That is a good depiction of our former Canadian PM. I cannot agree more. We did not vote for these people. For instance, PM Trudeau, a staunch YGL, like Macron and Starmer, who Canadians elected, imposes the WEF agenda on us, which is foreign to what was expected from the promises made to us by our elected officials. In other words, this is fraud and high treason. But people like him will surely leave parliamentary life scot-free.

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An elected politician serves himself/herself first, the corporates next, and the electorate last with a few crumbs.

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“In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” ~ Confucius

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And very, very rich.

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all of which points directly to a soon to be realized prophetic ending. This is not only what is happening in top government positions but it is also occurring in families and Christian denominations. covid was a genius business plan that took advantage of the commodity that medical science had been rendered into, by the government - biopharmaceutical symbiosis. It was not only political correctness in action it was also quite effective at stepping up the speed of going to 100% digital currency that will spell totalitarian control on the economic side as well.

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The hypnotic Dog and Pony Show in the Big Top Circus called Bureaucracy politics.

It's all theater......

just a reminder....the stage show always has in the script loads of bad actors!

We certainly know them when we see them.

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"It's all theater......"

Correct. The same situation in the United States. In fact, Canada is strongly influenced by the United States, as is Europe and many other countries.

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As is the Vatican's trillion dollar greatest tax exempt show on earth 🌍

Give or take a billion or two in stole finest works of art

God does keep track of such behavior does he not?

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Blaming "God" for our own behavior is futile.

We cannot surmise what the creator of heaven and earth

really thinks about us and our problems.

Is it all a cosmic joke on us or are we engaged in a monolithic struggle

between "good" and "evil"?

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Can we have good and evil without GOD?

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"Can we have good and evil without GOD?"


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Actually, with the Bible as an authority , God very much cares about our behavior and our problems. The one who created the cosmos, and became man said, 'But I tell you, on the day of judgment people will have to give an accounting for every careless or useless word they speak. For by your words [reflecting your spiritual condition] you will be justified and acquitted of the guilt of sin; and by your words [rejecting Me] you will be condemned and sentenced.” Matthew 12:36-37 AMP

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He does indeed and will not forget

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Christopher Charles Ingvaldson

Anyone heard the name? Quite a close associate of Trudeau....in many different positions

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Great News -Only TEN YEARS too late . The damage this “ plonker”( Australian term ) has done to you in Canada is Immeasurable. Most Specifically related to the fraudulent gene injection HE MANDATED FOR YOU BUT EXEMPTED himself and ALL the POLITICAL ruling class from. WHAT HAPPENED ? And What Happened yo the Canadian CITIZENS enquiry in terms of making your sleeping giant?

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Are you from Australia? It’s no picnic there. It is easier to list the countries with good leaders so very few.

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Canada, EU, UK, US, NZ, Australia, all governments captured by BigTech and BigPharma; 'leaders' had no backbone.

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All members of Five Eyes! People are slowly waking up here in NZ, pushing back. Current PM has no backbone, but coalition partners do!

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Is it true that Trudeau and company were not under the mandate? I was just searching for this information. It says federal workers etc. were mandated. I would like to know more details if possible.

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The turd is the word and the word is the nerd, and the stupid herd voted for the most absurd.

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Oh really? the"stupid herd" purchased and installed Dominion Voting Systems for their own benefit? What's in a name?

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That by which a person is called or designated. (definition) So what IS in a name? No. It was the stupid herd up here who voted for turdo and the stupid herd down there who voted for ovomit because they did not want to be labelled as "racissssssss"

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Seems you missed the electronic voting point entirely. Maybe this helps?

dominion |dəˈminyən|


1 sovereignty; control: man's attempt to establish dominion over nature.

2 (usually dominions) the territory of a sovereign or government: the Angevin dominions.

*3 (dominions) another term for DOMINATION.

