Is it possible that university students are more infantile than they were when I was in college? It appears so. Maybe the removal of the draft, where you were faced with adult decisions, plays a part in this. I don’t know, but surely, even if students were ‘isolated’ at home, it was possible to find opposing viewpoints, research, etc., on the internet that would belie the pro vaccination mantra. Surely there are plenty of us who refused the vax, because of the research we did. Education has been indoctrination for the past 50 years or so…it appears that we are not producing ‘independent thinkers’ in our education system.

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We are not encouraging or developing independent thinkers with one exception: home schooled children.

It will be interesting to see what effects they will have within the next 25 to 35 years and counting….

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I homeschool a 5 and 9 yo born at home with the midwife. Never vaxxed. Never saw a pediatrician. Not a single ear ache. Sailed through covid. Breast fed for too long, BUT the results are clear. Parents HAVE TO take responsibility for their children and public schools are just babysitters today. So are private schools.

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The home schooled children I have known are, without exception, the most intelligent, interesting young adults I have ever met. They are responsible, respectful, resourceful people and if there is an award for exceptional parenting, these parents get my vote. They speak impressively and can carry on a conversation with aplomb. 👏👏👏👏

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That has likewise been my experience.

I’m always impressed by these young adults.

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Well think about it. Confidence in what you know and the knowledge that there is more to come depending on application of one’s time or being told what to think by a cabal that has programmed Al algorithmic platitudes not even their own thoughts but on orders from hierarchy.

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I have just a glimmer of hope when I listen to young people being interviewed at Turning Point USA events. And I hear that younger people are supporting Trump and conservative values in greater numbers.

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I think that, regardless of the era, if you were an ‘independent thinker’ in school, you were normally disciplined by the teacher. Most of us went through an indoctrination process during our education, but hopefully learned to think more independently when we faced the world as an ‘adult’. I suspect the answer is, basically, to not give any credence to the opinions of those who are still in the education system, or only recently out of it, any more than you would respect the opinion of a toddler…..lol

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In 1830 the one room school house educated children from 3 to 12 years of age together. Their attendance was basically voluntary, and proficiency upon completing that elementary education base on tested knowledge of America and the world as it were was far surpassing anything comparable seen today in tiered colleges and the liberal arts of Ivy League.

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10-35 years down the road, huh? Wow, maybe utopia. That’s just wonderful! At the current exponential rate of infiltration of those who see no problem with the demise of America in a global world. “can’t we all just be friends” was used to propagandized Americans by government sloganeering in the years just before and during the early 1990’s. That’s when the Clinton administration made the CCP’s China a favored nation, simultaneously gutting sustainable middle American manufacturing, sending it abroad to slave regimes and inviting Chinese visa workers and students in to steal technology. That was friendly wishful thinking. Do you think your five year old would have known that was a bad idea given the CCP’s record? There will be no dissenting ten years from now and no wishful thinking. In twenty five you will be given work until your time comes to donate an organ like the Uyghurs of today and yesterday. Age 50 by then is old and entering uselessness stage useless you can afford the payoffs when the “good for all” mantra kicks in and you disappear. The nuclear family will be in hiding in caves with the religious because they competes with the State’s inclusive One Party mantra. The disabled and mentally challenged will already be gone, liquid fertilizer for the sustainable garden of climate science of voluntary euthanasia. Interesting to see in 25-35 years? See what, if “someone” will save you, maybe big brother standing behind sister Socialism that the 2008 Trojan horse implemented (eventually for all) to share with the new global illegals that will have anchored potentially a third generation of 150 million that hate your privilege. You are the hero you are waiting for.

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Home schooling - One of the bright lights in our world.

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Correct. I've grown very weary of college educated twits expressing their *alleged* privilege, and writing me off as human scrap. The little fuckers need a good solid smack in the head with a two-by-four.

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Perhaps a good response to them is if you want to follow orders or instructions without question, go join the army…..lol

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In the olden days, it would have meant a trip to the woodshed.

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Correct. Many of these behavioral deficits are associated with failures of parental *guidance* and/or reinforcement of negative attributes by same. My parents were not classically "strict" because they chose to reinforce attributes such as physical ambition and the will to do our best. School based education was considered *secondary* to ones own sense of worth... Nearly opposite of current accepted regimen.

