Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

My mother is dying of turbo cancer. She developed a 9 cm CRC primary tumor with large metastases in the liver and in the lungs 18 months after her third shot. A very healthy lifestyle. No previous cancer were ever reported in the history of the family… I'm sharing this with you, but in a way I'm speechless.

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Sorry about your mother Matt.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

Thank you very much Steve.

It feels really odd when things you hear about as if they were some kind of distant event suddenly strike you that close.

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1 of my neighbors in a semi-assisted living facility was just sent home to die, due to resurgence of cancers post vaxx; a very sweet lady who still had much life to live. It's not a "shame", it's a crime! In legal parlance it's homicide; the rest of us just call it cold blooded murder. I am sorry you Mm, like so many Innocents, has been caught in this too.

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Thank you very much Sandra. The terrible thing too is that "no one is a prophet in his own country"...

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I think that was Jesus declaring no prophet is accepted in his own country; there were in fact quite a few Hebrews worship were prophets in Israel: Isaiah, Jeremiah, all the "minor" prophets in the OT, Jude, Peter, and others in THE NT.

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Who were, not "worship".

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Sorry Matt, All of us need to keep telling our stories to wake the rest of The world up , friend of mine died within a month of being diagnosed with massive lung tumor was 52 , another friend's son 30 has stage 4 colon cancer, both were in military, their are too many other antidotes at my place of work from coworkers GOD be with all these sick and dying people!

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I am very sorry to hear that. If you want to know how the injections did this, this natural doctor explains it:

https://tritorch.com/degradation/NaturalDoctorExplainsHowTheCOVIDInjectionsKillYouSeptember2023.mp4 [3.55mins]

All the best to you, your mother, and your family.

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Great short rundown video info. KISS Keep it short/simple! A+

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Thanks for the very informative video!

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Sharing is caring . Comfort her. She got you to the Planet. Her love is endless, yours too.

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I am very sorry about your Mother Matt. May God bless your Mom and you. Peace.

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Matt: A similar sequence occurred with my nephew; after the third needle. He never told his "Uncle Paul" that he was, effectively speaking, in the Fauci/Bourla crosshairs. Their modRNA needle underbelly, as I am confident you now understand, is LIABILITY IMMUNITY:


If your mother and you and family were in India, matters would be much better:


We will pray for your Mom...

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🥲🥲sorry to hear this

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Matt, I’m sorry your mother is suffering, I’ve read all the literature wrt ivermectin helping cancer patients, I hope she is on that.

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Nice to see our host is as always allowing the data and science to influence his views. Our host has always done such. Its admirable, and these days unusual. Dr McCullough has refrained from making any public statements regarding cancer and the jabs but with time is modifying that stance.

Its fine. What 'we' need ('we'=more or less redpilled) is material we can pass to a normie. Since they will choke as their world view trembles, and they catch a flash of the darkening sky outside, and the fire of dragons consuming their fellow hobbits/sheep..... well a sane hobbit wishes to go back to a cozy fire and crumpets and tea. So they will find ANY hook to discount what you might send. It has to be beyond reproach. No talk of genocide, or 5G, or 'no viruses' can be in these materials. The normie will seize on any element to discount the whole.

Note I am NOT saying 5G, or nano-graphene, or genocide are not actual things. That is not the point. The point is we need usable materials to wake normies to an acceptable state. That is all. Wake up normies, or lose. Thats the game, thats all that counts. I will be pleased to engage in public and even mildly acrimonious debates over viruses yes/no, terrain theory, chemtrails, whether it was malignant intent behind breaking energy and food systems etc etc, AFTER the globalists are defeated and back in their slimy holes. Until then? Wake up normies, or lose. So be smart how you try and do this.

I have 2 successes and several more 'in process'. I will say this; the only thing that seems to work is planting seeds of easily provable counters to the narrative. Within a shout of believable off the bat. Then the normies have to come to it on their own, aggressive tactics and all in on 'genocide' is worse than nothing. Confirms them 'we' are insane. So dont do it. "Pharma greed crossed with government incompetence, fear, and inertia seem to have led us to where we are; dangerous jabs". Thats about as far as a normie can go in stage 1 redpilling. Get them there, and on their own they will start to ponder 'malignant intent'.

Sorry a little off topic to article to be sure.

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Good points. All of "us" should read your recommendations and I hope you find a way to get other Substack writers to feature your article on your Stack.

