I think you're confused.

The Lawfare utilized against Donald Trump doesn't gibe with the theory that the oligarchy/deepstate/ Managerial elite/ etc have chosen Trump to be a surrogate loser. This is a similar analytic error as you're similarly confused idea that because there are no illegal immigrants milling around your neighborhood, or you dont see it while going to busy commercial airports during the day, that it is nonexistent and a fearmongering psyop by warped rightwingers.

If nothing else convinces you, the brazen in your face "fortification of the election" in 2020 by these same oligarchic elements should: they don't need to fortify a cartoon character to get people to"vote" for their non compis mentis candidates. All they have to do is cheat again, and use media adjuncts to gaslight again.

M Weiss, MD

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Greetings M. Weiss, thanks for your comment. This is John Leake replying. The Pied Piper Strategy articulated in the DNC's 2015 memo suggests that he has indeed been promoted and made the object of Trump Derangement Syndrome at the same time. The Lawfare probably bolstered support for Trump and it did not take him out of the election. Regarding illegal immigration: This is entirely a matter of quantity, scale, and visibility. I spent the month in Vienna, Austria, which has experienced an influx of Arab immigrants since 2015. They are visible on every major street and corner in the city. Walking down the main boulevard in the city center on fine summer evening, I heard more Arabic than German. Dr. McCullough and I do not doubt that that many illegals have entered the country in the last four years. However, we would like to see far more investigative work done to ascertain where they are and what they are doing. Common sense suggests that if 10-20 million foreigners have entered the country in just a few years, they would be conspicuously visible in American cities. Regards, John Leake

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Thanks for the reply:

I think no one took Trump seriously in 2015-16. Hence the pied piper nonsense.

No one is doing the pied piper thing anymore; its just not relevant. Now they want him dead, if the lawfare boomerangs and they can't jail him. Deadly serious. The days of democrat operatives giving any encouragement to Trump are long gone. RFK jr and Gabbard, Musk are now aligned. The threat is and has been real for quite awhile.

Whats the relative size of Austria and the USA ?? It's about 120 X smaller. Thats why you see immigrants in Vienna. America is huge, and, as an aside, how did 20,000 Haitians get to a small town in Ohio in just a couple of years? How many towns of 60,000 residents does America have?- thousands of them.You go to Austria, and you're in Vienna, the biggest city. When have you ever been to Springfield Ohio? None of us even knew about Springfield's mess until it was spotted in the overton window. So I think your argument is specious. We really dont need more "research" on this. The problem is very real. The US govt has deliberately obfuscated , there's no way to provide the information you would like to see, the "proof" I presume. Word is that they "lost" 300000 youths and children, that are totally unaccounted for. Look at Tucker Carlsons interview regarding the Panama Darien Gap. The Border patrol routinely gathers thousands of these illegals in a single day. You're a pretty incisive guy; I just dont understand your willful blindness to something that is pretty obvious.

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Have a talk, John, with Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice. He will not only tell you where, he will show you where these illegals are. If you open your eyes, you will see.

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I agree. John, talk to Ben Bergquam, Todd Bensman of ( Cis.org)Oscar Blue Ramirez, Michael Yon, Ann Vandersteel, Brett Weinstein, Chris Martinson. ALL who have reported from border and from Darien Gap. Read Todd Bensman book OVERRUN! There is also a Colonias/shanty town of about a 100,000 immigrants living in Liberty County, TX. Michael and Todd Bensman have flown over it and posted areal videos. Immigrants are flown all over US, from outside US. They are housed in hotels, schools, community centers and some given brand new free apartments/ free utilities in out of way places such as Brunswick, Maine. They don’t have to hang out on street corners as they are in housing at tax payer expense.

TDA gang robbed, pistol whipped and tied up woman in $1 million house in DALLAS recently…probably your old stomping grounds of Highland Park or University Park. Police said at first that it didn’t seem to be TDA gang activity??? . Then later admitted it was. Turns out one of gang had been arrested TWICE in affluent Colleyville, Tx. I doubt he was seen hanging out on street corner. Besides the Haitians in Springfield OH, there is another small poor, town in PA, Charleroi inundated with Haitians I usually agree with you and Dr. McCullough. I donate to all his causes, buy multiple copies of your books, but you are both dead wrong on this issue!!! Please educate yourselves.

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In Chattanooga last year, there were more Spanish speaking families walking around, enjoying the sites with their families than English speakers. In Hilliard, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus, many more Arabs are seen shopping, driving, etc, than native white and black Americans.

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Sure John, no illegals in Martha Vineyard either, just ask them. With all do respect to your worldly academic prowess and gentlemanly Sherlock demeanor, you are way overthinking this as you do when your liberal philosophy kicks in.

