Since long Covid looks a lot like chronic fatigue you should try adrenal cortex. Thorne is a good brand. Try the person out on one cap to make sure there is not a paradoxical response. If they are good with that, they can take up to 30 caps a day or more.

Otherwise, along with the adrenal cortex, based on the work of Dr Humphries who wrote, "Safe Uses of Cortisol," hydrocortisone up to 20 mg a day. There is a formula for calculating the cut off point for a non-suppressive dose based on height and body weight but 20 mg is generally safe.

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The study says the lower dose was ineffective and more study is needed with the higher dose. So, like the horrible study where they gave huge doses of HCQ or Ivermectin (I forget which) which actually harmed elderly people, there may be an issue with the dosage. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water just yet. Dr. Pierre Kory uses Fluvoxamine in one of his protocols for Covid 19. After what we have all been through and how untrustworthy American research articles are, I have learned to keep an open mind.

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Here you are again attempting to substantiate the 'Long COVID Lie' by equating "SARS-CoV-2 and the Spike producing COVID-19 vaccines"! These spike proteins have been demonstrated to be vastly different and the 'spike' from the fabled 'novel coronavirus' indistinguishable from the common cold - because that is all it ever was!

Why do you and Dr. Philip McMillan insist on promoting this lie! You have zero evidence that 'COVID' (more accurately DIVOC) was ever more than a tool of fear to cause people to rush to receive the 'save the planet' eugenicist's lethal injection! 'Long COVID' is long term immune system damage caused by these injections! My guess is that you are being motivated to perpetuate this deception. If you want to help people to mitigate the adverse effects of the SYNTHETIC 'vaccine' induced spikes, fine. Just be clear to your customers that it is not for coronavirus!

To all:

Welcome Jesus into your heart'

"And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?”

Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me!”

Matthew 11:2-6

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Frankly, I am glad that Dr. McCullough has been able to do so well, with regard to the Wellness company and his various public appearances. Other doctors who were in agreement with Dr. McCullough, have not done so well. During the initial discussion about covid, one of the doctors I also listened to was Dr. Ryan Cole. He has had trouble with his medical license, is being sued, etc., etc. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/01/10/washington-regulators-restrict-medical-license-of-idaho-doctor-who-spread-covid-19-disinformation/

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I agree with you about Dr. Cole. He's right up there with Dr. McC and Dr. Kory in my book. It's tragic what has been done to him.

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Dr. Nehls has responded regarding the efficacy of lithium. https://michaelnehls.substack.com/p/the-efficacy-of-lithium-in-the-treatment

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It will be interesting to see how these two distinguished men of science move forward with this topic.

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I find it surprising that Dr. McCullough fails to differentiate between the orotate and aspartate forms of the low dose use of Lithium when making such sweeping statements. Suffice it to say that the need for further studies is needed; however, the general dismissiveness of the use of Lithium (in its preferred orotate form) in the Tx of long Covid is a bit irresponsible, in my opinion--this coming from a victim of a lacunar infarct (ventral posterolateral thalamus) who experienced vast improvements in mental acuity after initiating a 5mg/day Lithium orotate regimen--all anecdotal but...

In any event, it will be interesting to see how these two, esteemed colleagues work through this apparent disagreement. I'm betting that their discourse will be collegial. Good guys.


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Thanks for being vigilant of current studies and. advising us of the results, Dr McCullough!!

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