"If you can control about three or four key elements you can totally control a state. You can make right, wrong. You can make truth, falsehood. Falsehood, truth. If you control the media, if you control the justice department, if you control the police. you own the system."
- John DeCamp
Are you familiar with the career of John DeCamp? He was an 'intrepid' investigator, lawyer, former state legislator in Nebraska. DeCamp was involved in the lawsuits against Big Pharma for harms caused by SSRI's in school shootings, Columbine. Until his law office was raided by the FBI, all files and computers seized, gag order issued and his investigation, lawsuit was shut down:
The Role Of SSRI Anti-Depressants in the Columbine Shooting
John DeCamp (lawyer for Columbine victims) - Statement about Columbine Trial
When the Columbine Review Commission released its report it noted the information it had received about the role of SSRI's, but declared the privacy of one of the deceased perpetrators, Eric Harris, had to be respected:
(my following comment in this thread will have applicable excerpt from this report)
The truth of SSRI's, Big Pharma, in school shootings was even acknowledged by CNN, in the early aftermath of the Columbine shooting. To be memory-holed:
An early opponent of the mRNA experimental pandemic biotech was Dr. Peter Breggin. Here he is in 2016 linking Columbine and the Aurora theater shooters to Big Pharma:
Psychiatrist: Columbine and Aurora Theater Shooters Were Driven By Psychiatric Drugs
"Peter Breggin, M.D., a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, has been involved in criminal and civil cases related to a number of mass murders. He recently reported his conclusions concerning the role of psychiatric drugs in five mass murders, including the two worst in Colorado history."
But back to John DeCamp, and his quote I began this comment with. This documentary features John DeCamp's revelations about the Franklin Coverup and the tentacles that story has to very powerful people in national politics, all the way into the Vice-President's mansion in the mid-1980's and into the White House itself into the early 1990's. Following George HW Bush. And powerful politicians in both parties, wealthy and powerful businesspeople, bankers, academics, media. This documentary was a "Sound of Freedom" of its time. DeCamp's quote I cite appears in the final few minutes. And rings very, very true in our times. Quote found at the 57:06 timestamp:
Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp"
Many of the victims and witnesses who appeared in the documentary met with untimely and suspicious deaths during and after the filming.
More stories about the scandal and these very, very, powerful criminals:
Which brings it all back to the premise of your piece. It's an actual National Crime Syndicate. Our entire government, an international crime syndicate, the world's government's are run just like the Apalachin Meeting of crime family bosses. A scene dramatized in The Godfather and Analyze This. Governments of the world. Sames:
State Organized Crime. They get away with it because they control the media, they control the justice department and they control the police. Just like John DeCamp said. And given George HW Bush's CIA career, his assignment in Dallas/Fort Worth when JFK was assassinated, might this be why JFK's assassination files haven't been released yet? The Bush Crime Family Syndicate's fingerprints on the real murder weapons? Who handed our nation over to Communist China, more than any other one person? Who's father, Prescott, was "Hitler's Banker' until 1943 - trading with the enemy for two years after we were at war with Germany? Who's son, George W, oversaw the creation of the surveillance state US, Patriot Act, creation of health emergency powers acts all over the nation that were necessary for the travesties since 2020 to occur in the first place? Where Big Pharma criminals and the largest oligarchs were the biggest beneficiaries, recipients of the largest wealth transfer in the history of man? State Organized Crime. It's quite the racket. Makes ordinary mobster work minor league.
"Eric Harris had apparently been placed on antidepressant medication, but the Commission was not able to obtain details. 37"
- Footnote #37
"Because specific information gleaned from law enforcement interviews with Kathy and Wayne Harris is unavailable to the Commission, the Commission cannot determine what they may have told police about their son's problems. However, they evidently knew something was wrong, because he was being treated with the antidepressant drug Luvox, prescribed to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders. However, the nature and scope of Harris’ pyschotherapy are not publicly known, because confidentiality issues surrounding his treatment are subjects of pending civil litigation. Autopsy results revealed Harris had a therapeutic level of Luvox in his system when he committed suicide, which belied reports that he had stopped taking the medication. Klebold tested negative for all drugs at the time of his death.
