Yea sure trying telling that to congress or any leaders in charge for that matter!! They all stand to lose too much money! Did you hear them all raving about vaccines and how safe they are this morning on the hearings for Kennedy ! Boy They really don’t want the golden pot to go away Better for people to die than they give up their pay offs! Makes me sick!! RFK simply wants more studies more testing Fix American health and they are all screaming NOOOOOO

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It sure does help you identify the sellouts!

Bernie and Pocahontas need to retire and leave us all in peace.

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You are being unfair to these two. Bernie is only trying to get his third free home for selling his dumbo voters down the river and Pocononsense is simply trying to catch him up but as she isn't of the correct tribe she never will.

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I know they are poisoning us at every turn! The skies The foods The medicine The pesticides The GMO s Then the try to save us with a cure!!!🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 How do we beat these monsters?? How many people are in on it and being bought? As long as they can keep their loved ones safe they say Ok . In the end the pawns will die too evil spares no one

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Cause it

And cure it

Is a very lucrative business model.

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But remember what Goldman Sachs said, .... https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/goldman-sachs-curing-cancer-business/ curing cancer, or any other disease they cause is not a sustainable business model. They want to make you ill and keep you ill but not so ill you can't work to pay your medical bills. Today illness forced on us from these people with their poison food companies are the chains they use to enslave us and the LAST thing Democrats want is this set of slaves being freed like the last lot were.

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Mass purposeful homicide ,

by murderers.

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Nicholqs, you are doing outstanding work as usual. I hope it gets recognized in the future and you gain the recognition you deserve. Papers don't grow on trees; it is clear you have been working very hard to get so much work done over a short period of time. It also looks like the journal needs to do some improvements in managing publications; mainly they should be producing pdf versions of all papers. Happy to see they did create one for this paper. Otherwise, it is very nice to see that they are willing to publish this important work.

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ACOG continues to recommend the jab to pregnant women, despite the data . So many babies have died . Stop the madness President Trump.🙏

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Hi Nicolas - I am sure you have seen this great piece, but just in case...

Keep up the great work. Sometimes we feel that no one is listening but I think times are a changing.


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This is OUTSTANDING work by these fearless doctors who are risking their lives to go after ALL THE THUGS who are involved in MASS KILLING with the TOXIC EXPERIMENTAL JABS! We all need to support Dr. Hulscher & everyone at the McCullough foundation & to pray for them to be safe during their battle to get these poisonous jabs OFF THE MARKET!

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Jan 30Edited

It's not negligent, it's premeditated and intentional from the beginning.

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Cannot get any clearer than this. If they do not shut this down now what could they possibly stand on to defend themselves? Or could they be so brazen and so focused on their evil intent that they just do not care and believe they are above justice and above the law?

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Why just "negligent", good sir?

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Absolutely positively the answer is a resounding YES!

The Covid-Bioweapon Injections have killed / murdered 1.5 million approximately Americans and upwards of 20 plus million people worldwide!

Need I or anyone say more? Why this is so important and relevant is, this one “DoD-CIA”

Lead OWS-President Trump authorized, is the greatest single act against humanity in history of mankind!

This is not a joke! Millions more have been disabled for life and still more will die prematurely due to the

“time-released” immune suppression mechanism of injury!

We cannot let this “attack” become pigeonholed! I believe this is exactly what’s happening. I can’t understand nor can I comprehend why, President Trump continues to ignore, for the most part, OWS, Covid-Injection aftermath.

I’m not sure if and when, RFK Jr. possibly this week is confirmed if we’ll hear something then?

My best guess is, those involved, especially President Trump, want this entire “Covid-Fraud” to disappear for good and forever!

We cannot let this happen!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I don't know whether it's just Trump's ego that won't let him admit that OWS was a disaster or whether he's being paid off by Pfizer again (they gave him $1M for his first inaugural), but Trump is a FAILURE at protecting the public from the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective mRNA injections.

The appropriate response to the worst crime against humanity ever, the mandates for everyone on earth to inject poison, is the hanging of those responsible:


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Good God patrick you’ve written what I have been writing since 2022, thank you greatly for recognizing this.

