What is meant here, is profit by killing innocent people. As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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Enjoying hurting others is a hallmark of psychopathy. That's well established. What isn't well-enough known is the extent to which our leaders are psychopaths and near-psychopaths. And the rest are dysfunctional people easily enthralled by psychopaths. It's not new, just more obvious today. For decades I've been dismayed how most people seem to think it's a matter of "getting through" to the leaders, showing them "it's not working, try this instead". They know what they do doesn't work for their subjects, that's on purpose.

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understanding psychopathy is a must for us "normies". Real psychopaths can appear to be very nice and "caring". Presenting a "nice" and "kind" exterior is part of their tool box...Some are excellent at this. I have met two or three actual psychopaths in my long life. I do believe they would kill with no problem if it was guaranteed they would have no exposure and no punishment. They are excellent at covering up their actual core. Knowing these sickos have been among the most chilling experiences of my life. They are able to fool many and get away with it. I always maintain a certain distance with people until I am sure of them because I have been fooled a few times. Luckily most people I meet prove to be great and would help anyone who needed it if they could.

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Yes, those who don't have a good knowledge of psychopathy are destined to spend their lives scratching their heads, wondering how is it possible things work like they do. Just as important is to understand how normals relate to psychopaths.

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That's true. The psychopaths I have known can easily slip past the guards of most "normies" and infiltrate their lives. When I was younger one of my best friends married a psychopath. Now...as we age I haven't seen her much, but rumor has it she spends a lot of time covering up his cruelties and hurtful behavior to other people-- including his numerous "affairs"...sad. She has been drafted into his insanity and acts as an adjunct.

Psychopaths leave a trail of damage in their paths. But they ones I knew could put on a great front. People trust them and like them....until they get strung.

That is why they are so dangerous.

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The government is a political machine, and key politicians depend on those educated in biological science for reference. I believe most government officials did not wish to harm the public, they just depended on bad actors for direction. It was a case of the willfully blind leading the ignorantly blind. The public needs to understand that those with conflicts of interest in a decision-making process cannot be trusted. The conflict-of-interest danger needs to be uprooted from society, and those who can sidestep it, need to be exposed. The highlighting of several nefarious players will go farther in convincing the public than putting out the blanket message that 'they want to get us' which comes across as a conspiracy theory and not believable. It hurts the cause.

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“It was a case of the willfully blind leading the ignorantly blind.” Well said.

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They aren't blind, willfully or in any way. They know what they are doing, and enjoy it.

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I think that is quite true. Remember the look on Bill Gates face when he pre-announced the great scamdemic. He loved it and he had to suppress a laugh. Maybe I could find that bit of film somewhere when he told us everyone in the world would need to take his "vaccine". Psychopaths like to hurt others. They enjoy it. If you want to see a group of psychopaths in action watch a few clips of the WEF--they are monsters. The officials in our governments are not stupid. and they are not blind. They are complicit and they are guilty of murder and genocide.

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I think we humans can be really, really good at deceiving ourselves and rationalizing. People are usually convinced they’re doing “right” or they wouldn’t be doing it, even if it’s extremely twisted.

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Oh now....think about it. What makes a psychopath is that they are quite aware of evil and they "enjoy" it--just as others may enjoy helping or sharing or teaching. They love what they do. Everyone has met a kid that likes pulling wings off flies or putting fire crackers in a kitty's anus....They like it. Do they "know" it is evil. Of course they. What Satanists like is what what they are famous for-- they like to hurt/deceive/defraud/maim/kill others. They do not think they are doing "right"....they love what they do and they believe it is evil. It's their thing. How did they get like this? Can they be changed? I don't know....ask Bill Gates....ask Charlie Manson....ask Jim Jones. What goes on inside them is a mystery. In Milton's Paradise Lost there are a lot of lines attributed to Satan. He is jealous and angry because God created human beings to replace those angels who fell from heaven into an evil abyss, revolting against God. Satan challenged God and said that the good angels only loved God because "they have to". Milton believes we are given that free will to "believe and follow God" to show Satan that given the choice, God's creatures will freely love him. We can choose to love our creator or we can side with Satan and rebel and reside in hell. Satan has a certain dark, rebel "punker appeal"...but he is evil, no doubt. And he does not wish us well. That's one view of "good" and "evil". There are many, I am sure. Milton--like all the best writers--leaves a lot of questions for the readers to answer themselves.