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The prevention of free thought is by design.

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Presumably we have all gone through the same indoctrination system. While the prevention of free thought may be by design, while you are involved in your education, you also have free will to step beyond that indoctrination, once you graduate.

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That is correct, but not for all and especially not for the liberal minded. Many KGB and CCP defectors will tell you the process of propaganda must be ongoing even as certain markers are met to complete the plan, in this case the demise of America. There will always be those of strong free will that rebound and break-through and youth that willl not accept illogical prose.

The process is - demoralize, propagandize that the State can save you, censor, demoralize, repeat. Perhaps most glaring over the past six decades and exponentially the last three with big tech is the installation of of a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar, a kid sniffing, perverted, wife stealing scumbag that promoted his only remaining severely drug and sex addicted son to go abroad and sell off American secrets for financial gain, then demoralize America by lying in our faces after projecting it on Trump, all the while telling America Biden was the “steady Joe”, the Scranton kid that marched for civil rights and on and on. Before Biden the Democrats gave us Hillary basically the same as she denigrated tens of millions of American voters as deplorable, Benghazi, and on and on. Before Hillary it was the 2008 Trojan horse from nowhere to change America, the commune-it’s organizer and planner of Medicaid (eventually for all) to share with 50 million illegals (soon) that will vote against you if you dissent from the propaganda. They do not know what to do, they know the people do not want what they are selling so they must lie, lie, lie, and what they destroy they capture and never let a crisis they create go to waste. Not even Communist Russia in their Oligarchy controlled corrupted culture attacks its own people on that scale.

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I learned everything I ever needed to know about humanity, it’s needs, mental and physical adaptation, social, cultural, and the citizenry of tribalism in regards to human fear that motivates all movement, all on the way to, during, and upon my return from Nam. Dirt roads, villagers, shanty towns with roofs shingled with flattened aluminum beer cans as the good people accepted us with indifference. Then choppered in to the high convoluted ridges of the mountainous jungles, no roads, villages, or villagers. Ravines between the ridges leading to the next mountain so deep, leaves could blanket a man, spider webs thirty feet in diameter, think Jurassic park. That was where the assigned enemy’s big prizes hid their wears and they had been waiting for us since Dein bein Phu a decade or so earlier. Up to six weeks without stand down 24/7 melded into the enemy. Then the introduction into the coming of modern medicine and politics of war and its indifference during months of hospital recovery, and my guilt driven need to rejoin my rifle platoon that happened. Then the indifferent at best return to an unfamiliar cultural of drugs, free love and casually celebrated abortion and the intentional degradation of everything we had endured. The loathsomeness of hating on America, the military that protects it, and those who go forth in the name of others. Could it be that the war was not “over there”, the enemy’s attack was at home in the highest ivory towers of academia using Boomer youth, where Marxism rooted Communist propaganda flourished and Gramsci lead the charge six decades ago to “march through the institutions” so that as seniors they can “build back better” in their image? The sacrifices of t house before us are history that is intentionally being expunged where the American revolution looks more like the failed “reign of terror” French Revolution that made Mr. Guillotine famous.

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I agree with 99% of what you say, however, as also being alive during that time, and potentially about the same age as you, initially, abortion was not ‘casually celebrated’. This appalling psychology is something far more recent.

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Your point is correct. I though I might be getting ahead of the ski’s there but convinced myself it was in the works as Roe V Wade was passes five years later in ‘73 by a corrupted SCOTUS fearing the “democratica” liberal mob that captured them with the induced low info hippy drug and free love culture that barely made it to the voting booths, but helped media corruption call any dissenters prudes. That was five decades ago turning the Justices into sheep.

Same as we saw the corrupt Leftist Communist go after Robert’s, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Thomas from way back when Biden lead that charge to slander him. It’s what Communists do, it’s all they have.

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I wonder how much SCOTUS would have feared a ‘liberal’ mob that had just voted for Nixon as president….lol. However, what makes that era even more ‘interesting’ is that much of the ‘hippy, drug and free love’ portion of it was actually led, in some ways, and infiltrated, in others, by the CIA.

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There was a good sized cohort who were expecting this scenario.

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I homeschool our tween.

