I’ve been watching The Real Debate on X with RFK Jr live from LA; John Stossel is the moderator. As of my posting this comment 4M others are watching it live-streamed as well. It is time delayed to pause so that RFK can answer the same questions posed on CNN. Kennedy is helping demolish Biden, as Biden is imploding.

Anyone catch Biden press his right ear, lean in to that press, then jot down notes? We saw it!

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I saw him touch his ear .. and his deer-in-headlights pathetic look almost the whole time ... Yes, The Real Debate at least has Kennedy's insightful comments in between the ugh ...

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Drunken deer in the headlights— with some sort of gaping wound we couldn’t see, clearly tormented by said would.

HOW can he occasionally make sense yet be catatonic? WHAT do they give him?

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Some of that drunken deer in the headlights look, I think, comes from the excessive plastic surgery he’s had on his face. His skin is too tight!

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Open Mouth Biden...


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Jun 28Edited

Alex Jones says he got many liters of baby blood. Not a joke (as Biden might say). See mainstream articles such as:


But Biden was always dim, always a liar, always an aggrandizer, always a plagiarist, always bribed (Senator from Mastercard?), long before the dementia. To paraphrase Michael Savage, Bidenism (cause Biden and his party are authoritarians, not liberals) is a mental disorder.

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Frightening times when total disregard for the state of world affairs under this traitorous fake president is disregarded in the lefts thirst to retain control and power. Evil. God help this country. Only Trump has the courage.

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Next up, Trump’s VP pick.

Meanwhile Mediaite is calling for Biden to be replaced. And that political site is as left as can be found.

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Do you think that the Dems purposely scheduled this “debate” so early in the season, well before the convention, to give them time to replace him if he did poorly? Many Republicans have been suggesting this all along.

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Michelle Obama, Barack's 4th term...

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Please, no. Just please, no.

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It's up to "us", anyway, not really "them". One president, one bullet.

"We" have to work to change the ownership system, under which we are property.

How to do that?

Hmmm, I pray frequently for guidance.

That's the best I can offer.

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I agree. And I think that there is a good chance that RFK is invited to be the VP for Obama. More “hopium” and “heal the nation” while the globalist agenda advances.

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I don't think they can let Kennedy back in with the Dems at this point, but despite statements he and Trump have both made, I think he could serve in a Trump admin.

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Perhaps ... but he doesn't have the power. If the President did, Trump would have continued in office. The power is under the control of those behind the curtain.

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I saw Biden touching his ear. However, do you think he would be able to comprehend and process any instructions being given to him that way? If this were the case, he might have blurted out an instruction, you know, like he does when he’s reading a teleprompter.

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I’m inclined to think they spent those 10 days preparing him to use that tech as they were feeding him lines, as much as they were rehearsing answers for the moderator’s questions.

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Were the "moderators" perhaps there for Biden's practice sessions? Can't be too thorough in your preparations. But really, I think he was meant to fail in order to bring on his replacement; they should have kept Frau Dr. Jill away at the end and let him fall down the 5" steps (scratch that, they can't risk Kamala).

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I think Biden's "handlers" have, for a long time now, been telling him what to say through that little ear device. I don't think this tech is new to him.

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I saw it, too.

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By doing so, RFK Jr. is making himself more of a spoiler for Trump than Biden.

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Not really. Trump supporters know that RFK, Jr. is and always has been a liberal. He's for gun control and buys into the whole "climate emergency" boondoggle. His policies are so far afield of middle America that the only people he appeals to are others from his circle. He just isn't tough where it counts.

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I can't disagree with the first part of your assessment of RFKJ. However, if he were willing, he might fit in a Trump administration in some very worthwhile role. Kennedy's stance on vaccines is better than Trump's has been, and liberal or not, he exhibits reason on a number of important topics. Maybe he would be willing to help fix this wreck of a country in some capacity within the Dept. of Justice or HHS?

Kennedy isn't part of the swamp culture and he isn't completely lacking in reason. And I would be much more inclined to trust him to be loyal to Trump, if he did accept a position than most of the loathsome underlings in the last Trump administration.