Despite reports that Harris’ use of Luvox disqualified him from enlistment in the Marine Corps, it was the condition the medication was used to treat that made him ineligible. There was also widespread speculation that Harris’ rejection by the Marine Corps was one of the “triggers” for his deadly rampage. In fact, Harris was never notified by the Marine Corps that he was ineligible for enlistment. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Mark Gonzales met with Harris on April 5, 1999; Harris informed the recruiter in an initial screening interview that he was not taking any drugs. During a later home visit, on April 15, Kathy Harris informed Sgt. Gonzales that her son was on Luvox. Sgt. Gonzales said he would check to see how that would affect possible enlistment, and would let Eric Harris know of his eligibility status. Sgt. Gonzales left a telephone message for Eric Harris on April 17, but the call was not returned.
Irrespective of the drug issue, Harris likely would have been medically disqualified from Marine Corps enlistment because he was afflicted with a congenital birth defect, pectus excavatum, a condition commonly known as “funnel breast,” an abnormally sunken sternum. Medical records indicated that Harris underwent surgery in December, 1994 to correct the condition, which entailed the removal of cartilage along the sternum and the insertion of a steel strut to brace the area while the chest aligned itself in the proper position. The rod was removed in a second surgery six months later. The Marine Corps views the defect as a disqualifier for enlistment, although potential recruits can request a medical waiver if they can demonstrate the condition would not be an impediment to the physical rigors of boot camp. The fact that Harris did not report the condition, combined with the concealment of his psychological history, probably rendered him ineligible for enlistment under any circumstances."
Note: That footnote in the report was a whitewash of the real info DeCamp had that showed a clear, demonstrable link to the drug. A partial truth employed to shut down deeper investigation and revelation.
The link I provide above is to an unofficial website that uploaded the official document. Here are links to official websites that presents the same report, but require an account to access.
I’ve been re-reading Peter Dale Scott’s 1993 Masterpiece, “Deep politics and the death of JFK. “
That seems to be his thesis that there was a whole lot of collusion between the government and organized crime, especially with respect to drug dealing, that was covered up in the various investigations of the JFK assassination.
The West African slave trade serves as an example where every facet of the establishment, western and African alike, conspired for 400 years to subjugate and dehumanize their victims.
Re: “It seems to me that one of the most fascinating criminal enterprises in history was the East India Company’s employment of “country traders” to smuggle opium from India into China, thereby deliberately encouraging widespread addiction to the drug among the Chinese people.”
Yes! This is fascinating. I was shocked to discover this information a while ago, and consider the evil of corporations fostering addiction.
Wow, and so it continues to the modern day, the medical industrial complex deliberately sickening and exploiting the people, it’s mind-boggling…
The Covid debacle has brought so much into the light. The rug has been pulled right out from under my world, our entire system is dominated by bad guys.
Re the apparent plan to medicate everyone from ‘womb to tomb’, enslaving them to pHarma, consider Henry Gadsden, CEO of Merck & Company between 1965 and 1975.
“Mr Gadsden, a Yale University graduate, oversaw a period of huge growth for the company and famously spoke of his desire to sell drugs to healthy people to expand his customer base.
In the late 1970s he told Fortune magazine he wanted the taking of drugs to be as everyday as chewing gum so the company could "sell to everyone".”
As to the Chinese opium angle, China had become known as, "The Sick Man of East Asia" as a result of the opium smuggling. But Mao was determined to break the crippling addiction trade, and complete his transformation of China into a collectivist communist system from a nationalist, individualist one. So he embarked on "The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign" and the Construction of Clean New People. Applying The Logic of Disease Politics that relied on Discipline Imposed by Hygiene. That ushered in A Public Country (Communist) and Its Expansion out of a A Nation-State (Liberal Nationalist). Mao decided To Combine Health Campaigns with Mass Movements. Understanding that The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is. As his reforms transitioned From “the Benevolent Medicine” to the “Formula for Money-Making."
All of the capitalized phrases are chapter and section titles from this publication:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
Foreign Affairs is an international affairs publication put out by the Council on Foreign Relations. Arguably the most important foreign policy publication in the world, supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles. State/International Organized Crime circles, that is.
