What a nice and somewhat obscure way of saying that everyone who took that Vax is fucked!

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The paper states: "Proteins produced after mRNA-iLNP inoculation appear rapidly. In pre-clinical studies, they peak 4–24 h after administering the vaccine and decline progressively, ranging from several days to weeks or months. This process will depend on the encoded protein..."

Exactly. What proteins are being made? We don’t really know for sure. The mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna products are proprietary and different. In the original EUA products, Pfizer’s mRNA concoction was called TOZINAMERAN (801 pseudouridines), and Moderna’s was called ELASOMERAN (626 pseudouridines). They didn’t match each other, nor did they match the nucleotide sequence of the published Wuhan spike protein, the protein their concoctions were supposed to mimic. In the current products, we have RAXTOZINAMERAN vs CX-038839 OMICRON (XBB.1.5). Due to the presence of the pseudouridines, partial protein production can result, leading to a multitude of inflammatory and autoimmune issues that are mentioned in the paper. Anyone willingly injecting this crap is _____, fill in the blank.

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Have they indeed provided all the exact ingredients,

specifically of what was in those diabolical vials?

Or does the 75 yr from now apply to such info?

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No they did not. It took independent researchers to analyze the vial contents and find undisclosed substances like DNA fragments and SV40 promoter genes. Additionally, they do not disclose how many smaller self assembling toxic lipid nanoparticles (ALC0315 in Pfizer, and SM102 in Moderna) that contain the mRNA are inside the larger pegylated lipid nanoparticle. It's probably highly variable, partially explaining the high variability of adverse reactions. All they say is, make sure they're not coagulating before you inject them. Injecting coagulating goo can cause emboli that can result in a deadly heart attack or stroke, partially explaining why some people died the same they they got the shot.

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Great reply. Hmmm....I wonder.....Those batch numbers that are recorded on a mainframe of a giant computer in the belly of the beast, will have some variations testing info about the Greatest Shit Show On Earth. The GOF never sleeps now!

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War is not hell embellished by Hollywood prose. It is insanity through and through, exponentially demoralizing at the experienced abyss, beginning long before shots fired. Planned and exacerbated by psychopaths of faux virtue signaling influence, generally in the beds of academia and liberal (hierarchal) government that brings about a hubris of birth of experiment without conscience in psychopathic minds. The perpetually restless, smugly opulent liberal that easily deludes themselves of others’ pain with the backward wave of the hand is precisely why the opulent psychopaths of the current administration installed a lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar in your face as America’s figurehead. To demoralize middle America. “The beatings will stop when morale improves”, and any dissent, Republican or comrade Democrat Party voter will be isolated, censored, and brought to bare consequences.

Now run along children of serfs. Argue if you must the fine pricks of medical debate as they know you will, short minded and deluded.

Meanwhile the bedfellows of the 1960’s in academics, government, and media will continue driving the bulldozers that cover and disappear the bodies from history. Keep telling yourself your unique Constitutional Republic is a “democracy” just because you vote, same as Communist China, Russia, and their Fascist friendame’s.

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The approved Medical Technological UN-GIFT.....

That keeps on GIVING!

The .GOV Micro- Stabbing.

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I refused all shots but my allergies have gotten significantly worse since Covid began. Could this be a result of shedding ?

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