BELLS, WHISTLES, RED FLAGS were BLARING from the Holy Spirit as soon as I heard Anthony Fauci DECLARE that "Americans' lives could NOT return to normal UNTIL a vaccine was available...which would require about 18 months." This declaration was during one of the daily White House COVID-19 briefings early April 2020.

I immediately thought that our child would be damaged for life emotionally, mentally, physically and psychologically if we kept him locked down, isolated and living in fear. The Holy Spirit began from that moment forward educating, guiding and providing for my husband, tween, me and his friends to continue enjoying their childhoods and staying very healthy overall the past four years!

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You nailed it…the “return to normal” mantra drove my software engineer son and his partner, a tenured professor at a large university, to jump in line for their jab. He pleaded that we both needed to do our part in the effort to “return to normal” completely ignoring the fact that my husband contracted Delta in July 2020 and had antibodies. They both fell for the regime’s fear porn of 100% vaccination without question. He has developed three serious health issues.

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I am very sorry to hear about your son’s developed health issues.

Does he link them to taking the jab? In my experience, most do not.


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No, he doesn’t really believe us, but it’s a delicate subject to which he politely said he’ll take Dr. McCullough’s supplements to dissolve spike proteins. However, I believe it was only a placating gesture because he did not take them, so I asked that he return the unopened bottles.

My 30-year old nephew did the same so ”he could travel.” He spent 16 days in the hospital last June when he suddenly developed constant migraines for 3 weeks and then lost most of his eyesight to double optic neuritis, which finally lead to his hospitalization. He left after 5 days of IV steroid treatments and 5 plasma exchanges (PLEX) to help remove proteins (?) from the optic nerve sheath. He was finally released with no definitive diagnosis but a 3-month prescription of oral steroids.

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I am so sorry to hear about the health problems of your family’s youths.

My nephew and his fiancé took the jab so that they could go to Italy for their honeymoon. They wanted to start their family right away, even hoping to return home pregnant.

That was the fall of 2022.

No pregnancy yet.

My sister begged them not to jab.

We can’t prove that the jab is the reason they haven’t conceived, of course, but my sister has 26 grandchildren — yes, she and the family are all about children 🤗 —

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(continuing the above comment….) but those of us who have followed the research suspect my nephew and niece-in-law unknowingly exchanged a romantic honeymoon for a family of their own….

At least they both appear to be healthy to date.


We’ll see….

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Dr. McCullough has said in many testimonies that the mRNA injection must be ruled out FIRST when considering any health problem or condition. We now know that the lipid nano particle capsule covering the mRNA “vaccine” didn’t/doesn’t dissolve, allowing the spike proteins to travel to organs and tissues they were never meant to touch. He and others suggest detoxifying with his supplement regimen:


There’s also the FLCCC’s protocol that everyone, vaxxed or not, should familiarize themselves to help themselves or their family members. My family is not receptive; however, many others are desperately searching for answers to unexplained health issues. Consider the vaXX first.


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I overheard multiple conversations from physicians enthusiastically discussing their plans to get the latest vax for their families. Polite society & intellects didn’t understand what ordinary people instinctively knew.

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EVIL has and continues to be inflicted upon innocent people...especially our youth. I am IMMENSELY SORRY for your BELOVED son's injuries and your heartbreak....

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Education does not equal intelligence.

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Academia is broken.

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You speak of the pandemic as though it were in the past. The restrictions are not all gone. Just 60 miles down the road from Dr. Chaufan, Dr. Byram Bridle is still being denied access to his lab and office at the University of Guelph (900 days and counting). Travel another 100 miles and you will reach a city where, in spite of a nurse shortage, nurses are still being fired for not being vaccinated. And the United States will not issue permanent residency cards to legal immigrants who are no vaccinated. Let's not forget these courageous individuals because the fight is not over.

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Peter and all,

I have been telling parents for at least 10 years… Wrap around your son or daughter even more during the most dangerous college years because you have no idea what the school personnel is up to!

Why did I know this?

During college orientation, parents were told that WE THE SCHOOL would take care of ‘problems’ so encourage your son or daughter to seek out ‘school counselors’ for help!

This occurred at a so called Christian college selling Evangelical one world religiosity garbage in their chapel along with multicultural and diversity garbage in their so called electives students are forced to take!

