Will this be the next October surprise? Lock downs, polls closing and mail in ballots from the graveyard and overseas?

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My first thought, but I think they've run out of time for that.

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Every time there’s a table top exercise it’s an advertisement for what’s to come. I can’t use the language that I want to.

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Why don't they hold it in a gilded bird cage?

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Bunch of Turkey's.... don't think everyone is going to fall for this crap second time around...

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At least 35% will go along like the lemming-minded dupes they were/are. Seeing enough masks already to know there is a cohort of suckers who will never wake up....

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That group are beyond help, sadly.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Same tired and tattered playbook. Just like the same tattered playbook of globalist/communist regime change. At least now it's obvious and out in the sunlight of public awareness and scrutiny.

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Hey. I just participated in a Zoom meeting here in Georgia about rules for vets and GVMA statements. During the discussion, the 'chicken vet' participating brought up the whole cow bird flu thing again because we were talking about the official GVMA position on raw milk sales in Georgia. They are NEVER gonna let this bird flu thing die, even though it's going nowhere. This vet has totally bought into the whole 'dangerous bird flu' mantra. I so wanted to say something, but it was the wrong forum to bring it up. You have to be careful discussing with other vets or they will exclude you from the discussion altogether.

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I wish your practice was in my neck of the woods (Las Vegas). I'd give my right arm to be able to bring my dogs to a more holistically-oriented, integrative vet.

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It's really just common sense....but that is in very short supply lately

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Screw NYC and the table tops of insanity.

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New York SHITty

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Deja vu all over again...

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Done and Done. Two days ago. Plannedemic 3.0: Bird Flu Summit Oct 2-4th 2024 (Media Blackout) & Covid Panel Subpoenas NIH ‘FOIA Lady’ for Deleting Emails (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plannedemic-30-bird-flu-summit-2024

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Guess what's coming next.......?

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here we go again

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Stupid sheeple and cowards

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Is this anything like Event 201, the plan for the Covid-19 plandemic?

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Bird Flu 201

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