Considering the apparent lack of people with a degree of integrity, in politics, RFKJ might be worth considering for a specific job suited to his expertise. He's done pretty well going after some bad guys in court.


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He's not as liberal as he once was. In many ways, he is more conservative than Trump was. This was a great comparison between him and Trump: https://x.com/1765sol/status/1758211421928878585

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Agreed. I've fallen into the bad habit of using "liberal" in negative terms too often. I've heard it said and parroted that: "JFK was a 'liberal' but he wouldn't be permitted in today's democrat party because he would be too conservative for them." I suppose that's fairly accurate (?). As far as I can tell RFKJ is a lot closer to what a mainstream democrat was in the 60s than what a mainstream democrat is in 2024.

For example: I was around when the democrats held the majority in the senate for what seemed like forever, back in the 60s and 70s. Mike Mansfield was majority leader for a long time. He wasn't my favorite politician but unlike the senate majority leader now, he was an American and a human.

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Secretary of State.

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I'm down with that!

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Or Attorney General?

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Beautifully said.

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Absolutely not. Bobby has said many times that he will not take away anyone's guns AND he does not buy into the " climate emergency" programs the Biden administration are putting forth that do nothing to help the planet, only enrich big corporations. He is a true environmentalist, has been for 40+ years. Advocates for regenerative farming and sues polluters to clean up the toxic mess they cause in communities.


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Like! As I stated above, liberal or not, he's reasonable. And I believe trustworthy.

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That's a lie and you know it !!

Plenty of video that has him on record being a liberal projecting these stupid solutions.

And his VP pick. A communist !!

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I disagree. Those who formerly supported Trump are flocking to RFK as someone who "puts his money where his mouth is". Trump talks. Kennedy does something (lots of legal action to take to task the offenders)!

Kennedy isn't a "liberal" (not in the negative usage of the term liberal).

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Don’t forget that RFK Jr, even recently, opined that elective abortions should be available throughout one’s entire pregnancy, through the 9th month.

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He has clarified that. He believes in bodily autonomy, and did not think that women actually got abortions in the third trimester. He was educated on that, and has changed his position to say that once the baby reaches viability, the government does have an interest in protecting it. He said that several times during the debate last night. BTW, he is not the only candidate to change his position; Trump was pro-choice till he ran for President. And said that FL's 6 week abortion ban was "a terrible thing".

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Hard to imagine that RFK Jr didn’t know that women were getting 3rd trimester abortions. I’m glad he was “educated on that.” I think his advisers convinced him that the radical idea that leftists had to allow abortion through the 9th month might not go over well with half the population.

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Exactly. How does a grown man, lawyer and life-long politician not know anything statistically about abortion, for one thing, and ever ever ever go along with the idea that aborting a baby after the fourth or fifth month is killing a child that would otherwise be viable? Answer: He knew and always knew. The guy has a long history of drug use and running around on his former wife who eventually killed herself out of depression over the whole, sordid affair. I am empathetic to the Kennedy family's tragedies but that only goes so far.

If I were Trump I would appoint him as special prosecutor to go after everyone in big pharma, the FDA and the CDC. If they set the position up correctly it could outlast the Trump presidency. I would also try to find a way to counter-act the mainstream media propaganda by overhauling the FCC and rolling back various Reagan and Obama policies that made the use of propaganda and unequal candidate time possible. Kennedy could be of great use in all of this.

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He explained it quite openly. He had thought that it was a very rare thing done to save the life of the mother. I once had to research that for a class and was shocked to find out the majority of late term abortions are performed on teens who had "been in denial" about their pregnancy. I'm not at all surprised that he didn't know that; I give him credit for listening to experts and changing his position instead of stubbornly adhering to the leftwing ideology on abortion.

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Tell this empty rhetoric to a live baby inside the womb! He is trying to intellectualize what surpasses human understanding: The unalienable gift of creation.

