I have often stated that the "eat less and exercise more" diet is the most commonly failed diet, and these studies do not change my mind. I believe if you eat less and take an aspirin a day, eat less and watch more TV, eat less and take these magic pills I am selling, or eat less and have more sex will all induce weight loss. Unfortunately, so does eat less and have less sex results in weight loss.
These studies are all conflicted because they combine exercise and diet. How about you do not exercise any more than than what you do right now, but eat less. Do you think this would also result in weight loss?
This is supported by the new GLP-1 drugs. You will lose weight whether you exercise or not. You will also lose weight no matter what diet you are on, assuming it is not a completely crazy diet. The point is the drugs diminish hunger, which means you will eat less, and exercise has nothing to do with it. Almost all weight loss diets will fail unless you are able to decrease hunger.
I agree you can lose weight through exercise, but it requires a lot of exercise. I mean hours a week, say running 40 miles a week. Those who need to lose weight (that is are fat) are usually older (that is above age 50) and simply are unable to do enough exercise as a life style to be able to do this much exercise without eventually suffering injury. The ketogenic diet, fasting, and bariatric surgery (through inducing GLP-1 secretion) all diminish hunger and reduce fat, regardless of whether you exercise beyond the activities of normal living or not. No matter what weight loss diet you are on, when you lose the weight you must go on a different diet, not the one that made you fat to begin with.
I say this, but perhaps you can just stay on the GLP-1 diet the rest of you life, but I suspect that several years of GLP-1 comes with some long-term effects. Even then, if you lose weight on the GLp-1 drugs, and we then put you on an oral GLP-1 drug once a day, this may work. There are numerous drugs which we have decided to put you on for the rest of your life because the benefit is worth the risk, and oral GLP may be one of them.
There is a bottom limit to how much you can decrease food intake as the body needs a minimum input of calories, vitamins, phytochemicals, etc. The rest of the weight loss diet has to involve exercise or chemical trickery to decrease conversion of food to fat. I choose exercise rather than rely on chemicals. My preferred choice is outdoor chores around the yard as it keeps me away from the refrigerator.
My experience confirms your analysis. I am an elite-level swimmer (for a masters swimmer approaching the age of 70 (how elite can that be ha ha) ). Over decades, my fellow swimmers and I, have swam high intensity interval training, endurance pace work and sprinting totaling 10,000-12,000 meters per week equivalent to one hour, 3-4 days a week. Off days are resistance work, spinning or running - just an hour a day. Aerobics increases hunger; resistance training does not. In order to lose a pound or two, all of us have observed that increasing workout duration or intensity has no effect or even negative. Reducing caloric input is necessary to lose weight. Reducing caloric input even combined with reducing exercise results in weight loss.
Yes, exercise alone, without eating less, is slow, but it does burn calories and contribute to weight loss, all other things being equal.
Just as, as you point out, eating less results in weight loss, all other things being equal.
The point Dr McCullough is making is that exercise is beneficial to a total weight loss/life style improvement regimen.
With all due respect, as an MD, you should know this by now, and simply be telling people that the self discipline required to eat less and exercise is a part of life we all need to embrace. PERIOD.
NOT ONLY IS THE COMPLEX HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY BEHIND RESTRICTED DIET AND HEALTHY EXERCISE WELL ESTABLISHED BY THOUSANDS OF EXCELLENT SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, (go read Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Eat To Live, to mention but one of many sources) but the delusional desire to maintain health and fitness by taking a drug such as the glp1 offerings of big pharma are dangerous in many multifaceted ways.
May God forgive and correct your error, and your using the intellectual gifts HE gave you to help people and guide them correctly, not lead them astray, open your eyes to TRUTH, leading you to see your need, repenting of the abuse of those gifts in the future,
Again, you are combining two perhaps unrelated factors. ? exercise is beneficial to weight loss and ? a life style improvement regiment. I already stated that exercise alone is not a great way to lose weight or maintain weight loss. I have already stated that you will lose weight with a proper diet, whether you exercise or not. Now you are adding a life style improvement regimen, which may be unrelated to weight loss. You want a better life style, then get a job, get married, decrease stress, quit smoking, and quit drinking distilled liquor. Going to church may be of much greater benefit to improve your life style than any amount of exercise.
Let's look at the last 6000 years of recorded history. Adam was told that "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread , till thou return unto the ground". In other words, the activities of working and daily living. For almost all of the last 6000 years there has not been an epidemic of obesity. There has for the last 80 years. For the last 75 years the government, public health, and the medical establishment has been telling people to eat less and exercise more to lose weight. With the rising incidence to obesity around the world, this is obviously not working; yet you seem to be advising the same thing. Every obese person in the world has enough common sense to understand that if they eat less they will lose weight. And almost all have tried to do this, and most have failed. Are you saying it failed because they did not do enough exercise? It failed because they did not eat less. And why not? I sure they did not want to be fat. It failed because of hunger.