One point he makes clear-- Satanists are jealous of God and are tired of the endless hymn singing and praising of the heavenly host. What does this mean for us? Possibly what supports us is "Turtles all the way down"....We cannot get to the bottom of it. Does "good" have to be boring? What is so very interesting about "evil"? How much choice do we really have?

Evil people are not deceived. They like doing bad stuff. It floats their boat.

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We need to educate and canvass more people; the power is in the mass...

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I just watched Vaxx III. The first twenty minutes I cried. It's not like watching a documentary on WWII, it is something we have all been living the last four years. I highly recommend it. It's on the CHD website. I will never forget we have been lied to, for years. Maybe Pfizer employees could learn to code or perhaps, just pound sand.

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I watched it too. I think all of these victims need to record their experiences and do a Class Action lawsuit. If I am correct in the Prep Act - it does say that a Doctor knowingly harming another is NOT EXEMPT from Liability. I really hope this happens. Meanwhile Moderna has fast-tracking their next set of poisons which the FDA and the CDC of course ARE ALL IN.

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Didn't the doctors and nurses notice people were dying after administering Remdesivir?

No excuse for their murderous behavior.

Especially when the patient or family members begged to have ivermectin used.

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I totally sympathize and feel the same way. I knew the gov wanted us dead since 9-11. The work hard at this task--as they are owned and controlled by the globalists.

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What was the focus on Vaxx III?

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I remember them talking about not only people killed by covid shots but also people murdered in our hospitals by Fauci's murder protocol of Remdesivir.

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Fauci never treated one covid positive patient in the hospital. Yet, all the sheep medical professionals hung onto every murderous word he uttered.

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The first part of Vaxxed III is about injuries and deaths caused by the COVID jabs. The second part is about people killed in hospitals all over the U.S. by a very "standardized" lethal protocol. People were isolated from their families; treated with Remdesivir even when they (or their family members on their behalf) refused it; denied ivermectin and other effective treatments; put on ventilators without consent; deprived of food and water; and illegally euthanized using specific drugs or disconnected from life support. In VAXXED III, Polly Tommey says that every single person who was killed this way (and whose death was reported to Tommey and her team) was *unvaccinated* - that is, had refused to get COVID jabs, and the hospital personnel knew this. There were large "perverse" monetary incentives that rewarded hospitals for following this deadly protocol and killing people.

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To make a pandemic all Pfizer needs is to have some organization like WHO to create a disease out of whole cloth… it likely won’t even be real, but will give elites the license to impose draconian restrictions on all of us.

There are a lot of people smarter than me who believe COVID doesn’t exist, except in a computer… that the illnesses being treated are common flu, pneumonia, & the like. The massive deaths came by mistreatment & withholding appropriate medical treatment.

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" the unintentional causation of an unfavorable health condition (such as disease, injury, infection, or an adverse drug reaction) during the process of providing medical care (such as surgery, drug treatment, hospitalization, or diagnostic testing)" MW definition needs editing: the intentional causation...

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Did you mean plandemic? There was no pandemic. There will be no pandemics in our life times. Only the manmade, lab created ones.

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No colds, no flu, no herpes. Very funny!

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I now believe the GOF of the Sars CoV 2 virus made it very damaging to the human immune system and neurological system. Tampering with the genetic code has led to all sorts of unforeseen harms. Millions are paying in health outcomes for GOF research. We are playing with fire; it must be outlawed, and it is not necessary.

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Colds and flu are not pandemics. Pan means global. Of course there are epidemics with varying degrees of spread of contagious infections but the flu that someone gets in Asia is not the same flu that one gets in Kansas. And colds (coronaviruses) cannot even spread outside of a community intact. Thus no coronavirus pandemic is possible. It think this is what he means.

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The manmade are more dangerous.

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Those John Legend commercials aren't working???

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Please don't give them ideas!!!

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As it has been said - big pharma has been so successful that there is hardly a healthy human left.

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I hardly know any other "unvaxxed" individuals besides myself. The pressure was so extreme that you were considered "evil" and accused of endangering other people. In reality it is the "vaxxed" who are a danger to the "unvaxxed."

