It’s nice to have documentation for what we thought was true. Unfortunately, there are many suffering for taking a vaccine that may have offered little or no benefit. That this was known by the manufacturers makes it criminal.

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No surprise here. The "vaccinations" were an unmitigated disaster from "Day One".

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Intentional injury from criminal negligence.

When do the mass lawsuits, prosecutions, and hangings begin?

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In the UK they already have

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Many of the vaccinated people in the small church I attend have had and are having repeated Covid infections. In the same group of a couple of hundred, there have been at least twio serious mRNA vaccine injuries. One acquired an injury of the aorta, the other (a teenager) ongoing epileptic convulsions which cannot be controlled. Interestingly, everyone in the church is aware of these events, but by an unwritten agreement the mRNA failures and injuries cannot be talked about because of the bitter disagreements that arise.

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"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself".

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We finally got Covid (both of us are seniors) thanks to a vaxxed/boosted neighbor who had it (again) and unfortunately chose to visit us while coughing and sneezing. Her disregard alone was shocking- she’s a true vax believer. I got it first, having spent 3 hours in close proximity to her, and it was definitely nasty for a while (I also took 5-day course of IVM early on). My husband got it about a week later, and he got far sicker, even on IVM and then hydroxy. I’m not vaxxed, but he was (Pfizer, initial 2 shots) per work requirements. So… in our house the vaccine proved to be absolutely useless and possibly even harmful to his immune system. Thank you for continuing to educate us with real news we can use.

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I’m still wondering if the initial apparent efficacy is a false signal due to the fact that you were considered unvaccinated until two weeks after your shot. Most people got sick when they took the shots and the ones who survived usually recovered by the end of that two week window.

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It was always insane to protect against an RNA molecule by using mRNA TRANSFECTION this was never a vaccine which is an historically dumb theory of augmenting the immune system.

Watch Dr Jay Couey Study Hall with Pieter Cullis inventor of LNP explain how he burned 5 post docs trying to control distribution of mRNA as an improved chemo delivery tool and more shocking @ 54:30 where Cullis notes currently less than .1% chemo drugs get their target. One criminal procedure to replace another toxic treatment that harms more than helps!!

(2023-10-17) Pieter Cullis 2022 Study Hall -- 16 Oct 2023 -- Brief [Twitch:1953665426]


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Our 90 year old neighbour, who recently moved with his wife into a nursing home, just died of “double pneumonia and covid” per my neighbour. This was a man who walked the newspaper around the block and took it to his 97 year old brother. Colin had a spring in his step and survived the past four hrs while nursing his wife who had cancer. I could not help think he died due to the withholding an antibiotic which if given in a timely manner, prevents death by pneumonia. I could cry. He was a love gentle man.

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If this information is so glaringly apparent as to the inefficacy of these vaccines, one is forced to ask some obvious questions. Firstly, were there any legitimate, ie., not fabricated, human trials ever conducted on these vaccines? The results of these original published / alleged human trials clearly stated that the vaccines worked. How could they work then and not later when put into mass production and inoculation? Secondly, if Big Pharma, the FDA clearly knew that these vaccines failed in human trials, why would our government authorities so vehemently push them on the general public? Were they led to believe these trials were legitimate? If so, who authorized and consented to publishing these results? One doctor in particular comes to mind.

Is it conceivable that there was another deliberate and intentional purpose for both Big Pharma and the federal authorities to force a mandate on them for use in the general public? When this view is examined closely along with the revelation that the government paid hospitals to include reporting comorbidity deaths, it suggests massive government collusion with the private and public health care system for another unknown reason.

This makes little sense to me. I have to ask myself, why else would this have been so stringently and thoroughly enforced by our government? Could it have anything to do with the master plan of the World Economic Forum to cull the planets population? This should be a BIG QUESTION deserving of real serious consideration, don't you think?

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Possibly our govt trying to cover up their breaching of a bioweapons treaty? Asking for a friend.

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A plausible thought worth entertaining. But how could that simultaneously involve all other countries around the planet who assuredly had little or no knowledge of the developments taking place at the DARPA bio lab in MD and later subbed out to Chaple Hill, NC during the Obama Administration? I don't see a connection. Any more thoughts?

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I have never been so anti-vac as a healthcare provider as I am right now…and will remain that way with the few years I have before returning Home. But just like the 2020 election steal it takes TIME to find the evidence or conduct independent studies to prove the steal or the pandemic scam and vac fraud. Yet all we hear about are the “deniers” who are now the enemies of the State…and our Courts are complicit in not allowing discovery to expose the steal…but one did grant access to the vac fraud the Govt and FDA and big Pharma wanted sealed for 75 yrs!…that tells you everything about frauds and scam of COVID yet not one prison has been indicted?! And the scam and Govt fraud continues even with the attempt on Trump’s life…Our Govt is exposed as the gangsters they are like Chicago in the time of Capone.

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Some discerned this but most did not. Dr. McCullough and a few others are the True ones who saved Millions of lives NOT THE PSYCHOPATHS, COWARDS AND PROSTITUTES WHO PUSHED THE JAB KNOWING THE REALITY (Trump, Biden, CIA, Government, Big Pharma, Media Stars, etc). But of course the opposite is believed by many because of programming and brain-washing. Same BS with the murder of one million Iraq's by the Zionist Neocons, 200,000 Genocided Palestinians (mostly defenseless women and children) which is fine because they are not human according to the Racist, Insane Zionists (Jewish and Christian) and allow in our Congress Racist Sadistic War Criminal Netanyahu who the Blackmailed and Bought Prostitutes in Congress bowed down to - HOW DISGRACEFUL. But heaven forbid if you say or write anything against Zionist Israel or their sycophants in America - you are then an Anti-Semite when the Arabs/Palestinians are all Semites. What does an empathetic (regardless of race, creed, ethnicity) intelligent, discerning human make of this or are they too cowardly to speak up and go against the Racist, Insane Zionists?

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