It would be helpful to get our hands on samples of each lot to determine who got what don't you think Dr. McCullough?

Unfortunately what we are left with is speculation. Was this entire event the world's largest single blind human experiment?

I know one thing for sure, it was one hell of a psychological operation and people are psychology damaged, perhaps irreparably a evidenced by what I saw yesterday while at a hospital for a cardiac stress/echo.

I still see people wearing masks, even so called educated medical personnel. I watched a doctor walking through the St. Vincent's Hospital (Worcester Masskachusetts) atrium yesterday with a mask on along side him was an unmasked female and when they sat down for what appeared to be a coffee break, he took his mask off, took a sip of his drink wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Then moments later he wiped his nose with the back of his fore finger and hand. They continued their chat as if nothing odd was happening. When they finished their break, before standing he replaced his mask then stood and they walked off chatting as if nothing odd was happening.

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To Gramma and Dar, I'm very familiar with howbadismybatch.com this only provides a 10,000 foot view of what's happening. We need actual samples to each batch to determine what is in each batch. If one were conducting a legitimate experiment one would have kept track of the recipes right?

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If the intent was to kill off a percentage of the population, then it would only make sense to have varying levels & degrees of lethality. Otherwise, their nefarious plan would be all too evident. Also, an injection disguised as a "vaccine" that produces a variety of harmful & potentially deadly adverse reactions would also fit in seamlessly with the plan to maim & kill, for they would be that much harder to pin on the "vaccine".

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When your poisoning someone and wish to get away with it, you don't want them to notice the poison. This BIOWEAPON was perfect for that end. It kills in so many varied ways over varying lengths of time that drawing a line back to it as the culprit is difficult if not impossible, especially with the assistance of American Pravda aka MSM and social media platforms censoring dissenting voices.

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Especially true when the American Pravda is paid billions of dollars by our own government to push a single narrative. As I've said many times in the recent past, when you have a government trying to kill its own citizens with poisonous injections & hospitals killing its patients with deadly protocols, there are precious few, in positions of authority, in whom the average person can place their trust. I now trust only my own intuition & conduct my own research upon which I draw my own conclusions about everything.

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" now trust only my own intuition & conduct my own research upon which I draw my own conclusions about everything."


My mother taught me that when I was very young. She said, "I'm not going to be around for ever to take care of your battles so you'd better start talking care of yourself... Nobody else on earth will take care of you. It's your responsibility to take care of you.

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No one ever speaks about Moderna, which is what my daughter took. Going back for a second Mammo today. I am praying.

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I live in a retirement home where the residents just couldn’t wait to get their next COVID booster. The facility switched from giving Pfizer shots to Moderna. I heard so many people say how much arm pain, redness, swelling, body aches, shaking chills and fatigue this time around while denying little, if any, side effects from the Pfizer shot. I can only hope that the Pfizer shots that they received in the past were from the lower risk batches or improper storage. But when people die here or have some other medical problem, it’s easy to attribute it to their age.

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I sent this to my cancer center blood doctor, who released me at my request. He’d done many different tests, none he felt conclusive for cancer, so it was basically, “I can’t figure you out”. I’m on the elderly side, but I can read and I figured out for myself before I was even sent to the specialist, that I had side effects from my Covid booster. The first two didn’t bother me, but the booster I got at the pharmacy was the beginning of my various issues. I’ve spend a bunch on supplements, and follow your protocol for spike protein injury. I’m upright, but now have newly diagnosed heart issues. I will NEVER trust the government again. I’m bummed that I wasn’t able to pick you up on social media when the campaign began.

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I haven't seen discussion on the fact that the shot had and may still have experimental status. This allows quite a bit of flexibility in dosage I think, to see effects if different doses. And they have immunity from liability. So the mad scientists behind the wheel simply ran their experiment on the people, their dream sample size, with unlimited funding. It reminds me of the Anthrax vaccine used in Iraq, and Gulf War syndrome. In the book Vaccine A, it was found there were four discrete dosages of the adjuvant squalene, fat based and normally not used. The doctors were told to not keep any records of batches but many did, and after people were having severe reactions, they started examining the shots. CDC got involved. The military claimed there was no experiment, then that studies showed squalene to be safe, but the studies were for skin products. Being fat based, the immune system may have also targeted nerves and other fat based cell walls, causing inflammation, MS, arthritis. Still there is denial that the vaccine was the cause. But squalene was used in Europe in elderly flu shots. Now it is used here in the over-65 flu shot. It creates an intense immune reaction. But since these elderly people have these related conditions anyway, you cannot say the adjuvant caused it or made it worse, but the vaccine may work better if it targets the correct flu, which it rarely does. The flu shot, at least the older ones, were found to have zero benefit, and any apparent benefit was due to the "healthy patient effect" (Atlantic magazine "Does the Vaccine Matter', 2009 I think). So the entire vaccine industry is suspect, and it is questionable if the benefit exceeds the risks. Childhood autism is something like 1 in 8 but of course it can't be the vaccine. Never mind the reactions start right after the myriad of shots given at one sitting.

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I first saw the chart included in this piece about 3-4 months ago. It was discussed in a Kim Iverson podcast. I tracked down the academic paper and skimmed it.

To me it raises all kinds of damning questions.

1) It appears the Denmark regulators were aware some batches of doses were less potent, as evidenced by them running far fewer tests on the less potent batches. They may even have known these batches were placebos. What really did these regulators know, and what did they think about it?

2) The varying potency of different batches appears to be intentional by the manufacturers. Was it deliberate? Why did they do that? Were they experimenting on the public without informing them?

3) Was the practice of varying batch potencies carried out in other countries?

4) If some of the batches were placebos, weren't the pharma companies carrying out a fraud on the public? If they knowingly committed fraud, doesn't that pierce pharma's legal immunity?

Maybe these questions have been answered and I'm unaware. If that's the case, someone please let me know.

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Not to my knowledge.

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I guess all those that agreed to be part of this experiment, ought to pull out their revered “Cards”, and look up their batch number? No need to just be worrying & wondering?

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Australian politicians grill Pfizer and Moderna execs over COVID jab heart injuries

Representatives from the two Big Pharma companies refused to give direct answers to questions about the vaccines causing myocarditis and pericarditis.

To learn more:


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EVERY jab needed to be RECORDED with Lot Numbers. Demand this data from your Medical Record/Provider of your jabs and do some research. Do not let Moderna blow smoke up your arsk either they are actually proving to be worse that the Pz jab in areas = BOTH are dangerous!! https://howbadismybatch.com/?fbclid=IwAR3FdHAZiUQ9ptvkiYu5UgAEv7TG9UIjLsQcEFAGjsZiPriXbcy2nSu_yYU

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Sasha Latypova found huge variations in adverse events vs batch numbers for the mRNA biologics. The fact that the side effects varied so much, batch-to-batch, shows a total lack of quality assurance in the manufacture of the products. Regardless of the product's efficacy, this, in itself, should be sufficient grounds for shutting down any corporation that demonstrated such lack of concern for basic Good Manufacturing Practices.

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I would like to see the PSUR

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