I'm a 58 year old veteran, healthy, unvaxxed, and well aware of all the lies. I have always liked many musicians, bands, and most genres of music-Neil Young is still no exception for me. He is equally prolific as Bob Dylan, and I love many of his songs.

I was surprised at his vehement stance against Rogan, like you Peter and John, particularly since he was a big part of the 60's counter-culture movement!

It really pissed me off, in fact.

In Young's stead, I happily found that Van Morrison, teamed with the likes of Clapton, took the opposite stance against government totalitarianism, the "vax," and the illegitimacy of covid and lockdowns altogether!

The old "Divide and Conquer Tactic" worked very well for globalists, but those like us have fought back harder than ever.

As the smoke clears, a lot of people, organizations, and so-called leaders are left looking pretty foolish, quick to judge, and even as far as to have said, "Vax or die!"

Those who stood strong, (and here I would like to thank Peter, Joe, and David, AmericanFrontlineDoctors, and a number of others very much for doing so,) have proven to the world that we all need to think critically and question ALL "authority figures" and every narrative.

That, my friends is the point-"Love thy neighbor as thyself," even if they wished death upon you by whole- heartedly believing an obvious lie.

However, it is definitely time for Neil Young to have the spirit of Steve Marriott serve Neil some "Humble Pie!"

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What a fool. So much for all those old time rockers whose whole schtick was sticking it to the man. Turns out it was all for show.

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There are many in Neil Young’s boat. Dolly Parton with the remake of Jolene as an example. It’s really sad actually, the shine of so many stars went flat during Covid, many of them were an important part of our cultural fabric and identity and they let us down.

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What happened to these hippies. They turned into “the man”.

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Four Dead in Ohio - you'd think the death toll from the VAX would merit an old-style protest song, think of the title prospects: "All Cause Mortality" or "Safe and Effective." How about "Died Suddenly" or "Lockdown" (kinda like Petty's Breakdown...). Write it, Neil!

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F him

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Someone should introduce him to CHD and RFK - I think Young has an autistic adult child if I'm not mistaken. It's amazing he isn't aware of all vax issues. Interesting how he came back to Spotify. Perhaps he can write a new song...."Eating Crow"....

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Of course in his defense, he is Canadian. They don't seem to believe in Free Speech up there.

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He thought he was more important than Joe Rogan, he lost for 2 years comes back on his knees.

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Neil young can go F himself All the times I went to see him I believed he was for the people All Bs Covid opened my eyes to so much BS ! I can never look back

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"Old man, look at my life/unlike you/ I'm all about/defending Freedom..." Craven old fool, how you sold out every speck of your legacy. Buffoon and jester for the Court... how does he feel? Like a cuck.

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Used to love his music. I think my programming broke because the music doesn’t make me happy like it used to.

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Can't even listen to Neil Young any more ... For this supposedly thinking man, who was about freedom, who wrote "The Needle and The Damage Done"... He proved a total moron... The total opposite of the image he projects... Incapable of even thinking about past medical mistakes and placing them in context to the modern period, incapable of thinking about propaganda, censorship and hysteria ... Who wrote your songs Neil? It can't be this guy calling for censorship and authoritarianism...

Van Morrison and Eric Clapton however have a new fan in me, standing strong and standing up against oppression. Even releasing two great tracks calling for an end to the control and division.



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Five Times August has written plenty of good protest songs recently, including this one Ain’t No Rock and Roll, noting the loss of our musician objectors. https://music.apple.com/us/album/aint-no-rock-and-roll/1706873592?i=1706873751

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Superb subtitle.

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Neil Young surprised me as he was always against GMOs if I recall correctly. But then a lot of health food types jumped on the vax train. Didn’t make sense to me. People are pretty surprising. These supposedly cool rock outlaws really folded without a question or a peep.

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