The GLP-1 diet does work in almost everyone who uses it, regardless of if they exercise. It works because it decreases hunger. The exercise more diet rarely works.
You are simply recycling the same advise, that is the problem is that fat people do not exercise enough. I have no problems with exercising, and it may increase your work output. It may prolong you life a small bit. But it is not the solution to weight loss.
You and I agree that it is better to change your diet to lose weight rather than take the GLP-1, yet that approach does not appear to be working very well. The GLP-1 ceases to work (that is to decrease hunger) as soon as you stop taking them. It is too soon to know if the people who lost weight will just eventually regain the weight. I am sure you are not opposed to chronic medications which you must take for the rest of your life (BP medication, Heart medication, Seizure medication), and GLP may be another one of these medications. Just like all medication, it depends on the risk/benefit ratio.
I review the history of diet in the Bible in the book Advanced Fasting
I agree. My experience is I don't lose weight unless I change eating habits. Exercise alone doesn't work if you are still eating bad foods and have the cravings. Unless, like you said, you are burning an incredible amount of calories. I had a friend and her son who walked the whole Appalachian Trail. They both lost a lot of weight. It is probably impossible to eat enough to maintain your weight in that kind of scenario.
oh dear; banging on about exercise and weight loss; folks like Gary Taubes talked about that fluently 20 yrs ago: you do not burn off fat with exercise; our obesity comes surely from that terrible man Ancel Keys who made up the nonsense 70yrs ago that eating fat was the problem; the poor, poor isolated man; who had no real friends; could not talk to anyone; like a modern day preacher, he just raged and raged and lectured and lectured; he did not understand that eating carbs make lots of insulin; and with high insulin levels, you cannot burn fat that is stored on you; it is that simple
farmers feed carbs to cattle and pigs; as maize and corn; they know it fattens these animals; why would it be any different for humans
I have often stated that the "eat less and exercise more" diet is the most commonly failed diet, and these studies do not change my mind. I believe if you eat less and take an aspirin a day, eat less and watch more TV, eat less and take these magic pills I am selling, or eat less and have more sex will all induce weight loss. Unfortunately, so does eat less and have less sex results in weight loss.
These studies are all conflicted because they combine exercise and diet. How about you do not exercise any more than than what you do right now, but eat less. Do you think this would also result in weight loss?
This is supported by the new GLP-1 drugs. You will lose weight whether you exercise or not. You will also lose weight no matter what diet you are on, assuming it is not a completely crazy diet. The point is the drugs diminish hunger, which means you will eat less, and exercise has nothing to do with it. Almost all weight loss diets will fail unless you are able to decrease hunger.
I agree you can lose weight through exercise, but it requires a lot of exercise. I mean hours a week, say running 40 miles a week. Those who need to lose weight (that is are fat) are usually older (that is above age 50) and simply are unable to do enough exercise as a life style to be able to do this much exercise without eventually suffering injury. The ketogenic diet, fasting, and bariatric surgery (through inducing GLP-1 secretion) all diminish hunger and reduce fat, regardless of whether you exercise beyond the activities of normal living or not. No matter what weight loss diet you are on, when you lose the weight you must go on a different diet, not the one that made you fat to begin with.
I say this, but perhaps you can just stay on the GLP-1 diet the rest of you life, but I suspect that several years of GLP-1 comes with some long-term effects. Even then, if you lose weight on the GLp-1 drugs, and we then put you on an oral GLP-1 drug once a day, this may work. There are numerous drugs which we have decided to put you on for the rest of your life because the benefit is worth the risk, and oral GLP may be one of them.
Kelly Gregg MD Modern Weight Loss
My ex wife's doctor put it this way:
Input minus output = fat increase or decrease.
There is a bottom limit to how much you can decrease food intake as the body needs a minimum input of calories, vitamins, phytochemicals, etc. The rest of the weight loss diet has to involve exercise or chemical trickery to decrease conversion of food to fat. I choose exercise rather than rely on chemicals. My preferred choice is outdoor chores around the yard as it keeps me away from the refrigerator.