So many people as I have written numerous times have said to me “oh well nothing we can do” etc.

The “DoD-CIA” lead OWS Covid-Inject attack,authorized by President Trump is the greatest peacetime attack on humanity ever in history of mankind!

Absolutely killing / murdering 1.5 million Americans so far and upwards of 20 plus million more worldwide! Even more people disabled and still more deaths everyday. This is the greatest attack as I said ever in history of humanity.

Dr McCulloughs et al peer reviewed study, finally published after constant censorship indicated 73.9% of 385 deaths were due in part to the “Bioweapon-Injection!”

This is a staggering number! With. 5.5 billion people worldwide taken one dose of more multiplied by 73.9% =0.739 4.07 billion people worldwide potential deaths within 10 years or less give or take.

Nobody truly knows the number of deaths which can potentially occur but the one study is significant. I pray this doesn’t happen. Something tells me even if half die prematurely, 2 billion worldwide, this is still significant!

Yet nothing is being said about this, President Trump is, for the most part, still taking credit for OWS and this “Bioweapon” saving millions of people worldwide. Quite the contrary Mr. President!

Thank you patrick for, once again acknowledging and understanding this most important issue. So many people are blinded.


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And thank you too! It's surprisingly hard to get people to focus on the worst crime against humanity ever. I think that's because so many of them submitted to the stupid orders to inject poison, and even worse, subjected their own children to that.

No one likes to feel stupid or that he or she FAILED to protect his or her own children from Pfizer, so all those people try hard not to think about what they've done. This difference between ignoring vs looking at the crime is the fault line in a cold civil war between those who benefit from being "educated" and those who suffer from being ruled by "educated" self-absorbed idiots:


I'm still looking for the best strategy to counter all that genocidal stupidity.

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I’m not sure this is anyway to counter, as you’ve said, “all that genocidal stupidity.”

What’s more disturbing is, the

“New onset of psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination!”

Only 50% of those treated, responded and or made a full recovery. Which leaves 50% of people, mentally damaged!

The mechanism of injury / death / disabilities are staggering! The number of cancers, some having multiple types of cancers at the same time.

Then there’s pancreatic cancer, another off the charts example of how well this “Bioweapon” works! If your aim is to , eradicate / make dependent on / disabling populations, which is exactly what’s been done.

After reading Dr. McCullough’s et al peer reviewed autopsy study of 385 deaths, they found 73.9% of those deaths were in part, due to the shot.

This is insanity refined! I call this “premeditated-murder!”

Those involved knew what the outcome would be based on study after study indicating that, nobody would “escape” the wrath of such a diabolical & deliberate attack!

One huge component was the algorithms Google had been using for better than 20 years tracking the “impulsiveness’s” of millions worldwide. Lockdown’s were imposed based on many factors but none bigger than the “uptake” populations would have regarding this entire fraudulent fraud!

Reaching a point whereas the primary “trigger-pulling” evil bastards knew the majority of people wouldn’t look into what they were being told, rather they would follow orders, so to speak. And they did just that!

5.5 Billion people took at least one shot. Multiplied by 73.9% worldwide equals approximately 4.07 billion people worldwide may expire within 10 years or less. Obviously this isn’t scientific nevertheless the numbers speak for themselves.

Thank you once again patrick. We mustn’t relent ever! This is the biggest “Crime Against Humanity” ever in peacetime, maybe of all time?


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patrick, FYI, Humanity United is Dr Ana’s Substack page. If you’re familiar with Dr Ana then I need not go any further. If not, Dr Ana has done “God’s work!” IMO, screaming from the beginning of lockdowns about nanotechnology etc. being the main focus of these “Bioweapons”

Something called “The Internet of Bodies” currently being developed at “Purdue University” explains, what Dr. Ana has been saying all along.

The “Transhumanist-Agenda” will ultimately eradicate mankind and replace humanity with literal “Cyborgs!” This is pure evil and undeniably happening today, now!

I thought I’d share this with you in case you didn’t know. Thanks again patrick.


“This recent interview discusses the mRNA cancer vaccines and concerns about Warp Speed 2.0. It is certainly my view that there should be a moratorium on mRNA technology and a full investigation on the COVID19 bioweapon. I have no trust in any of the manufacturers of Big Pharma.”

