Seriously low meat diet. Makes no sense - at least to this ol' man. Vaccines are killers. Is this another white-wash?

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Seriously… im healthy lifestyle/54yo/female

5’10 135lbs. … no alcohol, walk 6-7 miles 5 days a week. Have celiac, so eat protein and tons of veggies and fruit and end up sickest of my life from damn covid vaccine including high spike protein antibodies in my blood and POTs … which sucks btw… hate these studies because they miss so much of reality.

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See if you retain this viewpoint after reading T Collin Campbell's "The China Study". The health and longevity of the Chinese who lived outside the city limits vs those that started eating a high fat high protein high sugar western diet that was being introduced into cities made its own statement .. not only relative to what was eaten but also as to the obvious lack of exercise in combination with diet *amplified* Campell's data even more. Oh. And by the way? Intestinal cancers are virtually non-existent in vegans and almost non-existent in vegetarians.

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Each to his own. Vegans and vegetarians just don't live as long. I read the China Study a long time ago. Fast foods in the city and no exercise along with vegetable oils were the killers - not meat. Also, if you'll look cholesterol outside the city limits it was 220. Cholesterol is a vital requirement for life. Way too low in vegans/vegetarians. Good luck - you go your way and I'll go mine.

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that's a laugh.. lifetime vegans get 15 extra years and vegetarians get an additional 10 in a lifetime over their meat eating counter parts. Of course this is something that one would never know due to the fact that medical science is now nothing more than a commodity as was certainly spelled out by big pharma and pandemic. The closest one will get to the truth are documentaries on the blue zones .. like this one: https://www.bluezones.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Nat_Geo_LongevityF.pdf

We have a tendency to stay aligned with the most addictive foods no matter what the science and data might reveal.

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Everybody has an opinion. You see things your way and I see them my way. Doesn’t make either of us right. Just opinions……good luck with yours.

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indeed. And much as McCullough tries to show us, is there are opinions and there is data and science. Commerce spends billions to hide the data and groom the opinions. That's what all of us should be aware of after reading The Courage to Face Covid 19.

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Gary, spot-on. The medical profession has learned the mantra of "a cured patient" is a "lost patient". It has become money-focused. And, the medical industry certainly don't want us becoming too aware of the corruption of the pandemic. They now are all ducking and there are almost no consequences except it looks like Pfizer may become the Scapegoat. Just ugly.

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What about time spent outdoors dressed with cloths that permit torso and head penetration of near infrared for at least an hour each day?

What about going outdoors before 9 am to set circadian rhythm?

What about sunbathing as one can tolerate it long enough serval times a week when uvb index is above 3 to make own vit D?

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Good luck prying my glass of chardonnay from my hands at 5pm 3 days a week. 😬

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Why I want to be president - so I can prosecute the criminal state before it brings us to World War III for its Fourth Reich


We need to impeach Lindsey Graham now for treason and guilt by association with Israel’s terrorist criminal state and the Criminal invisible empire . We have the evidence against the whole Democratic and Republican Party who are in power like Hitler and the Nazi’s were which is their own self-Declared unitary executive power. They are following the playbook of Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Paul Wolfowitz and the neocons and the neoFederalist Supreme Court and Justice Department and CIA and Federal Justice System which are actually subverting the Constitution by reverting their interpretation of it back to where it was in 1776 before we had any amendment or human rights protections (the British Federalist system). See @AmericanIntelligenceMedia @DouglasGabriel, @MikeMcKibben and Christopher Simpson’s books and the documentary Nazis in the CIA and John Loftus The Secret War against the Jews and Daniele Ganser book on NATO Gladio We need to prosecute Lindsey Graham and the entire vast right wing cabal starting with everyone who clapped for Netanyahu and the AIPAC Israel Lobby’s capture of our public estate and that if the world for their globalist Fourth Reich/ Great Reset. This includes bringing all of them before a truth and reconciliation commission and demanding they step out of power if they lie on the witness stand about their guilt by association with this vast organized right wing terrorist conspiracy they are waging with their forged $40 trillion of unplayable debt. If I was put on the ballot as an independent, I would win if the issues were framed honestly by the media em the way they were before William Casey of the CIA and Capital Cities ABC sabotaged the FCC Fairnesd Doctrine thereby enabling the media to be captured by the corrupt Fascist Reagan Bush Republican Party CIA government media monopoly Murdoch the Reagan Trump the Nazi OSS SS Sovereign Miltary. order of Malta )Reinhard Gehlen, William Casey, Allan Dulles, Hitler’s crown jurist in terms of dividing the world into friends and enemies so that they can declare total war on their manufactured enemies - Iran, Palestine, China, Russia and they manufacture literally the Terrorist group to wage false flag attacks. The secret covert operations of targeting and assassinating all the honest resistance and whistleblowers is their Nazi Gestapo Interpol method AI Palantir PROMIS PTech Pegaus Unit 8200 NSA GCHQ LAKAM Mossad SAVAK secret surveillance military intelligence agencies

Cc: Lindsey Graham #LindseyGraham Project Censored The Electronic Intifada The Real News Network Israel Did 911- No More Wars 4 Israel Schiller Institute Ridin' With Kamala Exposing the Rothschild Israel Connection and Beyond Amnesty International USA The Truth About Cancer Jewish Voice for Peace Democrats MintPress News The Palestine Project Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago NWSOFA ACLU United Nations Human Rights The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists Manhattan Institute for Policy Research League of Women Voters of the US Democratic Attorneys General Association Stella Assange The TRUST FALL: Julian Assange - Documentary Danny Haiphong Peter Dale Scott Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Senator Ron Wyden Senator Dick Durbin U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Gregory Kammerer Thomas Massie Christopher Mark Wingate The Chris Hedges Report

Kevin J Barrett Mark Crispin Miller Brandon Johnson The Federalist Papers

Sent from my iPhone

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Hmmm.... only 150 minutes of exercise a week? That's not a good exercise routine. Less than 3 red meat portions a week? Wow! I don't eat 1 red meat portion a week. More like 1 a month. More than 1 fish a week. I eat fish at least 3 times a week. I'm not trying to state that I have the perfect diet. I'm very surprised by this diet suggestions and exercise routine.

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