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He said "no abortions after viability". He said that's pretty standard in the world. It is. Abortions in the first trimester are medically straightforward in most regards, but the fetus grows rapidly between 12 & 16 weeks, and is viable outside the womb by 26 weeks.

First trimester abortions should be facilitated after counseling, and not delayed.

It just gets worse and worse.

I always supported a woman's right to choose, but I could never do an abortion, myself. It feels deeply wrong to me.

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And THAT is his tragic Flaw. If he had that crucial issue right, he'd be a shoe-in. This is his fatal myopia - like a brilliant 1850s patriot who just didn't get it about slavery!

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That is completely taking a statement out of context!

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RFK Jr's VP pick calmed many on the right that he would pull votes from DJT.

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Agree. During RFK’s time on his debate stage he outright refuted several Biden claims on various topics, calling out dishonesty & lies multiple times, while simultaneously at other times stated “I agree with President Trump….”

RFK definitely differs on topics with President Trump, but in our home, we clearly heard Biden lose on the CNN stage and on the X stage.

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RFK for attorney general

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"Family tradition"

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RFK, JR is doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. That's okay.

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Biden "spoiled" himself, already.

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no kennedy will

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Kennedy won't win, and he takes votes from Trump as well.

I also strongly suspect he is a psychopath.

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I didn't see that! Truth be told I could not sit still that long and we also lost the feed in my area a few minutes at about mid point.

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All of it is such a sham. We all know who pulls the puppet strings for Biden. He and his morally devoid family have repeatedly sold our country out to the highest bidder for their own personal gain. They want us to feel ashamed for being rightfully angry at an old, pathetic, narcissistic, abusive man who has willfully participated in attempting to destroy our country. He may not be lucid now, but that has not always been the case. Shame on Biden, his family, his cabinet, and all of the people behind the scenes pulling the strings. We dishonor every life that has been given for our freedoms when we alliow them to emotionally manipulate us into feeling sorry for a man who has participated in causing so much damage to our country and to our liberty.

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Right on!

My God commands that I love my fellow man, but he does not command that I like my fellow man, and He most certainly requires that I hate sin.

I've been praying for our nations leadership, and my prayers go something like this:

Almighty God, please inspire the corrupt people leading this nation to destruction, to have an awakening to their wickedness. Please cause them to recognize their evil and repent of their sinful ways by openly acknowledging and admitting to their crimes against humanity, and accepting the punishment they are due, according to our laws. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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Hi John I’m from UK 63 yrs ago I prayed along similar lines even tho at the time I was an atheist and of course did not know the Creator at all But after going through WW2 here I had many questions Eg why did so-called Christians in England kill their “brothers in Christ “ in Germany ..and vice-versa of course PLUS the leaders of the “Christian” religions actually blessing the weapons of war used by both sides!!! They were ALL doing the opposite of what the founder of Christianity taught! (No wonder I was an atheist …the sheer hypocrisy of what I now know is FALSE Christianity disgusted me ) However, the Creator of this vast universe must have heard this speck of dust calling for answers ..I now realise He has a timeline…soon He will act against ALL sinful governments , ALL false religious teachers and the like who have preferred to worship the invisible god of this system of things and his earthly narcissistic puppets here on earth

Please examine, as I did with an unprejudiced heart and mind, the evidence of hope for this earth It can be found on jw.org Your prayers will be answered John along with many other sincere humble ones searching for answers that make sense

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Thank you for the kind reply, Ms. Smith! I agree that we are approaching the "end of the age" as described by Christ in Matthew Chapter 24.

I studied with the Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1970's and was aligned with them for a brief period. I was disfellowshipped shortly after I left my local congregation. Based on that, I would presume I will never hear from you again. Regardless, I wish you the absolute best and I pray YHWH will shower you with blessings as He has me.

Kindest Regards,


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Donald Trump is not the lesser of two evils, he is the only hope our country has to remain a free democratic nation and follow its constitution. Both parties are corrupted with deep state players to socialize and neutralize are existence. We need to stop the reset, the Schwabs, Gates, Soros. We need MAGA, Trump has given up his life to make it happen! He has the brains, strength and foresight to make us great under God with liberty and justice for all.

