccines" are a full speed ahead genocidal nightmare for which Donald Trump is partially responsible.. Ron Paul is quite elderly. I doubt he would want this job. Rand Paul is also a physician. What does he say about the Clot Shots?

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He DID NOT develop them! Good Lord. He rushed money to the companies who’s job it was to develop them. He and hundreds of millions of people trusted those pharmaceutical companies to do their job! He and hundreds of millions of people did not know there was ALREADY a poison patented by bill gates and fauci waiting in the wings. If President Trump had not fast tracked money to the companies, people would have hated him for that… he can’t win. Stop spreading lies that President Trump developed the clot shot! It was the deep state at its most evil! The very people he and JFK tried to warn Americans about, the very people who took out JFK and who tried to kill President Trump! For Gods Sake, Wake Up!

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The problem is he still brags about operation warp speed. If he admitted he was misled by Fauci, great. If he said he was told they were safe and effective, but the evidence that wasn't true came out after Biden was President, great. Unfortunately he won't admit he made a mistake. That is a major fault in his personality.

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Trump insinuated that he was involved in the highly suspicious "warp speed" approval for the toxic injections. He tried to take credit for that. Trump also was involved in "pandemic" restrictions and "mandates. All this was accomplished before the walking corpse that is Joe Biden took office.

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The pandemic restrictions were perpetuated by governors. And NO, he never mandated the shots. The shots were not available until early 2021.

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Kathleen, I agree with you. I didn't express my for or against Trump choice, I know Ron Paul and as a mentor, who happens to be against big pharma and all vaccines, I think he is admirable. Plus his foreign policies are excellent. Trump's views on big pharma and vaccines, is a completely different topic.

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Rand Paul is Ron Paul's son and a very sharp physician as well. There are videos of Rand Paul putting the heat on Fauci several times. It is clear that Rand Paul loathes him....as most human beings who abhor cold calculated mass murder loathe Anthony Fauci and all his ilk. We were isolated, deprived of our jobs and kept from our social venues deliberately to prepare us to accept an untested and dangerous injection into our bodies. Most did succumb to the "warp speed bs. I refused these injections because I read Peter Duesbergs book INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS. It is the same approach for AIDS and it worked. The "cure" for AIDS cured many thousands---by taking their lives. They never lived to get AIDS and women lost their almost to term prebirth babies and small children also died from AZT. A vicious and murderous attack by "America's doctor" ...aka--mass murderer Anthony Fauci. Killed more people than Hitler in a more insidious way.

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Yes, I am very much aware of everything you write here. I watched the congressional hearings with Rand Paul, and, yes, I know his is Ron Paul's son. In the 1990s I started studying about vaccines, and had students/mothers who spilled their hearts out to me about their kids who were struck with autism when they received the MMR vaccine. I had friends with AIDS who died from AZT and some who still take it today. . . The tragedies that have taken place over the last 40 years throughout the world caused from evil, greedy people are heartbreaking.

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Hi Hillary...Frances Boyle interview with Naomi Wolf on rumble


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Highly interesting interview with Francis Boyle --

horrifying information here. Very revealing.

"Frances Boyle: "mRNA is very powerful stuff and could end up discombobulating your entire system"

Naomi: "Why would US security codevelops an injection that would kill and/or disable thousands of Americans"...

Naomi: "I am asking about motives'

Boyle: "there are precedents....my experience is.....we come back to the Nuremberg against human experimentation...This is a Nazi mentality we are dealing...this is a violation of the Nuremberg charter...a crime against humanity as well. Harvard medical school is complicit as well.

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Uh no.

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Trump never developed the toxic non-vaccines; they were already being developed years before Trump decided to run for President. He was lambasted for promoting early treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. He believed the so-called “experts” that the shots were “safe and effective” and thereby would save millions of lives. He never mandated the shots as Biden did. I, too, wish Trump would stop promoting the shots. Perhaps this is not the right time for him to suggest they be removed from use because, doing so would stimulate even more hate against him by those who took the shots and cannot admit that they made a mistake and more hate from those injured by the shots that he didn’t act sooner. I hope and pray that he will make excellent appointments to lead the various health agencies so that this horrible debacle will be rectified. But there are many serious issues to consider in this election that will determine if our country can survive another four more years.

