Those of us who already know we have these genetic mutations weren't taken seriously at all when requesting medical exemption - it was oh, CDC doesn't list any contraindications for shots...

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Crimes agains’t humanity ……….those responsible for these crimes, democide, must be prosecuted. I have an issue, too, with those who are profiting off the injured, and disabled - it seems “everyone” is making money, except those of us who have been injured or disabled.

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If your car’s engine needs to be repaired, you can’t expect the auto mechanic to repair it for free. If your refrigerator needs repair, you can’t expect your refrigerator repairman to repair it for free. Doctors have not taken a vow of poverty and you should expect to pay them to help you to restore your health. But I do get your point, ParmedOUT. There are a lot of opportunists out there making shameful bundles of profit off of the misery of others. The most egregious of these are those who create a catastrophe like the COVID infection and not vaccine shots with their associated morbidities for which they hope to sell you some expensive treatment which may also cause some adverse effect that will, likewise, require another expensive treatment to mitigate, creating a viscious cycle of endless profit.

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Our MD pediatrician told me over 15 years ago that the only way I could know if an adverse event to a vaccine was more likely was to check for the MTHFR mutation before making a decision to vaccinate.

A neurosurgeon I follow stated that pregnant women with this mutation shouldn’t take folic acid rather they should take methyl folate. It has been reported that folic acid can impact the neurological development of the fetus if the mom has this rather common mutation. Yet…ALL woman are told to take folic acid during pregnancy.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough for this timely information. The Chinese have apparently boasted about being able to target specific haplotypes, and this study confirms this brag, in my opinion, and is demonstrated by the evil work of Baric, Datschak and Fauci, and others. The 'Shemites' , the general group that includes genetic Israelis, i.e. "the twelve tribes of the house of Jacob" are most certainly the target of these genetic attacks by God-hating psychopaths. Since the Western world, particularly 'whitey' is under atrocious assault these days, and were the targets of the "Covid mandates", a notable contingent of the dead in two world wars, and currently the targets of adulterated harmful food products and reduced birthrates in Canada and the U.S., it is reasonable to surmise that the intentional genocide of greater Israel (essentially white European descendants) is indeed real, previously planned, and being executed with impunity. That 8-20% of a population is susceptible to blood clots related to the addition of a poison jab on top of the genetic mutation MTHFR cannot be 'accidental'. This same group has lost millions to Hereditary Hemochromatosis, purposefully left undiagnosed by (political order I am told), "to avoid discrimination against people of Jewish heritage". Because the Jewish people are only one of the twelve tribes, it remains that "God's chosen people", the twelve tribes originating from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, share the genetic dispositions of their siblings, and are therefore targets of the intentional genocide against the heritage of the Lord, in this case by government, captured over several decades by progressive miscreants. It is abundantly clear that the demise of greater Israel (those using 'Judeo/Christian principles', i.e. law given to Israel by God), is the intent of those in the U.N., WEF, WHO, GAVI, and the associated 'philantropic (anti-Christ) foundations' that seek to DEVELOP the 'vaccinations' and profit from the deaths of millions. Thank you again Dr. McCullough for providing this link of insight into the workings of the cabal.

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Interesting thoughts I did not know that do align with the overall intentions of the globalist minded lunatics. No doubt it will be brushed aside as a conspiracy theory (the short version of denial).

If you happen to see my post’s contention it is that without the 1993 initiation of the uniparty (Clinton) when Communist China and Vietnam were made “besties”, simultaneously gutting and demoralizing middle class manufacturing sending it to slave regimes, effectively hitched Communism’s wagon to America’s Van. The all powerful symbiotic collaboration of government, media, and academia has become Solzhenitsyn’s “First Circle” in America, and became an important facet of the anti American plans to dethrone America’s Jude’s-Christian Founding, hatched immediately after WWII on my Boomer generation to expunge national sovereignty. My Boomers, born in the bosom of freedom and security had no idea they were the fertile land to plant the seeds.

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Are you saying people with the MTHFR mutation are more likely to have hemochromatosis?

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No Ingrid, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is that this group of people stem from the tribes of Israel, and there are several genetic mutations that occur within this group that I am aware of, and that they are known well enough for the mutations to be targeted by those who work to destroy.

