Is it possible that university students are more infantile than they were when I was in college? It appears so. Maybe the removal of the draft, where you were faced with adult decisions, plays a part in this. I don’t know, but surely, even if students were ‘isolated’ at home, it was possible to find opposing viewpoints, research, etc., on the internet that would belie the pro vaccination mantra. Surely there are plenty of us who refused the vax, because of the research we did. Education has been indoctrination for the past 50 years or so…it appears that we are not producing ‘independent thinkers’ in our education system.

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I homeschool our tween.

BELLS, WHISTLES, RED FLAGS were BLARING from the Holy Spirit as soon as I heard Anthony Fauci DECLARE that "Americans' lives could NOT return to normal UNTIL a vaccine was available...which would require about 18 months." This declaration was during one of the daily White House COVID-19 briefings early April 2020.

I immediately thought that our child would be damaged for life emotionally, mentally, physically and psychologically if we kept him locked down, isolated and living in fear. The Holy Spirit began from that moment forward educating, guiding and providing for my husband, tween, me and his friends to continue enjoying their childhoods and staying very healthy overall the past four years!

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Education does not equal intelligence.

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Academia is broken.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

You speak of the pandemic as though it were in the past. The restrictions are not all gone. Just 60 miles down the road from Dr. Chaufan, Dr. Byram Bridle is still being denied access to his lab and office at the University of Guelph (900 days and counting). Travel another 100 miles and you will reach a city where, in spite of a nurse shortage, nurses are still being fired for not being vaccinated. And the United States will not issue permanent residency cards to legal immigrants who are no vaccinated. Let's not forget these courageous individuals because the fight is not over.

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Peter and all,

I have been telling parents for at least 10 years… Wrap around your son or daughter even more during the most dangerous college years because you have no idea what the school personnel is up to!

Why did I know this?

During college orientation, parents were told that WE THE SCHOOL would take care of ‘problems’ so encourage your son or daughter to seek out ‘school counselors’ for help!

This occurred at a so called Christian college selling Evangelical one world religiosity garbage in their chapel along with multicultural and diversity garbage in their so called electives students are forced to take!

And to think we were sold that this was a NONDENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE!

BTW…A globalist runs the college today who of course heavily pushed the vaccine mandates on their students…pure murder!


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Most students just didn’t have a choice. The threat of being thrown off the course was staring them in the face. I have kept in touch with a medical student in Adelaide who was rightly furious that he had to comply or leave after two years of exorbitant fees.

Medical ethics were nowhere to be seen. Subsequently he has had serious mental difficulties. The evil contempt shown by academia is repulsive. There must be retribution.

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My son John 2nd year US Navy Yellow Ribbon Vet scholarship @Reed College Portland, goofy mandate required vaxx bullcrap to be an active enrolled student even though on-line classes were the norm non-campus criteria. I was one pissed off dad as we are healthy as the finest race horses.

Two strong hands/ two strong legs/ one strong mind beats the hell outa DOD Wuhan spike jab!

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My own young adult, pressured to get 3 poison shots at a Catholic College in North East, was constantly sick during that time and developed a breast tumor that showed rapid growth in a short time and had to me removed. Thankfully not cancer, I pray that all of this won't come back in 10-20 years Sadly one day, their will have to be accountability from people in charge that made these decisions maybe, the Grim Reaper will escort them to HELL!!

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

"Misinformation spreader", "anti-vaxxer", "anti-science", and similar power/control/propaganda terms were all deployed in the grand tradition of their antecedent par excellence, "conspiracy theorist". The origin of these tools of totalitarian diktat is well known, and sadly so many have been irreparably manipulated & harmed by their deployment. Thank you both for an especially important and insightful discussion.

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Very interesting interview. During the discussion on misinformation I was reminded that during the Obama administration the Smith- Mundt Act of 1948 was rescinded which then allowed propaganda by our government to be spread to Americans. We are now living under the results of that action.

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Vaccine is a dogma. Nobody discusses or questions a dogma. You don’t have to think about it, and the world perceived the vaccines as being the most noble remedy to save us all from the evil virus: “vaccines are safe and save lives!!!” This is what the world had in mine. The greatest triumph pharmaceutical companies had on their side, it was to call the biggest genetic experience - Vaccines! And until today the same idéia is still ingrained in people’s brains, and many won’t open up theirs minds to review the vaccine dogma. It’s a curious phenomenon!!!! And sad, because people will line up again to roll up their sleeves when a new virus comes around!

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The vaccine ideology was one of the many products of psyops conducted by the Democratic Party,

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The mission of all college campuses today is about following RULES. They must set these rules because they are dealing with children. 18 to 25 year olds don't know how to think or act on their own because their attention spans, self esteem, intellectual maturity equal their emotional ages. If you have a 3 minute attention span you are 3. 15 minutes, 15 and so on. Ivy League Colleges are the worst example of this.

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Truly stunning…but I think the pressure varied from campus to campus and by region of the country

Some campuses were more open to religious exemptions than others, too

I’m not sure if we can build enough prisons to lock up all those responsible for destroying careers/livelihoods and marriages and causing disabilities and death … prayers for justice

Joshua 1:9, friends …Be strong and courageous

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