I will add that in speaking to convince people, speak in a low, modulated voice, not excited. Not repeating several times, not looking real concerned. Say it simply, clearly just once. If giving something in writing it should be only ONE PAGE in length, 14 pt font double spaced, give no research studies, use easy to understand words, and is you want to include a Citation, limit to ONE Citation max that reads very easily. Not research studies that are challenging to read. If a MSM stance is BEGINNING TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, you could include that quote with a cite. Especially if it's from a very Mainstream magazine or news source that they will recognize. Don't include ctes from alternative sites like Mike Adams and Natural News, Health Ranger, as other articles and podcast drawings there, while really are good, are very "attention getting" and sensationalistic, since Mike has no restrictions of any kind for articles published there. Also don't include any videos with ads or Q references. It's too overwhelming.

Just my thoughts. Thank you

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I could write a book. Or rather blather for hours, not quite the same thing hahaha.

Agree with all. Would add an important principle? "I can prove this". And yes in a quiet voice.

And off the top of my head? "Well you may think I am cherry picking the science, but hey! for these topics there is ONLY these studies, the money boys dont fund such questions". Because "they" the trusting hobbits, are always pretty sure there is some monolithic array of 'science', and you just picked out some outliers.... whereas in truth for many questions there is ONLY the studies we cite. Show me where Pfizer ever published on their required but not execute myodcarditis study. etc etc

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I would say at the beginning, "I found this hard to believe, very difficult to believe, because I've always thought XYZ..., but

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023

Yes. And if it can be framed as a question (that you know the answer to) is an excellent entry to a topic. Questions that beg answers. Eg "I wonder, is it true people who feel well, and have no symptoms, are ACTUALLY significant drivers of the virus?" "I heard somewhere that some insane number like 40% of all covid deaths were in Quebec care homes, after the government shipped covid positive hospital cases to the homes, like could that be real? Did you hear that?"

Questions are better than assertions. Even when they are assertions disguised as questions. " I heard that..... blah ba blah, what do you think?"

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I totally agree.

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The cancer side of these jabs I think is bad, very bad.

My aunt died in early 22 going from a little short of breath to dead of lung cancer in 2 months. Jabbed. A young man friend of my sons, about 30 and bit age, has a tennis ball size tumour in his brain. He is deteriorating rapidly. My dad, who died recently, had tumorous growths all over his bones, contributory to his death (primary was heart failure due to 'widespread damage to his heart muscle and heart sack' (quote of doc) which occurred in close proximity to jab 2 in mid 21). And my misled hobbit friend, a normie through and through, but honest, has reported on a rapidly growing incurable throat cancer, and another cancer death (I forget details), in his circle.

So in the group I would know about, I would say never heard such before, and I am 63. Cancer yes, but 5 in a year? Never. 1 every 3 years, that seems more like it. And never in my life, ever, a young cancer. On the news, but not my 'circle'.

Anecdotal. Give us a merge of the cancer and shot databases. Keep pushing, thanks doc.

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When does Antedotal evidence become retrospective observation evidence in the construct of a cohort study?

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Despite oncologists in the UK and USA as well as cardiologists in both countries demanding these mRNA covid vaxxes stop immediately being given to anyone, due to,the harm they are causing. Yet here in the UK the over 75’s have received multiple notices from the NHS to get in and have their covid booster, along with their flu jab. Yes, that is right, both are being administered on the same day to these seniors. What kind of Frankenstein medicine is this? Has there been even one study done on the safety of administration of an influenza vaccine at the same time as a mRNA covid booster. No, I did not think so.

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My vaccinated friend died in August in this way. He first became aware that he had non-Hodgkins lymphoma when it was in stage 4, and he died about six weeks later.

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This study implies that the virus itself also has oncogenic potential so the pro vaxx crowd will use this since most people have had the virus whether vaccinated or not. As usual, we need studies to separate out the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed.

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Dr. McCullough

Nice article!

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No one in Congress is listening. IMHO they simply don’t care if we die.

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Saturday, 8th July 2023

Contact Report 852


The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist, but instead ..

Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.

This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.

But what I have to say is that all those in power ..





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Does anyone have information about cancer in people who had the J&J vaccination?

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Thursday, 11th August 2022

Contact Report 816


This is also proven in the case of the Corona epidemic, which is 'fought' with means, lies and empty promises that cause many deaths.

Also the number of deaths due to the Corona virus is set so much lower than what corresponds to the truth as a result of lies.

Our records 6 days ago are known to me in this respect, and they amount to 8,314,088 Earth-humans who have died of the Corona virus, very many of whom have succumbed to death as a result of unsuitable vaccines.

Also, it should be mentioned, our research has shown that various of the Corona vaccines attack the DNA and also cause various types of cancer, as well as damage the nervous system and impair and damage the brain in its functions.



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Another demand should be for all entities involved in the creation and approval of the spike and covid virus mutations to release their development and safety study data for independent investigation.

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