It's a fascinating read. Both FA's instructions for the world to follow collectivist totalitarian Communist China's lead into the pandemic. And the Chinese book published in 2013. Which is an instruction manual for "fundamentally transforming" a nation of individual freedom as understood as western liberal capitalist systems into a global communist authoritarian public country on the back of a declared disease crisis. Let no crisis go to waste and all.
This was it. This was/is the game plan and goal. To place the world's population underneath rule by international criminal syndicates, organized into a commission of crime families to divvy up the global loot. Communism/Fascism is just an -ism to give the patina of government legitimacy to massive organized crime activity.
I shared a little more on this in an old stack last year about the book and it's significance to today:
"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."
Note: "double disciplining" refers to "internal" and "external" discipline. A concept familiar to the martial arts.
- Internal discipline being what thoughts and beliefs, ethos, morals you govern yourself by. Which can be and is shaped by the environment you are raised in. Including public education, government and societal propaganda. Why revolutions and totalitarian regimes embark on massive propaganda campaigns directed at the young. (masks in school, drag show hours in school libraries, etc.)
- External discipline being police force, coercion through privilege, restriction of rights, prison sentences, military force, threats, intimidation. Which is used widely at the beginning of a revolution and totalitarian regime transformation to contain a resistant and otherwise disobedient population. The use of external discipline goes down after a revolution and totalitarian regime has secured its power and the older, problematic dissenters die off or are otherwise removed or marginalized.
Double-discipline. How the fundamental transformation of a society into an obedient one is compelled. Propaganda, brainwashing + force, intimidation.
And when you understand that this model was embraced by our nation's top leaders, the global west's top leaders in March, 2020 via the CFR's published endorsement of it, you understand what is happening today. They tell us. We just have to pay attention.
Yes the plethora of chronic illnesses normalized as a badge of honor today (plus opioids, fentanyl, etc.) remind me of the the "Sick Man of Asia"-last phase of Imperial China's Qing Dynasty.
Remember the Crown through its Agent the East India Company made slaves of Indians to grow Opium and then at Gun-point (cannons) forced the Chinese to use it and become addicts. Then when the Chinese fight back to stop it they are portrayed in the media, books, movies as "Terrorists". Some parallels to today!
Isn’t that where we are headed as our government has attempted to thwart free speech with a Misinformation Department & colluding with social networks to stifle selective posts; having the aFBI withhold family info during an election; have the cancel loans for some & not others; the DOJ monitoring unruly parents at school boards; Federally monitored electronic currency; ESG scores for individual & business loans; so who is terrorizing who?
Just an observational opinion from a subscriber, but in my opinion Shannon Joy suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. She is the host, yes, but the interviewee is the one that supposed to have most of the time. Not on her show. She is a very gifted speaker, no doubt, yet unequivocally preprogramed verses John's prominent knowledge of the subjects. Kudos for John's patience and composure during the "interview".
Thank Dr. McCullough....You are so brave and indomitable ....People such as yourself are the only hope of humanity right now. As I am sure you know...."they" want to rid the planet of humans, replace us with robots and use our beautiful blue home as their playground. I do not use the mainstream media at all. I have bought multiple copies of your book COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19 and also the Edward Dowd book CAUSE UNKNOWN and give them to people. Praying for you and for our children
I have not listened to this interview yet but your introduction reminded me of a 2019, 3-part documentary titled EMPIRES OF SILVER - The Rise and Fall of China.
"If you can control about three or four key elements you can totally control a state. You can make right, wrong. You can make truth, falsehood. Falsehood, truth. If you control the media, if you control the justice department, if you control the police. you own the system."