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Maybe but something with no clarity is not something I bother to focus on and try to pick the longest straw. Effective communication never is that which involves a "pick me, pick me" typest of chance that there is even a minute chance of misunderstanding...this is very important when communicating with intelligent women. Turning a light on inside one room does not light up the whole house,

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Trudeau= ridiculous. The man is a fool and yes narcissist perfect description. His behaviors are just plain strange. Remember he had supposedly Bell’s palsy and he wasn’t showing his face for quite awhile- yet still pushed those dam shots. Now I don’t really know if any of it was true but he was mia for awhile. Don’t worry Canada isn’t out of woods yet! I have 0 faith the Canadians will wake up. Recently met 4 young Canadians 3/4 are all about socialism, shots, and what they can get for “free”. I also have family there and they are all about the govt should take care of them. Very unsettling to talk to them- I just don’t like govt telling me what to do. Too many laws- rules! Like in AZ they close parks for your own good- why? I should be able to accept the risks without govt interference (just like not taking covid shot I accept risk). Trudeau was a little tyrant who loved telling his peasants what to do. Glad to see him go, but just like the wench from New Zealand who stepped down, there is a reason and a plan. I don’t believe the next person is going to be any better than the northern pretty boy😞

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You are right Cheryl about Canada - the great majority of the country is compliant to whatever the government authorities dictate to them. This great majority learned really nothing from the great and all encompassing Fraud during COVID perpetuated on them by the government, media, academia, the courts, public health authorities, and the medical associations of the country. Only a small minority is awake to the truth here in Canada.

The nation's people never used to be this easy to fool, subdue, and make compliant to bow down like this to the government. I don't know what happened to this country which used to be a beacon of freedom and justice for people. Its been completely taken over by establishment elite interests.

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I can guarantee you that Alberta, Saskatchewan and Northern B.C. are not at all compliant. I live there and I know.

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Of course there are parts of Canada that where most of the people are the opposite and are not easily made or are compliant - areas like Northern BC, the Rural parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan (but not the big cities), etc. The Greater Majority does not mean everyone - maybe anywhere from 60-80% in normal scientific or social sciences terminology. And that is what the state of the country overall is - I would say 65-70% compliant.

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I have to agree with you on their compliancy but don't forget that other 25% of us who are not. That amounts to ten million people. That numder is nothing to sneeze at.

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Do you ever notice that it is the urban dwellers that always seem to fall for the lies? Is it because they never leave their enclaves to experience real life and real freedom? The most free people in the world were our indigenous people. Do you think it's an accident that a great majority of them are ravaged by disease ,drug addiction and alcoholism? It was the only way to defeat them. Now we are seeing a resurgence as many of them forsake the drugs and alcohol and go for education. Make no mistake the government fears anybody who is informed and articulate.

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I hear you Cheryl, we have the same political "leftist-woke-socialism-ignorance, LHBTQ+++???" problem too in The Netherlands. With it also a dangerous 'young black soldiers migrants problem. Example. It is unsafe on the streets now: https://www.dutchnews.nl/2025/01/police-issue-photo-of-main-suspect-for-three-rotterdam-shootings/ 2: UK 2023 clip: https://x.com/___KaraGozlum/status/1729592149723762957?t=Zv0XFoQ5SkQOrZTXaK20wg&s=35

To hope that Donald Trump can do something for the good of the planetary people

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Wench indeed! It is not over yet, but a large proportion here in NZ are arising!

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The man is a Tool...

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Canadian truckers refused to comply with Turdeau's absurd orders to wear masks within their own truck cabins, and they converged on Ottawa to show their displeasure, and to remind everyone who brings food to the cities. The truckers' refusal gathered instant support among ordinary folks who understood you can't lock down a virus, which meant that Canadian authorities were staging lockdowns for some other reason. Possibly it was 'proof of concept' for the United States. The concept it proved is that such authoritarian moves are useless and unintentionally revealing of the real motives of power-mad politicians. Turdeau, prodded by his WEF buddies, called out the Mounties, who, to their everlasting shame, tromped grandmas with their horses. And he illegally seized Go-Fund-Me bank accounts that sent money in support of the truckers, lest they link up with associates south of the border. This is what pretty-boy Justin will be known for in the memories of all North Americans, Canadians and Americans alike. Good riddance.

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Let us not forget Giggles Freeland, laughing with glee as she announce freezing the bank accounts of donors to a legal charity: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8m1BuDlJXro

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I wish to summarize the spawn of a hippie and a commie kook as being a complete asshole barren of public hair there, which can be found stuck between the two front teeth of singh a song, jammed there from singh's constant manoevering there to kiss the turdo ass. You might call that a symbiotic relationship. Yup. I am a terrible man but dare to tell it like it is.

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Edward, well said! Keep speaking your poetic truth

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You can be sure I will.

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Good points Peter, and all true!