92% of MSM “painted” (CIA term) Trump the villain over nine year by propagandizing America that he is an Ogre at first, then Hitler. To your point Trump allowed himself to be so for the free exposure, even promulgating the taboo of the bigot to annoy the pretentiously self absorbed, knowing it would cause them to show their asses, and the “beautiful people” did for all to see causing panic among them. But that is not to say he was played by Oligarchy. Indeed he know’s exactly who they are because MAGA are not Hillary’s deplorables, they are 80-100 million strong that love America and want to make it meet its potential for all. Doctors, academics, engineers, lay people, skilled labor, and yes the poor. Trumps admiration for those who would defend America and themselves, personally, civically, and nationally by uniformed service to her is unimpeachable, even though they tried. Those hundred million don’t need to love him, he is not the Oligarch.

War is not hell as the inexperienced pundits will say, take it from those who have been to abyss of it, warisinsanity, period and it must be avoided before it begins, not after the insane start it, least we all must become insane.

That sane people must at times do insane things to defend themselves, i.e., the S.T.E.M. Academics of the Manhattan Project that worked with the dreaded “military industrial complex”, is something liberals just cannot wrap their head around until the boot hits their neck is unacceptable to survival. Of course the pretentious pacifists did not have their sons waiting on troop ships headed to fanatical Japan. Liberty loving liberals with all their freedom and rights, so many rights, understand their rights are inalienable from birth or God if you will, they just don’t believe they should even suggest physically fighting for them, so you obviously look for exit ramps from the liberal conundrum. It’s simple John. If another threatens your loved ones what will you do? Men have been emasculated, police defunded, global and imported Oligarchs bought American DA’s that refuse detention of perps and murders, border patrol are ushers for illegals fostered by NGO LLC’s of the well connected beautiful people working with cartels funding campaigns, the military, DOJ, FBI, and Homeland Security and all government under control by an Executive Branch promulgating DEI and they still want the 1st, and 2nd Amendments and your children.

Good luck with that, denying insane evil exists and there are no immediate answers. Just remember you only have four cheeks to turn.

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FWIW, illegal immigrants are conspicuously visible in the Washington DC suburbs, especially in the declared sanctuary of Montgomery County, Maryland where there are many areas (including incorporated communities) with vastly more immigrants than native inhabitants. AND where you more often hear Spanish than English.

You need to get out more often…

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Thanks, Cushman.

What I found striking from that report is that there is an illegal immigrant in every 21st home (4.8% of US homes have at least one illegal immigrant living in them). Nevada data was especially alarming:

Every 11th house in Nevada contains an illegal immigrant (9% of total).

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In response to your alarming comment re number of Arabs, it would make it all the more urgent to help Israel defeat the Mullahs in the Middle East. Once this Caliphate tumbles, the arab populations would cease to be a threat.

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They have assimilated to a certain degree; moved in with family/comrades.

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You have shifted the frame of reference beyond 2015. This is where, Mr. Weiss, you are making your mistake in terms of WHEN the oligarchy elevated Trump. The Pied Piper strategy was designed to win the election for Hillary back in 2015. Again, 2015.

The lawfare did not begin in earnest until after they realized they screwed up and Trump became a true Pied Piper and led away more children from the Dim party than it attracted. This was always the risk of that strategy versus running a candidate who had popular (if inane) policy ideas such as Sanders.

The election fortification, again, was 2020, not 2016. Trump destroyed Biden in terms of electoral college votes when you remove the mail in ballots, 75+% of which were for Biden. The lawfare had to escalate and continue past that time and, subsequently, elevate again to the point of assassination.

Please do not try to pull the Dim argument tactics of changing the subject of the debate.

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right. 2015 is ten years ago almost. Ancient history. The pied piper explains nothing about whats happening now.2020 is relevant, because the same conditions are still present: mail in ballots, harvest boxes, printing presses run by democrats , etc. If you think the democrat operatives are not going to do it again, you're kidding yourself. Marc Elias and an army of democrat lawyers are descendding on PA. This isnt changing the subject. It IS the subject of which i speak. So read it again., paying attention to the sentences. No one is "changing the subject" .

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Several printing press houses burned down after the 2020 election. Coincidence?

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Thank you.

Nine years of hard core Pravda media against one man by 92% of MSM and the dolts still think it’s their “democratic” America. The hubris that subs for pride in America is as pliable today as when 40% of my Boomers began chanting it to partake in their own demise. In the 1960’s. The dolts just refuse to accept that they have been insidiously propagandized and intentionally demoralized over six decades beginning with tel-i-vision to now having it in every hand forcing people to follow prompts, or be left behind, which creates their own bipolar loathing of America because, “ this is America and it sucks, but that can’t happen, but it’s good it is”.