My experience confirms your analysis. I am an elite-level swimmer (for a masters swimmer approaching the age of 70 (how elite can that be ha ha) ). Over decades, my fellow swimmers and I, have swam high intensity interval training, endurance pace work and sprinting totaling 10,000-12,000 meters per week equivalent to one hour, 3-4 days a week. Off days are resistance work, spinning or running - just an hour a day. Aerobics increases hunger; resistance training does not. In order to lose a pound or two, all of us have observed that increasing workout duration or intensity has no effect or even negative. Reducing caloric input is necessary to lose weight. Reducing caloric input even combined with reducing exercise results in weight loss.
You have mixed fact with fiction dear doctor.
Yes, exercise alone, without eating less, is slow, but it does burn calories and contribute to weight loss, all other things being equal.
Just as, as you point out, eating less results in weight loss, all other things being equal.
The point Dr McCullough is making is that exercise is beneficial to a total weight loss/life style improvement regimen.
With all due respect, as an MD, you should know this by now, and simply be telling people that the self discipline required to eat less and exercise is a part of life we all need to embrace. PERIOD.
NOT ONLY IS THE COMPLEX HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY BEHIND RESTRICTED DIET AND HEALTHY EXERCISE WELL ESTABLISHED BY THOUSANDS OF EXCELLENT SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, (go read Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Eat To Live, to mention but one of many sources) but the delusional desire to maintain health and fitness by taking a drug such as the glp1 offerings of big pharma are dangerous in many multifaceted ways.
May God forgive and correct your error, and your using the intellectual gifts HE gave you to help people and guide them correctly, not lead them astray, open your eyes to TRUTH, leading you to see your need, repenting of the abuse of those gifts in the future,
In Him,
Again, you are combining two perhaps unrelated factors. ? exercise is beneficial to weight loss and ? a life style improvement regiment. I already stated that exercise alone is not a great way to lose weight or maintain weight loss. I have already stated that you will lose weight with a proper diet, whether you exercise or not. Now you are adding a life style improvement regimen, which may be unrelated to weight loss. You want a better life style, then get a job, get married, decrease stress, quit smoking, and quit drinking distilled liquor. Going to church may be of much greater benefit to improve your life style than any amount of exercise.
Let's look at the last 6000 years of recorded history. Adam was told that "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread , till thou return unto the ground". In other words, the activities of working and daily living. For almost all of the last 6000 years there has not been an epidemic of obesity. There has for the last 80 years. For the last 75 years the government, public health, and the medical establishment has been telling people to eat less and exercise more to lose weight. With the rising incidence to obesity around the world, this is obviously not working; yet you seem to be advising the same thing. Every obese person in the world has enough common sense to understand that if they eat less they will lose weight. And almost all have tried to do this, and most have failed. Are you saying it failed because they did not do enough exercise? It failed because they did not eat less. And why not? I sure they did not want to be fat. It failed because of hunger.
The GLP-1 diet does work in almost everyone who uses it, regardless of if they exercise. It works because it decreases hunger. The exercise more diet rarely works.
You are simply recycling the same advise, that is the problem is that fat people do not exercise enough. I have no problems with exercising, and it may increase your work output. It may prolong you life a small bit. But it is not the solution to weight loss.
You and I agree that it is better to change your diet to lose weight rather than take the GLP-1, yet that approach does not appear to be working very well. The GLP-1 ceases to work (that is to decrease hunger) as soon as you stop taking them. It is too soon to know if the people who lost weight will just eventually regain the weight. I am sure you are not opposed to chronic medications which you must take for the rest of your life (BP medication, Heart medication, Seizure medication), and GLP may be another one of these medications. Just like all medication, it depends on the risk/benefit ratio.
I review the history of diet in the Bible in the book Advanced Fasting
I agree. My experience is I don't lose weight unless I change eating habits. Exercise alone doesn't work if you are still eating bad foods and have the cravings. Unless, like you said, you are burning an incredible amount of calories. I had a friend and her son who walked the whole Appalachian Trail. They both lost a lot of weight. It is probably impossible to eat enough to maintain your weight in that kind of scenario.
oh dear; banging on about exercise and weight loss; folks like Gary Taubes talked about that fluently 20 yrs ago: you do not burn off fat with exercise; our obesity comes surely from that terrible man Ancel Keys who made up the nonsense 70yrs ago that eating fat was the problem; the poor, poor isolated man; who had no real friends; could not talk to anyone; like a modern day preacher, he just raged and raged and lectured and lectured; he did not understand that eating carbs make lots of insulin; and with high insulin levels, you cannot burn fat that is stored on you; it is that simple
farmers feed carbs to cattle and pigs; as maize and corn; they know it fattens these animals; why would it be any different for humans
I am having trouble understanding this. Are the weight loss numbers over any particular period of time? Per week, per month, per year?