Frankly, I’m surprised that there is any credence given to any further Pfizer ‘new treatments’ for anything.

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And! If you read the study/studies on paxlovid for long haul covid you see that Pfizer sponsored the study! Myself vax injured… I know many vulnerable patients that are desperate for answers and being led down dead ends. Major hospitals in Boston running long covid recovery centers that are no more than a game of hot potato where patients are being tossed to different specialists who have zero clue how to treat. The patient may end up in their extremely depressing support group… or spend time trying to meditate their way out of the hell of these post vax conditions. Very sad. These people are so chronically ill and hidden from society. I have found relief from POTs thru exercise rehab and restoring my microbiome. Long process but working. Absolutely maddening that Pharma has injured so many.

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The truth is they were trying to kill you, and fell short. Being poisoned is never "fun", and seldom easy to recover from, if at all possible.

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Oh, I’m recovering! and Hope to help others.

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Glad to hear that, really.

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I have learned not to take or trust any medication/drug by Pfizer as they have a long history of paying out millions and millions for false marketing of their medications way before Covid. Thank you for all your hard work and generous heart to keep investigating and sharing your knowledge.

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Hey Jayne, what about Ivermectin being made by Merck? https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/reimagining-medicine

I think all drugs should be avoided unless necessarily needed

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"Pfizer"... a name... that will live... in Infamy!

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Please take care of your self, Dr. McCullough! Praying for you !

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Will the Mccoullough protocol for ridding the body of spike protein be effective for those who received the J&J jabs (2) and who is also now having Covid for the third time?

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By "long-covid" don't you really mean vax-injured?

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