Propaganda is not a bear, even the most clever won’t see it coming, but staunch conservatives and dissenters do survive the attack. The reason the demoralization process is continuously repeated is because of survivors and new comers that refuse to surrender, unlike the cowards that dream of America’s utopian bosom of freedom as being two big government mommy tits.

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I fear they will and we will be back in the same boat with Trump and his team standing there with their "ahem" in their hands as before. Hope and pray not, but power is addictive and they will do ANYTHING to hold onto it. A famine and another plandemic are on the table.

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More generally, in response to your post, I think that you are ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON!!!!

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Our government has been infiltrated by communists since the Obama administration.

Expect full communist government if Harris cheats in.

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You are off by a bit. Our government has been infiltrated by Communists since the days of FDyR. It is now known and confirmed, since the release of the Venona Papers (the Soviet archives) during the mid-1990s, that there were more than 300 Soviet agents in high-level positions in the FDR administration. It is also known that Joe McCarthy, vilified and called every name in the book for suggesting the US government was seriously infiltrated by Soviet agents was, in fact, precisely correct. The Venona Papers confirmed that nearly every person Joe McCarthy accused of being a Soviet agent, sympathizer, or fellow traveler was, in fact, precisely what he accused them of being. And the situation has worsened pretty much every year since then.

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"You are off by a bit. Our government has been infiltrated by Communists since the days of FDyR."

Communists are not the problem with this country. The problem is the Deep State. These are the ones who control the significant things that happen in the United States. They are rapacious megalomaniacs, and the downfall of this country started in earnest at the end of WWII. The power elite observed that untold riches could be gained through covert actions and wars; some of the power elite observed this after WWI. But the depression put a halt to their quest. The establishment of the CIA in 1948 was the perfect tool to enable their goal. And it has been downhill for the masses ever since.

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I'm really sick of people calling the democrats, deep-staters, and globalists "communists". The definition of communism is collective ownership of all property, and an egalitarian society. Our enemies are tyrants who want, and have largely succeeded in getting all wealth for themselves. They don't give up their wealth to the state, or the greater society, as communism calls for. They're tyrants, totalitarians, evil, greedy bastards, often psychopathic. But definitely not communists.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

To be clear, I am not calling just 'Democrats' Deep Staters, "Republicans" are as well. My point is both are members of the Deep State. Party affiliation has no meaning; it aims to promote the allusion that there is a choice.

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Sure, I was agreeing with you. You never called them communists, just quoted someone else who did. Republicans are no bargain either as you say, for the most part. However, they're way better than the alternative and the few good people in politics are all Republicans. No decent human being with an ounce of sense could continue to associate with today's Democrat party. If you want a chance at being elected, you need a party affiliation, almost always. Republican is the obvious and only choice for those people.

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"However, they're way better than the alternative and the few good people in politics are all Republicans."

I agree, but there are just too few. The Republicans are ineffectual due to people like McConnell and Graham. And the fact is the Deep State rules...they must be destroyed.

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You’ve summed it up John… this is exactly who and what these people are and what’s been done to us and what will only get much worse if, a “Harris / Walz” are placed in office!

Neither of these “clowns” could be a “single-person” race! They’re complete “Puppets controlled by the “Oligarchs” while “stealing” taxpayers money!

Nail on the head dead-center John!

Thank you.


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Actually, the FEDERAL RESERVE CENTRAL BANK creation AND RAMRODDING THROUGH CONGRESS BY THE MARXOCRATS (WOODY WILSON) is the Original Sin that caused the Fall of the U.S. Constitutional Republic.

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Good John, but just a note. Debt is a form of slavery but the sin is usury, the lender seeking profit. Since the global money supply is privately created as interest-bearing debt (usury), the world is enslaved. Government, however, is the whipping boy for the power elite slave masters and we should not fall for it. Yes, we do not now control our elected government, they do, and the mechanism of power is the power to create money. While our Constitution goves that power to Congress they've turned it over to their doners in 1913. Global debt is now pushing $315T while there is only $85T in the global money supply. So, we do not have too much money and what there is is concentrated in the hands of a few. There is no way the debts can all be paid with this private for-profit money system. How many know that, on average, 50% of the prices we pay for goods and services are capital costs, interest going to the banks? That is only one of the ways in which wealth is extracted and concentrated by this system. We have made a catastrophic mistake in allowing our money to become a source of revenue to private issuers. What that has done is created a secret and illicit arm of the government, a rival power strong enough ultimately to overthrow all other forms of government which it is now in the process of doing. Learn more about the solution at monetaryalliance.org

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I guess first we have to get Tulsi and Bobby in the administration. They are on the early transition team, planned so they can hit the ground running. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOgQ2nrzBOI

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You do realise Government Spending only accounts for ~3% of the money supply. The other 97% comes from Private Bankers, except of course when they fuck up on a collosal scale and they then have to pass round the begging bowl to Government once again.