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Love the analogy!

Trudeau has actually not yet resigned, only informed us that he intends to resign as PM and as leader of his kakistocracy. True to his nature, he has prorogued parliament for about 3 months and brought the country to a standstill. A non-confidence vote will hopefully force an early election when parliament is reconvened. Failing that, he will remain to continue his destruction until October when the next federal election is called.

Canada and her citizens will need a long time to recover from the damage and abuse he perpetrated on so many of us, especially during Covid. And Canada’s Marxist Health Authorities are still urging people to be vaccinated!

He reminds me of Ceausescu of Romania.

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You are right! There is a big difference between the statements "I resign" and "I will resign". I wonder if the MSM will ever report that.

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the problem is .. the health science commodity is run by fiat and has filled the government/biopharmacuetical coffers with more than 1.5T fiat dollars. Why is that important? Fiat money that comes directly from government that no longer accounts for anything, and creates more unaccountability via control. A trillion dollars spells a HUGE amount of control. A good example would be the now endless Pfizer commercials.. etc

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And the MSM are desperately trying to convince us he's stepping down for reasons other than being hated for his party's authoritarianism, taking the (young) lead with NZ in the WEF/WHO global takeover effort.

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But we ALL on this planet still have another "narscistic" problem NATO ceo Mark Rutte. He(it the reptile) is also a fascist WEF protégé, pathological lier, warmonger who has devastated the country of The Netherlands for 14years. In 2024 he robbed the Dutch treasury for over 40billion Euro: https://nieuwrechts.nl/92848-kabinet-plunderde-ongevraagd-de-staatskas-voor-ruim-40-miljard-euro "The government plundered the state treasury for more than 40 billion euros without being asked". This reptile also needs to be terminated. And see the NATO building in Brussels Belgium: https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-people-wondering-whether-233500177.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFTI5PJ2Yxo0ZEdv-XmpCEL1nO_6x0fiUee9Ow1oYS_stmXmzRyCKouIc9GXOOKFyT1-9jxzajXaiY7ljIU9TJqdpoUNg1OyiwGMEYizZBqsY_ux85zgoEbFvQBZpfSxQLUdWvy6ztiRYmJhR77l8R00ES2qR_2mzyrhGBBIrdCl 2: As if they are in love >> https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/powerandpolitics/netherlands-mark-rutte-trudeau-populist-1.4878616

I hope sincerly that Donald Trump will be able to delete this ........M.Rutte soon.

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Ohh, to add f.y.i. This man M.Rutte needs to be stopped. Listen to this madness.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIjojuyBF58 At 9:00minute narscistic fascist lier WARMONGER Rutte pledged to provide Ukraine with 40 billion euro Eu taxmoney to waste&burn in military support in 2024". Euronews.

2:True or not? Who can answer this?


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33% is abysmally high. Disgusting.

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True Scott - His party only has 16% popular support if an election were to be held now according to the latest polling done. I can only imagine his support would be less than that of his party's.

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Indeed, the job of YGLs (aka Manchurian candidates) is to sabotage a country at its core. As you described, Trudeau has been very effective at this.

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Crash the economy, cause massive civil unrest, then the UN will come in with their stormtroopers to regain order and take over. Goodbye democracy, hello Global government.

They are deliberately doing this in all Western countries.

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Well said.

Good riddance!

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I wonder who Klaus Swabb will choose this time ?

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Funny you should mention that. Yesterday (1/6/2025) on the substack 2ndsmartestguyintheworld, was the article titled, "Meet Your New WEF "Penetrator" Puppet Canadian Prime Minister, Same As Your Old WEF "Penetrator" Puppet Canadian Prime Minister". It is all about Pierre Poilievre & his supposed ties to the WEF. You may want to check it out. www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com

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He's just brilliant, isn't he, that 2nd smartest!

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Yes he is. I've been following him for quite a while. Until I read his article about Pierre Poilievre, I was very much in favor of Poilievre. If those ties to the WEF are accurate, he needs to be directly confronted about them. The very last thing Canadians need is a Trudeau 2.0.

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Trudeau has been a narcissistic functionary for certain elite masters, ever unseen, which is safer for them.

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"By way of deception, thou shalt rule the world"

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My friend Julius Ruechel describes the Canadian horror show. It's much worse than you know:

Nothing about Canada's dysfunctional parliamentary system makes a shred of sense (a thread):

1/ Trudeau "resigned" today. And shut down parliament. So, now we effectively have a kind of custodial govt for the next few months. Run by Trudeau.

