Not only will I refuse the mRNA vaccines, I will never again take ANY vaccine!

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I could not agree more!!!!

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I totally agree. Some 26 years ago I met a paediatrician who said she had not vaccinated any of her 3 children. I so wish I had not vaccinated mine.

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It's not about "ARE you going to take it?" It's about how they are going to force it?

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I figure if anyone comes at you with a weapon, you have a right to defend yourself with appropriate force to repel the attack.

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All of this just wears me out!!!!! I am so tired of the lies!

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Vote differently!!!Get the F...G"liers out of government!!!November 5th is coming!!!!!

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LOL they're all liars... 10th amendment is the answer...I swear did anyone watch ANTZ????

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RFK Jr. is the ONLY candidate who for many many years has recommended that vaccines be subject to analysis as to their safety and that the Covid “witch brews” be removed from the market. If your and your families health is a major issue for you - is there any other more important ? - support JFK Jr. and change the criminal pharma / government complex so that they work for the good of the people and not exclusively for their almighty Profit & Loss statement. As they say Big Pharma is so efficient that there is hardly a healthy human left.

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That, ma'am, is not even remotely possible! You do realize it's unelected bureaucrats running the bulk of "gov't" across the nation, and we only have the option of voting for those on the CFR approved list, as well as the fact that there is NO way to clear the Senate, only 1/3 of which comes up for election at a time? Short of open revolution, we cannot "vote the liars out".

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Of my still living 10 siblings, most are ultra liberal and will probably roll up their sleeves on day one, even my brother whose long dormant pancreatic cancer came back after the jabs.

That brother graduated Summa Cum Laude from Fordham Law yet, apparently, has no critical thinking skills to speak of.

He was kicked off the lung transplant list when his cancer came back but, fortunately, it went back into remission and he is now recovering from a double lung transplant. It’s a shame that he can’t see the real cause of the delay.

As for me and my wife, 5 children, and 11 grandchildren, totally un-mRNA jabbed, we will never trust the medical authorities again!

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No, over my dead body.

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Why the hell are the political criminals handling over taxpayer money without our consent this organized crime wave of pharmaceutical pushers?


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Because, they want us dead...liquidated.... exterminated like useless bugs...

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Totally agree. The KISSINGER REPORT said it clearly years ago.

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2009 yup

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In 1 form or another, yes.

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Why would anyone in his "right" (rational, thinking) mind take any "vaccine" again? What with them all being switched to mRNA formulae, we know they can't be as "safe" as even the older versions were, let alone worth risking life and health to take now, not that the older versions were safe either.

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There are still a lot of people whose main news source is CNN, who buy into the notion of "anti-vaxxers" being socially irresponsible kook conspiracy theorists, who believe the COVID shots saved millions of lives and were safe and effective. The reality of their immensely dangerous nature continues to be denied by news outlets like CNN and government sources of medical information which continue to promote COVID injections as if they were as innocuous as an annual flu shot. And then there are the multitudes of doctors who will continue to advocate COVID shots because the FDA and CDC say to do so.

The spectre of government officials culling millions of farm birds needed for the food supply while media breathlessly reports on that and the growing number of human transmissions will incite fear in their captive audiences. As aware as we are to AVOID these injections at any cost, there are still huge numbers of people subject to manipulation by fear.

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More like because they haven't the guts to stand up when loss of license is threatened!

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Doctors who recommend Covid shots can only be one of three things : inexcusably ignorant, corrupt and inmoral or stupid.

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Government is proving yet again to be a honey pot for malignant narcissists; charlatans and sick mother ____ers.

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Are food supply is being contaminated more and more by genetic manipulation (GMOs) and injection of mRNA shots into. They (Gates, WEF, climate hoaxers, Demonrats, Satanist) truly want us to eat bugs!

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They can eat my shit.

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Thank you for continuing to inform the public on the unnecessary bird flu vaccine!!

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She expressed pretty much all of the good data talking points and reasons to never take this jab before you even spoke. Still your response was right there in line! Thanks for all you do once again Dr. McCullough and thanks to RAV for covering it Honestly with what we Truth Seekers know to be the real honest, objective, Facts on the Ground!

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One of the comments hit the mark- mainstream media are continuing to propagate propaganda, either deliberately (the top knows) or possibly unwittingly (those lower down the media food chain). The internet has given us the ability to bypass MSM, but there’s also opportunities to continue to work with media outlets that are freedom fighters or at least balanced! All hope is not lost. Enough people now are dropping with all sorts of illnesses, unfortunately from the last jab. Remember the hundredth monkey principle. You only need a critical mass of people, not everyone, to change behaviour of the group (humanity). Get out there and continue to be the beacons of truth that you all are, in your own ways. You’re all awake and courageous people. We all have our part to play.

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No more harmful modRNA pseudo vaccines please. And yet our US political and health leaders are proceeding with thousands of modRNA researchers all across the country. How about the planned vaccine registry for travelers to the EU? Then I can be detained while vacationing by the police for being unvaccinated since 1966. Aldous Huxley was right about the future western government persecution of its own citizens. And not just the Soviets and the Red Chinese.

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Randall where can I get more information ℹ️ on the planned vaccine registry of travelers ⁉️⁉️😵‍💫😳

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