I am disgusted by Norway's incredibly mean response to Heiko's compensation appeal. It would have made me 100 times more ill by the mental distress, the torment, of being ignored in this way.

Heiko and Anne are such lovely people. I am so struck by how he used to help other athletes even at a cost to himself. Such a good man!

I send them all my heartfelt best wishes and prayers. I certainly will give what I can. Sadly I don't have a lot and have to budget tightly. If I were a millionaire I'd buy them a property in Spain and send them money for health needs. May God bless them and give Heiko a good recovery from this attack from the devil, for that is what these injections are.

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To be fooled...And yet fooled again and again....maddingly heart wrenching.

How many others have to suffer this way?

Till all this hypnosis has been revealed as #NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH Is it? Was it?

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Yes....I will donate. What a horrible sad story and Heiko is such a hero. I know where of he speaks as my elderly husband .....who was not particularly strong before he received his "mandated" covid injections (two Pfizer} now has severe Gillian barre syndrome and on some days has trouble feeding himself or walking, an added torture to an already sadly disabled man who has suffered heredity late onset blindness. His heroic responses to this disease, retinitis pigmentosa, had been an inspiration to many as he had learned the difficult skills of reading brail and navigating with a cane later in life. Presently he is a fluid brail reader and gets a brail edition of THE ATLANTIC in the mail as well as books from the library for the bind. But some days his hands shake so much he can do none of these things.....

In our "retirement community" we know of several deaths that occurred after the "vaccines"....Sadly, these were pointless deaths....as we now know that statistics supplied by highly regarded Dr. Denis Rancourt....[see his substack]--are proof there was no pandemic. Just a normal flu (the kind that occurs every year} which was hyped up to ridiculous levels so that the "lockdowns" accorded the elites a chance to pillage at will other peoples' assets, close down the schools and freely enjoy their own parties and events while the "teeming masses" huddled miserably in 'lockdown' ...some unable to visit their dying relations in hospital--evidence is emerging that many of these unfortunates were actually murdered through withholding needed medication and the administration of such drugs as miazaldam and other neuro suppressants.

A crime against humanity has occurred on our watch. I brought several books such as CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd and THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19 by Dr. MCullough as well as the Breggins book THE COVID OPERATION to our director here and she rescinded the toxic "covid vaccines"....they are no longer given at our health clinic and also lifted "mask mandates". This was a minor triumph-- as so many are still in the dark and the guilty authorities who inflicted so much damage on the gullible people they supposedly "serve" remain at large and face no consequences for all the harms they cause. I am very heartened to hear of a lawsuits being directed at companies like Pfizer....as Dr. Mike Yeadon has pointed out-- these criminals were well aware of the harms that would befall the unsuspecting victims of their toxic injections.

Heiko is a victim of a crime and needs our protection. This awareness must be spread throughout the entire world. Love and strength to Heiko. Don't give up.

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Only with the greatest help and dozens of concerned smart practitioners,

can true remedy ever be possible. Thanks for your kind and accurate response.

First we must remove the "unavoidably unsafe" products from existing period.

These pHARMA guys are too big to fail and too big too jail. That is the trouble.

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Yes, these evil people may be too rich and powerful to contain in this world. Indeed I truly believe they work for the Devil and he came here with a lot of his angels when he was thrown out of Heaven. They can fight to destroy God's world and try to take us from Him. But they will not win the ultimate battle. When God steps in and they go into the pit, they will find their true place in hell.

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I agree it iscertainly not about our health. It, and a multitude of other crazy imositions to remove our freedoms, are about killing us and bringing in their new world where they rule and the people left live in horrendous conditions as slaves serving their greed and depraved pleasures.

Regarding the populace's stupidity, you may have seen this, but may I bring it to everyone here please? On Dr McCullough's substack he posted something I found remarkably helpful, '"On Stupidity"

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theory explains much of contemporary politics and culture.'