- John DeCamp
Are you familiar with the career of John DeCamp? He was an 'intrepid' investigator, lawyer, former state legislator in Nebraska. DeCamp was involved in the lawsuits against Big Pharma for harms caused by SSRI's in school shootings, Columbine. Until his law office was raided by the FBI, all files and computers seized, gag order issued and his investigation, lawsuit was shut down:
The Role Of SSRI Anti-Depressants in the Columbine Shooting
John DeCamp (lawyer for Columbine victims) - Statement about Columbine Trial
When the Columbine Review Commission released its report it noted the information it had received about the role of SSRI's, but declared the privacy of one of the deceased perpetrators, Eric Harris, had to be respected:
The Report of Governor Bill Owens'
Columbine Review Commission, May, 2001
(my following comment in this thread will have applicable excerpt from this report)
The truth of SSRI's, Big Pharma, in school shootings was even acknowledged by CNN, in the early aftermath of the Columbine shooting. To be memory-holed:
A good blog resource of school shootings and the connection with SSRI's:
An early opponent of the mRNA experimental pandemic biotech was Dr. Peter Breggin. Here he is in 2016 linking Columbine and the Aurora theater shooters to Big Pharma:
Psychiatrist: Columbine and Aurora Theater Shooters Were Driven By Psychiatric Drugs
"Peter Breggin, M.D., a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, has been involved in criminal and civil cases related to a number of mass murders. He recently reported his conclusions concerning the role of psychiatric drugs in five mass murders, including the two worst in Colorado history."
But back to John DeCamp, and his quote I began this comment with. This documentary features John DeCamp's revelations about the Franklin Coverup and the tentacles that story has to very powerful people in national politics, all the way into the Vice-President's mansion in the mid-1980's and into the White House itself into the early 1990's. Following George HW Bush. And powerful politicians in both parties, wealthy and powerful businesspeople, bankers, academics, media. This documentary was a "Sound of Freedom" of its time. DeCamp's quote I cite appears in the final few minutes. And rings very, very true in our times. Quote found at the 57:06 timestamp:
Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp"
Many of the victims and witnesses who appeared in the documentary met with untimely and suspicious deaths during and after the filming.
More stories about the scandal and these very, very, powerful criminals:
Which brings it all back to the premise of your piece. It's an actual National Crime Syndicate. Our entire government, an international crime syndicate, the world's government's are run just like the Apalachin Meeting of crime family bosses. A scene dramatized in The Godfather and Analyze This. Governments of the world. Sames:
State Organized Crime. They get away with it because they control the media, they control the justice department and they control the police. Just like John DeCamp said. And given George HW Bush's CIA career, his assignment in Dallas/Fort Worth when JFK was assassinated, might this be why JFK's assassination files haven't been released yet? The Bush Crime Family Syndicate's fingerprints on the real murder weapons? Who handed our nation over to Communist China, more than any other one person? Who's father, Prescott, was "Hitler's Banker' until 1943 - trading with the enemy for two years after we were at war with Germany? Who's son, George W, oversaw the creation of the surveillance state US, Patriot Act, creation of health emergency powers acts all over the nation that were necessary for the travesties since 2020 to occur in the first place? Where Big Pharma criminals and the largest oligarchs were the biggest beneficiaries, recipients of the largest wealth transfer in the history of man? State Organized Crime. It's quite the racket. Makes ordinary mobster work minor league.
The Report of Governor Bill Owens'
Columbine Review Commission, May, 2001
Page 18 (.pdf Attachment 1)
"Eric Harris had apparently been placed on antidepressant medication, but the Commission was not able to obtain details. 37"
- Footnote #37
"Because specific information gleaned from law enforcement interviews with Kathy and Wayne Harris is unavailable to the Commission, the Commission cannot determine what they may have told police about their son's problems. However, they evidently knew something was wrong, because he was being treated with the antidepressant drug Luvox, prescribed to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders. However, the nature and scope of Harris’ pyschotherapy are not publicly known, because confidentiality issues surrounding his treatment are subjects of pending civil litigation. Autopsy results revealed Harris had a therapeutic level of Luvox in his system when he committed suicide, which belied reports that he had stopped taking the medication. Klebold tested negative for all drugs at the time of his death.
