Lucky for us pandemic potential is only a problem after countermeasures are developed and idea that mRNA TRANSFECTION can be substituted for traditional vaccines with their own toxic profiles just raises the absurdity and harm by epic proportions.
This Alex Jones interview is meat!!! yeah! my only sorrow comes from the mention to the life saving kit available in the US. I'm Canadian and so frustrated we have no ressources such as this one (we have banned the Wellness products here); We have no ressources/access to get antibiotics or cortisone or other important medecine. We have time to choke and die before having access to such mediation.
One of many possible non-vaccine solutions:
Can be given just in time
Fights a majority of possible viral infections
Does not have to be changed for each virual mutation
Has been used by the immune systems of all animals for over 750 million years
Vitamin D See
Great stuff Dr McCullough. I really enjoyed you spending time with Alex Jones.
We need Dr McCullough at the head of the medical team in the government! Love you Dr McCullough!
I love Alex! My son started watching him 20 years ago.
Meanwhile, in Canada: Todays Front Page News :
Thank you Dr McCullough
Love love him
Thank you Gentlemen. Creepy times. Thankful for both of you brave Truthtellers.
Lucky for us pandemic potential is only a problem after countermeasures are developed and idea that mRNA TRANSFECTION can be substituted for traditional vaccines with their own toxic profiles just raises the absurdity and harm by epic proportions.
This Alex Jones interview is meat!!! yeah! my only sorrow comes from the mention to the life saving kit available in the US. I'm Canadian and so frustrated we have no ressources such as this one (we have banned the Wellness products here); We have no ressources/access to get antibiotics or cortisone or other important medecine. We have time to choke and die before having access to such mediation.
Totally Satan's obsessive attempt at changing our God given DNA...
Interesting that I could not open this link in my email account but have no problem accessing it in Substack.