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I have heard of her, but still find it hard to believe this is about transhumanism. Could be, but that's another step into the darkness and I don't see compelling evidence for it yet. Seems to me just to be about the usual suspects: profit and power.

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Read about digit twins and AI healthcare system… it’s dark. They’re creating AI immune system Models…


it’s coming. Bobby K even made reference to AI healthcare twice today… oh, it’s coming

And Casey and Calley Means are pimping for biometric biowearables… to call labs without a need for MDs.

TrueMed is Calley Means company


The team led by Tomas Helikar aims to apply this concept to create a digital twin of the human immune system.

The project includes eight researchers and 16 additional partners and advisers. The project received a five-year, $5,039,652 grant through the Grand Challenges initiative.


Launched in 2003 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


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To a degree it is about profit and power. A very small degree. If you go to Humanity United, you’ll find a plethora of documents linking to the exact existence of nanotechnology / nanotubes / quantum dots etc.

The reason this is so important is 1. In September 2022, Biden signed an EO:

Karen Kingston was the one who found out about the Executive Order signed by Biden or whoever signs for him in September of 2022 starting, “No Person Shall Stand in the way of Transhumanism”! I just posted the video of Karen Kingston and Dr Ana discussing this. The title is below.

Truth, Science And Spirit Episode 10 - C19 Bioweapons, Brain Computer-Conversation W Karen Kingston

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As well as, all those doctors mandating people get vaccines prior to other medical procedures & prior to organ transplants. This is diabolical to the core with malice & evil intent. Like that girl Alexis Lorenze. YT it. It’s horrendous what happened to her!

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Doctors WILL kill you if:

1. there's money in it

2. they feel protected from prosecution


After the mRNA death jab mandates and the willing compliance of millions of Mengeles, no one should ever trust any doctor ever again.

There are a few, like McCullough, who will do the right thing in spite of Pfizer/government pressure, but we have seen that they are a small minority of doctors.

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RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit

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Exactly Chief Justice of Nuremberg. I’m not sure what’s going on with the silent treatment about such a tragedy. If President Trump moves forward with Larry Elliso’s $500 Billion Dollar commitment to generate AI developed mRNA in 48 hours, there’s something far more nefarious about OWS and the millions of deaths worldwide. IMO any mRNA should be banned for ever! Since this technology was developed in the 80’s it was flawed. Nothing has been proven how ineffective and dangerously deadly this mRNA, Non-Vaccine platform is! Understanding that 20–100X higher death rates and injuries rates puts the numbers I have learned to shame! This means “Crimes Against Humanity” must be elevated to a much higher level!

Thank you Chief Justice of Nuremberg.


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"Our Study Confirms: Keeping COVID-19 'Vaccines' on the Market Constitutes Mass Negligent Homicide"

Murders before our eyes from lobotomy level crime that EVERY bench scientist in EVERY medical school or virology lab globally know as decades old mRNA TRANSFECTION also what Gain of Function is in practice.. synthetic clones transfected to cell culture.

This crime is aided by calling them "vaccines" nefariously chosen to turn bucket & mop level commodity products into IP novel product. Once you give the charlatans power it is hard to get it back and this genocide is biggest crime in human history!

ThermoFisher TRANSFECTION products, reagents, methods of protein production

ALL still sold but linked to 2015 Wayback to make a point & verify as old lab tool.



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Lord God save us from this Big Pharma Golden Calf that has BOUGHT the halls of power.

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Yes, the entire vaccine industry is a population control tool that feeds their greed. All those invested in this are complicit in mass homicide for profit. The new mRNA LNP technology is next level evil. Must be banned. Somehow, some way. At some point. Pray. 🙏🏽😪

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Geez I got the first two shots of Pfizer vaccine. Because I was frightened after my husband was hospitalized with Covid.

I never got anymore shots didn’t trust after the break through cases.

Now what do I do!

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Keep HCQ and ivermectin on hand.

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And/or L-leucine which is OTC, along with other nutraceuticals.

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why negligent homocide -- they knew eactly what it would do, this was deliberate

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