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We are already in a Slave-a-tude style of Kingdom.

So many facets of our waking day is horribly controlled and taxed.

We really do not own most of things we think we do.

It's quite the illusion we awake every day to.

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I figured out before the jabs were ready that if I had an adverse reaction the government would not offer compensation to cover my out of pocket expenses let alone pain and suffering. It is just the way the government works. They will push a glitzy program as they have in the past but no one in the government wants to deal with the fall out problems. In the case of the jabs there was never any proof of jab benefits by rigorous testing and in its place was government propaganda saying "Trust Us" so my BS meter went wild and it made the decision to not take the jab easy.

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Dear Heiko....I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis many years ago. I discovered and used a diet that uses freshly prepared carrot juice made with a cold hand press and electric grinder. The fresh juice is made by first grinding the fresh organic carrots in an electric grinder and then pressing it with a mechanical device. Now I mostly eat fresh produce including fruits and salads. Very little meat but some cheese. No processed foods such as denatured sugar/flour/chemicals

I was symptom free in 8 weeks after I started this regime. Try and find an electric grinder and hand press to make fresh vegetable juices. It is a lot cheaper than drugs. I feel great and am symptom free. At one point my only means of getting around was a wheel chair. Now I can walk and run and am exceptionally healthy for my age of 73 -- also check out GERSON THERAPY.

It may seem expensive to get these juicing devices. But it is a lot cheaper than being sick your whole life.

Research the Gerson Therapy

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Peter, are you providing some medical assistance? Seems spike reduction might help?

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Government has lost the privilege to be in healthcare

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Has Dr. McCullough reached out to him to try to help him with the vaccine injury? I know Dr. McCullough has stated the there are things like Nattkanase, Bromelain and Curcumin to help eradicate the synthetic spike protein out of your body! I hope he has reached out to Heiko.

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at the very end of the movie they reveal his gofundme page ...https://www.heikosepp.com/

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has someone started a gofundme account for this man?

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Yes...please let us know how he may receive donations.

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Dr Gregory Michael died two weeks after the Pfizer vaccine


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Not a particularly new article in an obscure journal.....still it is a good read--hope it inspires


A new study by Israeli researchers and published in Nature has revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population, following the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females. No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone.

Israel health authorities and the U.S. Centers of Disease Control (CDC) have acknowledged a link between COVID vaccines and specific cardiovascular complications. The risk of myocarditis after receiving a second vaccine dose is now estimated to be between 1 in 3000 to 1 in 6000 in men aged 16 to 24.

Recent articles in scientific journals, however, have sought to suggest that cardiovascular complications following COVID infection are more common than those following vaccination. This assertion is contradicted by the findings from a recent study conducted by Israeli researchers, using data from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) related to "cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16–39-year-old population" between 2019 and 2021. This enabled them to compare baseline (pre-COVID epidemic) to COVID epidemic without vaccines, to COVID epidemic following widespread vaccine takeup.

An increase of over 25% was detected in both call types during January–May 2021, compared with the years 2019–2020. That is to say, "increased rates of vaccination ... are associated with increased number of CA [cardiac arrest] and ACS [acute coronary syndrome]." By contrast, the trial "did not detect a statistically significant association between the COVID-19 infection rates and the CA and ACS weekly call counts."

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This guy wrote this song a few years ago....it still works. GREAT SONG...enjoy.


"Now Bill Gates is a waggling dog and Fauci...he's a fool..

Better not try mandate my ways cause I realize this means war....

"Take this jab and shove it ...cause man you ain't workin me no more."

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Dr Jack Kruse say going from swimming cold water to the heat of bicycle riding is asking for a heart attack.

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I hope Heiko has been informed about Dr. McCullough 's Wellness Co. protocol.

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Perhaps check out “A Midwestern Doctor” article (studies) on DMSO - not sure if it could help w/ pain, joint / muscle inflammation etc.


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Has he tried Bryan Ardis tools?

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