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For example, I rode in a car with a group of hikers. I had to sit in a place with cloth around me to "shield" other people who feared the "unvaccinated". It was very sick as well as illogical. If their "vaccine" was so great why were they afraid of me? I have a few health professionals in my family who later apologized for their fanaticism and told me I was "right" to refuse the clot shot. There was a constant drumming away on the media for people to "get their vaccine" because that is what "caring" people do. People overall, are lemmings. They cannot stop themselves from running over a cliff if everyone else is.

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Nonetheless, the tyrants running this company and other big pharma medical terrorism companies continue to be in the background planning for the next waves of "virus fear" to erupt. The fact that none of these murdering butchers have been thrown in prison or even hanged is the real problem. These pharmaceutical concerns have been murdering patients for several decades with drugs and vaccines and no one gives a hoot. Well, maybe the murdered might complain, but who would listen?

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God is. He will settle the matter to those who are responsible for this mass slaughter of innocent babies, children young and old alike who have been abused, tortured and murdered. It’s phenomenal to watch God turn the lives away from satan.

Those who He has blinded, or prevented/blocked His voice to the evil ones who do not believe in Him or who are doing everything in the bidding for Satan. As hard as it is to pray for our enemies to wake up and turn to Christ because He loves us and wants all of his children to die and be born again, and live for God’s Grace is beyond anything we can possibly fathom and I for one have had His grace bestowed upon me. He is the reason I am sober for 19 years and three months. He saved me. He alone completely removed my desire to use, to drink because of His love for me. I gave Him my life, my will and I surrendered to Him and He alone gave me the desire to live again, clean. He alone gets all the glory and I thank him every single day. I know people prayed for my recovery. I praise Him for every single day and for this reason alone, by His Grace alone, is the greatest blessing one can receive. I wasn’t a very nice person when I drank. If He can do this in my life, He can restore others too. That splinter of hope has grown in me and I pray others will come to Him as well, but we must be the conduit for salvation for others. It’s a difficult thing to do when others are lost and don’t believe. We may never know when we share our experiences when it changes a dark heart and God’s grace is bestowed upon them, just like He has done for us. He commands us to do so! Prayers are more powerful and they not only help us to live a better life but shows others that they can as well.

God bless you and your families. May you walk in righteousness of His love and compassion for all those who have lost their way. In the glorious blood of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

We didn't have a pandemic. We had a mass psychosis. ~ https://youtu.be/fdzW-S8MwbI?feature=shared ~ Academy of Ideas YT channel "The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World." 3 years past, 16 minute explaination.

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I Can’t Wait

To Piss On Fauci’s Grave.

Then I Am Going To Buy The Cemetery;

Put A Urinal Over His Decaying Remains;

And Charge Admission.


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T-shirt or bumper sticker.

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I agree...what a great bumper sticker. His wife Christine Grady also criminal

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NO.....the company "needs" to be sued to oblivion and it's criminal executives jailed for life!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have we lost the will to fight back against “big” everything? (Pharma, defense, govt, tech, etc)


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May that curve follow the path of gravity, never to rise again!

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I love that history of Socrates,,,wasn't aware of that.

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Fast food doesn't kill you as quick as the vaccine, but both do considerable damage, and when you stumble out of the bar like a drunk squirrel, the health care industrial-complex is waiting for you. Eat more red meat, cut out the sugar, and fast - it's good for you!

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yup....all that...And invest in a cold press juicer. for fresh veggie juice.

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As Pfizer have bought enough senators to get what they want expect another plandemic. It will not need a novel disease this time as the vaccination will cause the heart disease and the cancers.

If you want to know the side effects of the vaccines study the purchases that Pfizer and Moderna make. They have been hoovering up firms making cancer drugs and hesrt medications.

Your best response is to avoid as many medicines as possible and if forced try to take one out of patent. This crushes their business plan.

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I took no "covid" shots. I take zero medications. I eat A LOT of vegetables and I am fine. Avoid all chemicals and "processed" anything as much as you can. And you are quite correct Mark Seager....these "vaccines" are designed to give you cancer and/or thromboses. And that is not an accident.

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