The USA is an absolute basket case, still banging on about Communist bogeyman whilst your ruling elite have you Gimped up like characters in a Tarantino Movie.

You have no one to blame but yourselves, the founding fathers gave you the tools, you've spent 200+ yrs allowing them all to be stripped away because you're told to be afraid! 🤯

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The globalists taking our wealth and freedom siphon everything to themselves. They are definitely not communists and I'm really tired of people calling them that.

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Amazing to witness how far your research has now brought you, Mr. Leake. When beginning your Substack Journey, would wager you never imagined writing the posts you now do. Amazing reporting.

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Whether, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, you get EXACTLY the same SYSTEM. And nothing will change, nothing. Both are just puppets of the oligarchs, banking and corporate masters who run the country. Different personalities are meaningless. All this so-called, lesser of two evil, political theater game that being played, it's nothing but a distraction, to trick common people to be against each other.

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"Whether, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, you get EXACTLY the same SYSTEM. And nothing will change, nothing."

Excellent. You are one of the few commenting here who sees the situation realistically. For the significantly important issues, there is only one party: the Deep State. Please take a look at my reply to Lawrence Greenberg above.

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The oligarchs backhandedly support him while “formally” oppose him. He will accomplish their objectives just a little slower than the left. I’ve seen this since the first election I voted in.

There’s not a president in the last 36 years who has had the best interest of the American people at heart ❤️ and not one solid Christian, only those who use Christ’s name to further themselves.

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This article was quite disheartening. Maybe Trump is "one of them, " wittingly or not. Maybe he was part of a "rope a dope" plan. Maybe he is controlled by Jewish oligarchs. Maybe he supports the suppression of our freedoms, as recently described by the likes of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. Maybe he is for the death of millions through endless wars, unrestricted abortion, euthanasia and government sponsored illnesses and vaccines. Maybe he supports the fascism of government, media, education, pharma et al.

Call me crazy, but I am tempted to believe he is part of a long-standing plan to clean up the corrupt mess in this country achieved through greed, bribery and blackmail. I believe he wants to restore American manufacturing and jobs and clean up the military. I believe he is actually for strong borders and controlled immigration. I believe he is against the funding and death of endless wars. I believe he is willing to partner in trying to restore health to our citizens. I believe he is willing to put America first. I know he is not perfect and don't claim so, but I actually believe he loves the US and wants to help restore her to greatness.

Call me crazy, but I am hopeful God will relent from His righteous judgment on this nation for a season. May He continue to bless us and propel us to help those in such desperate need at this time.

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"Maybe he is controlled by Jewish oligarchs."

There is no doubt about that.

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It won't be hatred of Trump that will get Harris elected - even if Trump survives that long. It will be the same election-rigging machinery that launched the current incumbent into office.

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Blinding Trump derangement is actually the ONLY thing left to elect Kamala. Only hate like that is unable to see the destruction all around.

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Can I offer a small correction that doesn't conflict with your thesis John? By 1933, 20 years after the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, the US treasury was in deep trouble, and relied upon a bailout of sorts to limp along. The mechanics of our failure were installed in 1913, the symptoms of the disease show up much later such as an outrageous debt.

Our money supply as it exists has a nature, which is not intuitive. Our money is entirely temporary, with a lifetime akin to a library book out on circulation. When the book, or loans that consist of the bulk of the economic fundament expire, there is not the money to pay for them, let alone the interest - hence the debt.

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And the rich could care less if everything falls apart because they'll walk away with their bags of gold.

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"And the rich could care less if everything falls apart because they'll walk away with their bags of gold."

And the rich couldn't care less if everything falls apart because they'll walk away with their bags of gold.

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I like so many of your articles , but you are way off in thinking Donald Trump is some lower echelon Dude akin to Controlled Opposition. That is Laughable - seems like you have have been believing too much of the MSM fake news, and/or interpreting Optics from the White Hat side of things as meaning Trump is not behind a truly Legendary Movement. It is not only his voter base that will get him back into power, but in reality, he has held plenty of the Reins of power these Last Four Years. CIC Trump - Commander in Chief - 2 Presidents - and Yeah, go get more familiar with the Q info. NCSWIC and WWG1WGA. Coming soon and it will be shocking and Yes, based on the truly Evil enemy who do represent the Oligarchy you speak of, it cannot be Neat and Clean, but Cleansing is Happening and will continue to Happen. It surely feels like we are getting quite close to the Culmination of Events.

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