Why isn't UNC Chapel Hill not before the Senate Committee?

Dr. Ralph Baric + Bat Lady in Wuhan = covid bioweapon

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These BIO-WEAPONS were BORN (aka CREATED) at Chapel Hill NC...........NOT CHINA!!

And Dr. David Martin 'CAME WITH RECEIPTS' at the START of the....."THE SKY IS FALLING!!.....THE SKY IS FALLING!!......DEADLY VIRUS!", fake PLANNEDemic!

I found Dr. Martin on DAY 2 of this PSYOP, who CONFIRMED what I ALREADY KNEW......that this was all BULLSHIT and a PsyOp; because these things DO NOT HAPPEN in the REAL WORLD! And yet.....SOMEHOW.....there were NO so-called 'doctors', NO so-called 'Indy News/Media' who knew about what Dr. Martin was putting out there?? One MUST ask the question.......WHY NOT????? If *I* found Dr. David Martin, on Day 2, in LESS THAN AN HOUR search.......WHY didn't anyone else????

And THAT opened my eyes, even WIDER as to who was FAKE NEWS, in the so-called 'Indy News/Media'! It also narrowed down the doctors to TRUST! I LOATHE QUACKS (aka FAKE doctors) to begin with, and do my best to seek out REAL Doctors (aka 'NATURAL' medicine; rarely uses Pharma drugs ).

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Just finished watching Dr. Martin & Alex Jones interview.

Thanks for posting the links so others can see it.

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Dr. Steven Quay explained the science behind the statement that the chances Sars-CoV-2 came from the wet market was one in a billion. To ignore this would be like ignoring DNA results found at the scene of a crime, saying 'but we didn't see them murder the victim' so are those results really proof? Come on!

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Superb analogy. It's a pity he didn't use it.

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I am absolutely amazed with how, more importantly, disgusted I am that, “Capitol Hill” is so hell bent about the origins of covid, not the increased mortality / causality these “bioweapon shots” to the heart, shot have caused!

I am amazed at how indicative, yet so delusional, how our concerned representatives in Congress are about the “origins of covid” rather than the increased “death and injury” has been! So much for “of the people and for the people” no?

It’s not as they’re going after China or wherever the data suggests, Covid originated.

Distract, deflect and evade, all direct questioning regarding “increased causation of incidents” after the mandatory compliance edict was issued!. The exact same way Congress’s reacts when say, they know the truth and are forced to or choose to ignore it.

I have lost all faith and respect for congress! I have “zero faith and or confidence “We the People” will ever learn truth!


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And Yet, SARS- CoV-2 …

Is Still Only “Poised” For Human Emergence.

Show Me A Single Respiratory Poison

That Is Self-Replicating.

There Is No There - THERE.

Gain Of Function Is

Gain Of Failure.

“Poised”. Only “Poised”. Still Poised To Fail.

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