Hunter knows if dad loses power the whole family goes down.

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And not in a good way.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Elder abuse

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The Democrats new tactic. Convincing the American people that they did not see what they saw during the first debate. Even the Dems and msm were very vocal about it saying Biden should drop out. Now in their panic they are back peddling, but Americans have seen the truth.

That's why I'm wearing this "I identify as non Bidenary" shirt right now 👇 🤣


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No, “ he had a cold and/or we all misspeak now and then” is came out in the conversation I was in just yesterday.

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The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they are going to turn out.

Vyacheslav Molotov

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Where can I get one of those shirts? Do they make pins with that, too?

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You are awesome! Thank you!

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You're welcome Nancy! 😉

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The 12 members of the Bidan crime family are making lots of money for themselves with Joe in place. Why would they want him to retire from politics?

Even 4 years ago it was obvious listening to him that he had mental problems. It has just slowly got worse as all dementia cases do.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

That's why they kept him in his diapers in his basement last time round whilst Trump toured the country but hey he still won by getting 81 million votes ........ apparently.

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That's right. Only a properly-managed, elderly man with dementia, backed by drug addicts and international criminal cartels, will be able to save 'Our Democracy' TM. Always provided his opponents are gaoled, of course

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That drug really tied the room together.

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Well, of course he did! Hunter has expensive habits to support, and NOTHING else to sell, but his influence over the occupant of the WH! You wouldn't expect him to get a job, would you???

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He's a top class artist remember.

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You really believe people are buying the ART??? A 5y/o would be embarrassed to let Mom hang that on the fridge! Get serious! The "buyers" are buying influence in the WH! They know it, and so should most of us, by now!

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This does not surprise me one bit. Hunter Biden is a huge liability to the cabal and their plans and has been for a long time. He knows he's in grave danger once his Daddy is out.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 2

But daddy may be in great danger from the Deep State if he doesn't quit, though they'll blame it on Russia or Trump, and write psalms afterwords about good ole Joe from Scranton. Afterwords.

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Joe is Hunter’s gravy train. He also needs Joe to win to avoid prison. Sick twisted corrupt family.

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Translation of the family's plea that Joe not drop out of the race: "Joe, once you're no longer President, they'll arrest all of us. You can buy us some time by staying in the race."

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What happens to his $100 million fundraiser war chest if he steps down??

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According to the law, it reverts to the various donors.

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Thank you.

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You're welcome.

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But if he stays - can $100 million even be spent in seven months. This money would go to him (and family) if he’s able to fulfill entire obligation??

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Normally it would go into an account for a future campaign, but obviously that isn't going to happen. In this case, however, with the "damage control", and image rebuilding needed, they could blow through $100 million easily in 7 months. TV ads and billboards don't come cheap; they'll need to repeat their lies a lot, between now and November!

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". . . blow through $100 million"--10% for the little guy (maybe for blow, hookers, new businesses, whatever.

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Just thinking this could be one of many reasons family is pushing him to stay. With Presidents, I thought they were able to keep what they raised, but am not absolutely sure. Thank you for the discussion.

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What I most Love is the Jimmy Buffett quote

Thanks for sharing that.



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Lol, of course he does. Who else is going to pardon him?

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Does anybody else ever feel like we're in a wall to wall MK-Ultra trauma based mind control operation? Like we're overdosed on acid while being forced to watch a cartoon over and over.

That's not a joke.

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Yeah, we're all gonna need some good therapists when this is all over. It will be over one day, won't it? Please, tell me it will be over! ...hopefully in a good way!

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Smiles over here. It's the Earth vacation trip like one of those ad flyers have all these beautiful pictures of umbrellas, cocktails and scanty bikinis, but when you get there it's a stinky boat where everybody's fat, getting sick and they won't let you off the boat.

And no, there are no refunds. Just another free ticket.

I'm being facetious. It has always been and will always will be a place of beauty and horror, difficult at best, but what else are you gong to do with your time? It's best I think just to treat the natives like those ferocious robots in Jungle Jim's Safari Cruise at Disneyland. That makes it easier for me to stay objective and not get caught up in the drama.

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John, The Dude is nothing like Hunter, compared to Hunter the Dude is a Nobel winner and the pinnacle of humanity. You have greatly insulted the Dude.

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Good, keep Biden in & ensure a Trump landslide. The rigging will be OBVIOUS if somehow🤷‍♀️ ol’ Biden just happens to beat Trump. I say keep quiet about ousting Biden, & let Trump decimate him on election day.

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The entire Biden family would sell their father to the highest bidder! The quest for control and deep corruption is beyond what a decent mind can comprehend. What a sad, sad way for one’s remaining few years to end.

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Totally! Oh my geez! Having this talk with my adult kids.. Don’t you dare! I haunt you forever!

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