And to think we were sold that this was a NONDENOMINATIONAL COLLEGE!

BTW…A globalist runs the college today who of course heavily pushed the vaccine mandates on their students…pure murder!


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Please help!


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No 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY = No More America

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We need your help if you are able on this 2024 critical project!


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Please help with this 2024 critical project for the survival of America for ALL future generations!


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Marilyn…please help us!


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Most students just didn’t have a choice. The threat of being thrown off the course was staring them in the face. I have kept in touch with a medical student in Adelaide who was rightly furious that he had to comply or leave after two years of exorbitant fees.

Medical ethics were nowhere to be seen. Subsequently he has had serious mental difficulties. The evil contempt shown by academia is repulsive. There must be retribution.

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Agree. Against both schools and employers that mandated.

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My son John 2nd year US Navy Yellow Ribbon Vet scholarship @Reed College Portland, goofy mandate required vaxx bullcrap to be an active enrolled student even though on-line classes were the norm non-campus criteria. I was one pissed off dad as we are healthy as the finest race horses.

Two strong hands/ two strong legs/ one strong mind beats the hell outa DOD Wuhan spike jab!

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My own young adult, pressured to get 3 poison shots at a Catholic College in North East, was constantly sick during that time and developed a breast tumor that showed rapid growth in a short time and had to me removed. Thankfully not cancer, I pray that all of this won't come back in 10-20 years Sadly one day, their will have to be accountability from people in charge that made these decisions maybe, the Grim Reaper will escort them to HELL!!

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"Misinformation spreader", "anti-vaxxer", "anti-science", and similar power/control/propaganda terms were all deployed in the grand tradition of their antecedent par excellence, "conspiracy theorist". The origin of these tools of totalitarian diktat is well known, and sadly so many have been irreparably manipulated & harmed by their deployment. Thank you both for an especially important and insightful discussion.

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Very interesting interview. During the discussion on misinformation I was reminded that during the Obama administration the Smith- Mundt Act of 1948 was rescinded which then allowed propaganda by our government to be spread to Americans. We are now living under the results of that action.

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Vaccine is a dogma. Nobody discusses or questions a dogma. You don’t have to think about it, and the world perceived the vaccines as being the most noble remedy to save us all from the evil virus: “vaccines are safe and save lives!!!” This is what the world had in mine. The greatest triumph pharmaceutical companies had on their side, it was to call the biggest genetic experience - Vaccines! And until today the same idéia is still ingrained in people’s brains, and many won’t open up theirs minds to review the vaccine dogma. It’s a curious phenomenon!!!! And sad, because people will line up again to roll up their sleeves when a new virus comes around!

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It's not a vaccine. It's an IQ test...

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Love it! I originally scheduled my vax but changed my mind after doing more reading. Almost failed the IQ test...but in the end I passed. May have avoided blood clots, myocarditis, turbo cancer, etc.!!

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Glad you passed and avoided potential catastrophe. About 2 1/2 billion failed the test, so there's that... Thanks for commenting.

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The vaccine ideology was one of the many products of psyops conducted by the Democratic Party,

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The mission of all college campuses today is about following RULES. They must set these rules because they are dealing with children. 18 to 25 year olds don't know how to think or act on their own because their attention spans, self esteem, intellectual maturity equal their emotional ages. If you have a 3 minute attention span you are 3. 15 minutes, 15 and so on. Ivy League Colleges are the worst example of this.

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I think the vast majority of young people in the 18-25 age range, and kids younger than that, are brain-injured from the vaccines recommended for kids by the CDC. These kids can't cope with the ordinary stresses of life. Plus, they've been taught to think of themselves as victims. And they've been indoctrinated and had their development derailed by social media, anime, and games on computers and smartphones.

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Kayla, you sum it up. And ALL of this is ongoing and burying humanity. Namaste. Thomas

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Truly stunning…but I think the pressure varied from campus to campus and by region of the country

Some campuses were more open to religious exemptions than others, too

I’m not sure if we can build enough prisons to lock up all those responsible for destroying careers/livelihoods and marriages and causing disabilities and death … prayers for justice

Joshua 1:9, friends …Be strong and courageous

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