AOC has the same head shake/hair playing moves as Harris. Is this some kind of Liberal palsy?

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trying to move their pea brains up to the top so they can access them...

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/6C2YsgX9nw

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Both women appear to be cases of arrested development. They've successfully fine-tuned their looks and body movements to achieve maximum attention, while allowing their brains to exist in a vegetative state. This is evidenced by the fact that neither woman seems even remotely aware of how stupid she is. Well-adjusted women would be embarrassed to find themselves in such a situation, but not these two.

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I could only watch about 3 seconds of aoc - she has nothing to offer - an empty shell similar to biden

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“One of the foundational principles of America is that we hate nazis” lmao!

Oh this poor dumb woman.

She could have had a career posting thirst traps on TikTok, dancing in a bikini or whatever. But some dude lied to her, likely in an attempt to get laid, and told her that she’s super duper smart and inspirational.

And now she humiliates herself on the daily, making inane statements like “the rebranded Roman salute” and “it’s vital that we keep the lights on!”

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What dummies like her do not realize is that we're living in a nightmare world which is Commie-Fascist to the core and they probably have no clue that "public-private partnership" is just another form of fascism, but one that's corrupt to the core and benefits only the top scum.

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Not just the lights on, but also the ‘candles on’. What the hell? Candles are kept ‘lit’,; not ‘on’. What a word salad which says practically nothing. Damn, she’s so dumb.

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I wonder if she knows that one of the foundational priciples of America is we actually do hate communism. And tyranny. But I repeat myself.

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Generally, many of we da peeple have a history of disdain for communism, but the truth is that the big money crowd in London and NYC funded the Reds which really turned out to be a form of fascism.

Both end up supporting parasites at the top who lived in luxury while many of the rest wallowed in poverty or squeaked by in a short lived middle class.

"The initial funds for the setting up of the Marxist schools [in New York City]were, ironically enough, contributed by wealthy business people who were personally invited to attend dinners at the homes of other men of wealth. They came to hear Earl Browder analyze current events and predict the future with emphasis on the role the Party would play.

"... The men who paid their hundred-dollar admissions and contributed thus to the school funds became part of the group which Earl Browder was to call the “progressive businessmen,” meaning those who were willing to go along on an international program of communism. The lure was attractive: expanded profits from trade with the Soviets. The price to be paid was unimportant to these well-fed, well-heeled men…”

-Bella Dodd, School of Darkness Chap 11, p 150


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🎯 Thank you, I know about that too. Men (and women) often don't live up to their ideals.

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I can’t look at much listen to AOC as she is repulsive and very much a puppet a stupid one at that. She is a disgrace on every level

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Look at the wings on the F-104. Very little wing surface area and notoriously unstable at low speeds due to lack of airflow. Yeager was at 108,000 ft. Not much air to flow over those tiny wings. Loss of airflow equals loss of control. He was never gonna regain control and did the "right stuff" to punch out to live another day.

The lies and delusions of the Democrats are much like the F-104 wings. They rely on the illusion of control but when their lies and delusions run out of hot air well, they are now desperately struggling to regain control. Will they live to fight another day or go down in ignominy.

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Hope they auger in!

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While your points are valid and true, it's important to recognize that Musk's displays of neurotic behavior and emotional immaturity act as a wrench in Trump's interests and his administration's agenda.

A measure of self-restraint would stabilize his erratic tendencies and amplify his influence far more effectively than his current embrace of an impulsive, childish public persona.

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Is Musk actually on the autism spectrum which would explain his genius as well as his odd behaviors.

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I anticipated this response—it's become a common reflex to attribute Musk's behavior to autism spectrum traits, as if this provides blanket permission for immaturity. As someone with intimate knowledge of the condition through personal experience and extensive observation, I firmly disagree.

Being on the autism spectrum does not automatically equate to emotional immaturity. Consider Musk's extensive involvement in complex human relationships and his navigation of global business dynamics—these hardly suggest someone oblivious to social norms. Rather, they indicate someone quite capable of understanding human interaction, even if not always adept at it.

The public's tendency to conflate autism spectrum traits with a license for erratic behavior reveals a profound misunderstanding of the condition. Musk is far more socially aware and calculated than his public persona suggests.

It's time to stop using autism as an all-purpose explanation for behavior that more likely stems from conscious choice rather than neurological difference.

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Musk has attributed his own behavior to having Asperger’s. This is not my own assessment.

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There are some videos online that show AOC making the exact same gesture with her arm! Apparently no one has shown them to her.

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And Hillary too. I saw a montage of a number of Demonrats making the same gesture.

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See JethrineBeauDean's post above--hilarious!

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All this Nazi Schmazi stuff is just plain simple minded. Even if they had been a clique of archangels they would have still been subjected to outrageous hatred, vilification and persecution by the "Commie" dimwits.

They at least tried in vain to defend themselves against the banker-backed Commies while the "Allies" supported the degenerates and are still, in large part, doing that. Maybe it's time to get over it already...

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Musk is trolling both sides, you don't make a gesture like that, that's So Similar to the Nazi salute by accident. This was not organic.

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Drink this ass whoopin’ down to the dregs lefttards.

You “earned” it!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/6C2YsgX9nw

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A message to Alexandria in her video trying to paint Elon Musk as Hitler


A great example of Woke ideology and methodology where a few frames from a video are taken out of context to create a pre conceived narrative piggy backing irrefutable moral truths. Had Elon Kept his arm in an outstretched position for more than a few milliseconds, had he shouted Sieg Heil! and if there was no preceding and very clear message that we can reach for the stars (Which is what his excited gesture was genuinely about) then you can rant like Alexandria and all the other woke brainwashed democrats. Thank god they were defeated in the US elections as this woke ideology driven regime was as Socialist as it ever became in the US. The democrats were fast moving toward a well censored obedience to the State with unbridled control over law enforcement, human rights and being able to define what truth itself was.

A classic example of trying to put your own definition of Truth out there Alexandria. When you are caught in a freeze frame of extending your right arm from the shoulder into the air with a straightened hand it will be much more aligned with socialist intent than Elon's reach for the stars in optimistic Freedom to pursue your dreams gesture.

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The fact that this is getting so much play when it is obviously not what they think just shows how desperate and stupid they are. No thinking journalist or politician would be getting worked up about this! People who are truly miserable are always looking for something to get offended at and contribute nothing worthwhile.

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Here’s the agony of winning … don’t look back . True winners move forward. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n9gBk0P9yEc

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Ironic, CommunoIslamoFascist anti-Constitutional, anti-American antisemitic Nazis calling anyone who isn’t any of the aforementioned a Nazi. That’s rich.

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