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Yes you are right...but he did say something like "we have a beautiful vaccine"...and one product he promoted remdesivir causes kidney failure...deadly. Fauci received a salary of about $400,000. He left the Whitehouse with a "golden parachute"

Was this money a reward for his services to the "elites" in killing off useless eaters?

He seemed to be addicted to causing harm and death to all in his path.

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You have not kept up on the topics.

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Trump received remdesivir when he had COVID. Sadly, he, like so many people, might think that if a drug or treatment didn’t harm them that it is safe. Fauci was already the highest paid government employee before Trump ever met him.

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The problem was he couldn’t get many great and really good People to work for him because it was made known that if anyone worked for Trump their lives would be destroyed.

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Correct. There is and was a concerted effort to deny Trump and Republicans in general of effective counsel. Look at what Bar Associations are doing to Easterman. After 2020, Trump hired a large DC firm to represent him. The firm’s clients (mostly large liberal dominated corporations) complained and the firm withdrew. This left Trump with only a handful of C-team level attorneys to carry on the fight. Remember, in the legal profession you are talking upwards of 80% Democrats and in my large firm in DC it was closer to 95%.

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I didn't know that about the attorneys. It's the same in academia. I'm guessing it is similar in medicine. Why so many Democrats in these "high level" professions? I wish I knew.

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We have seen the lawfare against Trump associates. The tryrannical Injustice Department of this administration is appalling.

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Or - Trump needs outsider ordinary American people. Honest. Guileless. Loyal. Decisive.

And he needs to fire Wray and hundreds of thousands of other lifetime parasites. .

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That would be Amazing!!!🙏🏼❤️❤️

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JD Vance is a good start. You're so right--A-team all the way.

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Yes....seems very solid.

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Completely agree. In his first term he chose family he could trust over competence. I hope there can be a circle of loyal competent people who can help and protect him this term.

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I wish family members would stay out of administrations.

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Applaud your assessment.

'Little Birdie' in the background is hopefully bringing this to pass, no doubt.


Never before tonight have I ever witnessed Trump to appear remotely tearful.

Trump is challenged to grow and must trust God to guide him.

"Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

His loyal patrons must, 'Walk softly but carry his big stick.'

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I hope he included Vivek as part of his team and RFK Junior.

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I hope he puts RFK, Jr. in charge of the entire vaccine debacle resolution.

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However RFK, Jr has stated he is NOT anti-vaccine.

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He is not anti vaccine, he supports safe and effective vaccines, meaning he doesn't support most vaccines.

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I have heard him say he supports safe vaccines, but I have not heard him designate any vaccine as safe.

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RFK Jr. wants proper, rigorous testing of vaccines which presently are rare, possibly non existent. The testing results will likely not support the safety and effective claims made by pharma and the schills that work at the vaccine and drug regulators in every country in the world, hence the need for no liabilities for death and injuries caused by vaccines.

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My thought also... are there ANY vaccines which are safe? They ALL contain stuff that has no place in the human (or animal) body! There are other modalities which do what 'vaccines' are supposed to do.

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ALL vaccines are poisons. haven't we learned anything in the last 4 years/

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You don’t have to be “anti-vaccine” to be anti mRNA gene therapies (although nothing therapeutic about them) or anti- give a newborn 12 shots all in the same visit, to deal with the “vaccine” debacle.

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Our medical profession has lost its bearing. Doctors are disabling and murdering our children, hence the future of our nation.

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It is not a health system. Doctors are shills for pharma it seems.

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Couldn't agree more. If such exist, they'd have to be chosen from among those who have nothing but themselves to lose. I couldn't /wouldn't sacrifice my children. They've proven beyond any doubt they'll do anything. Absolutely anything.

I've been on tenterhooks these last 4 years wondering if God had just decided to let us reap the whirlwind we've sown. I'm breathing again, because DJT still is. Only God could have turned his head precisely correctly at precisely the right time to take that head shot across the top of his ear rather than through his brain. That was a God thing. Period. I believe that with God all things are possible. God wins. We're just along for the ride and to be instruments of His Will, If He and We choose.