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Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense.

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I would wonder whether elevated homocysteine levels would predict the course and severity of the flu.

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“MTHFR”. How aptly the letters symbolize the effect on humans’ obliterated lives, and the corruption of the medical profession who knew the outcome on the sacrificial lambs at the alter of medical hubris, greed, and massive corrupted complicity. This is what happens when government and academia are infiltrated to collaborate with corporate interests (CDC, NIH, FBI, DARPA, Google, Black Rock’s ESG, WEF, WHO) censorship to initiate total control, expunge body sovereignty through Socialized medicine, and gain power over the people. The world was the target, but America is the red circle in the center.

Wherever sister Socialism goes, big brother totalitarianism must follow to assure compliance of government mandates prior to the inevitable rationing.

The covertly insidiousness of systemic government usurpation of the people need not be a complete conspiracy, but friendamy’s of demoralized American ideals can metastasize into no less than cancer over decades by successive corrupted government administrations (uniparty under the Democrat banner circa 1993). Do not delude yourself to ease your fear. These are the youth of the 1960’s and 70’s privileged university protestors that hated on America for disappointing them in that tumultuous era that America was less than perfect. Their privileged university Boomer world in the bosom of freedom and security chanted “no more wars” six decades ago as they made Marxism popular on campus and vowed to march through the institutions they hated to tear them down and “build back better”.

Now seniors with their offspring in tow, that 8% of demoralized, loathsome, bipolar, dystopians have used the Executive Branch’s to collaborate with DARPA to wage ultimate war on all humanity through academia’s capture of government and it’s “First Circle”.

No America, these are not the “bums” that must be thrown out. They are the demoralized that rest their laurels on plausible deniability. They were indoctrinated to hate the unique American ideals of faith in science where dissent is the catalyst to true discovery in a Constitutional Republic, not defined as a “democracy” just because we vote as many corrupted regimes fallaciously do.

“Listen to me, everybody else is a sucker because America sucks”, I am science”, says “Doctor” Fauci , one of many of his ilk for whom he spoke.

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Psychopathic individuals showed a significant volume reduction in the amygdala compared with controls (F2,55=3.85; P =. 03), with whole-brain volume as a covariate.... Sociopathy is created... 1967, Vietnam Nam... 17 y/o presents with no desire to kill... US gov. Forces gun in hand and drops said 17 y/o off in jungle... US GOV. says kill these people or die...1980's roll around, we have postal.. I have things to say...I have my own theories.. I am my own being... I have a right to question everything & everyone.. my apologies if I hurt feelings.. but I'm here for a different reason and it's not favorable for the Intel community.. much love, and you are in my prayers always 🙏 ❤️

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My teacher! I’m learning so much from him!

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To what degree could the manipulation of the vagus nerve (the wanderer), be attributed to the viral stimulation or the actual spike? Should people be aware of pitting edema that's associated with long term DVT or is this so rapid that edema is being surpassed?

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Mom's legs turned black and started to rot if that's what yur talkin' about. We took her to hospice to let her get super stoned.

Damn it all anyway.

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My heart goes out to you... and yes, it seems that this is rapid onset with no telltale signs. My prayers are with you

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She had an annointed life, was 87 with a lot of other strains and pains. She'd told me on occasions that she really sometimes thought it would be nice just to let go. So all's well that ends well in some respects, but all's NOT well with the necrosis. Terrible clotting was immediately noticed when the jabs 1st came out. That alone should have...... blah blah blah

You know the tune.

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I knew about the clotting but in all truth, I did not hear of situations like this. Wow thankyou for sharing even though I know there is a sense of great loss still. What's absolutely amazing, they're still peddling this poison. Truth like this gives critical thinkers the ability to get to the next corner as to prepare to fight and see what's next so thankyou

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Truth is flooding in and up to their noses. They are treading water now and there's no way out of that ocean. The waves will beat them to pieces. That's you. That's me. Reality is real and permanent. Everything else is false and dissolves in time. In the end, truth stands alone. The truth stands alone. Hi Ho the dario the truth stands alone.

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Thank you for the conversation. In my book, we're a couple of the lucky bastards.

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