Despite reports that Harris’ use of Luvox disqualified him from enlistment in the Marine Corps, it was the condition the medication was used to treat that made him ineligible. There was also widespread speculation that Harris’ rejection by the Marine Corps was one of the “triggers” for his deadly rampage. In fact, Harris was never notified by the Marine Corps that he was ineligible for enlistment. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Mark Gonzales met with Harris on April 5, 1999; Harris informed the recruiter in an initial screening interview that he was not taking any drugs. During a later home visit, on April 15, Kathy Harris informed Sgt. Gonzales that her son was on Luvox. Sgt. Gonzales said he would check to see how that would affect possible enlistment, and would let Eric Harris know of his eligibility status. Sgt. Gonzales left a telephone message for Eric Harris on April 17, but the call was not returned.
Irrespective of the drug issue, Harris likely would have been medically disqualified from Marine Corps enlistment because he was afflicted with a congenital birth defect, pectus excavatum, a condition commonly known as “funnel breast,” an abnormally sunken sternum. Medical records indicated that Harris underwent surgery in December, 1994 to correct the condition, which entailed the removal of cartilage along the sternum and the insertion of a steel strut to brace the area while the chest aligned itself in the proper position. The rod was removed in a second surgery six months later. The Marine Corps views the defect as a disqualifier for enlistment, although potential recruits can request a medical waiver if they can demonstrate the condition would not be an impediment to the physical rigors of boot camp. The fact that Harris did not report the condition, combined with the concealment of his psychological history, probably rendered him ineligible for enlistment under any circumstances."
Note: That footnote in the report was a whitewash of the real info DeCamp had that showed a clear, demonstrable link to the drug. A partial truth employed to shut down deeper investigation and revelation.
The link I provide above is to an unofficial website that uploaded the official document. Here are links to official websites that presents the same report, but require an account to access.
You know you sound crazy, right?
Crazy like a Fox!! 🦊
Plz be vigilant and prepared.
Paranoia isn't a sickness, it's a logical self preservation threat assessment tool in a world full of evil.
... i doubt everyone & everything!
I’ve been re-reading Peter Dale Scott’s 1993 Masterpiece, “Deep politics and the death of JFK. “
That seems to be his thesis that there was a whole lot of collusion between the government and organized crime, especially with respect to drug dealing, that was covered up in the various investigations of the JFK assassination.
The West African slave trade serves as an example where every facet of the establishment, western and African alike, conspired for 400 years to subjugate and dehumanize their victims.
Re: “It seems to me that one of the most fascinating criminal enterprises in history was the East India Company’s employment of “country traders” to smuggle opium from India into China, thereby deliberately encouraging widespread addiction to the drug among the Chinese people.”
Yes! This is fascinating. I was shocked to discover this information a while ago, and consider the evil of corporations fostering addiction.
Wow, and so it continues to the modern day, the medical industrial complex deliberately sickening and exploiting the people, it’s mind-boggling…
The Covid debacle has brought so much into the light. The rug has been pulled right out from under my world, our entire system is dominated by bad guys.
Re the apparent plan to medicate everyone from ‘womb to tomb’, enslaving them to pHarma, consider Henry Gadsden, CEO of Merck & Company between 1965 and 1975.
“Mr Gadsden, a Yale University graduate, oversaw a period of huge growth for the company and famously spoke of his desire to sell drugs to healthy people to expand his customer base.
In the late 1970s he told Fortune magazine he wanted the taking of drugs to be as everyday as chewing gum so the company could "sell to everyone".”
I’d Rather Be
A Conspiracy Theorist
Than A
Coincidence Theorist.
As to the Chinese opium angle, China had become known as, "The Sick Man of East Asia" as a result of the opium smuggling. But Mao was determined to break the crippling addiction trade, and complete his transformation of China into a collectivist communist system from a nationalist, individualist one. So he embarked on "The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign" and the Construction of Clean New People. Applying The Logic of Disease Politics that relied on Discipline Imposed by Hygiene. That ushered in A Public Country (Communist) and Its Expansion out of a A Nation-State (Liberal Nationalist). Mao decided To Combine Health Campaigns with Mass Movements. Understanding that The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is. As his reforms transitioned From “the Benevolent Medicine” to the “Formula for Money-Making."