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You are 100 percent spot on! They have destroyed they economy and are falsely propping it up, they have allowed an invasion, and are destroying the fabric of our society. When President Trump takes office again, that’s when they will pull the pin, everything will implode and they will blame it on him! I wish he would just bank out of the race! This God forsaken, soon to be Third World Shit Hole is NOT worth his life. The only thing that can save this once great Republic given to us by God, is God himself, but I think he’s given up on America and we are about to learn a very hard lesson! We should have fought harder to make people listen to “we conspiracy theorists “ the last 40 plus years, we should not have allowed them to remove God from society and we should of shut down the woke garbage IMMEDIATELY instead of worrying about offending anyone… GOD HELP US ALL!


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Thank you and you are spot on too. Only God can pull our fat out of this fire. Him sparing DJT has convinced me He isn't gonna just let us go down the tube, which we , writ large, arguably, so richly deserve.

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Exactly right! "The inner liberation of man begins by living RESPONSIBLY BEFORE GOD. Only then may stupidity be overcome." (Bonhoeffer)

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Yes....humanity fell originally according to our bible because of "disobedience to God's simple rule. "you may eat fruit of all the trees in the garden. Except

you may not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"...

What is "good" and what is "evil"....? what does this mean?

Does anyone know?

Does God tell us what is "good" and what is "evil"

It also explains God looked at his creation and found it to be "very good".

So "evil" something not created by God?

These questions seem simple....are they?

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The intellect divides everything into opposites. It functions using comparison. When you split or divide you become separate from the wholeness of God. The intellect is not violating God's law when it divides or compares for practical purposes. However, beyond that we are required to live outside the split of opposites and remain in the Kingdom. We are tempted every second to judge beyond the discernment needed in bread-and-butter affairs. We all fail spectacularly, and most don't even understand what they are doing.

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mRNA vaccines were not created by God and they defile his work. All genetically altered organisms--including plants--are flawed at a deep level.

Is the process of developing strains of plants and animals through selective breeding "god's work" or not? GMO is definitely the work of man. What about "selective breeding"?

We have many many particles in our genome that seem to have no functions. Perhaps they pertain to the unseen world and not our physical world? i.e. spirituality?

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Exactly spot on!

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All it took was for a mentally “prep’d” stooge to be coached thru a “hole in the defensive line” made for him by senior “handlers” to the perfect place at the perfect time. I believe he expected to survive and be a Hero.

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Great post John and so true. What happened on Saturday upended my view of how the vipers are approaching the November election. It’s not at all clear that anyone in the viper camp, which is 99% of Democrats and roughly half of Republicans(with most of the rest hiding under a rock), is steering the ship at this point. Like the ship that hit the Baltimore bridge, there were engines and there were rudders and there was someone at the helm, but the electronics weren’t there and so neither was the ship. This seems to me to be the perfect metaphor for America right now. The ship is careening and no one seems to be able to do anything about it.

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Every adult now must steer his/her own ship as well as possible. Under terrific pressure, I refused to "mask"...refused to 'social distance' and refused the "toxic covid injections"...I was kicked out of places I wanted to go....including to church. I will never go back there. I found people I trusted...i.e. Sucharit Bahkdi, Dolores Cahill, Heiko Schonung now Michael Yeadon and doctors4covidethics.org Dr. Thorpe and Dr. Peter McCullough and I studied their words and thoughts. Numerous scientists with very powerful microscopes found evidence of Graphene hydroxide in these injections---very damaging to biological cells. I felt they were being honest with the public and were not fear mongering. Do not forget this is a financial war. Huge resources were shifted from the middle-class in America (perhaps one of the few in the world) into the coffers of the wealthy. Money talks...and when you listen...the stories it tells are terrifying.

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Terrific article! Hope Donald Trump reads it too!!

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He needs to hire from outside and find loyal intelligent savvy people. Trump is a poor judge of character and yes fell for every trap. However, he is also easily flattered and money matters. Needs to learn to stop and think

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He's almost 80. I don't expect any changes like that. He is who he is. An incident like this just might make him surprise me though. I hope he survives so we find out if he's learned anything.

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No salaries. No perks. No “donating” salaries to “good causes” - it is taxpayer money. To join the Trump administration you work for free.

No dual citizens. Only Americans.

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Trump worked for free. He did not take a Presidential salary.

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