Of course he did! Just like Newsom in California closed churches but left strip clubs open AND Newsom ate at a restaurant without a mask while telling his constituents to pull their mask up and down between bites. There was so much hypocrisy displayed from the "ruling class" it's actually sickening.

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It's on purpose. Cognitive dissonance must rain supreme in an era of forced demoralization. You're watching a movie, and what's to come is going to make things like this look trivial. They will pour as much poison into your mind as they can because they need you to lose all faith in the system so that you will not do anything to salvage it so they can dismantle it (with your tacit approval because you allowed it to happen by doing little to nothing - this is how they justify their actions and avoid karma) and rebuild it as a hellish slave-based model.

The only way out of this is through local community engagement. If everyone did the following, we could take this country back in a groundswell. If not a critical mass of people do the following then we will all become slaves in their new world disorder. Here is how to fix this:

Make plans to secure your own future (build and strengthen your community, get to know your neighbors, gather supplies, grow a garden, stop relying on a big-box retailer, DIG A WELL [immediately - water is your most important resource hands down], do everything humanly possible to become self-sufficient and resilient), get control of your town councils, and stop waiting for some snake-in-the-grass politician to do it for you.

But here's the thing, whether we win or lose by doing this, we will still be better off. This fight is about the fight, so please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds all of the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations.

You were put here to fight it. Fight it well. You can only gain from doing the right thing both for your personal growth and your soul.

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TriTorch, I'm already ahead of your suggestions. We've been preparing for years, prior to the whole covid massacre. I disagee though with your suggestion to go to the community. Most people are sheep and don't think anything bad will ever happen. I won't rely on those people. I will only rely on myself and my family.

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Glad to hear it Pamela!

Just a thought: community is common unity. Those sheep need your guidance and wisdom. You will be surprised the common unity you can knit together with even the smallest acts of kindness. And people will start to listen to you, and minds can be opened, and wisdom can flow. This will strengthen your whole community, suddenly those strangers and neighbors become a part of your own support structure and everyone benefits. This builds bulwarks and shields against that new world disorder they want so badly to shove down our throats. (It's far more difficult for them to take over when we're all banded together against them, they know this, hence why they divide and conquer us).

Not to sound like a broken record or anything but:

Our words and actions can have such a profound positive effect on others - it's like a super power. We should always use it to the fullest extent we can. None of us will make it out alive, but we sure want to have the cleanest most pristine souls possible when we arrive for judgement. And because we are God’s children we want to strive to be like him.

What we do in life

Really does

Echo in eternity.

Make that echo a good one.

God is eagerly listening.

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TriTorch, I agree community is extremely important. Just like family. And that's why the government did everything to destroy it. They have power if we aren't aligned. And therein lies the problem. With 40% of younger people getting their news from TikTok, we're doomed. I do talk to a lot of people and I try to give them information to chew on. For example, I have a young gal who works for me say we need common sense gun laws. I said, we have 20,000 Federal, State and Local gun laws already. Which of those isn't common sense? She looked at me with wide eyes and asked, are you serious? I said, I am but please research it. In alk honesty, though, people today aren't inclined to do the hard work. Just look at all the medications the population is on. It's easy to pop a pill or twelve. It's difficult to take control of your own health. Until the mindset changes, we are done. It won't be fixed in my lifetime, if ever. I'm sorry I feel the way I do but humanity has disappointed me.

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Then there demoralization campaign has won against you and they've gotten what they want. Why let them win?

Your gun law comment is the perfect example of piercing their ignorance with an arrow of common sense. Now that girl is thinking and a bigger picture of what is occurring is forming in her mind. Bravo! One step in the right direction. The NWO hates that. Don't stop. Pray for more and better ways to do more of this.

Humanity may have disappointed you, but don't let humanity down by quitting, they need you now more than ever. You know more than they do, try to teach them in clever ways with clever questions. Only benefit can by gained, nothing is lost, and you're better as result, they're better as a result, and you're putting the 'common unity' back in community. This is what God wants and the NWO wants to destroy.

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TriTorch, thank you for your kind and respectful words. It's truly appreciated.

If by having reasonable, respectful conversations is the key, then I'm on it!

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These imbeciles, need to be first in line for ANY vaccines and WE wait a year to see how they fare!

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Five years at least--we don't want to miss any of their longer-term adverse events.