All of the capitalized phrases are chapter and section titles from this publication:
Rural Health Care Delivery
Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
('GET' .pdf download)
Which, interestingly was found in a link from Foreign Affairs magazine from early 2020:
Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses
The Current One Highlights Its Strengths
Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020
Foreign Affairs is an international affairs publication put out by the Council on Foreign Relations. Arguably the most important foreign policy publication in the world, supported by and intended for the globalist audience, those who believe in one-world governance, varieties found both on the left and right. It is a highly influential publication in those circles. State/International Organized Crime circles, that is.
It's a fascinating read. Both FA's instructions for the world to follow collectivist totalitarian Communist China's lead into the pandemic. And the Chinese book published in 2013. Which is an instruction manual for "fundamentally transforming" a nation of individual freedom as understood as western liberal capitalist systems into a global communist authoritarian public country on the back of a declared disease crisis. Let no crisis go to waste and all.
This was it. This was/is the game plan and goal. To place the world's population underneath rule by international criminal syndicates, organized into a commission of crime families to divvy up the global loot. Communism/Fascism is just an -ism to give the patina of government legitimacy to massive organized crime activity.
I shared a little more on this in an old stack last year about the book and it's significance to today:
From the book's official description:
"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."
Note: "double disciplining" refers to "internal" and "external" discipline. A concept familiar to the martial arts.
- Internal discipline being what thoughts and beliefs, ethos, morals you govern yourself by. Which can be and is shaped by the environment you are raised in. Including public education, government and societal propaganda. Why revolutions and totalitarian regimes embark on massive propaganda campaigns directed at the young. (masks in school, drag show hours in school libraries, etc.)
- External discipline being police force, coercion through privilege, restriction of rights, prison sentences, military force, threats, intimidation. Which is used widely at the beginning of a revolution and totalitarian regime transformation to contain a resistant and otherwise disobedient population. The use of external discipline goes down after a revolution and totalitarian regime has secured its power and the older, problematic dissenters die off or are otherwise removed or marginalized.
Double-discipline. How the fundamental transformation of a society into an obedient one is compelled. Propaganda, brainwashing + force, intimidation.
And when you understand that this model was embraced by our nation's top leaders, the global west's top leaders in March, 2020 via the CFR's published endorsement of it, you understand what is happening today. They tell us. We just have to pay attention.
Mao replaced a real opiate with the “Communist Collective Opiate” and both killed…the later more than the former!
Yes the plethora of chronic illnesses normalized as a badge of honor today (plus opioids, fentanyl, etc.) remind me of the the "Sick Man of Asia"-last phase of Imperial China's Qing Dynasty.
Excellent John.
Remember the Crown through its Agent the East India Company made slaves of Indians to grow Opium and then at Gun-point (cannons) forced the Chinese to use it and become addicts. Then when the Chinese fight back to stop it they are portrayed in the media, books, movies as "Terrorists". Some parallels to today!
Isn’t that where we are headed as our government has attempted to thwart free speech with a Misinformation Department & colluding with social networks to stifle selective posts; having the aFBI withhold family info during an election; have the cancel loans for some & not others; the DOJ monitoring unruly parents at school boards; Federally monitored electronic currency; ESG scores for individual & business loans; so who is terrorizing who?
Clearly Gene.
Just an observational opinion from a subscriber, but in my opinion Shannon Joy suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. She is the host, yes, but the interviewee is the one that supposed to have most of the time. Not on her show. She is a very gifted speaker, no doubt, yet unequivocally preprogramed verses John's prominent knowledge of the subjects. Kudos for John's patience and composure during the "interview".
This Lady is right on the spot ! Very clever thinking and what a courage!!!
PLEASE Please post a written transcript of the conversation with Shannon Joy.
Thank Dr. McCullough....You are so brave and indomitable ....People such as yourself are the only hope of humanity right now. As I am sure you know...."they" want to rid the planet of humans, replace us with robots and use our beautiful blue home as their playground. I do not use the mainstream media at all. I have bought multiple copies of your book COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19 and also the Edward Dowd book CAUSE UNKNOWN and give them to people. Praying for you and for our children
Vivek !!
I have not listened to this interview yet but your introduction reminded me of a 2019, 3-part documentary titled EMPIRES OF SILVER - The Rise and Fall of China.