Dr Mike Cichon

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🎯💯Couldn’t have said it any better myself!!

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45 represents the MAGA POPULIST MOVEMENT, not the RINO CLASS. DJT is using the R as the vehicle for the election.

Should there be an election in November and should there not be election interference by the Donkies, 45 will need to avoid the plague of RINO selections for key positions as he did in his first term .


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It is elder abuse to keep that man in office, much less run him again. I think the Dems let him dangle in the wind on purpose so they would have an excuse to dump him!

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https://rumble.com/v545lnn-the-real-debate.html is still going on and RFK is still doing really well in giving answers by delaying CNN.

Seems clear to me that RFK was excluded from the stage not because he's only at 11% or so, but because his share would dramatically rise if he were on stage with them, answering much better than either one.

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Joe has no shame, neither does his babysitter, I mean 'Dr.' Jill. She needs to be put away for elder abuse. I can see Joe refusing to go quietly, deluded into thinking he is competent. What will the Dims do then?

Joe does nothing but lie. It has been his whole career.

I just hope that POTUS DJT is not assassinated before November 5 (or after for that matter

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Lady Macbeth Dr. Jill.

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I didn't bother watching - just couldn't get into the clown show. You're right, John. One has to have emotional detachment to be able to manage the cringe and the despair of seeing what is happening to the country and our freedom. Thank goodness for my faith in God's sovereignty.

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I tried to listen to it, as I was driving home. Alas, I had to turn it off after 10 minutes. It made me cringe. President Biden sounded weak, short of breath, and not confident. I actually felt sorry for him—-that they would push him out there in his condition. The family should be ashamed!

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I agree with Dr. Cichon and do not understand what the complaint is about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not the lesser of two evils, he is the only hope our country has to remain a free democratic nation and follow its constitution. Both parties are corrupted with deep state players to socialize and neutralize are existence. We need to stop the reset, the Schwabs, Gates, Soros. We need MAGA, Trump has given up his life to make it happen! He has the brains, strength and foresight to make us great under God with liberty and justice for all.

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Does Trump ever talk about the Schwabs, Gates, Soros? I've never heard him. And he bought into the whole Covid thing hook, line and sinker despite the many brilliant doctors and scientists who tried to convince him otherwise regarding lockdowns, masks and the "vaccine".

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At least Trump makes some sense. So does Kennedy by the way.

I’m keeping my options open. Thank you

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Thank-you for your accurate assessment founded in the 'The Snow Man'.

Since maintaining a 'Mind of Winter' was successful for you; you must have a stomach of steel.

About 15 min. was the maximum tolerable here. 🤢🤮

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yes...mind boggling. There are 300 million of us....and that is all we can manage...

What a travesty. Infuriating. What is to be done? I used to teach 8th grade...

They were sharper by far.....This is a deliberate farce.

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I watched portions of it, but couldn't take the entire thing, especially the questions about January 6. I was stunned at the crazy stuff Biden was pulling from thin air and I didn't think Trump did as well as he could have, but at least he was restrained.

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TRUMP: "I'll tell you something. I wish he was a great president because I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be at one of my many places enjoying myself. I wouldn't be under indictment because I wouldn't have been his political opponent."

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John Leake

Donald Trump, for all his faults, is not evil, as in it your unfortunate statement that he is "the lesser of two evils."

Now, we have all those millions of extra people, who crossed our border, to take care of, while the rest of us make do with price rises and probable cuts to our social security.

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John Stossell hosted RFK Jr’s responses to Trump and Biden. The intelligence of RFK’s responses was monumentally more coherent and focused. There’s so much baggage with Biden and Trump. It’s time for a serious change of leadership.

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RFK had a much more friendly relaxed environment to be able to give his answers than President Trump’s much more hostile quick fire barrage of odd questions and false accusations by Joe. No wonder he comes across looking better. Not fair to compare.

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