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Please give more credit to Steven Crowder. The New York Times did zero on this and was forced to report it because it went viral. Crowder’s team did all the actual journalism. He’s releasing new undercover videos every week.


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All players involved in Covid Plandemic are not vaccinated and extremely corrupt

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I'll say it again........ The Covid-19 lies/fear porn/tyranny and VAX were the biggest SCAM ever perpetrated on mankind and MALPRACTICE on a global scale!!!!! And those responsible still walk free with their pockets full of ill gotten riches! These people deserve LIFE IN JAIL.....at a MINIMUM!!!!

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The face of a Varmit.

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You’re too kind.

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It’s just unbelievable the hypocrisy of the elite.

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I, along with many others, have pondered how beings descend to such levels of depravity that they seem to actually enjoy the suffering and despair of their fellows.

I recall reading that the Nazi movement was a drug cult/culture. I see that so many are on medications that suborn the will, whether recreational or prescribed by a doctor. Could it be that is an important step in gaining control? Get us all medicated so we can't fight back and in some cases, are too weak to fight against baser urges? It seems to be a common factor with all of these people that they heavily participate in taking drugs which I am sure numbs their sense of morality as well as making them suggestible by the destroyers of humanity. The medical community has made it seem "normal" that we are all medicated. I observed myself when I lived in California that the homeless are heavily under the influence of drugs and very difficult to reach and help. Personally, I began to question how much medication is actually warranted, especially as I have gotten older. Very little of it seems to be an actual 'cure' or even a good solution that handles the underlying condition without causing horrible side effects. Long before and certainly since covid, I have made it a point to find safer solutions for any physical problems and luckily I am not on any pharmaceutical meds. I hope I can keep it that way.

Sorry for the rambling comment here, but the other factor that I think is at play is that I have been told that law makers are not required to comply with the laws they pass for the rest of us. Is that true? It seems a huge improvement would be made if all people had to comply with laws, including the law makers. I may be totally naive but if we can pull that off I suspect we would see a lot these oppressive rules disappear.

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Do you recall some New York? politician (can't remember who) saying that their mandates/orders were actually just recommendations, not legal, and that no-one needed to follow them? So maybe they knew they were safe partying.

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no surprises here : scum is slimy We just need to keep calling these 💩🤡out .😉their days of hypocrisy are numbered. bring back public square stocks for traitors to the people

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"spliced, diced and taken out of context." pray tell, is there a context in which this behavior might possibly ever look good?

wow! he hadn't gone to a sex and drug party for "like a year and a half," he hadn't been his "authentic self" and he couldn't do the important work he did for the city (violating constitutional rights, destroying NY's economy, ruining peoples' lives, turning hospitals into death factories) unless he was able to blow off steam now and then.

these people are so horrible!

the world's oldest criminal female politician, nancy pelosi, was entitled to get her hair done because she's in the public eye unlike the rest of us who can afford to be slovenly.

the world's ugliest mayor, lori lightfoot, had to get her hair done because she needed to keep up appearances for her job (note to ms lightfoot- no amount of hair styling is going to hide the ugliness of your face and soul. have you learned nothing from jacinda ardern and hillary clinton?)

it's amazing that we never heard anything about gavin newscum's hair. how oily can one man be?

this guy, who apparently was able-until now- to pass as a learned doctor, needed to take drugs and get naked with all his pals so he could keep you imprisoned and make you get vaccinated.

i can't tell you how happy i am that we moved out of NYC in 2016.

if they keep listening to (and voting for) this caliber of people, i guess they deserve their fate. the rest of us should form our own country. we've already got a constitution.

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And they are ALL Democrats. Anyone see a pattern here? And these are the people who call Trump a dictator and a threat to democracy. Right...

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Politicians hypocrits? I didn’t know.

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The whole scamdemic was like a sick & perverted game of Simon Says....

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Any chance this person or any of these people will get fired or publicly shamed? I mean I got to walk past the isolation room and look through the window at my 89 yr old dad when he was brought into the emergency room alone. And people want to vote for these ashfats again?

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Dont' call him a 'czar' of that will be retroactively purged from 2020 news articles ... Just call him out for what he is: a person with very poor statistics and modeling skills, that comes up with models that are a factir 1000 off on a daily basis and uses those to forecast disasters.

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So he's not a big enough guy? They need several sacrificial lambs at this stage of the operation. I hope other little guys without conscience are losing sleep.

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