According to Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, nothing that you inject into your arm is going to protect you from a respiratory infection. The antibodies that you develop as a result of such an injection, are not the ones you need for protection. Those antibodies are located in the mucosal tissue.

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Very true! They don't want us to know the obvious and how useless their mRNA shots direct into the body are (as well as harmful in a lot of cases).

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So true. Don't vaccinate no matter the age. Just had the symptoms and immediately started the protocol Dr McCullough recommends. Virus never took hold. Still doing oral and nasal rinses as preventive.

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Yes you got it right! Great info in the article on Xylitol, Povidone Iodine, and Saline nasal/throat sprays to protect us and also to reduce the viral load if we do happen to get infected.

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These kinds of numbers concerning alleged "protection" from CDC's flu vaccine regardless of how they now define a vaccine, are not new. The CDC vaccine d'jour has always been only marginally effective. In 30 years with the US PHS I agreed to the "vaccine" once. God gave an immune system and it works as it should. CDC gave feckless Directors who change the definition of what a vaccine is.

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I have used povidone iodine 10% for both a gargle and nasal swab since the beginning of the COVID-19 era. I dilute it further by adding two tablespoons to a glass of water. Even though I have evaluated thousands of COVID patients in close proximity, I have never contracted the virus and I don't expect that I will. Moreover, I have been taking ivermectin, among other things, prophylactically for several years. I did suffer an adverse effect most likely from the vaccine, Phantosmia, which means, olfactory hallucinations. I consider myself lucky that there has been nothing more.

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Thanks for the very useful info.

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Dr. McCullough drives home the point that with influenza, prevention and early intervention are paramount. The preventive measures of gargles and nasal sprays are tried and true. Tamiflu would be an intervention for lessening symptoms if they occur, but it must be done early. It works by blocking neuraminidase that viruses use to exit cells after replication. This traps them inside of cells so that enzymatic actions in the cell get rid of them, or the cell destroys itself and everything inside of it through apoptosis, lessening viral load. Tamiflu is a pharmaceutical, a prodrug that goes through an enzymatic change in the liver, hydrolyzing the drug into its active form. It specifically targets influenza A and B, but it can have side effects. A similar approach to reduce viral load can be achieved through zinc supplementation with quercetin that helps get zinc into cells. The zinc slows the actions of RdRp, the enzyme used to replicate RNA viruses. It has a broader action than Tamiflu as it can affect all RNA viral replication, not just influenza. Taking too much zinc supplements can have consequences also, so it’s important to stay within daily recommended amounts.

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surely Tamiflu was clearly disproven back in 2009; Roche was surely thoroughly discredited back then for its data manipulation; allegations and general shennigans; Prof Heneghan and Tom Jeffries did much work and the EU surely was clear Tamiflu was not effective;

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Of course cases of influenza are soaring! If 70% of the US population is jabbed with an mRNA "vaccine" that has been proven to destroy the immune system and vaxxed people are getting "covid" and every other kind of flu over and over, like many of my friends have (who didn't listen to me from the get-go about NOT participating in this experiment), we can only expect that flu is going to be rampant among the "immune" compromised. Anyone who's had even one jab with mRNA is now immune compromised. When 30% have been jabbed and boosted 3, 4, 5 or 6 times, they cannot expect to ever be healthy again and will catch every flu bug virus, germ and bacteria that comes down the pike! That's their new normal!

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You got it right!

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"Vaccine Minimally Protective"; is anyone surprised; all a con;

mucosal defences against a mucosal invader; what a novel idea;

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I love the idea of nasal sprays and gargles - get them before they get you!

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I've followed your advice, invested in an emergency kit, and have been using nasal flushes and gargles (salts with betadine) regularly, as well as supplements. On a Christmas Holiday trip, I started with symptoms while away from home. Immediately began a round of ivermectin with zinc and quercetin, and Vit D and daily flushes. It prevented the spread and kept all contained in nasal and upper respiratory tract with minimal spread. A nagging cough with some flem persisted, so thinking perhaps I had influenza, I began a round of the Z-pac in the emergency kit. Within a few days I was cough free and the mucous minimalized with reducing symptoms. Happy to say returned home yesterday able to drive the 8 hours and doing fine. Nipping it in the bud made all the difference. I'll be following up to replenish stocks and add a 2nd kit soon. I avoided infecting others, seeking urgent care, and being incapacitated. A win-win all around. Many thanks Doc and the the Wellness company for making these products and valuable information available.

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I bought the throat and Nasal sprays from the Wellness Co. and the Nasal Spray was damaged. I'm still waiting on them to tell me what they are going to do.

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Thanks. Have been taking the Immune Mist products for several years.

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Social Credit Scores for Politicians. Let’s put the digital cage back on them where it belongs. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/social-credit-scores-are-a-good-idea

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Just an FYI... EGCG and theflavin both or together block any HN virus from infecting cells.

These are medicinal foods and can be taken everyday without fear or trepidation.

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