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"Incurable Us" Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It into Clinical Practice

Dr. McCullough Interviews Iconic Physician-Author Dr. KP Stoller

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Why can’t America get healthy?  This has been the topic of a recent US Senate Hearing chaired by Senator Ron Johnson.  Prominent health experts and podcasters made their case for why health has been declining.  I found it odd that the presidents of major preventive medicine agencies and societies were absent from the table.  Prevention is a major aspect of modern medicine and research, yet this new interest seems to be taken up by authors, social media influencers, and podcasters.  From my vantage point, if others can reach the masses and improve diets and lifestyle—then bring on the podcasters!   

For insights on the pharmaceutical pipeline and chronic disease, I reached out to Dr. KP Stoller, physician and author for his insights from his recent book Incurable Us.

This is an excerpt from his book website:  “Dr. Stoller maintains that the best evidence in medical research is not incorporated into clinical practice unless the medical cartel has the potential to make large amounts of money promoting the results of the research. Stoller takes his provocative argument a step further, maintaining that if specific research conflicts with a powerful entity’s financial interests, the likely result will be an effort to suppress or distort the results. Stoller cites numerous examples, including corporate influence on GMO labeling and public health.  Now for the first time in paperback, Stoller also explores how “revolving-door-employment” between the Centers for Disease Control and large pharmaceutical companies can affect research results—as well as our health. Written in an accessible style that is thoroughly appropriate for a lay audience, Incurable Me is a must-read for anyone interested in the state of modern medicine.” 

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

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Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake Podcast
Advancement of clinical science, protection of personal autonomy, liberty, and constitutional rights.