Yes, Fauci’s SWORN testimony. And isn’t it a FELONY to lie under oath? INDICT!

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seems dependent upon who lies while under oath. Besides, doesn't that kind laugh at oaths?

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Judge: ''Take Fauci down. 90 to life''

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The DOJ is part of the racketeering operation.

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May 16·edited May 16

Yes, which is only one of the many reasons to ask — which candidate has the knowledge and temperament and tenacity to overhaul it (along with multitudes of 3-letter agencies) and bring the Fauci’s of the world to justice: Trump or Kennedy? I realize that Bobby is a long shot, but the way Trump has re-doubled his “vaxx success” messaging and is attacking RFK Jr is just too much. I had hoped that a re-elected DJT would invite Bobby to be Atty Gen but I can’t see that happening at the moment.

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Wait until the Epsteins files to be released by Florida on July 1. Let's go from there.

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SubStack won’t let me type

“Doubled” “down” as normal words 😩

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Fuggeddaboudit. They’re ALL from that sand big club that we ain’t in!

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SAME big club. How the heck do we edit our posts??

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In some substacks, you tap on the 3 dots to the right of the Like/Reply line and you get 2 options, which are Edit and Delete. Unfortunately, in some substacks you don't get those two options. But it seems that if you are using a computer to write your comment, the three dots will always give you an Edit option.

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Thank you! Yes, I’ve noticed that sometimes when I tap the dots an edit option comes up, and other times it doesn’t. Confusing and frustrating. But, hey, computers make EVERYTHING so much easier and better, right? 😂

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The DOJ is the deep states defense attorney's

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Thank you so much, John. It's so critical to all of our wellbeing to expose the Gain of Function issues

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AMEN John Leake. My list of suspected liars has Fauci at the top of it, and now I can put a check mark beside who should be hung by the neck until dead. Fauci acted with arrogance and impunity, not to mention sadistic satisfaction with his evil work. The world cannot be rid of him soon enough, along with his handlers. Thank you John Leake for this intrepid action.

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About time however, does one really believe that the DOJ is going to do their job? So far they are obsessed only with Trump, parents with school children, and election deniers! When I think about what they have done and continue to defy Patriotic Americans, I could just hurll!! We have to demand for Justice to be served and Fauci, Gates and the rest, Crimes Against Humanity!

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But not even all election deniers--not Algore, or Killary, or any other demoncrat.

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I stand corrected :-) I see the above mentioned names as just Treasonists!

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“It’s time for the U.S. Government to quit playing along…”. Not gonna happen. Just which branch of “the US Government” are you referring to? Judicial? Legislative? Administrative? They all proven they are totally corrupted.

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"It’s time for the U.S. government to quit playing along with this charade and refer all of these liars to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution."

But liars aren't going to prosecute their lying co-conspirators.

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Andrew Bridgen UK mp this week in interview commenting that he was told he was 20 years too early in his fight for vaccine injured in UK, and he was up against the most powerful lobby who would ruin him We have to fight, share and join those fighting to get the truth out


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Come on the deranged demigod Fauci told us that they didn't do any gain of function work only work that met the exact definition of gain of function. Do try to keep up with Fauci's pack of lies more accurately.

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Safe to say Fraudci and Daszak will be thrown under the bus as per SPARS 2025-28... not that they were named in the Johns Hopkins White paper but they are the most likely candidates as a distraction from those who are actually at the head of the snake.

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Guessing Rand Paul is well aware of this? Fauci should swing by the neck. Bald faced lying, and under oath, so much suffering in the name of personal gain.

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(an aside) John, maybe you should look into the the backstory of the “recent” (6 mo) UNC murder by a Wuhan doctoral candidate of his also Wuhan professor (chemistry dept I recall??). Could yield some interesting insights???

‘Keep up the great work! 4417 (long ago)

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Just what we need. Another slimeball "answer" to a pretty straightforward question and all we get is a feeble attempt to cloud the issue. Then again, it's exactly what I would expect from a rat jumping off the sinking ship.

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One wretched contrived deliberate lie.....Is the same as a thousand lies.

There may never be a time in history when the amazing standards of truth have been shit on.

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Every one of us needs to adopt a doctor, like one would a rescue dog.

I took Malone in three years ago. But I wouldn’t mind finding someone to take him on the weekends.

‘Must like pets.


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It takes a very strong dog lover to to come

Up with such a line!


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