Peter and Dr Stroller together, what a pair they are. This conversation is riveting. If ever you doubted the wisdom of the present near mandatory childhood vaccine schedule, you will now. What a hoax, what recklessness what criminality it is. The extraordinary insight that these two have into our natural immune system is to me amazing. We are so fortunate to have these men with such powerful intellect to tackle the vaccine racket. With their skills and knowledge combined with RFK,Jr’s commitment to the overhaul of our nation’s health, we may actually conquer chronic disease and bust the pharma food racket which is the dark force behind our sick society. Absolutely, a great interview, Peter. Thank you so much.

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"Reckless criminality"...yes. It is criminal and it is done without regard for life.

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I had three daughters born at home in the '7O's .....I trained for giving birth like an athlete preparing for a marathon--increasing my resilience and endurance. I had four hour labors and no complications. I delayed "vaccinations" for my children and kept it as minimal as I could. They were rarely sick.

It is sad what has happened to people....especially the children. I wish there was something I could do. When my kids were growing up I bought a countertop distiller so we could avoid fluoride. Sadly my daughters do not do this for their own kids....They drink what comes out of the faucet..and trust in the "medical professionals" for their information....People desperately need to see that their health is in their own hands....don't take their shots....don't follow their "protocols"...eat unprocessed food and use remedies from nature's own pharmacy....Don't drink their poison water.

Put the drug pushers out of business. Health does not come out of a pill bottle.

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The excerpt is so true. And I would add that cattle are being injected with mRNA “vaccines” but the Cattlemen’s Association helped to block a bill that would require the labeling of products with this information. Additionally, I believe I have a right to know when cell cultures derived from the abortion of healthy babies were used in the development, testing or manufacture of a product. It takes a fair amount of literature research to find out this information, something the average person might not be able to do. I have been calling this “the dirty secret” the manufacturers don’t want us to know about. Products should be labeled with this information and this information should be part of the informed consent process whenever any drug or treatment is offered. Any food that has been intentionally contaminated with mRNA manipulation needs to be labeled with this information.

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sickening. I eat very little meat. May cut that back to none. The meat industry is disgusting--but I suppose they are just doing what they are trained for....producing and packaging a product that "the people" demand.

Using aborted babies for cell cultures, organs skin etc. is a world wide industry. Some say it is sourced out of a country in the middle east that buys organs etc from impoverished Chinese and others. Who knows? I thinK there was a book on this by a man named Ethan Guzzman or something like that-- BLOODY HARVEST. I read this a long time ago so I may be mistaken as to the topic.

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https://www.chinaorganharvest.org › report › findings › executive-summary

Executive Summary - China Organ Harvest Research Center

Based on this research, Kilgour, Matas, and Gutmann published Bloody Harvest/The Slaughter: An Update 4 in June 2016. Spanning 680 pages and nearly 2,400 references, the report uncovers the true nature and scale of these abuses. ... An Update page 352~363 Authors: David Kilgour, Ethan Gutmann, and David Matas, June 22, 2016" Original ...

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https://www.amazon.com › Slaughter-Killings-Harvesting-Solution-Dissident › dp › 161614940X

The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret ...

Ethan Gutmann, an award-winning China analyst and human-rights investigator, ... Bloody Harvest, Gutmann began an independent investigation into Chinese state-sponsored organ harvesting of Falun Gong, interviewing over 100 refugees, doctors, and law enforcement personnel over a six-year period. The Slaughter, published in 2014, profiled several ...

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As enlightening as this interview is (and I will read the book) , Dr Stoller does not sufficiently emphasize the root of the problem and issues which is the false paradigm of allopathic medicine; it began in the 1800s (if not earlier) where we can still find so much fraud and fake science if we dare research the medical history of the time; the 19th century did produce amazing discoveries from real geniuses in medical science but also charlatans and propagandists who promoted lies and deception in the service of power, profit and personal fame; so we revere to this day the name Pasteur, the mediocre chemist who falsified the results of his own experiments and plagiarized from the real genius of the time, Antoine Bechamp; and history reveals so many others such as Florence Nightingale whose insights went far beyond the need to revolutionize nursing care; and then there was Royal Rife who was not only observing cancer cells under his remarkable Universal Microscope but actually curing cancer; it is these scientists who sole purpose was to seek truth and benefit mankind that must be vindicated by having their reputations restored but that remains an impossible hope because of the pseudo reality that is so dominant and impregnable and reinforced by so many who simply can't handle the truth.

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GREAT POST! thanks. I agree with you. There are cures for cancer that do not involve toxic drugs or harmful radiation. Research Gerson Therapy.

There are two major weapons in the battle for health

1. POISON FREE DIET. avoid processed foods. stay close to nature. buy a juicer. Reduce meat. Don't eat any food with ingredients you can't pronounce. Farm fresh eggs ok. Some dairy...especially raw from a local farm is good. This is often sold under the guise as "for your dog"...these farmers who offer fresh raw milk have to do this or they will be shut down.

2. DETOXIFICATION ...use sweat lodges, enemas, fasting. herbal detoxification teas. All these can be helpful. The battle for your health must be won every day. Sure you will slip up....have a few drinks....eat junk food every once in awhile....that is ok. Just stick with the main plan: Pure vegetable juices.... a lot of salad. Some cooked vegetables...potatoes etc. Rice in limited amounts is ok. Avoid BREAD.... Avoid SUGAR. Avoid tap water if possible. Enjoy your life!

Love your family and friends.

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I cannot speak for the government employees who did not return to Washington DC to work but are instead working from home and in Dr. McCullough's opinion "doing nothing", but every IT employee I know who works from home is dedicated, hardworking, efficient, and puts in more hours because there is no commute. They are also healthier because they have time to work out - instead of travel time - eat better (in my husband's case he stops for lunch to share with me that I prepare from scratch), and less stressed because there is no hectic drive time.

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So glad they are not filling the air with their car exhaust and making traffic worse! Bravo and more power to them.

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Did Dr Stoller know Dr Eric Kindwall? Dr Kindwall trail-blazed Hyperbaric medicine at St Luke’s in Milwaukee. He was a Navy diver. I know the family.

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I think we met once

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Appreciate you passing this info along to us.

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Good Post!

This is another one along these lines:

The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Dissent Online

Millions of dollars were spent to weaponize the public against all of us

A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine <amidwesterndoctor@substack.com>

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