2/ Only now, with parliament shut down, Trudeau and his cabinet continues to run the govt, issue govt contracts, control the treasury, and negotiate on the world stage on Canada's behalf... but without any parliamentary oversight. How do you hold a govt to account without a parliament? The police won't do it -- they've more than proven that over 9 years of rampant govt corruption and abuse.

3/ The Governor General (who is supposed to ensure that Canada has a functioning government) gave Trudeau the green light to shut down (prorogue) parliament without triggering an election. Even as the country continues to unravel and as Canada's finances continue to spiral towards an inflationary debt and currency crisis... "go ahead, get your party in order, Canada can wait (paraphrasing)"

4/ What a lovely gift from the Governor General... all so that the same party that could have ousted Trudeau for 9 disastrous years, but didn't, has time to pick a new leader to continue to govern us.

Remember, Trudeau's resignation does not automatically trigger an election, only a leadership race within the Liberal Party (lasting a minimum of 3 months during which Trudeau still remains as Prime Minister). The winner of that race emerges to govern the country without having to face a general election open to all Canadians.

Throughout all of this fiasco, there has not been a non-confidence vote to trigger the fall of the govt. The Liberal Party retains its mandate to govern Canada (despite their leadership race) because the other left-wing parties (NDP, Greens, and Bloc Quebecois) continue to prop up Trudeau's Liberal govt.

And now, with parliament prorogued, the other parties couldn't trigger a non-confidence vote even if they wanted to. Parliament would need to sit again before that can happen.

5/ In other words, the Governor General (the only one who currently has the power to trigger an election) is keeping Canada in crisis in order to accomodate a political party that has lost all its legitimacy to govern.

But guess who appointed the Governor General... yup, Trudeau.

It gets worse....

6/ Voting in the Liberal leadership race is open to children as young as 14. And to foreign nationals living in Canada that don't even have citizenship or residency. How is that even legal? What could possibly go wrong?

7/ By shutting down parliament, Trudeau has also effectively shut down the ongoing parliamentary investigation into foreign interference. Based on a govt report, there are at least 11 MPs (plus multiple support staff) who have been compromised yet continue to work in our govt. But, the Liberals have refused to release their names. Or to fire them.

And now, thanks to Trudeau's prorogation stunt, we won't know their names ahead of the next election.

8/ The Conservative party is likely to challenge the prorogation of parliament to try to trigger an immediate election. But 7 of Canada's 9 Supreme Court judges were appointed by... you guessed it again... Trudeau.

9/ And if the Conservatives come to power under Pierre Poilievre when we finally do get another election, the legislation they want to pass requires the Senate to sign off on it.

But 90 of Canada's 105 senators are appointed by Trudeau, with another 8 open seats that will likely also be filled by Trudeau during this "transition" period. Yes, he still has the power to do that... without parliamentary oversight.

10/ At the 1:15:50 mark of his January 2nd YouTube interview with Jordan Peterson, Pierre Poilievre even openly admitted that (because of the Liberal bias in the Senate) the Conservatives need Canadians to help him pass legislation by becoming much more politically active — specifically he needs them to put pressure on their senators to "motivate" them to support his economic reforms.

That might work in the US where senators are elected. But how do Canadians "put pressure on senators" when Canadian senators are appointed by the Prime Minister and serve for life (until age 75)?

11/ Nonetheless, at the 24:35 mark of the same interview with Jordan Peterson the leader of Canada's official opposition party, Pierre Poilievre, proudly proclaimed that :

"we have... the best system of govt in the history of the world — the parliamentary system. Not the best govt, but the best system of govt."

How reassuring...


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I really like your comparison to Narcissus. Being a Californian I can see the same comparison with Gavin Newsom.

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As long as we are on narcissists, our president "awarded" Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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A Pelosi-adjacent, commie-loving, globalist wannabe, well-polished sleaze-bag, that one. French Laundry for lunch anyone?

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So can you tell us what you really think of him!!!!! All very true!! Let's remember he and Trudeau (plus many more) were literally trained by the WEF.

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The globalist scoundrel should be on Canada's list of "most wanted", and literally on the run, along with all the other DAvos puppet shitbags around the world.

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